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Greatest Rival #1

Who Do You Think Was Chris Benoit's Greatest Rival?

  • Triple H

  • Chris Jericho

  • Kurt Angle

  • Kevin Sullivan

  • Eddie Guerrero

  • Booker T

  • Dean Malenko

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.

Tech N9ne

All 6's and 7's
Most of the time when a thread is made about someone, especially in a way that focuses on looking back at someone's career. The questions that are asked usually revolve around "What Was Their Best Match" or "What Was Their Best Moment" or something similar.

But in this thread I ask the question, Who is a person's greatest rival? Maybe you base that on a series of matches they had together. Or the amount of matches they had in their careers. Or maybe when these 2 get together, they bring the best out of each other. Or maybe you think 2 guys are rivals because their careers ran parallel to each other or revolved around one another.

Most of these threads that could possibly be a series of threads, posing the same question about multiple wrestlers, start with the usual names, The Rock, Austin, HHH, HBK, Undertaker etc...

I am sure I will eventually get to each one of them. But the name I will start with, is the name that made me think of posting this thread to begin with.

Chris Benoit. I was thinking back on his career and started remembering different matches and feuds he had. It somehow got me to think about who was his greatest rival.

The first name that had come to mind, was Booker T. They had matches in WWE, but their matches in WCW were nothing short of spectacular. Their numerous matches for The TV Title were insane. They even had a best of 7 series that tore every house they competed in, DOWN.

But, the more I thought about it. I came to Kurt Angle. Chris Benoit's true prime was in WWE. His name grew pretty big and he became much more known than his time in WCW. In his days in WWE, Benoit would have numerous matches with Kurt. Every time they were in the ring together, it seemed like a classic was in the making. They have had numerous matches on Live TV and have even competed at Wrestlemania versus one another.

Whether a title was on the line (Which one or even sometimes two could be), or not, they would get in the ring and compete like the loser would be sentenced to death. They had a very similar style, so the fact they were both so over, simultaneously, marks the makings of a rivalry just by styles.

So, Kurt Angle is my choice for Chris Benoit's Greatest Rival of his career. Do you agree with that? If not, who would you say Rivaled Benoit more then Kurt Angle did?
I can't really comment on anything WCW as I never really followed the product.

So taking that period of his career out of the equation and focussing on WWE only, it leaves only two men for me, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho.

I have to agree about your comments about Benoit's rivalry with Kurt Angle. Both were technically superior than most superstars on the roster, and although they were similar in style, they brought different elements to their game when in the ring, so the styles didn't clash, they flowed perfectly.

But despite how good that rivalry was, I have to say his rivalry with Chris Jericho was better. Their matches over the Intercontinental title were always solid and entertaining. This feud lasted about a year with the two exchanging the title back and forth and meeting on PPV four times during a 9 month period. The ladder match at Royal Rumble 2001 took a gimmick that had been innovated previously by such stars as Shawn Michaels and then turned onto its head by the likes of the Hardyz, Dudleyz and Edge & Christian. Yet this match was still fresh with newer radical spots (The Walls of Jericho on top of the ladder, Benoit's suicide (apologies for choice of word) dive into a chair shot). The triple threat match at Wrestlemania 2000 over the European and Intercontinental titles was another quality match, which incorporated your choice for this poll, Kurt Angle.

They had had previous rivalries within other companies, so they were familiar with each others styles which made their rivalry a little more personal and intense in my opinion. Their was a mutual respect between the two, which was allowed to be played out on screen, and was often touched on by the commentators. This made their matches difficult to call as you knew they were often back and forth matches that could be finished in a variety of ways by either superstar (I guess the same could be said for Benoit-Angle). Throw into the mix the different characters; Jericho being brash and cocky, adding the personality into the feud, while Benoit was his usual cold, business like self adding the intensity into the rivalry.
I am not able to split Kurt Angle or Chris Jericho

When I think back to the early 2000s, the 3 of those guys are always linked together. They had fantastic matches with each other and their styles all worked well together. They could wrestle in a submission style, they had great grappling ability and could all fly when needed. This really was a goldmine in match quality for WWE, and these guys were not even the biggest names in the company at this point, albeit major stars.

Jericho had a great feud over the IC title with Benoit, they always tore the house down, he had idolised Benoit as a rookie and to work with his hero was a dream come true for Jericho. They knew each other so well and never disappointed in the ring. Angle and Benoit had just as good chemistry in the ring, putting on some technical masterclasses that were so intense and memorable. Any time either Y2J or Angle were in the ring with Benoit, you knew you were about to be entertained

If I had to pick just one I would say Jericho, but I would like to go with both.
I voted Angle but I almost voted Sullivan given how long and intense their WCW feud was and the real-life drama behind it. I would think Benoit would be more Sullivan's rival than vice versa, though.
Jericho. They had some great battles back in 2000/2001. The RR 2001 Ladder Match solidified it as each of their best opponents
Most hated rival is hands down Kevin Sullivan because everything between them was so personal.

