GWA: Supershow Event

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Paul Heyman is seen walking down a corridor and into a room, which has Eric Bischoff and the McMahon family (Shane, Stephanie & Vince) sitting in very comfortable seats at a round table. Heyman fills one of the two empty seats and gets himself in a good position.

Vince: You are late Heyman.

Eric: Were you in the drive-thru of a KFC perhaps?

Heyman: Very funny Bischoff. The show hasn't started Vince so I think I am fine.

Vince: It's Mr. McMahon to you.

Heyman: Sorry Vincent. It's hard not to call you like that after you raped ECW in the arse multiple times.

Shane: Do we have to fight like this all the time we meet up together? It makes me just want to walk out sometimes and go to a different avenue.

Stephanie: If you think this is something, try being "Head of Creative" for dad.

Heyman begins to laugh as Vince stares daggers at his daughter. Eric just sits there and smirks at the situation unfolding.

Shane: Guys, remember what we are here for... we are here because we have created the greatest company the world has ever seen. I think it is only fair to say before the show airs tonight good luck and may the best brand win.

The five of them temporarily agree with each other on the matter and individually wish each other good luck until Eric turns to the empty seat at the end of the desk, realising something.

Eric: Hey, where's Bret Hart?

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GWA Super Show Theme Song


The camera cuts back to a shot of the titantron where multiple fireworks are going off left, right and centre. The camera shows multiple shots of the crowd when the pyro finishes and they are ecstatic.

Cole: Welcome everyone here live to Madison Square Garden for the debut of the biggest professional wrestling company in the world, the Global Wrestling Alliance. I'm Michael Cole, alongside John "Bradshaw" Layfield and Missy Hyatt.

Hyatt: I tell you what Michael, I am definitely excited to be back in the world of professional wrestling offering my knowledge as a commentator, isn't that right John?

JBL: Indeed that is Hyatt. I can't wait to get the show on the road so we can crown ourselves the GWA Undisputed Champion.

Cole: Well, we won't have to wait long. Let's cross over to our colleagues good ol' JR, Matt Striker and Taz.

JR: Thanks Michael, and again a big hello to all of the folks at home if you have just tuned in right now. We have a massive night planned for you.

Taz: That's right JR! We have got a special tournament set-up tonight where each of the six brands under the GWA name have chosen 2 representatives to face each other in a round robin style to determine who will become the GWA Undisputed Champion.

Striker: Not only this, but all parties have unanimously decided to add extra brand-only matches to the card so they can showcase their talent to see what they are made of.

JR: Let's kick things off with the a tournament match.

Howard Finkel: The opening match of the evening will be a First Round match in the Global Wrestling Alliance Undisputed Championship Tournament, scheduled for one fall!


Fink: Making his way to the ring first, from San Antonia, Texas, weighing in at 225 pounds... "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn MICHAELS!

Michaels stands on the stage as the crowd is in an uproar at his appearance. Shawn just looks around the crowd with a smile on his face as he makes his way down the ramp. He gets about halfway on the ramp, gets on his knees and makes a short pray before raising his hands to God as pyro goes off. He gets up and enters the ring. He spins around for a couple of times before performing his signature taunt. He removes his entrance attire and prepares for the match. The music dies down, a single bong can be heard and the arena becomes completely dark.


The arena flashes like lightning as smoke fills the arena and flames rise from the stage, with the Undertaker slowly walking out to a cheering crowd.

Fink: And his opponent, from Death Valley, weighing in at 300 pounds... The UNDERTAKER!

The Undertaker slowly walks down the aisle and to the ringside area. Undertaker stares at Shawn the entire time, stopping for a few seconds at ringside just to stare, and turns to the steps. He ascends them slowly and lowers his head. He raises his arms slowly to brighten up the arena. He steps into the ring and removes his coat. He removes his hat and his eyes roll into the back of his head. Undertaker moves to his respective corner as the music dies down. The referee Mike Chioda tells both men to square off as he signals for the bell to be rung.

JR: What a way to kick off the supershow with The Phenom taking on the Showstopper. This is going to be a great night for sure.

Taz: I can only imagine what is going through the minds of both men having known that they have been in this industry for a long time yet have rarely had the chance to face each other one on one.

Striker: Undertaker is easily going to win this, I have faith in the men that represent GWA Catastrophe.

The crowd erupts in a major frenzy with "Und-Er-Taker, H-B-K" chants echoing throughout the arena. Shawn looks around the entire arena as does Undertaker. When the crowd starts to die down, Undertaker goes on the offensive and Shawn snaps back to reality. Undertaker backs Shawn into the corner and goes for a strike, but Shawn ducks and hits some stiff backhand chops. Undertaker, feeling little effect, grabs Shawn by the throat and tosses him into the turnbuckle and works him over. Michaels slumps in the corner a bit as Undertaker backs away. He runs at Michaels, but Shawn gets the boot up. Undetaker tries again, but Michaels moves out of the way and Taker hits turnbuckles. Shawn uses the ropes and performs a Slingshot Crossbody on Taker, going for the pin in the landing... 1... power-out by Undertaker. Shawn tries to go for a headlock on Taker, but he pushes Michaels away with both of them getting up. Shawn hits Taker with a couple of punches and a chop before sending him for an Irish Whip. Shawn catches Undertaker for an Inverted Atomic Drop, but is reversed into a Running DDT by Taker. He tries to go for the Hell's Gate, but Shawn manages to roll out of the ring and escape. Shawn tries to collect himself, but Undertaker is seen launching himself over the top rope for a Over-The-Top-Rope Suicide Dive, but Shawn moves out the way and scrambles to the inside of the ring. He waits for Undertaker to get up and hits a springboard Moonsault, but Undertaker catches Shawn and drives him straight into the ringpost. He carries him over and lays him on the ring apron, delivering a couple of shots to the head and a big boot. Undertaker climbs the apron and hits the Gullotine Legdrop on Shawn.

Undertaker gets into the ring and grabs Shawn by the arm, wrenching it a few times. He wears down the arm with multiple shots and a power-lifting move. He takes Shawn to the corner and goes for Old School, but Shawn uses all his strength to throw Undertaker off the ropes and onto the ground. Undertaker and Shawn both get up slowly to shake off the cobwebs inflicted to each other.

JR: Good sound strategy by both men in the ring to try and get the early offense in to save energy for the next round.

Striker: Listen to the old timer speak about sound. Oh yeah, first intellectual joke of the night. Did you see what I did there JR, seeing as your hearing isn't the best these days.

Taz: If he were deaf, why would you be talking to him?

Striker: I was going to ask the same thing to you earlier, but then I realised you are trying to figure out what it will be like for you in a few years. C'mon man, lighten up!

JR: I think Undertaker just lightened up Shawn with that massive hook... and I think Shawn just did the same to the Undertaker.

Shawn and Undertaker are giving each other punches to the face, but Taker gets the better of him and sends Shawn for an Irish Whip. Michaels hits the flying forearm on the rebound. As Undertaker gets up, Shawn goes a kip-up, but Undertaker grabs the throat of Michaels and picks him up for a Chokeslam. Shawn struggles out and does an Armbreaker to the arm of Taker. Michaels holds on to the arm and attempts to lock in the Crossface, but Undertaker rolls out of the move, using Michaels hold to wrench his arm. He goes to the corner and goes up for the Old School, but as he comes down, Michaels catches Undertaker for an Inverted Atomic Drop. Undertaker falls to the floor and Michaels goes for a pin... 1... 2... kickout by Undertaker. Shawn goes after the legs of Undertaker and tries to apply a Figure Four, but Undertaker uses his leg strength to push Shawn back. Undertaker gets up and catches Shawn, who ran at him, on his shoulders and delivers the Snake Eyes, followed up by a running Big Boot and the leg drop. Undertaker goes for the cover... 1... 2... kickout by Shawn.

Undertaker clasps his hand on the throat of Michaels and lifts him up from the canvas to a standing position, but Michaels removes the chokehold and runs at the ropes. Undertaker runs after him. As Michaels rebounds off the ropes, he realises Undertaker isn't anywhere and turns around to reveal Undertaker diving at him with a Leaping Clothesline. Undertaker connects with the move and immediately gets up. Shawn struggles to his feet and Undertaker hits the Sidewalk Slam on Michaels. He goes for the pin... 1... 2... kickout. Undertaker gets up, rolls his eyes back and signals for the end as Michaels gets up. Shawn quickly hits the Sweet Chin Music on Undertaker as his eyes roll to the front. Both men are down in the centre of the ring, with the referee counting. The crowd is buzzing from the kick.

Taz: My God... that came out of nowhere. He just got up and hit Undertaker square in the jaw.

JR: That's why they call him the Showstopper, Taz. From anywhere, he can cease everything that happens in the ring with one kick. BOOM!

Striker: But is that all Shawn has left? Undertaker has used an array of moves on Shawn and and Michaels got lucky with that opportunity. He didn't even go for a pin cover! That spells trouble for the Heartbreak Kid.

Both men are up by the count of nine. Undertaker goes for a strike, but Michaels ducks and clutches Taker to hit a Belly to Back Suplex. Shawn goes to the leg area and locks in the Figure Four, with Undertaker writhing in pain. Undertaker tries to use his power to move to the ropes, but Shawn is being overly aggressive with the submission to apply maximum pressure to prevent Undertaker to do so. Undertaker tries to maneuver around to find a way out, but the pressure gets to him as he lays on the mat with both shoulders... 1... 2... Undertakers sits up with scary eyes at Shawn. Undertaker grabs the throat of Shawn and chokes him enough to allow him to break the submission. Shawn lies on his back and tries to use Undertaker's outstretched arm to hook in Undertaker's Hell's Gate, but Taker let's go before the move can be performed. Shawn gets up quickly and hits the dropkick on Undertaker to send him to the floor. Both men slowly get up and Michaels goes to the top turnbuckle, jumping off the top onto Undertaker. Shawn is first to get up and helps Undertaker to get back into the ring. Shawn gets in the ring and stalks Undertaker from behind. He clutches Taker from behind and hits a Leg-Hook Saito Suplex.

Striker: Did I just witness what everyone else saw?

JR: I believe you did, that is old school Shawn Michaels right there.

Striker: He just hit the Teardrop Suplex! This just shows how much this match means to both men and how far each men will go to pull out all the stops!

Taz: I love it how this guy marks out for anything. Uh oh... Shawn is going high-risk here.

Shawn is on the top rope and dives to deliver the Elbow Drop. He hits his mark and gets up immediately with a load of energy. He gets the crowd on his side and begins to tune up the band. The crowd follows along with each stomp as Undertaker slowly gets up. As Undertaker turns around, Shawn goes for Sweet Chin Music, but Undertaker catches the attempt and chokes Shawn with his hand. He lifts him up and delivers the Chokeslam to Michaels, driving him into the canvas. He falls down and tries to recover, as does Shawn. Undertaker signals for the end and waits for Michaels to get up. Undertaker sets up Shawn for the Tombstone, but Michaels slips behind him and locks in the Crossface, dragging Undertaker into the ground. Undertaker writhes in pain once more as he is caught in the submission move.

After half a minute in the hold, Undertaker finally finds the strength to pull himself to the ropes for Shawn to break the hold. Michaels is disappointed, and drags Undertaker to the middle. As he does so, Undertaker suprises Michaels and goes for the Hell's Gate. Michaels is locking in the hold and is flailing around like crazy. His attempts gets his legs to the bottom rope, outstretched to their maximum length, forcing Undertaker the break the hold. Both men try and recover from the submissions they have inflicted on each other. Shawn gets up before Undertaker and hits a few backchops to send him into the corner. Shawn climbs to the second rope and begins nailing some rights and lefts to Undertaker, with the crowd counting along. Undertaker clinches Shawn's pants and lifts him up for the Last Ride. As he elevates Shawn, Michaels drops down and gets a little jelly-legged. Shawn tries for Sweet Chin Music as Undertaker turns around, but he ducks and is able to lift Michaels into the Tombstone Piledriver. Undertaker drives Shawn's head into the mat and crosses his arms for the pin... 1... 2... 3. The crowd explodes with cheering, Undertaker's music hits and the referee raises his hand.

Fink: Here is your winner and who will advance to the next round of the GWA Undisputed Championship Tournament... the UNDERTAKER!

Striker: Wow... what an opening contest for the GWA Supershow!

JR: It is no surprise that this match was going to be one hell of a fight as every time these two have met, it has classic written all over it.

Taz: And in the end, Undertaker was able to pull out the victory and defeat Shawn to advance to the next round. How is anyone going to stop the phenom from getting his hands on the championship belt? I can't think of anyone.

JR: And this is only the beginning of the show.

The arena has gone to blue darkness as Undertaker celebrates in the ring on one knee whilst the referee checks on Shawn Michaels condition.
Backstage in the GM area with the McMahons.

Vince- Where the hell is Bret Hart? Who does he think he is? Standing me up, no one screws VINCE MCMAHON!

Shane- Dad, chill out. Maybe something came up.

Vince- I don’t care what came up. This is should be his main priority.

Steph- What if something happened it him?

Shane- What do you mean?

Steph- Like something bad. On Catastrophe’s site they reported that Hart hadn’t been seen since the draft.

Vince- Wait a second. He has family on the brand. Get the Hart Dynasty here NOW! I don’t care who gets them, bring them here this instance.

Jim Ross- We will definitely keep you updated with this situation throughout the night. Matt, you work under Bret. Have you heard or talked to him to confirm his whereabouts?
Matt Striker- I unfortunately have not had the opportunity to speak to the Excellence of Execution.

