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Greatest Heel in the last 10 years?


Pre-Show Stalwart
weve seen some great and bad moments over the last 10 years from the invasion Angle to the retirement of HBK but during this period their has been some outstanding heels from JBL, HHH, Edge, Paul Heyman, Randy Orton, so my question is to you who do you reckon is the greatest Heel of the last 10 years for its HHH why well

HHH started Evolution one of the greatest faction of our generation he double crossed everyone from HBK to even every member of Evolution that includes Batista, Orton, Flair he was so selfish he always had the World title or in the main event this guy was one evil bastard.

who do you think
Triple H turning on HBK in 2002.. This was the start of HHH's heel run which was great, he got soo much heat, won world titles, dominated Raw and started Evolution, one of, if not the best stable on that decade..
Perhaps just because it was shining light of good writing and excellent promos in an otherwise drab era of 'fake' feeling scripting and uninspiring matches, I want to say CM Punk's Straight Edge Messiah routine.
Now, I'm sure that in the broader perspective of WWF/E history this may only barely make top ten behind great stuff like Roddy Piper, DX, Ministry and Evolution and a lot of people will disagree with me on this. All points are valid. For that matter, Rock's 'Hollywood' heel turn deserves honerable mention as well as a stroke of genius that breathed new life into Rock's character (Be honest with yourself, it was getting stale), that's what the great one's do: Reinvent themselves.
Back to the SES angle, it could have been bigger than it was. It could have become a brand-spanning force similar to RTC back in the day. I understand the injury concerns but they could have always kept Punk on the side and made the faces mow through his cult to get to him. Could've, would've, should've. One of the best angles of the last ten years regardless of how they dropped the ball.
The question is who was the biggest heel in the last 10 years? The problem with that question is the constant heel / face / heel / face changes. Orton for instance could have a strong argument made but instead of continuing to develop that heel persona and having DiBiase and Rhodes turn face, Orton made the face turn. Triple H I think has been more face than heel in the last 10. Kane has been on both sides of the fence as has Big Show, Edge, and countless others. My vote would be Chris Jericho. He returned to WWE as Y2J and a face but quickly turned back to heel and remained heel for most of the last 10. He completely had the fans against him. Yes, my vote goes to Chris Jericho.
when I think of top of heel of the decade, I think who was consistently for a period a draw who the fans truly hated on and off camera....I loved Triple H before he was a heel like most people...once he was a heel he was on another level which is why he is top heel because he almost seemed to never lose...the only other person who could make an argument is Edge or JBL....JBL for that long ass title reign which hasnt been seen in years, or Edge for doing the Triple H routine except on Smackdown......Edge was also heel the longest if Im correct of the last decade....he was face from 2000-2004, turned heel in 2004 and remained a heel until 2010......but I will still go with Triple H
From 2001 to 2011?My vote has to go to Triple H.He started the decade with the Two Man Power Trip and continued with Evolution.He spent the majority of the decade as the biggest heel in the business and he never left the main event during that period.He was just the big bad guy that every face had to beat.Plus teaming up with Austin?That was a swerve nobody saw coming,and Evolution was one of the biggest factions in the history of wrestling.My vote goes to Hunter.
Triple H, in my opinion, is the greatest heel of all the time and not only of last 10 years. I hated him from the bottom of my heart.

However last 10 years would mean beginning from 2002 upto 2011 and I believe at that time he was a heel but his best years as heel were against The Rock and Stonecold....not to say that he was not as much hated heel after 2002, yes he was. His feud with Shawn Michaels is the most personal I have ever felt...and that stable called Evolution...woah, that was great stuff!!!

I would also like to say Randy Orton is a great heel, but I feel they rushed with his face turn or probably should have never done a face turn.

