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Grudges Gripes and Grunts with KB


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Grunts, Gripes and Grudges
Host: Randy Savage
Commentators: Jim Ross, Bobby Heenan

This is another comp tape from probably 92-93. Yeah there’s a clip of Raw in the intro so I’d say mid 93 or so. Savage is in the control room and yells at people to listen to him. This was during his commentary period which was always stupid. Let’s get to it. He runs down the card, including him and Hart vs. Flair and Shawn. Where do I sign up for that???

We open with an add for Taker’s Gravest Matches, for which he says you’ll pay a hefty price when you can least afford it. Is he subbing for IRS later or something?

The first match is Duggan vs. Shawn…which I’ve reviewed before. That was a heavily clipped version though so we’ll take a look at the real one.

Intercontinental Title: Shawn Michaels vs. Jim Duggan

Ross and Heenan are an interesting pairing to say the least. Duggan does the shoot at Shawn with the 2x4 like it’s a gun thing. Shawn runs and hides so Duggan starts up a USA chant to fill some time. That is followed by an unacknowledged Shawn is gay chant. We make actual contact at about two minutes and Shawn hits the floor almost immediately. All Hacksaw as you would expect it to be in the opening.

This is different commentary than the original broadcast which I believe would make the third commentary team to do this match. That’s some overkill wouldn’t you think? (Original, the other tape and this one). Big punch and Shawn is in trouble. Duggan’s offense was shall we say limited. Heenan gets on Ross about football and gets in some very basic but well done jokes that make me laugh and get on Ross’ nerves. Heenan was gold most of the time.

Shawn takes over for a bit and comes off the top with a double axe to the head. That wouldn’t hurt Duggan much but Jesse isn’t here to make the joke which hurts it a bit. This is far more about Heenan vs. Ross than anything else which is rather comedic. We reference Summerslam 93 to give us an idea of when this tape was made. The match happened in April of 93 but wasn’t aired until later. Also this is in the Hammerstein Ballroom, not the Manhattan Center as the show usually was in.

Duggan makes his comeback with generic moves and hits the Three Point Clothesline, resulting in a bump that Rock would look at after taking a Stunner and say DAMN that was an over the top bump. Shawn runs away and Duggan gives….I can’t call that chase but you get the idea. Jim gets back in for the DQ. There would be a really bad lumberjack match the next week.

Rating: D. This was just bad. Duggan was gone in about two months and I don’t think anyone missed him. His offense was just flat out horrible at this point and he wasn’t good for anything other than a nostalgia pop, and this is over seventeen years old. Boring match that went on too long.

Duggan rants for awhile afterwards and sits in a chair in the ring, gaining absolutely nothing from it.

Some dude says he can beat up Shawn and Razor. No clue who he is.

Ric Flair vs. Tatanka

This isn’t from Raw but rather a Wrestling Challenge taping. What they would do is have their TV tapings and then tape matches like these for tapes. This has to be early 93 as Flair was gone by like February of that year. Heenan gives us some rather interesting insight into Flair’s mindset and strategy. He says Flair will often give the other guy his arm to sucker him into the Figure Four. That’s psychology people and you rarely get things like that told to you. Also how nice of Heenan to tell EVERYONE how Flair operates in the ring. Obviously no potential opponent will ever see this match and hear that or anything like that right?

Very basic stuff to start but it’s well done. Tatanka takes over and we get a Flair Flop. Flair sends him to the floor as this is a very slow paced match. Again Heenan vs. Ross is the main attraction here but often times they take away from the match, which their discussion of Green Acres is doing here. Classic Flair as he asks the referee to check if Tatanka gives up so he can grab the ropes. Basic things like that make guys into heels. It’s so simple yet it gets a big reaction. Flair is a master at that.

Back to the floor again goes the less successful of these two. To fill time we hear about how Flair was in a plane crash. They haven’t actually gone past basics here which is kind of a bad thing but at the same time the match is working fine for what it’s supposed to be so I can’t complain much. Ok so yeah I could but you get the idea. After nearly ten minutes Flair goes in for the knee and gets the Figure Four.

Heenan getting under Ross’ ultra serious skin is absolutely hilarious. Tatanka is pretty bad about selling the hold as all he does is lay there. Naturally he rolls over and Flair lets go immediately. Flair goes flying off the top of course and here comes the racial stereotype. A chop hits Flair as he comes off the top. Can Tatanka do anything other than chop?

He goes for a chop (SHOCKING) off the top but gets caught by a punch to the ribs. Both hit the floor and brawl for a bit but Tatanka is thrown back in at 9 for the count out win. Flair puts him in the Figure Four on the floor but Perfect comes out for the save.

Rating: B-. This was basic but it was well done I thought. Tatanka won to keep his nearly two year undefeated streak going and Flair looked good in the process. That’s all you really need I’d think. This worked rather well though as Flair was his usual evil self. Not a classic by any means, but after almost 12 minutes it didn’t get boring so I’ll give it a point.

Savage introduces the next match.