Howard Finkel-This match is a first round tournament match for the Undisputed Championship!


Finkel-Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois…CM PUNK!

Striker-Here comes the Straight Edge savior, Rampage’s own, CM Punk.
Ross-Ever since Punk has gone into this trance of him being better than everyone he has become a changed man, always preaching and trying to run the fan’s lives.
Striker-Sounds like someone envies CM Punk’s current stature. JR, do you want to join Punk’s movement? Was that a cry for help?
Ross-I respect Punk and his lifestyle, but there is no need to force it upon everyone else. I’m an old fashioned Oklahoman, I enjoy a drink every now and then.
Striker-What about you Taz, you want to join the movement?
Taz-I’ll take a rain check on that one Striker.
Striker-Suit yourselves fellows, CM Punk is here in the GWA to save and protect us from the dangers life provides.


Finkel-And his opponent, from Greenwich, Connecticut…“THE GAME” TRIPLE H!

Ross-Listen to this ovation! Here comes The Game. The leader of DX and you know that the one thing on Triple H’s mind is championship gold.
Taz-Triple H’s knows how important this is. As you saw he sent his boys, Road Dogg and Billy to the back. Triple H knows he needs no help to get by CM Punk.
Striker-We all know Triple H’s history. A fantastic career, but maybe it is time to talk about the youth. CM Punk is the future of professional wrestling. He is a true role model to kids, not the jokester that is Triple H.
Taz-Punk would be a better role model if he treated the fans with an ounce of respect Striker. Triple H is like that big brother you always wish you had. The funny guy who made you look good. CM Punk is the brother you’d just want to beat the crap out of.

Referee rings the bell and the match is underway. Punk and Hunter try to get a feel for each other with a grapple in the middle of the ring. Neither can gain control and they break the grapple. They grapple again and Punk gets control and pushes Triple H aside. Punk has a huge smirk on his face as he eggs on Triple H. Punk challenges him to another grapple. They lock up and this time Triple H gains the advantage and he shoves CM Punk to the ground and through the ropes. Punk lands on the outside. Triple H cracks a smile and then does the crotch chop telling Punk to suck it. Punk yells at him and tells the fans to shut up and cheer for a real role model. Punk goes to get back into the ring and Triple H goes to meet him on the apron, but Punk counters and drops Hunter’s throat across the top rope. Hunter falls to his knees and Punk hurries inside, advantage in hand. Punk nails Triple H with a huge kick right in the middle of his back. Hunter squints in pain as Punk nails another followed by a knee to the back of the head. Punk lifts Triple H up and hits him with a spinning back slap followed by a kick right to the midsection. Punk mocks the fans and then nails Hunter with a running knee lift, knocking Triple H to the mat. Punk immediately goes for the cover.


Punk argues with the ref as he gets back to his feet. Hunter slowly gets up, but Punk takes him down with a running boot right into the ribcage. Hunter holds his ribs as Punk keeps on the attack with knees, feet, and forearm shots to Triple H. Punk lifts Triple H up and lifts him up and drops him with a snap suplex. Punk goes right back to work on Hunter’s back. He drives his knees into the back of Triple H, who won’t submit. Punk moves immediately to the arm, as he has Triple H in an Arm Wrench. Triple H still won’t give in. Punk lets up but still has the move locked in. Punk puts his leg over the wrenched arm of Triple H and kicks him square in the face. Punk releases the hold as Hunter starts to bleed from the nose.

Striker-What an impactful move by CM Punk. The Second City Saint is in full control here and he may have very well broken the nose of The Game, Triple H.
Taz-I know a thing or two about stiff kicks and they don’t feel so good. You wrestle with the likes of those who are educated with their feet as JR would say and you are in for a bruising.

Punk still has a smirk on his face as he mocks Triple H. Hunter is slow to get up and Punk just rubs his hand in Triple H’s face and shoves him to the mat. Triple H crawls to the corner and Punk starts to stomp a mudhole into the chest of The Game. Punk drags Hunter out of the corner and goes for the cover.


Punk slams his hands on the mat demanding a faster count. Punk goes to lift Triple H, but Triple H nails Punk with a shot to the stomach. Triple H continues the attack and Punk backs off. Hunter gets to his feet and nails Punk with a huge right hand, knocking him to the mat. Punk hops right back up and is greeted with a clothesline from The Game. Punk again hops right back up and runs at Triple H, this time getting a Spinebuster for his measures. Triple H does his pose and he has gained the momentum. Triple H turns around and goes for the cover.


Ross-The Game might have taken a bit too much time there and it may have cost him. That split second to pose could have changed the outcome of this match. Triple H got caught up in the moment and is something a veteran like him should avoid.
Taz-Still has control however JR, Punk could be in for a lashing.

Triple H lifts Punk and throws him into the corner. Hunter runs and nails a corner clothesline. Triple H then hammers Punk with three elbow shots to the head. Punk is woozy in the corner and Triple H hip tosses him across the ring. Punk screams in pain, as he crawls towards the ropes. Triple H gets right over to Punk and lifts him and slams him into the corner. Triple H then hits some backchops across Punk’s chest. You can hear it echo through the arena and “Woo’s” drown out the sound. Punk falls to his knees after the chops. Punk’s chest matches the red in his trunks as he uses Triple H to get himself back up. Hunter laughs at Punk and nails him with a huge right hand, knocking him to the outside of the ring. Triple H chants rain through the arena as Hunter heads to the outside. He grabs Punk by the hair and nails him with another huge right hand. Hunter goes for another, but Punk grabs Triple H’s trunks and pulls him into the apron. Punk crawls to the post to pull himself back up. Punk grabs Hunter and throws him into the guard rail and Hunter screams in pain. Punk then kicks away at Triple H, who is propped up against the guard rail. The ref’s count is up to five as Punk rolls back into the ring to break it. Punk heads right back outside and heads back onto the attack. Punk lifts Triple H up and goes to whip him into the steel post, but Hunter counters and Punk slams face first into the ring post. Blood starts to pour from Punk’s face. Hunter gets back on the attack and spears Punk and starts whaling away with fists to Punk’s face. Triple H stops and lifts Punk up, who nails Hunter with a low blow. The ref’s count at the moment is at seven. Punk goes to get into the ring, but Hunter grabs him by the trunks and prevents that. Hunter releases Punk’s trunks and then is nailed with a back kick across the head. Triple H falls to his knees. The ref is at nine and about to count ten as Punk quick jumps into the ring. The ref counts ten and rings the bell as Triple H gets his hands onto the apron. You can see the fire in Triple H’s eyes as he realized Punk screwed him out of the match.

Finkel-The winner of the match by countout…CM PUNK!

Ross-CM Punk is sneaking out of here with a victory and moving on to round two.
Striker-Hey JR, a win is a win. CM Punk simply outsmarted Triple H in this matchup and he moves one step closer to being the Undisputed Champion.
Taz-While it may be a win Striker, it definitely isn’t deserving. CM Punk isn’t going to earn any notches in the respect belt from the vets in the GWA.

Backstage where the McMahons meet with the Hart Dynasty

Natalya- You wanted to see us?

Vince (angry)- Where the hell is your Uncle huh? Where is Hitman?

Natalya- I have no idea, I haven’t heard from him since the draft.

Vince- Don’t give me that little lady. You tell me right now where Bret Hart is. Tell me now DAMN IT!
(Steph and Shane hold back Mr. McMahon)

Steph- I’m sorry my dad is getting carried away. You can leave and thanks for the help.
(The Hart Dynasty walks away confused, as Shane and Steph talk Vince down)

Matt Striker- The mystery continues. Where could Bret Hart be.
Taz- You think this is a little payback to Vince for the whole screwjob thing. We all know have Vince has been looking forward to this for quite some time.
Jim Ross- Hopefully this gets settled and we can Mr. McMahon to calm down before he erupts every blood vessel in his body.

JicKie "FalKon" Mames said:
Fink: The following contest is the final First Round match of the GWA Undisputed Championship Tournament, scheduled for one fall!


Fink: Making his way to the ring first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 245 pounds... "The Viper" Randy ORTON!

The crowd begins to boo heavily as Orton slowly walks out and down to the ring, methodically moving with every step. He stares into the crowd with cold eyes as he gets to ringside and slithers under the bottom rope. He gets up on the turnbuckle and just stands there perfectly still.

Cole: Randy Orton is just a dangerous man. He is cold, he is cunning, and he is calculating. It seems that everything he does requires pure logic and perfect thinking, analysing all possible outcomes from all possible situations.

Hyatt: And that's what makes a great wrestler. He has one of the best psychological minds in the game today, and considering who his opponent is, Orton is going to need to have that on his side and at his "A" game.

JBL: You are talking about the Randy Orton here. There is a reason he is called the Viper. There aren't many, if there are any, that could match up against Orton with his mindset. And it's not like he is just psychological either.

Orton climbs down from the turnbuckles getting ready for his match by doing a few stretches as the music dies down.


Kurt immediately walks out and raises his hands above his head on the entrance stage as blasts of blue, red and white fireworks shoot up into the arena. He begins to walk down to the ring with cheers from the audience, singing along "You Suck" to the music. Angle directs the chant straight at Randy Orton.

Fink: And his opponent, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 240 pounds... he is the only Olympic Gold Medalist in professional wrestling... Kurt ANGLE!

Angle gets to ringside and runs up the steps, enters the ring and spins around with arms extended as the crowd cheers for Angle. Orton exits the ring as Kurt does this, waiting until the referee Jack Doan calls him in. Angle hands over the medals to the ref and gives them to a stagehand. The ref calls in Orton as the music dies down. Randy slowly begins to enter the ring and gets himself mentally ready.

Cole: This is quite the opponent that Randy Orton faces with Kurt Angle staring across at him. I believe that this man is one of the people, John, that Orton can have match up with him.

JBL: I'm not going to deny his wrestling ability, but to say Angle is in the same league as Orton is preposterous.

Hyatt: Technically John, the way Angle wrestles has many people quivering in their tights because they know that they have to bring something better than their best to find at least one counter.

JBL: Maybe so, but Kurt Angle has moral limits in how he goes about wrestling matches, Orton does not care one bit about these limits. That only can psych many men out of their game as they know that they cannot turn their back for a second, or even blink. This should be a good match.

The ref checks both competitors, asks if they are ready and signals for the bell. Both men circle around the ring a couple of times before locking up. Randy uses his height to back Angle in the corner, with the ref breaking it up. Orton breaks cleanly and Angle goes straight back into a lock-up, this time sending Orton to the corner. He breaks away, but Orton catches him with a sucker punch, followed by a couple of more punches before he sends Angle for an Irish Whip. Angle delivers a shoulder block to Orton, and runs at the ropes. Orton moves over and slides underneath Angle as he jumps of Randy, with Orton catching Angle into a Wrenching Chinlock, spinning Angle down until they are near the ground. Angle reverses and pulls out a Hammerlock, then into a Headlock. They both get up and Orton sends Angle for another Irish Whip, catching Angle with a Dropkick sending Angle to the outside. Orton gets up slowly and twitches his body before heading to the outside with the ref counting. He goes after Angle, but he Drop-toe Holds Orton into the barricade. Kurt muscles Orton into the ring, slides in with him and goes for a cover... 1... kickout by Orton.

Angle goes for a Bodyscissors and applies the pressure to Orton, occasionally locking in a Rear Naked Choke. Orton squirms around until he reaches the rope, making Angle break the hold. Kurt goes back on the attack, but Orton pulls on Kurt's overalls and sends him to the outside again. Orton recovers and Angle slowly gets up and slides back under the ring. Orton catches him with some rough stomps to multiple parts of the body before he goes for a Jumping Knee Drop. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kickout by Angle. Randy circles around Angle as if he were prey and does a few kicks to the stomach of Kurt, with Angle catching one of the kicks and tries to go for an Ankle Lock. Orton finds a way out of it quickly, but is met by a European Uppercut but Angle. Orton delivers one of his own, and the two exchange them between each other until Angle combats with Headbutts. He runs to the ropes and Orton tries for a clothesline, but Angle ducks and clutches Orton to deliver a German Suplex with the clutch still locked in. Angle waits for Orton to recover.

Cole: Angle is the master of the suplex, and I would not want to be Orton right now.

JBL: For once Michael, I can agree. I have felt that German from Angle and it drains all the energy from you. Angle waits for you to recover and get up because the only way to escape is from a vertical base, but that clutch is locked on so tight that Kurt just launches you anyway without effort.

Hyatt: I'd like to be in Orton's position right now, getting attacked from behind... Kurt is such a stud...

Angle sends Orton for another German Suplex. This time, Orton gets up a lot slower than before. Angle goes for a third, but Orton blocks it and reverses the stance to hit an Inverted Headlock Backbreaker. Angle writhes in pain as Orton slowly recovers, twitching his body to get up. Orton gets up before Angle and hits a huge clothesline on Kurt, knocking him down. Orton goes for the cover... 1... 2... kickout by Angle. Orton looks a little frustrated, but gets up and stalks Angle on the canvas. He waits for Angle to get up and goes for an RKO, but Angle reverses and hits a release German Suplex on Orton. Dazed, Orton rolls out of the ring to catch his breath. Angle gets up and realises the position of Orton. He runs off the ropes and hits a Diving Senton Plancha on Orton, taking them both out. The crowd roars from this and cheers "Angle, Angle, Angle!" Kurt picks up Orton and rolls him into the ring with Angle taking a couple of seconds to recover. He gets up on the apron and goes through the middle rope, but Orton gets up and kicks Angle in the face, clutches his face into a headlock and gets overly excited from the position. Orton drops Angle's head into the canvas with a Rope Hung DDT. Orton lays in the position soaking up what he has done and goes for the pin... 1... 2... Angle puts his foot on the ropes.

