Guess Who's Going To Play The Hulk.

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

Well, we did not see this one coming. Edward Norton has signed to play The Incredible Hulk in the 'not actually a sequel but more of a prayer that you'll forget the first one, which was actually really good despite what everyone says'. The Incredible Hulk is set for release on June 13, 2008 and will be directed by Louis Letterier (The Transporter)

"Edward Norton is a rare talent," said Marvel Studios Production President of the new signing, "His ability to transform into a particular role makes him the ideal choice to take on the character of Bruce Banner and the Hulk. Edward is perfectly suited to bring one of the most popular and important Marvel icons to the bigscreen in a new and exciting way".

Norton signing on the dotted line actually gives us a good feeling about this movie. We can't imagine he'd sign on simply for the cash, so hopefully this means that the script written by Zak Penn (X-Men 2 and 3) is a goody. Marvel will be very keen for this to hit, since it recently established itself as a production studio and will be looking for this and Iron Man to convince them they've made the right decision. The intent is to make the new film more fun and action packed, where The Hulk was more a familial drama which happened to feature a giant green baby and an odd villainous mushroom cloud. But we still liked it, even if the disappointing $254million worldwide gross means few others did.

So, can Hulk smash this time and deliver a new franchise to fill the hole that will likely be left by Spider-Man.

Personally I don't think there was anything wrong with Eric Bana. But Edward Norton is a great actor. I'm actually really surprised he's taken the role. If I thought he was going in a comic book movie I would have picked Watchmen.
^^^ I was so happy to hear Ed is doing this... the dude puts everything into everything he does. I can actually see him playing Bruce Banner already. I don't want to take away from the dude that played Bruce in the first one. But I just think that Ang Lee ruined the entire thing by trying to make, a giant green muscle crazed destruction machine, into a heart filled movie. The only time I would, or would even want to feel bad for the Hulk, is if he is about ready to stick it to his GF and gets pissed off cause he can't get the rubber out of the package (seriously is irritating sometimes) and then he transforms and goes ape shit with a 30 ft... etc etc... lol

(Original Spammy post)
Ed Norton... shweet
They are making Iron Man? whos playing Iron Man? Is he going to be wearing the Iron Man suit of Red and Yellow? or are they going to make him look like War Machine? Wasn't there a Nick Fury movie planned at some stage? Would that be a good movie? Didn't David Hasselhoff play a version of him at one stage?

IT sounds interesting to have Edward Norton as the Hulk, But who is going to play Betty, that is potentially the big fall down if they can't come up with a convincing Betty, she has to have that Emotional Depth.
They are making Iron Man? whos playing Iron Man? Is he going to be wearing the Iron Man suit of Red and Yellow? or are they going to make him look like War Machine? Wasn't there a Nick Fury movie planned at some stage? Would that be a good movie? Didn't David Hasselhoff play a version of him at one stage?

IT sounds interesting to have Edward Norton as the Hulk, But who is going to play Betty, that is potentially the big fall down if they can't come up with a convincing Betty, she has to have that Emotional Depth.

To take the question, I was looking to find out if a post had been made yet or not... Iron Man will be played by Robert Downey Jr. I think they are sticking with the traditional Red and Yellow. I think if anything they will do one with War Machine in the sequel. David Hasselhoff actually played Nick Fury in the movie Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
I woulda guessed Terry Bollea but anyway...

Ed Norton's a great actor, one of my favorite of all time actually (my favorite period before he stopped doing movies for a while), but this just seems like a weird role for him.

We'll see though, he'll probably make it good. Great news.
^^^ I was so happy to hear Ed is doing this... the dude puts everything into everything he does. I can actually see him playing Bruce Banner already. I don't want to take away from the dude that played Bruce in the first one. But I just think that Ang Lee ruined the entire thing by trying to make, a giant green muscle crazed destruction machine, into a heart filled movie. The only time I would, or would even want to feel bad for the Hulk, is if he is about ready to stick it to his GF and gets pissed off cause he can't get the rubber out of the package (seriously is irritating sometimes) and then he transforms and goes ape shit with a 30 ft... etc etc... lol

(Original Spammy post)
Ed Norton... shweet

That is some of the funniest shit i've heard today can you imgine the size of Hulks erect pee pee?, seriosly I my have to use that as my sig... for awhile anyway

back to topic, Ed Norton is one of the best actors out there, but I didn't see anything wrong with the first movie, so why not appraoch this as a sequel, instead of remakeing a movie that is only a couple of years old, and to tell you the truth I would rather see Edward Norton as Ironman than the Hulk, I don't think Robert Downy Jr. fits that role, maybe make him a villien in the movie or somthing
This movie has to be better than the first, it sucked imo. Norton is a great actor and should pull off Bruce Banner. Hopefully they can have Batista play the Hulk instead of hulk being all cgi, hey it would get him outta the title picture for a while lol. In the comics Iron Man suffers from alcholism if they want to put that in the movie Downey Jr. is a natural.
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