Hack N Slash a Dead Genre?


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I don't know about you guys but I loved (and still love) my Baldurs Gate and Champions of Norrath games. But there's a definate shortage of games in the same genre. And lately, the closest thing you can get to them is the Dynasty/Samurai Warriors series. Earlier today I was pleased to find out about the release of Kingdom Under Fire II, but thats still shying away from the Baldurs Gate type games.

Does anyone know of any current, past, or future games what are of a similar style? Cuz I love my Dynasty warriors, but 10+ games of the game thing over and over gets a tad bit old. And I've beaten Champions and Baldurs Gate more than I can count... Help?
Diablo II is the ultimate in Hack 'n Slash. And I would even go as far as to say Oblivion at times can be. There are lots of moments throughout the game when you just swing your sword or axe wildly. Depending on the player's class of course. If your a Mage or an Archer not so much, but if your a Warrior or Beserker it's hack and slash all the way.

But I think the reason the genre is pretty much dead is because it deserves to be. Games have evolved to the point where Hack 'n Slash controls won't cut it anymore. You need solid controls with fluid movements in games today, not just swinging wildly at anything that moves. However I did enjoy those types of games growing up when I didn't have to good hand eye coordination.
I suppose your right... Oblivion is the Hack N Slash of the current generation.

Maybe its not so much the style of the games that I miss, but the games themselves. I loved the customization factor. Like you just pick up random weapons and armor from the enemies you kill and put them on. The games had an overall Dungeons and Dragons feel to them, and I think thats what I liked.
I would say they're still around they've just changed.

God Of War, Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry I would say these are classed as hack n slash, probably not quite in the way you think of but you still go around using big melee weapons to do damage.
Yeah.. like I said before, I think I just liked the overall D&D feel of the game. After years of playing the pen and paper style, it was fun to play something visual with the same rules and elements. Sadly, I think games like Dragon Age Origins and the like are the closest I'm gonna get :(

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