Orton gets up and is livid that he hasn't gotten the pin, telling the ref off. He turns around to see that Angle has recovered in a familiar position. Orton smiles and backs into the corner. He runs and tries for the Punt Kick, but Angle sweeps his leg with a Single Leg Takedown and applies the Ankle Lock. Orton struggles to get to the ropes, but Angle always pulls Orton back into the centre. Randy tries to reverse, but every attempt still has Angle clutching Orton's ankle. Kurt cinches in the grapevine and Orton is writhing in pain. The ref is in perfect position to make a call.

Cole: Angle has got the Ankle Lock tied in perfectly around Orton's foot, and Randy is feeling it. There is no other choice but for Orton to tap!

JBL: Stop being so biased Cole and call this match down the middle.

Hyatt: Orton still has the other leg to kick Angle with and... wait, who is that?

Ted DiBiase runs down the entrance rampway and jumps onto the apron, distracting the referee. As the ref turns, Orton begins to tap but the ref is too busy to make the call. From out of the crowd, Cody Rhodes jumps over the barricade and slides into the ring with a steel pipe. Rhodes whacks Angle with the pipe, forcing him to let go and in pain. He quickly slides out of the ring and back through the crowd, out of the arena. The ref finally deals with Ted and he goes to the back with his hands in the air. The ref turns around to see Orton and Angle laid out, both trying to get up. As the both ascend, Orton locks Angle's head and delivers the RKO. He goes for the pin... 1... 2... 3. Orton's music blares through the speakers, the ref signals for the bell and the match is over. Orton slowly gets up and the ref raises his hand. The crowd booes heavily at the outcome.

Fink: Here is your winner and who will advance to the next round of the GWA Undisputed Championship Tournament... Randy ORTON!

Cole: That sly devil just used his lackeys Cody and Ted from Legacy to help him get the job done. Orton was about to lose this match as he was tapping out to the Ankle Lock, but they made a diversion as well as the use of a steel pipe for Orton to get the three.

JBL: You can't argue with smart strategy Cole! Angle forgot to consider Orton having an alliance with other wrestlers. So, this proves that Angle does not match-up with Orton in the psychological department.

Cole: That wasn't psychological, that was cheating!

Hyatt: Call it cheating or call it strategy, Randy Orton has won this match and will go to the next round to be a step closer in becoming the GWA Undisputed Champion. I'm not proud of it because Angle is on my show.

JBL: I'm certainly proud of that achievement and now my show Nightmare has one of their men passing the brackets. I believe Angle was your last shot and he blew it. Doesn't matter now, the round two matches are set in stone with this victory and we should just enjoy it as the night goes on.

Randy Orton is leaving up the rampway with a smirk on his face as Kurt Angle is trying to get up in the ring with the help of the referee. The audience are still in dismay with what has just occurred.

Backstage as Vince tries to solve the Hart mystery

Bischoff- What’s the fuss Vinnie Mac? We can see the steam pouring from your head outside the office.

Vince- Don’t get smart with me Bischoff. Our first show and Bret Hart is gonna no show us.

Bischoff- Look Vinnie, don’t worry about it. Hart’s secretary seems to have things all under controlled. She is outside talking to Heyman.

Vince- Hart has a secretary. God damn it! Hart is going to pay for this.

(Vince storms out to find Hart’s secretary)
(Heyman and Hart’s secretary are chit chatting about the show)

Vince- You little skank! Where the hell is Bret Hart!?!

Heyman- Vince, Vince. That is no way to talk to a lady. I get you’re a bit pissed about Bret and as a matter of fact I am a bit disappointed he didn’t show up for the event. But let bygones be bygones.

Vince- Hitman has screwed with me enough Heyman. Now let me talk to this bitch and get some answers.

Secretary- Look Mr. McMahon, I have no idea where Bret is. All I have our notes regarding the show and what matches to run for Catastrophe. I haven’t spoke or heard from Bret since the notes were faxed to me.

Shane- Alright. We don’t need Bret. Sure it would be nice to have some input from the Hitman, but we are very capable of running the show without him. Plus his secretary seems to be doing a fine job running the ship. So lets just head back into the office, sip some champagne and watch the rest of the tournament unfold.

Steph- Great idea Shane. Dad, you going to be alright?

Vince- I’ll get…

Bischoff- Good deal, lets party.

Vince- Excuse…

Heyman- For once I’m in agreement with Mr. Bischoff.

(The GM’s follow one another into the office and Vince scowls and then shrugs his shoulders and follows. Hart’s secretary looks on and smiles and walks away).

Taz- Kudos to Shane and crew there. We don’t need Hitman here. We can do it all without him haha.
Matt Striker- That is my boss you’re talking about Taz. When Bret Hart returns he’ll show the world how to run the perfect brand.
Taz- Some boss you have then.
Jim Ross- Alright fellows, settle down. Everything has been cooled down in the back and the show can go one without any worries.
The following contest is a First Round Match Scheduled for One fall

Fink: Introducing first, representing Massacre, from West Newberry, Massachusetts, weighing in at 240 lbs, John Cena.

Fink: And his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada representing Catastrophe, weighing in at 250 lbs, Edge.

Cole: A vintage rivalry being renewed here tonight.

JBL: Yes it is, and this match will be no different then their other classics.

Edge and Cena lock up with Cena getting the upper hand pushing Edge to the corner. Cena repeatedly connects with punches until the ref tries to break it up, Edge then gouges the eyes of Cena.

Cole: This is going to be a dirty match

Hyatt: Yes it is and I don’t like it.

Cena is grabbing his eyes when Edge continues with the offensive. He throws Cena off the ropes only to be hit with a shoulder block by Cena. Cena then runs off the ropes and connects with a shoulder block. Cena is now setting up the five-knuckle shuffle. As Cena bounces off the ropes, Edge rolls out of the ring.

JBL: What a great move by Edge that thug Cena was taking control.

Cole: But Cena is letting Edge get away

Cena goes to the outside as well and tries to irish whip Edge into the stairs but Edge is not allowing it. Cena realizes this kicks Edge in the midsection and then connects with the irish whip. The ref count is at 8 when Cena gets in the ring then rolls quickly out. Cena then tries to take control but Edge hits a drop toe-hold on Cena into the stairs. Edge then rolls Cena into the ring.


Edge is clearly pissed off, and gives a look to the ref but then continues back with the offense. He has a chin lock on Cena and Cena is in obvious pain. The ref keeps asking Cena if he quits but Cena refuses. Cena is trying to over power Edge, and he successfully does by getting on his feet. Edge still has the grip until Cena grabs the arm of Edge, and hits a clothes line. Edge gets up but runs into another shoulder block, followed by another shoulder block. Cena then connects with the five-knuckle shuffle.


Cole: That was close

JBL: Edge isn’t going down easy
Cena is pumping up the shoes as Edge is still lying on the mat. Edge gets up and Cena has Edge in position for the FU, but Edge is grabbing onto the ropes. The ref is telling Cena to break the hold, when JTG comes out from the stands and hits Edge with a brass knuckle. Cena connects with the FU


Fink: Here is your winner, John Cena.

Cole: CTC steals another one

JBL: They just ruined a great match damnit.

Hyatt: Nonetheless, Cena advances to face AJ Styles next.
The Fink : Attention please, the following match is for one fall, and is for the GWA RAGE Pure Championship.

Steve Corino's music hits.

The Fink : Making his way down the entrance ramp, weighing in at 242 lbs, he is one of the contenders for the Pure Championship, " The King of Old School " , STEVE CORINO. "

Corino grabs the mic.

Corino : Let me tell all you idiots out there something, us three, we're taking over this promotion, and it starts tonight. We've also got a little surprise in store for you after the match. Here ya go Fink.

Corino tosses the mic back to Howard Finkel.

Austin Aries' music hits.

The Fink : And making his way to the ring, the second challenger for the Pure Championship, AUUUUUUSTIN ARIES. "

Aries doesn't bother cutting a promo, he just looks on intently outside the ring at Corino, waving for him to get in the ring.

Both men lock up in the center of the ring. Aries, throws Corino into the ropes, and catches him with a side headlock. Corino fights out of it and throws Aries into the ropes and catches him with a clothesline. Aries gets up and runs at Corino who locks in a sleeper. Before it can take effect though, Aries flips Corino over his head and onto the mat. Corino and him go through a series of reversals and arm drags next as both men make it to their feet and crowd applause. Both men lock up in the center of the ring again, and Corino whips Aries into the corner. Aries jumps over him, rolls across the ring into the other corner and hits a leaping back elbow smash on Corino. He goes for a cover but Corino quickly powers out. Aries runs at Corino with a clothesline, but Corino ducks and hits a hard clothesline of his own. Aries runs into the ropes, and Credible trips him up and the ref catches it. He signals for the bell, but before the bell can ring, Eric Bischoff's music hits.

Bischoff : Now, now, now, I knew this match would be a classic, and I am not going to let it finish like this. Boys, you're ejected, get to the back. Restart this match ref.

The camera goes to a quick shot of Credible and Storm arguing and making their way to the back with Dawn Marie bringing up the rear. They walk past Bischoff and shout obscenities at him, as just gives them a devilish grin.

The referee restarts the match, and Corino comes charging at Aries, and Aries sidesteps as Corino hits the ring post. Corino falls out from between the turnbuckles and is laying on the bottom one. Aries runs at him from the opposite corner and hits a astounding hestition drop kick. He pulls Corino out of the corner and locks on a single leg crab. You can see the pain on Corino's face as he fights to make his way to the ropes. He makes it and Aries won't break the hold. The ref counts to 3 before the hold is broken. Aries pulls Corino back to the center of the ring. Aries jumps atop the ring ropes, and attempts to slingshot himself onto Corino, who catches Aries in the stomach with his knees. Both men are down now as the ref begins a 10 count.

JR : Both men are giving it their all.

Striker : I'm still waiting for the better man to show up here. The moves these guys are doing, are just incredible. Ha, that's a pun on the guy that was ejected earlier, haha!!

Taz : You know, Corino knows some crazy moves, I worked with him back in ECW, and he's old school. He knows quite a bit more then you think.

The referee makes it to 7 before both men get up. Corino runs at Aries and spears him into the corner. Aries now has his back to Corino, who has a waist lock on Aries and is looking to suplex him. Aries won't let go of the ropes, and finally Corino finds the strength to lift Aries and hits the Old School Suplex , but only gets a 2 count. He picks up Aries and sets him up for the Old School Expulsion. He hits it, but somehow Aries locks his arms around Corino and flips him into a powerslam from his back. Both men are down and both desperately need to attempt a pinfall here. Aries finally crawls to Corino and draps his arm over him, but Corino somehow manages to kick out. Aries uses the ropes to pull himself up, and he is signaling for Corino to get up. Corino gets up as Aries kicks him in the midsection. Aries then hits him with a kick to the side of the head. Corino falls back and looks to be out of it. Aries goes to the top turnbuckle and goes for the 450 splash. Somehow, Corino manages to get his knees up again, and both men are down again. The referee begins another 10 count. This time he makes it 9 as both men make it to their feet. Aries goes to whip Corino into the corner, and Corino reverses it and whips Aries into the corner. He runs over and splashes him. Corino then slaps him in the chest a few times. He then pulls Aries out of the corner and whips him into the ropes as he runs from the corner and hits the Old School Lariat. Corino drops to his knees, and goes for the cover. Somehow, some way, Aries kicks out right before the 3. The crowd is really loving this match.


Both men use the ropes to get up, and Corino charges Aries and Aries locks in a sleeper hold. Corino looks to be passing out as the referee raises his arms. He raises it the the third time, but just before it drops, Corino responds and starts fighting back. He elbows Aries in the gut and as Aries runs at him off the ropes, Corino hits the Old School Kick. Corino falls onto Aries for the cover, and the ref counts....1....2.......3!!

Corino uses the ropes to get up, and looks to the ramp, he waves to the back. Back out come Justin Credible, Lance Storm, and Dawn Marie, now with Stevie Richards and Jerry Lynn. They all run into the ring and begin attacking Aries' lifeless body. Corino shoves the ref out of the ring. Credible grabs a table and sets it up. Even though Aries is lifeless, Credible, Storm, Richards, and Lynn grab a limb and hold Aries in place as Corino goes up top. He hits Aries with his own move, the 450 splash. Even though Corino is hardly able to stand on his own right now after that grueling match, he grabs a microphone.

Striker : Hahahahaha!! I knew someone would prove to be the better man here.

JR: Striker, I have to say I agree, but the better man is the one whose laid out.

Striker: You're wrong, if he were better, the belt would be in his hand.

Corino : How'd you guys like that? Not only did I win the match, but I made an impact. Hahahah!!

The crowd boos loudly.

Corino : Well let me tell you all about us. You know where we come from. And you know how great we were there. Well, we are here in GWA now, and more specifically RAGE. Together we are the Kings Of The Classic, and we're taking over. Corino drops the mic as all six of them make their way to the back.