Greatest in ring rival it's a toss up to me between Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho, although Benoit had some of his best match against both Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko.
I almost went with Booker T because of the "best of seven" series they did was so good, but I had to go with Sullivan.

Not only were these the best matches of sullivan's career, but they did something like the best of seven series, and those matches were nearly as good as the ones with Booker.
Plus, there was the actual problems between them that made it all seem so much more real. Not that I knew at the time there was legit heat there, but that may have been why it was all so fantastic.
I did go with Booker T, because their best of 7 series in WCW was the first thing that popped in my mind when I read the question...so I am trusting my self conscience. He had a lot of great feuds, and I don't know if there is a "right" answer, Booker T was my immediate reaction though.
I understand. The best of seven series was the first thing I thought of, as well. Egads, but those were good matches.

I still think that since sullivan's storyline hatred was escalating at a similar pace to his actual hatred for Benoit, so the intensity came off as real because they were acting, but Sullivan was not far behind his character, in terms on a smoldering, then raging, resentment. This translated to fantastic television.

But that is my view. His run against Booker t was fabulous, and I don't blame you for your choice at all.

Or the people who picked Jericho or angle. But face it, anyone could have great matches with those two.
I'm not saying great matches with Sullivan is unheard of, but I imagine it would not be as simple as having great matches with a Jericho or angle....or even Booker, for that matter.
I went with other and that other was Jushin Liger. The matches they had in Japan were the 90's version of the legendary Dynamite Kid-Tiger Mask feud of the 1980's ! Benoit and Liger put on one great match after another and it was this feud that got people in the U.S. interested in Benoit !
WrestleMania 17, The Ultimate Submission match, the Raw cage match, the WWE title match at Royal Rumble 2003. Each time Kurt and Benoit got in the ring together they pushed each other further.

Two athletes cut from the same intense, competitive cloth, mirror image rivals who always left it all in the ring and complimented each other with their technical prowess and physical style.
Chris Jericho, no doubt. Benoit and Jericho not only wrestled each other many, MANY times, but they also had some all time classics. Together, they put on great matches and they had a lot of chemistry. When you think about a guy's greatest rival, you have to think about the guy that brought out the best in him, and for Benoit it was Jericho. Their ladder match at the 2000 Royal Rumble is one of my favorite matches ever, because they knew how to work together. Nothing they ever did was forced, everything came off fluid. Together, they might have been the perfect fit to wrestle against each other.
When you think about a guy's greatest rival, you have to think about the guy that brought out the best in him, and for Benoit it was Jericho.

I find that hard to argue against, because in a sense, it is totally true. They did bring out the best in one another.

The argument that could be made, however, is that statement being true, even more so, regarding Kurt Angle. Benoit and Jericho had awesome matches. Some of the best I have ever seen. But, so has Angle/Benoit.

To me, Angle/Benoit and Jericho/Benoit are similar in a lot of ways. His rivalry with Jericho might have gone a few years further back, taking nothing away from that, I feel like the intensity surrounding Angle/Benoit is hard to beat.

Whether you take examples from feuds of today, or feuds that took place BEFORE Angle/Benoit. It is hard to find any matches, feuds or rivalries, that can match the intensity between these 2. The chemistry was there, but the intensity magnified it.

The only thing more intense then their feuds building, and knowing they were about to have a match, is the actual in ring work itself. Since their styles were so similar, there was a sense of competition between the 2 that was more than Kayfabe.

You could always feel one trying to outdo the other at all times. Even though the same could be said about Jericho locking it up with Benoit. I think the intensity between Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle is a defining factor in who rivaled him the most in his career.
I voted for Kurt Angle. They arrived in WWE around the same time and had an on again off again rivalry for their first few years. They were opponents at their first two manias. They’ve had great submission and ladder matches on ppv in addition to their regular singles matches. They’ve also wrestled against each other on Smackdown many times. In late 2002 they became reluctant partners and were crowned the first WWE tag team champions. They never did get along and their partnership didn’t last long. At the 2003 Royal Rumble they went against each other again in one of the best title matches in the last ten years. It seemed like these two would always take it up a notch when they faced each other and they made each other better. Theirs was a rivalry that never grew stale. They could pick it up at anytime and the fans would never be bored with it. It was just one of those natural rivalries.
I voted Kurt Angle on the poll. I don't think Benoit really had a big rival. He feuded with lots of superstars throughout his career and has some great matches. I just don't think there was really one guy who was a big rival. I voted Angle because these two always seemed to clique. They both do similar manuevers and always entertained win they stepped into the squared circle together. They have had tag team matches together, triple threat matches together, one on one matches, submission matches, no dq matches, 2 out of 3 falls matches, steel cage matches. These two could go out there on any given night and steal the show.


Classic matches that will always be remembered by me.
When I think of Chris Benoit I usually think of his feud with the Taskmaster and the falls count anyhwere match they had that at one point had them brawling in the bathroom. That match resulted in him joining the horsemen and I think really solidified him in WCW, but as far as what yielded the most impressive matches I think I'll go with Angle.

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