Beverly Brothers vs. Mega Maniacs

The Mega Maniacs would be Hogan and Beefcake. Someone thought THIS was a good idea? This would imply early 93 to me. Beefcake and one of the Beverlies start. Does it really matter? Before any contact is made Hogan comes in instead. The commentary is clearly after Mania as he’s credited as a 5 time champion but had no belt when he came in.

Pure dominance to start of course. Hogan is MUCH smaller than normal here as this was around the time of the steroids trial. Heenan explains why he hates Hogan: Hogan can get away with things that Heenan never could. That’s 100% true but of course no one but Heenan and Jesse would point such a thing out. Beefcake has a messed up face at this point but of course he’s just fine after getting it rammed into the top buckle.

Beefcake gets beaten down for a bit and I think you already can see the ending coming from a mile away. Were the Beverly Brothers supposed to have a gimmick? If they did I’ve never been able to get what it was. It’s a shame as they were very good in the AWA. Beefcake makes the I guess you could say hot tag to Hogan and you can fill in the blanks yourself. A Megaphone shot ends the match for Hogan of all things rather than the usual stuff. That was weird.

Rating: D. For a 6 minute match this was rather boring. The Beverlies were the jobbers of the tag division so it’s not like this was a shock in the slightest. The Hogan/Beefcake team would be done just after Mania as Hogan headed to retirement for about a year after King of the Ring. This was fine for what it was, but it was just bad overall. At least the people got to see Hogan though, even though he was more or less done at this point.

Lots of posing follows of course.

We get a profile on Bam Bam and Luna. He says he has sensitivity, which is tied in with clips of him destroying people. The two of them are on a boat and Luna rants about how great he is. I can’t understand most of what she says but I think we get the point.

We get some clips of him beating up a jobber before going back to the boat to hear more from Bigelow and more jobber clips. And that’s it.

Mr. Perfect vs. Papa Shango

Shango jumps him to start and we’re underway. This is more of a brawl than anything else. There’s something weird about seeing a skull in the corner when a guy is getting punched in the corner. Ross asks the very important question: what does Mama Shango look like. This is REALLY boring as we know that Shango is losing here so I’m not sure why they’re wasting our time with this.

We get a long chinlock sequence as Shango cheats. And here’s the very brief comeback and there’s the Perfectplex to end it. The comeback and pin took like a minute between the two of them.

Rating: D. Just boring as hell on all levels. It’s like 6 minutes long and then all we had was about 1/3 chinlock. The rest of it was just boring as hell. Perfect didn’t care at all which was very clear. He would retire soon after for a good while and wouldn’t be seen until Mania. This went nowhere at all.

Savage talks some more. Should be noted he’s in full costume here.

The Undertaker vs. Repo Man

What kind of messed up match is this? I still can’t get over the fact that Repo Man is Smash from Demolition. The transformation is absolutely remarkable. Total dominance by Taker to start until Repo Man gets a shot with a rope and claw, which is similar to a grappling hook. Naturally it’s no sold and Taker controls.

After more of a beating Repo gets a hubcap and blasts Taker in the head with it and Taker just shakes it off. The zombie version of Taker was always cool. We get what would become Old School as Repo is being destroyed here. Tombstone ends this clean in like 4 minutes.

Rating: C-. Total squash here. The idea was to get Taker to look good and to say that worked well is an understatement. Repo was more or less done by this point as he would move on to various smaller companies before appearing in WCW as a golfer. Taker would just kind of float around for awhile until his pretty bad feud with Yoko. Very quick here and not much to it at all.

We get a parody of a Godzilla movie about Yokozuna destroying Japan.

Beverly Brothers/Little Louie vs. Bushwackers/Tiger Jackson

Tiger is more famous as Dink. Yep two midgets and two tag teams. Why are the Beverly Brothers on here twice? Louie’s head clears the top rope so he’s not tiny. Tiger’s barely clears the middle one, so you can get an idea of the sizes here. Luke and Beau start us off. Luke bites his ass, so of course we get that times three. Midget “comedy” follows.

There’s no real semblance of tagging as everyone comes in and out at will. It’s weird seeing Jackson as something other than a tiny clown. This is naturally a comedy match and not a funny or good one at that. The big guys are in now and it’s even less interesting if that’s possible. As usual, the big guys do things and then we get the small ones having some shenanigans to go with it.

Nothing of note is happening here and this match is just going on and on. We’re up to about 9 minutes here and nothing has happened yet. Everything falls apart and all six guys are in there now. Tiger gets put on the top to hit a cross body for the pin on Louie.

Rating: D-. Seriously, this went on for ten minutes? Do I need to explain why this was bad? It was a comedy match that didn’t have any comedy in it. That sums up the problems in it fairly well I’d think. Also, two matches with the Beverly Brothers on the same tape? Is there a reason for this kind of torment?

Profile on the Steiners. They talk about their amateur careers with Scotty talking normally here. That’s just weird to hear. Scott talks about the Frankensteiner and how it’s done etc. Rick explains a belly to belly suplex. Scotty shows the spinning variety. This is kind of just going on with no real point to it but for kids this is cool I guess. We explain the bulldog too.