Howard Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Second Round Match up of the GWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament. Making his way to the ring first, from Victoria, Texas weighing in at 252 pounds, STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Stone Cold then emerges from the curtain and does his entrance to an enormous reception from the crowd.*


Howard Finkel: And introducing his opponent from Death Valley weighing in at 299 pounds, THE UNDERTAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The Undertaker does his long intimidating entrance to an enormous reception from the crowd.*

Todd Grisham: The fans love both of these guys. Who do you think is going to win Taz?

Taz: I don't know, but one thing is for certain, it's going to be a hell of a match.

GWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Match: Undertaker vs Stone Cold Steve Austin.

The referee rings the bell to start the match. Taker starts it off by locking up in the middle of the ring with Austin for a test of strength. Taker overpowers Austin as he hits him with a quich hip toss. Taker then gets Austin up to his feet and tries to hit him with a Scoop Slam, but Austin has other ideas as he reverses it and then drops Taker down to the mat with a Back Suplex. Austin then bounces off of the ropes and hits Taker with the Pointed Elbow Drop. Austin then gets Taker up and tries to suplex him, but Taker powers out of it and reverses it into a suplex of his own.

Taker then locks Austin into a Triangle Choke hold. Austin however uses just enough strength to not only get out of the hold, but also to hit Taker with the Electric Chair Drop. Taker then gets Austin up to his feet and tries to whip him into the ropes, but Austin instead whips Taker to the ropes and out of the ring. Austin then gets out of the ring and starts ramming Taker's back to the barricade. Austin then gets Taker up and tries to whip him into the steel post, but Taker reverses it and instead whips Austin into the steel post and Austin is now busted open. Taker then turns Austin around and hits him with a suplex onto the floor. Taker then gets Austin up and rolls him halfway into the ring and starts hitting him with a series of forearms to the chest. Taker then hops up onto the ring apron and then hits Austin with a Running Leg Drop.

Taker then gets back into the ring and starts stomping on Austin. Taker then gets Austin up to his feet and starts throwing punches at him and then whips him off of the ropes and tries to attempt a clothesline, but Austin ducks it and instead hits Taker with a Thesz Press. Austin then gets Taker up and whips him hard into the turnbuckle. Austin then delivers a series of Mudhole Stomps to Taker's midsection. Austin then gets Taker up and tries to suplex him, but Taker gets out of it and hits Austin with a big boot and the pin attempt.



No! Austin kicks out at two.

Taker then gets Austin up and gives him the Snake Eyes, follows that up with a big boot in the face and then hits Austin with a Leg Drop. Taker then signals for the Chokeslam and once Austin gets up, Taker grabs him by the throat and prepares to Chokeslam him, but Austin reverses it and then tries for the Stone Cold Stunner, but Taker pushes him away and this time hits Austin with a Chokeslam and the pin attempt.



Thr.... No again Austin kicks out at two and a half.

Taker then does his signal for the Tombstone Piledriver, he then gets Austin up and tries to hit him with the Tombstone Piledriver, but Austin gets out of it and tries to attempt a Tombstone Piledriver of his own, but Taker gets out of it, kicks Austin in the gut and tries to hit him with the Last Ride, but Austin again gets out of it and then hits Taker with the Stone Cold Stunner and the cover.




Your winner of the match at a time limit of 15:26 and who will advance to the next round of the GWA Undisputed Championship Tournament, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Todd Grisham: Wow that was a hell of a match, wouldn't you agree?

Taz: Hell yeah I agree. This match kept the fans on the tip of their toes and I don't see how any other match can top this.

Todd Grisham: Wait i'm getting word that something is going down backstage between CM Punk and Samoa Joe.

Taz: Well get the cameras there then dammit.

*We see Samoa Joe walking backstage until CM Punk confronts him.

Samoa Joe: What do you want Punk?

CM Punk: Settle down Joe. I was wondering if you would help me influence the finals.

Samoa Joe: Now why should I help you out?

CM Punk: Because the GWA would be better if there was a Straight Edge World Heavyweight Champion.

Samoa Joe: Well when that happens, let me know so I can choke you out with the Coquina Clutch.
Mayhew: The following contest is a hardcore 10 man battle royale for the GWA Hardcore Championship.

In the ring, Mick Foley, Abyss, Roddy Piper, Mike Awesome, Tommy Dreamer, Ric Flair, Eddie Guerrero, Hardcore Holly and Batista.

Introducing the final participant, HULK HOGAN!!!!!

J.R.: This is going to be taking extreme to a whole new level, as we have ECW greats as well as some of the most extreme guys in wrestling entertainment today,

Striker: Indeed we do, Tommy Dreamer has his traditional hot dog cart and has thrown trash cans, signs, chairs, and several items into the ring.

As Hulk Hogan enters the ring all nine members attack Hogan. Dreamer hits Hogan with the garbage can and Abyss hits Hogan with the stop sign. All 9 guys are trying to lift Hogan over the top and they have him on one leg. Hogan tries to punch his way through, when Brock Lesnar comes to the ring and lowers the top rope. Hogan falls over the rope and hits the floor. Lesnar then follows up by shoving the hot dog cart into Hogan. He grabs a pair of brass knuckles and hits Hogan in the face with the knuckles the connects with the F-5.

J.R.: What is he doing? Hogan is the first man eliminated in shocking fashion

Striker: That is what makes the hardcore division so great there are no rules.

Taz: I think Hogan will be out of the hardcore division after this one.

J.R.: We still got 9 men left this is going to be great.

After the Hogan elimination, Dreamer goes for Mike Awesome who has a kendo stick in hand. Dreamer charges with the garbage can but instead Awesome uses the kendo stick to hit the can into Dreamer’s face. Batista who has no weapon then goes after dreamer. Batista then picks up Dreamer and throws him over the rope but Dreamer lands on top of the hot dog cart, and he is holding on. Eddie Guerrero and Hardcore Holly are going at it, and Eddie has Holly in the corner. Ric Flair comes to help and tells Eddie to back off while Flair hits a few “wooo” chops. Eddie then wants a shot at Holly and does a few “wooo” chops of his own. Flair then goes back to Holly and then Eddie decides to grab Ric and attempt to throw him over. Flair then goes for a counter and has Eddie in control. As Eddie is on the ropes, he then connects with a few punches on Flair, and while Flair is on the ground Abyss goes to hit a clothesline on Eddie only for Eddie to lower the rope and eliminate Abyss.
J.R.: And we are down to 7.

Awesome and Batista are going at it, when Ric Flair hits a chop block on Awesome from behind, and then Batista gets awesome in the Batista Bomb and throws Awesome over the top rope. Batista then high fives Flair and then turns around when Flair goes over and lifts Batista over the rope.

Striker: The dirtiest player in the game strikes again.

J.R.: Batista should’ve known not to trust Flair.

Taz: Looks like we have 5 left.

J.R.: Yes we have Flair, Hardcore Holly, Eddie Guerrero, Roddy Piper and Mick Foley.

Mick Foley and Piper are in one corner, while Guerrero and and Holly in the other while Flair is lying on the mat exhausted. Piper and Guerrero both go for irish whips at the same time and Foley and Holly collide. Guerrero and Piper then start to team up on Flair and as they are struggling to eliminate Flair, Foley and Holly recover, and both lift Guerrero and Piper over the rope and we are down to 3. As the 3 start to stare each other down, Tommy Dreamer enters the ring once again. The other 3 have no clue why he is in the ring.

J.R.: Why is he in the ring?

Striker: Lets check the replay.

The replay shows Dreamer never hit the floor as he landed on the cart.

Taz: He is still in the match. WOW.

The three all look at each other nod and go quickly for Dreamer and then eliminate him.

J.R.: I guess that didn’t matter.

Foley and Flair then being to team on Holly while Holly fights off Foley and then starts to work on Flair. He goes for the Alabama Slam only to be countered by a punch to the face and then a gouge to the eye. Flair is working on Holly and Flair sees brass knuckles lying on the ring, and goes for it, but as he bends down, Foley takes out socko. Flair is getting choked out by Foley when Holly then goes after Foley and goes for the elimination. Flair recovers and tries to help Holly and they clothesline Foley over the rope but he lands on the apron. The other 2 think Foley is gone and are each trying to eliminate each other. Foley gets into the ring and launches Flair over Holly over the top rope. Foley still has Socko in hand and chokes Holly. He then forces Holly over the top rope with Socko in his mouth and as Holly tries to hold on, Foley punches Holly and Holly finally hits the floor.
Mayhew: Here is your winner and the NEWWWWW Hardcore Champion, MICK FOLEY.
Howard Finkel-This match is a second round tournament match for the Undisputed Championship!


Finkel-Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois…CM PUNK!

Cole-Here comes the Straight Edge superstar, CM Punk. As you can see Punk is still bandaged up from the beating Triple H gave to him in his first round match. And Punk…
JBL-Let me interrupt before you get ahead of yourself Cole. While I may not agree with his lifestyle, I must say I like this CM Punk kid more than I thought I would. The guy just has the it factor and we saw that earlier during his match against Triple H.
Cole-You mean the match where Punk needed to win by countout?
Hyatt-A win is a win pipesqueak. Don’t make John or myself take you down. Like John said, Punk was impressive during his first round match during Triple H. Should be interesting to see who he is going to face here.

Finkel-And his opponent….


Finkel-From Miami, Florida…THE ROCK!

Cole-Can you believe it! The Rock is back and he is here in the GWA. I’m speechless.
Hyatt-Well then it is a great thing The Rock has come back. Anything to get you to shut up.
JBL-The more I work with you Miss Hyatt, the more I like you. And Rock should have stayed in Hollywood, he doesn’t stand a chance here in the GWA. I guess I’m the only one who enjoyed wrestling while this wannabe was gone.

Punk is shocked when he sees that Rock is his opponent. As Rock does his trademark pose on the top rope Punk sneak attacks him and pushes him to the outside. The ref rings the bell and the match is now officially underway. Punk gets onto the apron and jumps off and hits Rock with a double axe handle. Punk kicks away at Rock while he lies on the mats on the outside. Punk lifts Rock up and rolls him into the ring and goes for the quick cover.


Punk punches at Rock and then hits him with an elbow shot to the face. He goes for another cover.


Punk slams the mat in anger as he lifts Rock up. Punk slaps Rock in the face and follows that with an Irish whip into the corner. Punk slaps his knee and he runs up and hits his trademark running knee, hitting Rock square in the face. Punk smirks and goes for the running bulldog to follow, but Rock pushes Punk off and sends him flying to the middle of the ring. Punk holds his back as he gets up to his feet and Rock greets him with a running clothesline. Punk gets right back up and goes right back down after a hip toss from the Rock.

Cole-CM Punk is getting what he deserves right here after jumping the Rock.
JBL-What in God’s name are you talking about Cole? Rock got what he deserved thinking he could showboat like that.

Rock backs Punk into the corner and hits him with consecutive right hands and then starts kicking away at Punk’s midsection. Punk falls into a seated position at the bottom of the corner, as Rock continues to kick away until the referee pulls him aside. Rock heads right back to stomping a mudhole on Punk and again the referee breaks it up. Rock moves the ref out of the way and heads back to Punk. Punk however is playing possum and greats Rock with a thumb to the eye. Rock is holding his eye as the ref checks him. Punk out of nowhere nails Rock with a superkick, sending him to the mat. Punk kicks at The Rock’s ribcage and then he lifts Rock up and kicks him in the middle of the back. Rock winces in pain. Punk runs across the rope and hits Rock with a rolling neck snap. Punk sits Rock back up and nails him in the jaw with a running knee strike. Punk goes for the cover.


Punk lifts Rock up and goes for a suplex. Punk gets him up, but Rock slides back and turns Punk around and attempts a Rock Bottom, but Punk hits Rock with a round of elbow shots. Punk runs across the ropes and heads towards Rock who counters with a huge spinebuster. Rock stands over Punk and signals for the People’s Elbow. Rock whips his right arm pad into the fans and runs across the ropes, hurdles Punk, off the other ropes, stops and drops the elbow across the chest of CM Punk.

Cole-VINTAGE Rock!
Hyatt-Would you shut up with the stupid vintages before I go all vintage Missy on you.

Rock goes for the cover.

Cole-This could do it folks.


Rock can’t believe Punk kicked out as he argues with the referee.

JBL-Maybe you should watch what you say before you say it Cole. Rock is nowhere near the victory, Punk has him right where he wants him.

Rock lifts Punk up and throws him across the ropes. Rock ducks and grabs Punk and drops him with a Samoan Drop. Rock goes to lift Punk back up, but Punk counters and kicks Rock on the top of his head. Rock falls back as Punk hurries to his feet. Punk grabs Rock and whips him across the ropes. Punk ducks, but Rock counters and drops him with a huge DDT. Both men are down on the mat, as the referee starts his ten count.

7. (Punk and Rock slowly start to move)..
9..(Both men are up on their feet)

Rock hits Punk with a right hand, Punk follows with a right of his own. They continue to exchange blows. Finally Rock takes control hitting consecutive rights and then spits in his right hand and nails Punk, knocking him into the ropes. Punk bounces off and Rock goes for a Rock Bottom. Punk again nails Rock with an elbow shot to break the hold. Punk runs across the rope and Rock goes for a clothesline, but Punk ducks and nails Rock with a kick to the sternum. Punk lifts Rock up for the GTS, but Rock grabs the ropes. Punk manages to pull Rock away from the ropes. Punk throws Rock up, but Rock blocks the shot, as he slaps Punk’s knee back down. Punk runs at Rock, who grabs Punk and drops him with the Rock Bottom. After a brief breather, Rock crawls towards Punk and makes the cover.


