Greatest Movie Twist's ***Spoiler's***

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
What movie twist's have made you go holy shit?

For me Fight Club does'nt count. Unfortunatley I'd read the book a few month's before so I knew the ending.

The one that I could'nt believe was The Crying Game. I was only about 12 when I saw it so I did'nt properly grasp the concep of a transexual. When she/he take's off his/her clothes I was almost sick. Watching it back now I wish I'd watched it when I was older so I could understand it better.
Hmm, the one twist that pops out in my head. Well don't read this if you haven't seen these movies. I encourage you see them.
Usual Suspects
The Illusionist.

The Usual Suspect was just freakin brilliant. If you haven't seen it, the ending wil lblow you away.

The Illusionist: My girlfriend and I got done watching it, and I clapped in my house. Felt like a jackass, but needed to do it. Amazing.
for me Both the endings of SAW 2 and SAW 3 took me by surprise. To be honest, I could kindoff see the surprise ending coming in SAW 3, especially after how SAW 2 turned out. I saw SAW 2 on DVD with about 15 at my boarding school, and none of us had seen it, and the ending was a huge shocker for all of us, it was very very well done.

Another movie is The Descent. This movie is pretty much the same exact same movie as The Cave except the differece is that there are survivors at the end of the movie in The Cave, while The Descent ends with the main character/ last survivor trapped in the cave and you don't get to see whether she lives or dies.
"The Usual Suspect was just freakin brilliant. If you haven't seen it, the ending wil lblow you away."

Don't get me wrong, I love "The Usual Suspects", but to be honest I don't see how people didn't see that coming.
The Greatest Twist of all time is in The Empire Strikes Back, when you first see it, in fact when it first came out it was such a big surprise even to David Prowse(Darth Vader), It shocked countless millions that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker's father. The line that David Prowse said before it was dubbed by James Earl Jones as "Luke, I am your Father", the original line was "No, Obi-wan killed your father." This is the greatest twist of all time.
I think that Saw has very, suspenseful and surprising endings. Particularly Saw 1, because they are just bizarre, and endings you never would expect or don't think about. In Saw 1, we had basically forgotten about the 'dead' guy in the middle of the room, but when you think about it, it's pretty easy to work out after, but it was a brilliantly set up ending and one that makes a thriller great. I haven't seen a lot of movies with twists and turns, but that is one that I can think of. In Saw 2, the ending wasn't that great, but it was still suspenseful and tense, what with the revealing that the girl was on Jigsaw's side (which wasn't that obvious) and that the boy was safe the whole time under their noses. Also the ending was a great climax, and left no questions unanswered like the first one did. I haven't seen the third Saw, so I can't judge how many twists there were in that movie.

And like Shadowmancer said, "Luke....I am your father" is the greatest line in movie history, and it was a shocking ending to all those Star Wars geeks.

You would think that the Bond girl turning on Bond would be a decent ending twist, but it has been so overused in the latest Bond movies, that it is becoming too predictable and boring. Just one fault I find in those movies, which should be innovative in creating the best endings we see in movies, not having that ending.
With the whole "I am your father deal", the cast didn't know that that was going to happen until two hours before they shot the scene!

As for movie twists, gotta go with Rodz on the Usual Suspects. Another one that I liked was the Prestige. Now i'm sure people would have seen that twist coming, but I appreciated the movie as a whole, and welcomed the twist with open arms.
Some of my favorites...

The Wicker Man [The original] - One of the scariest old school occult movies of all times with the always awesome Christopher Lee. The ending just shocks you senseless, the entire time you think he's looking for this girl and it turns out the girls been dead forever and it was all a trap to sacrifice the cop. Awesome.

Frailty - Did not see this one coming. You think the guy is all nice and hated his father for trying to murder people he thought were evil and it turns out the cop he's telling it all to killed his wife and he's really there to kill him.

Memento - I can't even explain this one. You just need to see it to understand it. Christopher Nolan is a filmmaking god.

Honorable mentions go to the Sixth Sense and Identity.
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