GW II Round 1 - The Sting Of Madness vs. Axis Of Awesome

Who Won?

  • The Sting Of Madness

  • Axis Of Awesome

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Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.

Graphics Wingman II


Welcome folks to Graphics Wingman II where sig-makers battle it out in a match for sig-making supremacy. We have an excellent match-up for you today, when two teams of excellent sig makers go head to head.

Introducing first, a team that loves Shinedown as much as they love chocolate...

The Sting Of Madness!

Their opponents, a team that know how to be awesome, and look good doing it...

Axis Of Awesome!

The scheduled category for this match is "Music." Teams have until December 15th to post their graphic. At which point, two graphics, one from each member must be put forward to the public vote and a winner will be decided.

Please remember that this forum is non-spam, so if you want to discuss any graphic that is posted, please ensure that you follow the spam guidelines and rules for this forum. Alternatively, post your thoughts in the Graphics Wingman Discussion Thread in the Requests sub-forum.

So, with that said, let's get it on!​
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First, let me start off by wishing everyone apart of the competition good-luck. With the catagory being music, this is the sig I came up with.​

This is a rather simple sig. I started off with a plain 500x200 canvas. Then I made the backround that light pink color. After that, I added some blotches of black ontop of the pink. Then, I did a motion blur affect to make the black blend in with the pink. Now the backround is finished. Next, I wrote the text, "FERGIE", in black. I changed the font and size then made it centered in the sig. I then changed the opacity of the text. Finally, I added the render of Fergie. I scaled and moved it to the position I wanted. Lastly, I added a black border.

I hope you like my signature and remember, GOOD LUCK!

Well this was actually a very complex and hard sig for me to do. I started with a 500 x 200 canvas and then put my render in, took two colours and made a gradient fro my background, placed some C4D behind them and had them fade in with the background. I added some more brighter C4D around the sides of the sig. I also coloured my render somewhat with a little purple in his jacket. I then used some grunge brushes around the edges of the sig also. I used the Rock it font in black, duplicated it and shrunk it by 1 and cut that part out of both of them to get that effect on my sig.

Best of luck to the other team.

This is actually my first attempt at anything Music, but it turned out so well. Inspired by Drew Mcintyre's entrance video.

First I gave it a 500 x 225 border. Gave it a two backgrounds, one with a flare on the right side, cookie cutted and feathered it to the original backround. Added 3 Bens, two on top of each other, with the bottom giving off a golden glow to outline, the other was contrasted and color edited. Added floral color behind them. Added the Breaking Benjamin text and faded it in with a symbol. One symbol was color edited to match the picture, the other left normal to contrast with the picture. Then the final Ben was added, grayscaled, and made transparent. I added shattered glass as a screen effect and masked it over him to put emphasis on "Breaking". And I think that's it.

Good luck Sting of Maddness. Not that you need it.
Like Xemnas, I too have little experience in making music sigs, but I enjoyed making this one. I combined some little skills that I know, and I ended up with this.


I was going to do Ben Burnley, but I saw that Xemnas had used him, so I went with Slash. I started out with a brown background and brushed on top of it with grunge brushes in white. I set that layer to grain merge. Then I put in the first render of Slash on the left, I set it to darken only. I duplicated it, and moved it to the right, and lowered the opacity on that layer to 40%. Then I added scan lines over them. Above that, I put a slightly bigger render of Slash in the middle. Behind everything, I put a city stock and set it to multiply. I lowered the opacity to 70%. I added text and a border, and I was done.
Not bad! This is a nice, simple sig, yet a very attractive one. I like how you're experimenting a bit with more brushstrokes and blending techniques. The lines on the right side and the faded text in the background help change this from a fairly boring sig into one that works and flows. It's not the best sig ever, of course, but that comes with practice. Keep up the good work.
NIIIIIIIIIIICE!!! I have no idea who this guy is and I would wear this sig for its look alone. I love it! The background is AWESOME and works perfectly with the image, and the text doesn't look slapped on, but rather a part of the image - something you always want to aim for. Probably your best work yet, Madness. Fantastic sig.
This has potential. However, there's one major, major problem with it, and it's something I've noticed with a lot of your sigs: The images are squished!! If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times:

You never
want to squish your images.

By that I mean, keep them proportional!!! Hold the SHIFT key as you drag the corner handle when transforming and don't let go until you've released the mouse button. Squishing = BAD!

Apart from that, the sig's not too bad. However, it's a little dull and the squishing knocks off lots of points in my book.

Eh, I don't know, Stinger. It's not that interesting. I mean, the idea's there, but something about this one isn't clicking with me. It's pretty dull. Maybe it's the brown color, or the fact that the background isn't that great. I'm not entirely sure.

Despite that, I'm going to have to give this one to The Sting of Madness.

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