Finkel-The winner of the match, by pinfall...THE ROCK!

Cole-And with that victory The Rock advances to the semi-finals.
JBL-I don’t believe this. Dwayne Johnson or is it The Rock again, whatever he goes by is gone and he comes back and receives an automatic bye! This is ridiculous. The higher ups are playing favorites and it is ruining this business.
Hyatt-I agree with ya JBL, but Rock still has it and is one step closer to being the top guy once again.

JB is in the back. He walks into the Nightmare locker room with a microphone. The first thing seen is Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase talking to each other.

DiBiase- If we just tell him to-

Cody tells him to shutup and nods at the camera. DiBiase looks at Borash, shakes his head and they both look down. JB looks around and sees Orton sitting on a bench, cooling off with his head in his hands. He walks over and sits next to him. Orton looks up and looks annoyed.

JB- Hey, Randy. Just come to talk about your next match.

Orton- The one against Mysterio?

JB- What other match could I be talking about?

Orton- The finals that I will undoubtedly win.

JB- So you think that you can beat Mysterio?

Orton- I Know that I can beat little Rey Rey. JB I am THE Legend Killer. I was the youngest WWE World Heavyweight champion in history. And I will be the first Undisputed champion in GWA History. Then Jericho can stop his bragging.

Orton pauses. smiles.

Orton- JB, all you need to know is that I‘m in this tournament. That‘s more than enough reasoning behind me winning this tournament. I can beat Cena, I can beat Austin and I can sure as hell beat Rey Mysterio. Now go away. You‘re screwing with my strategy

Orton stares at Borash before Borash stands up and walks off. Legacy walk over to Orton.

DiBiase- You need a strategy? Why not use us again.

Orton stands up.

Orton- Look, while I appreciate the help, I need to do this alone. I need to prove that I‘m more than just a great wrestler.

Rhodes- Wait? Are you disbanding Legacy?

Orton- I can‘t carry you guys when I‘m the world champion. I‘ll be too busy

Rhodes and DiBiase looked pissed off.

Rhodes- Carry us?

DiBiase- What the hell have you done in the past 2 years that we haven‘t helped you with?

Rhodes- And you said you‘d help us win the tag titles.

Orton looks surprised

Orton- When did you guys become such whiney babies. I gotta go. I‘ll see you round

Orton pushes between DiBiase and Rhodes and walks off. They look confused for a second before getting angry.


Jericho comes out with a mic after the intro.

Jericho- Cut the music!

The music stops. Jericho begins to walk down the entrance ramp while he speaks

Jericho- I am the greatest wrestler in the world to day. So the fact that I have not already been handed the International Championship is a disgrace. While I compete in this match I want you people to know that only two things disgust me more than you hypocrites. Having to compete for something that I should be given. And being excluded from getting it altogether.

He gets to the ring, climbs the ring and climbs through the ropes.

Jericho- Which brings me on to my other topic of discussion. The Undisputed Championship tournament. It’s a joke. You know why? Because I’m not in it. And the fact that you sycophants, you hypocrites, you criminals, you scum boo me is because I am right. I preach the truth and you hate me for it. But like it or not, you pay to see me…and only me.


Booker T comes out to a loud cheer. As he comes down the entrance ramp, he high fives a load of the crowd. He slides into the ring, and Jericho backs into the ropes. Booker T puts his hands up to calm him down and asks for the mic. Jericho gives it to him

Booker- Hold up…You go around every week, insulting these guys. And tonight you have the balls to insult the people of New York in Madison square Garden!

The Crowd go nuts.

Booker- Then I’m gonna have to beat your ass and win the International championship at the same time.

Booker throws the mic to the floor. A referee runs down, slides in and calls for the bell to start the match. Jericho seems taken unaware.

Jericho vs Booker T
(International Championship)​
Booker goes straight after Jericho, who is still unprepared. He hits a couple of punches, but Jericho kicks Booker and slaps him. This pisses Booker off, so when Jericho runs at Booker he gets nailed with a super kick. Booker starts pumping the crowd up and picks up the pace by whipping Jericho, ducking a clothesline and hitting a shoulder block. Booker runs to the ropes but Jericho slides under him and jumps to his feet. Booker ducks a punch and hit’s a high impact neck breaker. He covers:


Booker picks Jericho up and hit’s the reverse atomic drop. He rebounds off of the ropes but Jericho ducks a hard clothesline and rolls up Booker.

1...Booker rolls forward, pinning Jericho.


Jericho rolls backwards and tries to Kick Booker, who grabs Jericho’s ankle and locks in a modified Ankle lock. Jericho falls to the floor. Booker stands up slams Jericho’s knee into the canvas and releases the ankle. Booker stomps on Jericho a couple of times, picks him up and hit’s a back hand chop. Jericho backs into the corner. Booker hits another and starts jumping around, hitting a back chop every couple of seconds. Booker kicks Jericho and climbs up to the second rope before punching away at Jericho’s skull. Jericho pushes Booker back a bit and tries a kick but Booker catches it. Booker pulls him into a hard clothesline before going to the turnbuckle and climbing to the top rope. Jericho scrambles to his feet and tries to climb up the turnbuckle but Booker hits a right hook that cause Jericho to fall back on the floor but land on his feet. Booker jumps but gets hit by a kick to the gut. Jericho hit’s a quick DDT and goes for the pin


Jericho hit’s a knee drop to Booker’s head, who then start to get up. Jericho hit’s an elbow to the back of Booker’s neck. Booker falls to his knees, which gives Jericho time to hit a springboard dropkick. Jericho taunts the crowd and picks Booker up. He lifts him for a suplex but Booker drops down behind him and tries a Back suplex but Jericho back flips out of it Jericho rolls Booker up and pulls Booker’s tights.

The referee stops the count.

Jericho argues with the ref, giving Booker time to get up. When Jericho turns away, he gets nailed with a super kick!


Booker picks Jericho up but gets kicked and hit by a leg feed enziguri! Jericho mocks Booker while going to the top rope. Booker gets to his feet and jumps to the top rope. After a bit of scrambling Booker hit’s a superplex! Both men lie on the floor for a bit before the referee starts the count. Booker is up by 4. He pumps the crowd up and, as Jericho gets up, kicks him and goes for the Axe kick. As Booker comes off the ropes, Jericho runs at Booker and hit’s the Codebreaker!


Jericho gets up and kicks the ropes, before going to hit the ref. He realises that he’ll get disqualified so just kicks Booker in the head. Jericho grabs Booker’s legs and tries to lock in the walls of Jericho but Booker kicks away again. Booker does a spin-a-roonie to get himself to his feet and pump the crowd up. Jericho runs at Booker but Booker ducks and hit’s a Book-end!


Booker looks tired and picks Jericho up and tries an Axe kick but Jericho catches Booker in a Powerbomb but stands up and goes over to the ropes. Booker back flips over the ropes sending Jericho crashing outside. Booker gets up, works the crowd and goes over to the announce table.


He pulls the top of the table off and undoes the wires


He goes over to Jericho and picks him up


He drags Jericho over to the table and rolls him on


Booker picks Jericho up and sets a Powerbomb but Jericho scratches Booker eyes and falls to his feet.


Jericho throws a punch but Booker ducks it and hit’s the Book-end through the table!


Neither of the men move


Booker scrambles to his feet.


Booker runs to the ring and rolls out again, restarting the count. Booker goes over to Jericho and picks him up. He drags him to the ring and rolls him in. Booker takes a breather outside the ring before trying to climb in through the top two ropes. Jericho uses all of his energy to hit a sudden Codebreaker to Booker while he’s in that position. Both men lie on the floor and the ref starts to count again. Jericho pulls himself up by 8. He looks from Booker to the ropes. He runs to the ropes and hit’s a Lionsault!


Jericho just collapses. The crowd start a ‘Let’s go Booker’ chant. Both men get up at roughly the same time. They stare at each other for a second before getting into a back-and-forth fist fight. Jericho gets the last punch before Booker kicks Jericho and goes for a third Axe kick. Jericho grabs Booker’s legs at the last second and locks in the Walls of Jericho! Booker scrambles for the ropes and starts clawing his way to the ropes. Booker’s almost there when Jericho pulls him back into the middle of the ring. Booker struggles for a couple more seconds before finally tapping out.

Jericho releases the hold and falls to his knees. Shane McMahon’s music hits and he comes walking out with the International championship. He comes down to the ring and grabs a mic.

Shane- Well…Congratulations. You are now the International champions and the face of the Nightmare brand.

He is about the give the belt to Jericho before pulling it back

Shane- Unless, of course, Nightmare wins the World Championship tournament

He gives the belt to Jericho, who celebrates and mocks the crowd. Shane just watches as Jericho celebrates and the segment blends into the next.


Orton walks out for his second round match. He looks around at the crowd as he gets to the entrance ramp and clicks his neck. He slowly walks down the ramp and rolls into the ring. He stands in the middle of the ring, waiting for his opponent.


Rey Mysterio runs out onto the stage and down the ramp. He high fives all the guys around the ring before rolling in and jumping onto the turnbuckle. He looks at Orton, who is staring at Rey. Rey jumps down and his music stops. The bell rings and this match is underway.

Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio
(Undisputed Championship Tournament)
JR- Rey looks very energetic and is showing alot of confidence.

Striker- Bearing in mind that Orton has already competed tonight, you have to give the odds to Mysterio in this one

Taz- That's why I'm not a huge fan of this tournament setting. It puts the first round competitors at a huge disadvantage

They circle the ring before Orton starts to close Rey into a corner. When Orton gets close enough, Rey dropkicks him. Orton scrambles back to his feet and Rey tries a springboard crossbody but Orton catches him. Orton shifts him into a powerslam position. Rey flips over and hits a hurracanrana, with Orton landing on the middle rope.

Stryker- It looks like the Master of the 619 is setting up his infamous finishing manouver!

Mysterio bounces off of the ropes but Orton spins around and runs at Orton. Mysterio jumps and hits another Hurracanrana on Orton.

JR- He's set it up again!

Mysterio bounces off of the ropes again. He runs across the ring and hits the 619! Orton backs up to the middle of the ring. Mysterio goes for the West Coast pop but Orton reverses it into an RKO!

Striker- What a stunning turn of events!

Taz- So much for your prediction. This one's over

Orton covers Mysterio


Not quite Taz! What determination by Mysterio

Orton stands up and sets the punt. He back into the corner and waits for Mysterio to get to his knees. Orton runs for the punt and it connects!

JR- What a sick thud!

Taz- Now it's over!
Orton covers again



Orton gets up and stands over Mysterio, staring at him. The referee tries to raise his hand but Orton pushes him away and walks off, leaving Mysterio in the ring.
Rage's backstage correspondent Lauren is running around out back looking for interviews from the Rage roster about the debut show for GWA and what they think their role will be in RAGE. She runs into Chris Sabin and KENTA.

Sabin : We're the Motor City Speed Trains, and we're looking to become the tag team champions. We may not have a ----

The lights go out and flicker black and purple. The lights come back on and both men are laid out. She screams calls for help, and an EMT's are rushing over.

She picks up her microphone to ask the EMT's what's wrong with them, and the one who responds gives an eerie answer in a mysterious voice.

EMT 1 : What is wrong? Nothing is wrong Lauren, I'm just looking to set the stage. Ha ha ha ha!!

Lauren screams again and leaves and runs off, this time runs towards the bathroom. The door is locked, she runs into the nearest lockeroom, when she peeks out from the lockeroom, she can here that mysterious voice again.

Voice : Lauren.....Lauren.....LAUREN!! Do you believe in demons?? Do you believe in the living dead? Ha ha ha ha!!

She runs out of the lockeroom, and runs straight to Mr. Bischoff's office. She bangs on the door which just opens up on it's own. She runs in screaming.

Lauren : Eric, Mr. Bischoff!!! She goes over the chair and spins it around, screaming, as she sees blood all over the chair.

The voice can be heard again.

Voice : Lauren , Lauren, Lauren, there is no reason to be scared. People meet the living dead all the time, in fact, we often times co exist without anyone ever knowing. However, it's time I come to RAGE and seek vengeance. I'm bringing some other demons with me, and with their help, I will become Godly. Ha ha ha ha ha!!

The lights flicker off and on again, as Lauren just runs out screaming.

Taz-Well that was, um…weird.


Matt Striker-We are in for a treat here fellows. Here comes the Silver Tongued Pugilist, Catastrophe’s Guiding Light, The Pope, D’Angelo Dinero.

D’Angelo Dinero -Awww yeah. It’s about to get Catastrophic up in here. Pun very much intended. Man what a show tonight. A bit disappointed that your Pope wasn’t included in the Undisputed Championship match, but I’ll get over it. Man for once in my life I’m speechless. It is great to see the Pope’s following embrace him so greatly here in the GWA. It brings joy to the Pope’s heart.

Taz-I like this Dinero character. He has a lot of pizzazz to him.
Striker-I told you Taz, the Pope is a treat.

Dinero-Now lets see, where was I. You great people have sidetracked the Pope.


Jim Ross-Business is about to pick up here fellows.
Striker-JR, I know you have long been saying this, but Shelton Benjamin is the most athletically gifted superstar to grace the squared circle. What does the Gold Standard have on his mind here.

