Cena's Little Helper
Mid-Card Championship Winner
On why football isn't popular in the US:
Most of you don't like Twist, but I love him.
Its obviously boring, but there are plenty of reasons.
First, America is much more well off than the majority of the world, which affords them more expensive sports to compete in. Almost every kid plays soccer as a child, and most of them either quit or join a real sport. Just the way it is. Don't cry, I didn't say every other country was poor.
Secondly, all of the top athletes play other sports. We have to listen to the rest of the world brag about soccer dominance while we watch their 5'7, 135 lbs captain kick a ball, while we can see Adrian Peterson truck and Ray Lewis deck people, while a buff kicker hangs everyone on the edge of their seat. We have more dramatic kicking, and its only a small part of the game.
Finally, its ******ed to claim Americans can't watch a low scoring game. We all flock to watch no-hitters. A 1-0 game in baseball is dramatic. You have real strategy, and sometimes even progress. Base hit, bunt, sac fly. Strategy and execution. I have an Xbox, a football, and a car, how many times can you try to pass it back and forth, kick it to mid-field, have it stolen, steal it back, repeat, and expect it to be entertaining?
Soccer is like a spider who keeps climbing up the web, only to have a fat kid with a stick knock it down. Its 2010, how many times can we watch that?
Most of you don't like Twist, but I love him.