Greatest heel- Ric Flair or JBL


ragin' bull

who do you think the greatest heel of all time is between Ric Flair and JBL. I think that this would be a hard one to call because ric flair in is prime was a great heel even when he came back after the plane crash and everyone felt sorry for him he cut arguably one of the greatest heel promos and made everyone hate him again. but on the other JBL alsso is a great heel he especially worked as a good heel against eddie guerrero and John Cena. gimme your thoughts..
Neither. First of all, it’s not even fair to compare JBL with Flair since Flair has a career that spanned four decades and was 16-time World champion, whereas JBL has only been a true top heel (his APA days not withstanding) since 2004. Second, Flair is not really the greatest heel of all-time since he has gotten a mixed reaction (cheers and boos) throughout most of his career. For my money, the greatest heel of all-time (at least from when I started watching wrestling, which was 1985) is “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase. He is arguably WWE’s top heel in the WWE in the 80’s and was the number one nemesis of Hulk Hogan, arguably the most popular wrestler of all-time.
Flair by far has this one. Flair has been heel nearly his whole career. He could do it with his eyes closed. I think he does better as a heel.
peopleschamp said:
Neither. First of all, it’s not even fair to compare JBL with Flair since Flair has a career that spanned four decades and was 16-time World champion, whereas JBL has only been a true top heel (his APA days not withstanding) since 2004. Second, Flair is not really the greatest heel of all-time since he has gotten a mixed reaction (cheers and boos) throughout most of his career. For my money, the greatest heel of all-time (at least from when I started watching wrestling, which was 1985) is “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase. He is arguably WWE’s top heel in the WWE in the 80’s and was the number one nemesis of Hulk Hogan, arguably the most popular wrestler of all-time.

I have to agree...Dibiase was a great heel his entire career...I would also add Rick Rude in there as a distant second to Dibiase.

Flair would win by far as his mic skills are better and hes been more of a heel than JBL
jbl sucks and flair sucks.... def Dibiase as a wrestler... but overall ... vince mcmahon
They are neither that good of a heel, than Triple H or Vince McMahon. The thing about Ric, is that he can use illegal cheats (low blows, poke in the eye, etc.) in order to win the matches. For the four decades, he's either a fan favorite, or one of the most hated, but he's one of the best wrestlers, ever.

For JBL, he's alright as a heel, but he's not the best. He may messed up in Germany, by intimidating Hitler with the goosestep, and got fired from MSNBC, but he sure did pull it off, by being one of the best heels of 2004.

In conclusion, Triple H and Vince McMahon are the best heels of this decade.
I like Ted Dibiase as heel. His heel's greedy, mean, and a man that brung in the Undertaker at SS '90. I name him as the biggest heel of the '90s.
id have to say vince mcmahon and jbl, the best heel manager is bobby heenan.
i think its triple h or flair, i mean they've won so many titles and made faces look good through out their careers. jbl's good but not in their league. flair and hhh had a way of talking about themselves to make ppl hate them while jbl and dibiase had to insult the fans a lot to get heat. i mean if sucking up to the crowd is a "cheap pop" than making fun of them is "cheap heat"
This is a travesty. Comparing JBL to "The Nature Boy"? JBL wasnt even that great of a heel, its just that the Smackdown was so thin, he was only heel they had. He always uses cheap heat to get over by talking about illegal immigrants, or how the town cant read, blah blah blah.

Flair is 100 times better a heel than JBL ever was. JBL sucks.

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