Benjamin-Really Dinero? You have to come out here and cater to all these people. And you think you should be fighting for the Undisputed Championship? You are about as crazy as a street preacher. If anyone deserves it, then it’s me. I’m the Gold Standard and the most athletically sound superstar wrestling has ever seen.
Dinero-Is that so. You seem pretty confident about that. How bout you prove it? You against the Pope, right here, right now.
Benjamin-Slow your role Dinero. I didn’t come out here to fight.
Dinero-You didn’t? It seemed that way to the Pope.
Benjamin-I just came out here to correct you. That was it, no need to get all defensive about it.
Dinero-So you brought your Dennis Rodman wannabe ass down here to correct the Pope? Now that’s funny. Are you afraid to show off this athletic prowess Shelton. One on one, right now. Catastrophe needs a match and how bout we give it to them.
Benjamin-It’s not happening Dinero. Sorry to get your hopes up.
Dinero-How bout we let the people decide. Do you wanna see me kick Rodman’s ass? *HUGE POP* or would you rather just see us end this conversation and head to the back? *SILENCE* Shelton, the Pope’s people have spoken.

Shelton starts to head to the back, but Dinero runs out of the ring and grabs Benjamin. He hits him with two rights and then drags Benjamin to the ring and throws him in. Referee Mike Chioda rings the bell and the match is underway. Benjamin is on his knees and Dinero drops him to the mat with an axe handle smash to the back. Dinero hits Benjamin with consecutive knee smashes into the rib cage. Dinero rolls him over and goes for the cover.


Dinero claps his hands together as he lifts Benjamin off the mat. Dinero whips Benjamin across the ropes and ducks for a back body drop. Benjamin stops and kicks Dinero right across the face. Dinero holds his jaw as Benjamin drops him with a clothesline. Benjamin mocks the crowd to some decent heat as he lifts Dinero off the mat. Benjamin sets Dinero up for a suplex and he holds him for a good five seconds and then drops him.

Striker-A smart and effective move by Shelton Benjamin there, allowing all the blood rush into the brain of D’Angelo Dinero. Kudos to Mr. Benjamin there.

Benjamin lifts Dinero off the mat and hits him with knee strikes right into his shoulders. Benjamin then plants Dinero with a DDT. Benjamin goes for a cover.


Benjamin shouts at the ref to count faster. Benjamin gets up and he gives Dinero a couple of nudges with his foot. Benjamin lifts Dinero off the mat and up to his knees. Dinero nails Benjamin with consecutive shots to the midsection. Dinero gets up and runs across the ropes and nails Benjamin with a spinning elbow shot. Dinero tells Benjamin to get up. Benjamin is woozy and he turns right into a back body drop. Benjamin is down and out by the corner. Dinero gets the crowd pumped up and he runs and does a handstand on the top rope and drops an elbow down across the chest of Shelton Benjamin.

Ross-Maybe we have to give some credit to D’Angelo Dinero’s athleticism. What a fantastic move.
Taz-Haha, back in my day I could do that with ease.
Striker-You tell yourself that Taz.

Dinero pulls down his knee pads and starts smacking his knees. Benjamin pulls himself up and is drossy in the corner. Dinero runs to hit the DDE, but Benjamin ducks out of the ring. Dinero stops himself before crashing into the corner. Dinero pulls his kneepads back up and goes after Benjamin. Dinero grabs Benjamin, but Benjamin pulls Dinero right smack into the steel post. Dinero falls to the ground and rolls around holding his head. Benjamin has a smirk on his face as he heads towards Dinero. He starts kicking away at Dinero. He picks Dinero up and rolls him into the ring. Benjamin looks out at the crowd and tells them to shutup and is greeted by a round of boos. Benjamin gets in and covers Dinero.


Benjamin again yells at the ref for a slow count. Benjamin lifts Dinero up and whips him into the corner. Benjamin runs and nails a big splash. Benjamin goes for another splash but Dinero moves. Benjamin however jumps to the top rope. Benjamin jumps back, but is nailed by a Dinero dropkick in midair. Both crash to the mat as the crowd cheers on the match.

Ross-What a move by Dinero. These two men are giving it their all in this Catastrophe Slobberknocker. You must be proud Matt.
Striker-You’re damn right I am JR. These two are showing just what the Catastrophe brand is made of; pure athleticism and excellent in ring competition.
Taz-I’ll give ya that Striker. These two dudes are really showing how to get it done. Still not as good as Rampage haha.

Both men slowly get to their feet. Dinero nails Benjamin with a right; Benjamin follows with a right of his own. This goes on for six punches, as the crowd boos each Benjamin punch and cheers each Dinero shot. Dinero finally nails Benjamin with a huge right after blocking a Benjamin fist. Benjamin is dazed, as Dinero runs across the ropes and nails Shelton with a 4-up. Benjamin falls back and crashes into the ropes. Dinero lifts Benjamin up and goes for a suplex. Benjamin falls back from midair and drops Dinero with a neckbreaker. Benjamin is slow to his feet as he lifts Dinero up and goes for a T-Bone suplex. Dinero however blocks and breaks the hold with consecutive elbow shots to Benjamin’s temple. Benjamin shakes it off and turns around, but is dropped by the Dinero Experience (Forward Russian Leg Sweep). Dinero goes for the cover.


The crowd is in disbelief, along with Dinero who thought he had the match won for sure. Dinero lifts a motionless Benjamin off the mat and sets him in the corner. Dinero runs across the ring and pulls his kneepads down in an attempt to do the DDE. Dinero runs across the ring and throws his knees up, but Benjamin ducks out of the way and Dinero crashes into the corner. Benjamin quickly rolls Dinero up for a cover.

2.(Benjamin places feet on the ropes)..

Benjamin rolls out of the ring as Dinero looks on in disgust.

Howard Finkel-The winner of the match by pinfall…SHELTON BENJAMIN!

Ross-Shelton Benjamin is sneaking out of here with a victory. What a damn shame.
Striker-I’m sorry JR but I have to disagree. Shelton Benjamin used the ring as an advantage and the referee didn’t see him cheat, so it is all in the fairness of the match. Dinero could have gotten away with the same thing had he tried. A clever move by Shelton Benjamin to score the pinfall.
Taz-Stop sucking up to your brand Striker, it is annoying. No need to show off your nerdiness. Back in Brooklyn we take care of nerds by sticking them in the trash.
Striker-No need to get defensive Taz. I can understand by me being here that you are overwhelmed by the use of big words and sentence structure.
Ross-Would you two shut up and actually work as a team so we can give these great fans a show to remember.

AJ Styles’ music hits

The Fink : Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall, and it is a second round match up for the Undisputed Championship Tournament. Weighing in at 215 lbs, he is " The Phenomenal One " AJ STYLES!!

The camera cuts to the ramp, where AJ's video continues to play, but he is nowhere to be seen.

The Fink : Sorry for the difficulties ladies and gentlemen, let's try this again.

AJ’s music hits again.

The Fink : Weighing in at 215 lbs, he is " The Phenomenal One " AJ STYLES!!

The camera turns from the ramp and suddenly we cut to backstage.

Lauren : Sorry about the issues guys, we are currently trying to find AJ and see what's up.

She heads to his locker room and bangs on the door.

Lauren : AJ!! AJ!!

She keeps on moving due to there being no answer, and she begins to run, as she finds AJ lying motionless on the ground, across his stomach it says " I'm coming " , written in what appears to be blood. She lets out a scream and begs for someone to get help or to try to help them.

Cena’s music hits and he appears from backstage.

Cena : Well it looks like ya boy Styles is down and out
It's a major shame, cause I would have had him down for the count
The blood on yo stomach was just plain nasty
Ya boy advances to the next round, no one will get past me.
I'm like a bull with this horns and this crazy attitude
Y'all would think that I'm the dude
But I didn't attack Styles, you think I like blood and gore?
Man hell nah, glad I don't have to wrestle yet though, as I'm
feeling kind of sore.​

Mr. McMahon’s music hits and he heads out to the stage

McMahon : Cena, you think you've advanced to the next round automatically ?

Cena : Hell yeah I do dawg.

McMahon : Okay, first off, I'm not your dawg and secondly, you do advance. You know why? Why bother finding you another opponent and risk my chance at having bragging rights over the other GMs ? That's right ladies and Gentleman, the winner of this match, due to AJ Styles condition, and I am proud to say this. JOOOOOOOHN CENAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Cena : Word life yo!! This is basic thuganomics!!
The camera takes multiple panning shots of the crowd settling down, then switching to a shot of the announcer's table.

Cole: Well what a night it has been thus far and it isn't even over yet.

JBL: Of course it isn't over, it is why we are still on the air Cole.

Hyatt: This night would not be complete without some action from the Temptation brand, and it's featuring our very talented women's division.

JBL:Time to scout myself a new Mrs. Layfield then.

Cole: That's a bit derogatory there JBL, considering the brand is owned by Stephanie McMahon.

JBL: And I thought Hyatt was the feminist of this team. Why don't you just concentrate on the men's matches and pretend they are performing for your own entertainment.

Cole: But they are performing for our entertainment?

Hyatt: Amen to that. I love it when big muscly men without shirts grapple each other to the ground. It's the same kind of vibe you get John when women in bikini's dance around.

Cole: Hey, what about me?

Hyatt: Shhh Cole... Lilian is about to address the next match. I can't wait!

Garcia: The following contest is a ten woman tag team match scheduled for one fall!


Garcia: First, making her way to the ring, being accompanied to the ring by her brother Paul, hailing from Chelsea, England... Katie-Lea BURCHILL!

The crowd begin to boo as the two make their way to the ring, with Paul walking a step behind Katie with a hand on her shoulder talking through some strategy. Katie slides under the bottom rope and Paul goes around near the announcer's desks to take a seat.


Garcia: Her tag team partner, from San Fransisco, California, "The Future Legend"... Alissa FLASH!

Flash slowly walks out onto the top of the entrance area, points her arm and head up to the ceiling and slowly lowers it towards the ring. She continues on very slowly and smug until she gets to the ringside area, berating any fan that yells at her. She uses the stairs to get onto the apron and into the ring, zipping up her jacket slowly.


Garcia: Their tag team partners, Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky and Angelina Love... The BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!

Love and Sky perform their signature spectacle on the ramp as Madison walks down to the ring with a purpose. Love and Sky lock hands and skip down to the ring, with Love carrying some spray, shooting it towards the audience. Madison gets in the ring as Love and Sky hop onto the apron. They both step through the ropes and do their rope-teaser taunt to the crowd with Rayne pointing at Love and Sky. They enter the ring and join their team mates.

JBL: Mmm, mmm, mmm! So much potential in that ring!

Cole: Their in-ring abilities, on this team alone, will make this match...

JBL: They all have the potential to be the next Mrs. Layfield!

Hyatt: I'd doubt it John. I don't think Alissa doesn't take much notice of anything but herself, so she's out. Katie-Lea has got her brother at ringside, so she's a long shot. And don't even get me started with the Beautiful People. Might have to wait for the next team, John.


Garcia: And their opponents, first, from Tokyo, Japan... Ayako HAMADA!

The crowd erupts as she emerges from the curtain with her long coat on. She extends her arms out as she walks down the ramp and claps the fans on both sides. She gets up on the apron and flips over the top rope into a kneeling position, performing the sign of the cross. She gets up and removes her coat.


Garcia: Her tag team partners, first, from Canada by way of Mexico, the team of Sarita Stock and Taylor WILDE!

Taylor and Sarita do their secret handshake and pose for the audience. They walk down the ring with Sarita trying to amp up the crowd and Wilde looking around the stadium. They get on the apron and hope over the top rope simultaneously.


Garcia: Next, from Richard, Virginia... she is Mickie JAMES!

Mickie comes out doing her signature skip down to the ring and roughing up her hair. She slides under the bottom rope and proceeds to the turnbuckle. She hops up and points both arms in the air, then points to the crowd. She hops down and stands with her team mates as she stretches. Her music keeps going for a little while with the crowd anticipating their final tag team partner.

The crowd gets very anxious as the music stops and everyone in the ring awaits the arrival of the final person. It takes long enough for some of her team mates questioning where she is.

Hyatt: ... So... where is she?

Cole: Who?

JBL: The next Mrs. Layfield!

All of a sudden, the "Final Countdown" from Europe plays and the entire arena goes black. The crowd is roaring with excitement as the countdown begins. When the intro finishes, a figure walks out from the entrance way and walks into a single spotlight on the stage.

Garcia: Finally, from Martinez, California... Sara Del "DEATH" REY!

She raises her hand and begins to walk down the ramp. The closer she gets to the ring, the lights begin to lift from dark to brightness. She gets to the ring and rolls underneath the bottom rope, and poses for the fans. Her music dies down and she hugs everyone on her team who are buzzing on her arrival.

Hyatt: Still want to propose to a girl who is billed with the word "Death" in her name, John?

JBL: ... This is going to be one heck of a match. All of these girls have so much in-ring talent it's not funny.

Cole: Hey, I said that!

JBL: Stop whining Cole. Me and Missy are getting ready to call the match.

Hyatt: I like the sound of that pairing.