From that we transition to a tag match.

Tag Titles: Money Inc. vs. Natural Disasters

Don’t you see the connection here? This would be before Mania as Jimmy is with DiBiase and IRS here, despite being with Hogan and Beefcake earlier. Yeah that’s not confusing at all. Irwin’s promo implies this is after April 15 but that wouldn’t add up at all so maybe that’s an error. The champions, Money Inc, tries to leave before the match starts but that gets nowhere. Typhoon and DiBiase start us off.

Everyone goes in there at once and the fat guys do nothing but corner splashes for about two minutes. They follow this up with a BIG splash, just to add some variety. They try it again and Quake misses and hits the floor. No earthquake from it but whatever. DiBiase chokes him with a rope from somewhere. Nothing of note going on here as it’s mainly just punches and kicks.

LONG beatdown segment on Earthquake as the heels do their evil deeds. Crowd is relatively dead here until Quake hits a hiptoss and STILL doesn’t make the tag. We get a comparison of Earthquake to Undertaker which is a matchup that could have been interesting if the timing had been right. Quake was getting to the point of not mattering when Taker arrived.

Tag by Quake doesn’t count since the referee didn’t see it. Double clothesline by Quake as Hart is described as a monkey on helium. Hot tag to Typhoon and the crowd wakes up a little bit. Everything breaks down and the referee tries to get Hart out of the ring. IRS blasts DiBiase in the face with the briefcase and Earthquake drops an elbow….FOR THE PIN? This actually looks like the title change and with nothing else happening…yeah that was a title change.

Rating: D+. Boring match but the crowd popped for the title change, I think due to shock more than anything else. This was their only title reign as they would lose the belts back to Money Inc in about three months. The match was pretty bad but a title change back then was always a good thing. This was a house show mind you, so it’s not like this was well known or anything, making it an actual rarity.

According to Wiki, this was on July 20, 1992, making it about 8 months before any other match on the tape so far. This would also be confusing as Money Inc had already won the titles back by the time this was released.

Savage makes fun of Money Inc, setting this up.

Ric Flair/Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Savage/Bret Hart

OH HELL YES! Do I need to explain why this is awesome? Shawn is by far the lowest on the pole at this point, only being IC Champion. The timeline is messed up AGAIN here as Perfect is with Flair, despite us being told they hated each other earlier. The commentators don’t mention this at all so why should we care?

Ok wait Bret is now IC Champion despite Shawn being champion an hour and forty minutes ago. Savage is world champion here, putting this sometime between Mania 8 and August 30, 1992, making it all the more confusing on the people watching (or reviewing) it but whatever. Bret is referenced as a former WWF Champion, which he didn’t win until he beat Flair for it who beat Savage for it. In other words, they’re referencing him having already lost a title he hasn’t even won at this point.

Shawn and Bret start us off so all continuity errors aside the wrestling should be good. Bret does what appears to be a botch but hits a running tag to bring in Savage. He slaps Flair and ticks him the hell off. Nature Boy gets the better of Macho Man (sounds like a bad porn) and allows Heart Break Kid to come in but gets beaten up by Hit Man. Very unfair match here as we have a boy and a kid vs. two men.

It turns into a standard main event tag match here with Savage as the face in peril. Superkick to Randy but it doesn’t mean anything yet at this point. Sherri slaps him a bit also as not a ton is happening here. The beatdown segment goes on for a good while until Flair goes up top. Savage makes the hot tag and despite the referee’s head clearly being turned the other way he allows it anyway. Savage gets a rollup on Flair for two before Michaels gets rammed into Sherri and rolled up by Savage for the pin as the illegal men are involved in the fall.

Rating: C+. Just a regular main event tag match here without much at all to it. It’s a straight formula match though and at least they got the match set up and executed right. Nothing too bad here but nothing spectacular at all. Good enough to end a tape like this one though as at least the name fits the theme of the tape.

Overall Rating: D. Oh this was pretty bad. The timing of the matches makes NO sense as things are thrown all over the place and references are made to title losses before the titles are even won in the first place. The matches for the most part suck and there is nothing really redeeming at all on here. One very interesting thing though is that Flair, Savage and Michaels are the featured attractions here while Hogan has a 6 minute match in the middle of the tape that means nothing at all. That’s very interesting. Anyway, bad tape and not worth seeing at all.
That tag match is on the Savage DVD, I will have to go back and see if the commentary is the same as yours, as I do remember it being JR & Heenan and thinking to myself that JR wouldn't have been there yet. I don't remember hearing references to Bret as world champion though, but it would make sense for it to be the same one.

Just sounds like a mish-mash of random matches for the rest...we should be grateful for the quality of the DVD releases we get now as outside the PPVs this was standard fare in those days, IIRC.
I actually have this tape, I like those Coliseum footage, it reminds me back in the good ol days from the Supertapes and the Wrestlefests to Invasion of the Bodyslammers!

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