Referee Traci Brooks makes a gap between the two teams and gains some order by sending most of the girls on the apron. She signals for the bell and the match gets underway with Taylor Wilde and Madison Rayne. All girls cheer on their respective partner as the two get ready. Rayne walks up to Wilde and starts trash-talking in her face, poking at her chest to push her back. Rayne delivers a huge slap to Wilde's face and continues trash-talking. Taylor turns back and laughs in the face of Rayne, who looks confused. Rayne goes for a slap, but Wilde blocks the attack with a few punches. Wilde sends Madison for an Irish Whip and catches her with an Arm Drag. Wilde delivers another Arm Drag and hooks on an Arm Bar. Rayne quickly gets up and switches the pressure on Wilde, using the torque of the move to Snapmare Talyor over her shoulder and applies a Keylock. Wilde spins on the canvas to escape and Rayne quickly applies a headlock, but Taylor forces the two of them up to their feet. Wilde hits a couple of elbow shots to the gut of Madison, with the blows making Rayne reverse into Taylor's corner. Taylor tags in her partner Sarita with the crowd giving a cheer. They both Rayne into the centre of the ropes and give an Irish Whip, catching Rayne with a double elbow. Taylor clasps her hands together and Sarita uses that to perform a Standing Springboard Moonsault. Wilde gets out of the ring and Sarita goes for a cover... 1... 2... kickout by Rayne.

Sarita picks up Rayne from the ground, with Madison getting a couple of shots to Stock. She tries to go for a kick, but Sarita catches her and delivers a few stiff kicks to the side of Madison, dazing her. Sarita drops Madison's leg and goes for a Leg-Feed Spinning Mule Kick, knocking Rayne down. Sarita for another cover... 1... 2... kickout by Rayne. Sarita goes over to her corner and tags in Hamada, switching positions with the crowd going wild.

Cole: Good use of tags to keep everyone fresh on the team. That's very smart on their part.

Hyatt: It's also very resilient on the part of Madison for sustaining the damage whilst everyone is all fresh and energetic.

JBL: One mistake can cost Hamada and her team a heavy price to pay. It's too bad they aren't financial geniuses like me.

Rayne gets up a littler slower as Hamada walks over to her and kicks her in the stomach. She delivers a few different kicks to different areas of the body, completely dazing Madison who stands there confused. Hamada runs at Rayne and hits a Running Somersault Senton into a pinning combination... 1... 2... kickout by Rayne. Her team mates are screaming at Rayne to get up and get the tag but Hamada drags her over to the corner and stomps her down into the corner. She then tags in Mickie James, with crowd approval, and exits the ring. Mickie enters and runs halfway across the ring before turning back and hitting a Running Low Dropkick to Rayne in the corner. She goes for the cover... 1... 2... kickout by Rayne. Mickie applies a headlock and Rayne immediately grabs the ropes. The referee tells her to back off and Mickie obliges. Angelina Love is seen dropping from the apron and going over to help Madison, distracting the referee and Mickie. Velvet Sky enters and surprises Mickie with a clothesline to the back of her head. Velvet gets back on the apron as nothing ever happened with the crowd booing and Angelina goes back to her corner. Rayne slowly gets up, as does Mickie, and Madison runs at her to deliver a solid Calf Kick. Rayne crawls to her corner and tags in Alissa Flash. Rayne rolls underneath the bottom rope to the outside and Flash slowly enters as Mickie gets to her feet.

Flash hits a few backhand chops on Mickie, who "WOOOOO" with every hit. The force slowly sends Mickie to the ropes and Flash Irish Whips her to catch her for a Samoan Drop, but Mickie blocks the attack to apply a Crucifix pin... 1... 2... kickout by Flash. Mickie tries to get up before Flash, but Alissa hits Mickie in the face with her boot, followed by a kick to the ribs to put Mickie on her stomach. Flash sets up Mickie for the Curb Stomp and slams her head to the mat. Flash taunts to the fans who boo at her before she goes for a pin... 1... 2... kickout by Mickie. Flash gets up and stomps on Mickie to keep her down. Flash zips down her jacket, stomps on Mickie once and does the jacket back up, brushing off the fans in the process that give her a minor negative reaction.

Hyatt: I've never understood Alissa and the zipper. It goes up then down, up then down.

JBL: She is just showing herself off and telling everyone they can't have any of Alissa at the same time.

Cole: Or she could just be experiencing a rise in body temperature and unzipping the jacket is a way of cooling herself down without removing the jacket which may allow Mickie to get some offense in.

JBL: ... ... ...

As Mickie begins to get to her feet, Alissa locks her into a front bearhug and drops her into the Single Minor. Flash goes for the pin... 1... 2... kickout by Mickie. Flash gets up and unzips the jacket and zips it back up immediately.

JBL: ... I think you're an idiot Cole.

Alissa goes to her corner and tags in Angelina Love, who goes over to where Mickie is getting up and delivers a running elbow, going for the pin... 1... 2... kickout by Mickie. Love picks up Mickie and hits a Shoulder Jawbreaker, still clutching Mickie's neck after she hits the move and performs a Snapmare. Love rebounds off the ropes for a Low Dropkick and goes for a pin... 1... 2... kickout. Love, a little frustrated, drags Mickie over to her corner and tags in Velvet Sky. Sky and Love perform a Double Straight Jacket Sleeper Slam on Mickie, with Love exiting and Sky getting the pin... 1... 2... kickout. Sky tags in Madison and the two do a Double Russian Legsweep, Sky exits and Madison goes for the pin... 1... 2... kickout. Madison tags Love in and they send Mickie for an Irish Whip. Rayne and Love try for a Double Clothesline, but Mickie catches both girls arms and delivers a Double Arm-Trap Neckbreaker. Angelina rolls out the ring and Mickie and Rayne are down. The referee starts to count to ten with the crowd counting along. All of the girls try and cheer on their respective partners to get up and get a tag. Madison tags in Katie-Lea Burchill before Mickie can get to her corner and grabs James by the leg. She shakes her head to Mickie saying she is not getting a tag. Mickie picks herself up by one leg and delivers an enzuigiri to Burchill.

Cole: If Mickie can get the tag to a fresh partner, then the momentum is going to switch!

JBL: Not if Katie-Lea has something to say about it.

Hyatt: I think she is too far away to stop the tag.
Mickie gets the tag to Sara Del Rey and the crowd erupts. Del Rey comes into the ring and explodes with a couple of huge clothesline on Katie-Lea. Burchill gets up and Katie-Lea hits a few headbutts on her before sending her for an Irish Whip, catching her a Bridging Fallaway Slam. Del Rey gets up as Katie Lea sits up and hits a stiff shoot kick to Burchill's back. Katie-Lea gets up and tries to grab Del Rey, but Sara locks Burchill with her hands and delivers the Death Kick. Del Rey goes for the pin... 1... 2... Madison Rayne runs in to break up the count. Rayne is going all out to attack Del Rey who covers up. Mickie recovers and runs at Rayne who takes herself and Madison out to the floor. As Mickie is whaling on Rayne, Love and Sky drop down from the apron and attack Mickie. The Beautiful People are laying it into Mickie. Sarita and Taylor jump into the ring and run full speed towards the ropes and deliver a Double Suicide Dive to the Beautiful People.

Back in the ring, Katie-Lea tags in Alissa who tries to attack Del Rey, but she fights back. The two exchange punches before Del Rey sends for an Irish Whip followed up by a Hip Attack. She goes for the cover... 1... 2... kickout. Del Rey signals for the end and tries to hit a Spike Piledriver, but Flash reverses the attempt into a backdrop. Flash runs to the ropes, Katie-Lea blind tags herself in and Del Rey gets up and catches Flash from the rebound into the Butterfly Lock. Katie-Lea comes into the match and breaks up the hold, releasing Flash. The two beat on Del Rey before Hamada comes in from the top rope and moonsaults onto the three girls. The crowd is cheering loudly from the performance. Flash and Hamada gets up and Flash clothesline Hamada over the top rope, with Flash going with her. Traci is trying to restore order with the action going on around the outside. Del Rey picks up Katie-Lea, but her brother Paul comes to the ropes to distract Del Rey. This provides enough time for Katie-Lea to get behind Del Rey and hit the Terrorbreaker, transitioning into the Kat Nip. Paul steps back from the ropes and Katie-Lea calls for the referee to count the pin... 1... 2... 3. Burchill's music starts playing and she quickly exits from the ring to re-unite with her brother.

Garcia: Here are your winners, Katie-Lea Burchill, Alissa Flash and the Beautiful PEOPLE!

They quickly exit from the arena with their hands raised in victory. All of Del Rey's team mates enter the ring to check on her and prevent any further attacks. The Beautiful People regroup and exit up the ramp with smiles on their faces, with Alissa Flash still recovering.

Cole: Such a great match to end in some controversial fashion!

JBL: Controversial? What was so controversial about that Cole? I saw nothing that could have affected anything.

Cole: How about the constant interference?

Hyatt: From both teams Cole. Anyway, all Paul did was get a closer look and Del Rey decided to take her eyes off the ball. Katie-Lea took advantage and got the victory for her team. The match is over.

JBL: And I thoroughly enjoyed it myself. But the upcoming match is something I am going to be looking forward too... Randy Orton taking on The Rock in a semi-finals match!

Orton walks down the ramp for the third time of the night. He looks a little tired but has enough energy to swear at a fan. As he gets to the bottom of the ramp his opponent's music hits.


The Rock runs out going nuts. He suddenly stops and stares at Orton. The Rock runs down the entrace ramp and spears Orton into the ring. The Rock rolls Orton in and slides in after him. The bell rings and the match starts.

Randy Orton vs The Rock
(Undisputed Championship Tournament)​
Orton rolls to the other side of the ring and scrambles to his feet. The Rock goes to grab Orton but the Viper ducks through the ropes. The referee pushes Rocky back. The Rock stares at Orton. Orton slowly steps back into the ring and stands at his corner. The Rock mouths ‘Legend Killer?’. He looks around before staring at Orton and doing his ‘bring it’ taunt. Orton walks forward and starts boxing Rocky into the corner. The Rock hit’s a quick,. Hard right hand causing Orton to fall to one knee. The Rock walks forward but Orton punches him in the gut. He stands up and hits an elbow to the back of Rocky’s head. The Rock falls to his knees and Orton grabs his hair Orton lifts his fist but Rocky elbows Orton in the stomach. The Rock hits an uppercut, jumps to his feet and hit’s a snap DDT.


The Rock gets up and goes over to Orton’s legs. He goes for a Sharpshooter but Orton kicks him away. Orton gets up and ducks a lariat, rolling the Rock up.


Orton and Rock both get up with Orton setting a suplex. The Rock quickly rolls it into a small package.


Orton quickly gets up and runs into a snap power slam from the Rock. The Rock jumps to his feet and quickly locks in the Sharpshooter! Orton scrambles to get to a rope but the Rock pulls him into the middle of the ring. Orton goes through a long process of rolling back over and kicking the Rock away. Orton gets up but gets hit by a clothesline! The Rock stomps on Orton, who rolls out of the ring. Orton jumps back onto the apron but gets hit by a running shoulder block. He hangs on by a thread and swings for a punch. The Rock ducks and hit’s a suplex into the ring!


The Rock picks Orton up and starts punching him. He sets the signature punch sequence but at the last punch, Orton ducks and jumps for an RKO. The Rock pushes him away, but Orton lands on his feet. Orton turns around and runs straight into a Spinebuster from the Rock!


The Rock goes to the top rope and waits for Orton to stand. Rocky goes for a diving crossbody but Orton hits a midair dropkick!


The referee starts the count. Orton starts to get up instantly with the Rock closely behind. They're both up at four at opposite ends of the ring. They stare at each other for a second. Orton pushes himself away from the turnbuckle but the Rock quickly runs and hits a spear on Orton! The Rock starts flinging punches but Orton rolls out of the ring. The Rock leans through the ropes to get out but Orton hits an uppercut. Orton climbs onto the apron and kicks the Rock's head. The Rock rolls into the middle of the ring. Orton steps in through the ropes and stomps on the Rock's arm. He moves to the leg, then the other leg. He stomps on the last arm before standing over the Rock's head. He looks around before jumping and hitting a knee drop.


Orton picks the Rock up and locks in a headlock. The Rock bounces back to the ropes and pushes Orton off. The Rock ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a shoulder block to Orton. The Rock bounces off of the ropes and sets a running knee drop but Orton rolls out of the way and lets the Rock land on his knees. Orton kicks Rocky in the chest, lifts him to his feet and hits the Orton Backbreaker!


Orton picks Rocky up and lifts him onto the turnbuckle. Orton sets a superplex but the Rock fights back. The get into a fist fight on the top rope. The Rock begins to win and pushes Orton off. Orton lands on his feet. The Rock gets ready to jump but Orton crotches him. Orton climbs back up and hits a couple of forearm shots to Rock. He pulls the Rock up and sets a superplex. The Rock punches Orton again and slams his head into the turnbuckle. The Rock rolls over Orton, lands on his feet and pulls Orton away in a Powerbomb position. The Rock walks into the middle of the ring Orton jumps over the Rock, spins him around and hits the RKO!


Orton hits the floor and tries to pin again.


Orton sits up and sighs. He looks at the referee before getting to his feet. He kicks the Rock and backs in to the corner. He starts shouting at the Rock to get up. The Rock slowly gets to his knees and Orton runs for the punt. The Rock jumps to his feet and sets the Rock Bottom. He lifts Orton for it but Orton twists in Midair and hits another RKO! Orton takes a breath before diving on the Rock.


Orton gets to his knees before grabbing the referee. He starts shouting about the count. The referee threatens to disqualify him. Orton sees the Rock on his knees, pushes the ref away and punts Orton! The referee tries to call for the bell but Orton spins him around and RKO's him! Orton slides out of the ring and gets a chair. He slides in with it and sets it up in the middle of the ring. He slowly picks Rocky up and grabs his head, setting the RKO onto the chair. Orton runs for it but Rocky pushes him away. Orton quickly gets back up and runs at Rocky, who hits a Rock Bottom onto the chair! Orton just lies there not moving while the Rock stands over him and sets the People's elbow. He runs from one rope, to the other and drops the elbow! Another referee runs down and slides into the ring.


The Rock gets to his feet while the referee lifts his arm in celebration. The Rock makes an extended celebration while the other referee is revived and Orton staggers to the back.
The cameras cut to the back as Stone Cold is on his way to the ring as he is stopped by Christy Hemme.

Hemme : Stone Cold, earlier tonight you won your match to advance in the tournament. Are you ready for the next match already?

Stone Cold : What?

Hemme : Are you rea---

Stone Cold : What ?

Hemme : Are you ready for your ne---

Stone Cold : What ?

Hemme : Are you ready for your next match?

Stone Cold : Am I ready for my next match? What? Is that what your asking me? What?

Hemme : Yes, yes that's what I'm asking you.

Stone Cold : Cena says you can't see me? What? Cena thinks he's a gangster? What?

Hemme : Cena thinks he can beat you tonight and he thinks he's going all the way to the finals.

Stone Cold : Cena thinks he can beat me? What? Well, let me tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to bust open a can of whoop on him, and that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!!

He walks off to the ring, as Cena's music begins to play.

The Fink : The following is a semi-final match in the GWA Undisputed Championship Tournament, introducing first the " Doctor of Thuganomics " John Cena!!

Cena makes his way to the ring, staring intently out to the crowd. He gets in the ring and grabs a microphone.

Cena : Yo, yo, yo cut the music. Yo Austin, you think you gonna beat me tonight homie? Allow me to spit a little rhyme for ya.

Austin you outta time and you past your prime
You think the time is yours, but the time is mine
You can't win the match, hell I won't let you.
The only thing I've got left to say is
What you gonna do when I hit you with the FU?

Austin's music hits and he runs straight into the ring, straight at Cena. Both men begin brawling and throwing punches. He whips Cena to the outside and begins choking him with his vest.

J.R. : Austin means business here folks, look out.

Striker : Yeah, but the match hasn't even begun, the bell didn't ring.

Stone Cold gets in the ring and gives Cena the double salute as he awaits him in the ring. Cena gets in the ring and the bellrings as Austin runs at him, only to be caught with a clothesline. He goes for the cover, and it is a quick 1 count as Austin powers out quickly. Both men are to their feet as Stone Cold and Cena lock up in the center of the ring. Austin whips him off the ropes and catches him with the Lou Thesz press. As they land on the mat he smothers Cena with lefts and rights, before getting off of him. He picks Cena up, and suplexes him. He goes for cover but only gets a 2 count. He picks Cena up and throws him into the corner shoulder first. He begins to stomp a mudhole in Cena as the ref is calling for them for the get out of the corner. Austin backs away and lets Cena get up. Austin goes at Cena with a clothesline only for Cena to duck and catch Austin for the protoplex. Cena does his usual taunt of you can't see me and he comes off the ropes for the five knuckle shuffle. He goes for a cover again but Austin kicks out at 2. Both men are slow to the feet , but meet yet again in the center of the ring. Austin throws Cena off the ropes and catches him in a sleeper hold. Cena drops to one knee before powering out of the hold. Cena then goes off the ropes and goes for a shoulder block, he hits one, but as he goes for the other, Austin is back up and gives him the double salute and a kick to the midsection, and the Stunner. He goes for the cover...1....2......3.

Austin's music begins to play as he goes and picks up Cena and delivers another Stunner for good measure.

The Fink : The winner of this match, and the man advancing to the finals of the tournament, Stone Cold Steve Austin!!

J.R. : Stone Cold hit that Stunner out of nowhere, what a move!!!

Striker : Yeah, J.R., well it looks like we will have a meeting for the ages in the finals as Stone Cold meets the Rock once more. We all know the storied history these two men have together.
*We go to the backstage area where we see Paul Heyman and Vince McMahon standing outside of the locker room area.*

Paul Heyman: So Vince, how do you like MY representative facing your representative, huh?

Vince McMahon: Well at least when The Rock crushes Stone Cold Steve Austin, it'll prove that I am the superior wrestling mind out of us two.

Paul Heyman: Oh please. Stop with the bullshit statements Vincent. You didn't create the attitude era and we all know that your 'buddy' Vince Russo didn't do jack shit either.

Vince McMahon: You take that back.

Paul Heyman: Fuck off Vince. As a matter of fact, why don't you just worry on how Stone Cold opens up a can of whoop ass on your representative. Choke on it Vince.

*Paul Heyman then walks away leaving Vince McMahon very angry.*


Tony Chimmel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the GWA Television Championship. Introducing first from The Isle of Samoa weighing in at 280 pounds, "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe.

*Samoa Joe then comes out to the stage and makes his entrance to a mixed reaction from the crowd.


Tony Chimmel: And introducing his opponent from Tokyo, Japan weighing in at 253 pounds, this is The Great Muta.

*The Great Muta emerges from behind the curtain and does his entrance to a massive reception from the crowd.*

Joey Styles: This is going to be a great match.

Taz: No shit Joey. Two very good competitors in this match and i'm excited.

GWA Television Championship: The Great Muta vs Samoa Joe.

The Great Muta and Samoa Joe don't waste anytime as they go straight after each other as this match up gets underway. The Great Muta then hits Samoa Joe with a series of kicks. Samoa Joe however then comes back and shoves The Great Muta into a turnbuckle and then hits him with a series of right handed punches. Samoa Joe then tries to hit The Great Muta with a Running Face Wash, but The Great Muta moves out of the way and gets Samoa Joe in a School Boy Pin Attempt.



No! Samoa Joe kicks out at two.

The Great Muta then bounces off the ropes and hits Samoa Joe with the Leaping Lariat. The Great Muta then attempts to lock Samoa Joe in a Figure-Four Leglock, but Samoa Joe kicks The Great Muta off of him, sends him bouncing off of the turnbuckle and then Samoa Joe hits The Great Muta with a Dragon Suplex and the pin attempt.



Th! No The Great Muta just manages to get his shoulder up as the ref was putting his hand down for the three count.

Samoa Joe then gets The Great Muta up and hits him with an Inverted Atomic Drop, follows that up with a running single leg dropkick and then finishes it off with a Running Senton. Samoa Joe then locks The Great Muta in the STF. After minutes of fighting it, The Great Muta then grabs the bottom rope and forces Samoa Joe to break the hold. Samoa Joe then gets The Great Muta up to a vertical position and attempts to hit him with the Exploder Suplex, but The Great Muta gets out of it and hits Samoa Joe with the Dragon Suplex and both men are now down in the ring.

Both men eventually get to their feet and start throwing punches and kicks at each other with The Great Muta eventually taking advantage over Samoa Joe. The Great Muta then hits Samoa Joe with a Running Knee Lift to the Head. The Great Muta then sets Samoa Joe on to his knees and attempts to hit him witht he Shining Wizard, but Samoa Joe ducks it and hits The Great Muta with the STO. Samoa Joe then gets The Great Muta up and tries to hit him with the Double Armed Suplex, but The Great Muta gets out of it and hits Samoa Joe with the Enzuigiri. The Great Muta then goes to the top rope and tries to hit the Diving Moonsault, but Samoa Joe moves out of the way and The Great Muta crashes down on the mat. Samoa Joe then takes advantage and hits The Great Muta with the Muscle Buster and the pin attempt.




Your winner of the match at a time limit of 16:40 and NEW GWA TELEVISION CHAMPION, "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe.

*Just as Samoa Joe celebrates his victory, Taka Michinoku and Funaki then attack Samoa Joe from behind with Steel Chair's.*

Joey Styles: What the hell are Funaki and Taka doing here? This doesn't involve them.

Taz: Well it doesn't matter because they're beating the hell out of Samoa Joe.*

*Taka then wraps the chair around Samoa Joe's neck as The Great Muta goes to the top rope. The Great Muta then dives off the top rope and hits a Diving Leg Drop onto the chair.*

Joey Styles: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Great Muta has crushed Samoa Joe with a Diving Leg Drop.

Taz: Do you really have to do that with millions of people watching?

Joey Styles: It's a very brutal attack Taz. What else am I supposed to do.

Taz: How about use your indoor voice instead.

Joey Styles: Well it still doesn't change the fact that The Great Muta and Kaientai have beaten the holy hell out of Samoa Joe.
*We go backstage where we see Paul Heyman talking to Stone Cold Steve Austin.*

Paul Heyman: Steve, are you focused?

Stone Cold: Hell yeah. I'm going to stomp a mudhole in Rock's ass and walk it dry.

Paul Heyman: Anybody else you want to beat the hell out of.

Stone Cold: I'll open up a can of whoop ass on you if you continue to yap in my damn ear.

Paul Heyman: Okay Steve. Good luck out there and bring the title home to Rampage.

*Stone Cold Steve Austin then walks towards the curtain while Paul Heyman looks on with a rather hopeful expression on his face.*

Vince McMahon and The Rock are talking in Vince’s office as the camera fades in

Vince: Now you have gotten this far, and I need you to step it up in this last match and win it for not me, not for you, but for Massacre.

Rock: Vince, I don’t like you and you don’t like me so cut the sweet talk.

Vince: Anyway, I have a strategy for you against Stone Cold for tonight.

Vince whispers in Rock’s ear

Rock: Are you kidding? This isn’t how I want to win.

Vince: If you don’t go through with this, even if you win you will be stripped of the title immediately. Now go follow the plan.

Rock leaves Vince’s office, slamming the door on the way out.


Howard Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the finals of the GWA World Heavyweight Championship Tournament. Making his way to the ring first, from Victoria, Texas weighing in at 252 pounds, STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Stone Cold then emerges from the curtain and does his entrance to an enormous reception from the crowd.*

J.R: Here comes the Texas Rattlesnake.

Taz: Austin looks intent and he's going to bring the GWA World Heavyweight Championship home to Rampage where it belongs.


Howard Finkel: And introducing his opponent from Miami, Florida weighing in at 275 pounds, THE ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The Rock then comes out and does his entrance to the same enormous reception that Austin received.*

J.R.: The Rock is a very formidable opponent for Stone Cold, but will history repeat itself here.

Taz: I hope so. I want Austin to win this damn thing.

GWA World Heavyweight Championship Finals: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock.

The referee rings the bell to start the match. The Rock and Austin waste no time as they start throwing a series of punches at each other. The Rock has Austin at the ropes and starts punching him until the referee stands in the middle of it and breaks it up. Austin then takes advantage of this and starts throwing some punches of his own. Austin then takes The Rock down with a clothesline. Austin then goes for Stone Cold Stunner early, but The Rock pushes Austin away and tries to attempt a Rock Bottom, but Austin elbows him in the head and then hits The Rock with a Suplex and the pin attempt.



No! The Rock kicks out at two.

Austin then hits The Rock with the Pointed Elbow Drop. Austin then proceeds to repeatedly stomp on The Rock and then hits him with another Pointed Elbow Drop. Austin then gets The Rock up and tries to whip him into the turnbuckle, but The Rock reverses Austin's momentum and whips Austin into the other turnbuckle. The Rock then gets Austin up on the ropes and tries to hit him with the Superplex, but Austin blocks it and pushes The Rock off of the ropes. Austin then hits The Rock with a Diving Clothesline.

J.R: Wait, what the hell is CM Punk doing out here and he has John Cena and Cryme Tyme out here with him?

Taz: I don't know, but I bet it's not going to be good for either The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin or both.

Austin then stares at Punk, Cena and Cryme Tyme, but just as he did that, The Rock then hits Austin with a Spinebuster. The Rock then stands in front of Austin's prone body, takes off his right elbow pad and signals for the People's Elbow. The Rock then bounces off the ropes and then hits Austin with the People's Elbow. The Rock then waits for Austin to get up and once Austin gets up, he then attempts the Rock Bottom, but again Austin counters it and tries another attempt at the Stone Cold Stunner, but The Rock pushes him away and Austin accidentally bumps into the referee and the referee goes down.

J.R: What the hell are they doing now?

Taz: I believe they're going to the ring.

J.R: I know that, but I wonder why they're going to the ring

Punk then steps into the ring, gets Austin up and hits him with the Go To Sleep. Cena then gets Austin up, lifts him onto his shoulders and slams him down to the mat with the FU. Shad then gets Austin up and lifts him up on his shoulder as JTG bounces off of the ropes and gives Austin a running corkscrew neckbreaker to complete the G9.

The Rock however then switches his focus and nails Punk with the Rock Bottom and then sends him out of the ring. The Rock then tries to go after Cena and Cryme Tyme, but they manage to get out of harms way and they escape throught the crowd. The Rock then stands in front of Austin's prone body again, takes off his left elbow pad and signals for the People's Elbow. The Rock then bounces off the ropes and then hits Austin with the People's Elbow. The Rock then waits for Austin to get up and once Austin gets up, he then successfully hits him with the Rock Bottom and the cover.




Your winner of the match at a time limit of 26:31 and NEW GWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, THE ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The Referee then hands The Rock the GWA World Heavyweight Championship Belt. The Rock then celebrates his title victory by going to all four turnbuckles while the confetti comes falling down upon him.*

*The Supershow ends with The Rock still celebrating his championship victory.*

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