And CM Punk is a complete another level...I will say the next 5 years will belong to him...and its nice because he can bring so many new things to the table...he's a great innovator, mic wise...
I'm going to have to go with JBL. Everyone else on the list was either a face for a significant period of time, or was cheered despite the fact that they were a heel. NOBODY liked John Bradshaw Layfield. He ended Eddie's reign on Smackdown, and held on to the championship for nine months, one of the longest reigns for a long time (and, as he'd tell you, the longest WWE championship reign in Smackdown History). Even when he retired to the announcer desk he was golden. He was ignorant, offensive, egotistical, and could buy each and every one of us if he wanted to, and that's what made him the best heel in the last 10 years.
when i read the title of this thread 2 names came to mind

Triple H: he feuded with sooo many faces/babyfaces/eugene lol and pulled out alot of clean finishes. From the time he pedigreed hbk his run as a heel began to start (even though he was a heel before that) but thats when i began to hate him. And u'd think being a heel for so long his gimmick would begin to get stale, but he always found away to keep heat from the fans. And one way was by forming evolution, he used them to their full potential just so he could keep his world title and if that doesnt reek of heel i dont know what does and when he traded on all of them each time that made me hate him even more. And through his heel run from 2002-2006 he became a 10 time world champ. And as a kid watching him there was only one time I cheered for him and that was at wrestlemania 22. Because I was growing up and began to get tired of cena.

JBL: first what made me hate him was the fact that he let farooq get fired after being partners with him for so many years. And he got a title shot against Eddie and after a couple of matches he beat eddie for the title. And that was just enough to hate him right there. But as a kid i kept my hopes alive thinking that he's not that good he'll lose it within months, but he didnt he had a tremendous run as champ and he always found a way to keep the title much like hhh he too began a faction the cabinet (if i remember correctly)and orlando jordan as his chief of staff. He managed to beat the likes of eddie, booker t, the undertaker (in a couple of matches by the way one of them being a hearse match due to outside interference by heinderich) and the big show. And he was the man who many believe was responsible to solidifying john cena as a main eventer by putting him over at wrestlemania 21.
Like i said as a kid i hated these to more than anyother guys on the roster at the time. And they both had long runs as a world champ. But unlike JBL, HHH's run as a top heel was from 2002-2006 without getting stale which in my book makes him "The Greatest Heel in the last 10 years"
I am a mark for Evolution, thought the whole stable was awesome, but I don't like repeating what everyone else has said so I'm going to take a dive and pick my personal favorite heel, who to me was also one of the better, but not greatest, of the last decade.

Chris Jericho.

Chris Jericho entered WWE as a cocky heel in 1999 and continued that trait well into the noughties. He was an underdog to win the WWE Undisputed Championship, but did it after the Invasion Angle, where he stood on WWE's side, yet nearly cost them the match for control at Survivor Series 2001 by hitting the Rock with his version of the Complete Shot. He went on to form heel tag teams, he went on to face Shawn Michaels at a brilliant Wrestlamania match and after even kicked Michaels in the balls, he won multiple Championships, went face the odd time but always had that heel persona in him and eventually became the whipping boy for Bischoff, who was hated at the time, to try and get the WWE Championship from Cena.

But it was after his SAVE_US_222. return, when he turned and beat the hell out of Shawn Michaels that my favorite heel gimmick came to light.

I personally loved the narcisstic attitude to Jericho after his "Second Coming." The way he talked on the microphone, his change of attire, even the way he performed in the ring. I laughed when he called people, "hypocrites," "peseants" or my favorite, "germ incubators." And he was still entertaining.

Personally, I think his heel gimmick will go down was one of the best in the last decade, probably not THE best though.
OK. I can accept JBL as the lone competitor of being the best heel of the last 10 years to Chris Jericho. When I think best heel I think a couple of things and agree with the sentiment of most. Who the fans most hated, longetivity of being a heel, great feuds. JBL and Jericho both fit that criteria where others had small heel stretches with face time in both the front and back end of being a heel. Some of the other names mentioned like Triple H and Edge were both hated as heels but both actually were cheered as heels at times as well. JBL and Jericho though, about the only people that can say they have got that kind of heat are The Miz and Michael Cole but they don't fit enough of the remainder of criteria I look at. Particularly, they are both very new heels still.

So, for me, Jericho still gets my vote with an honorable nod to JBL. Trips, Taker, Michaels, Edge, etc have all been back and forth between heel and face far too often to even make the short list.
Considering there was no WCW since 2001, the greatest heel of the decade was HHH. He did some devious and unspeakable things to people and carried the belt for long periods of time. He had some good matches and some stinkers but he embodied the heel character perfectly. JBL, Edge, and Jericho do deserve honorable mention on this particular topic but it clearly goes to Hunter.
Hi! I think that one of the greatest heel in the WWE could be Muhammed Hassan... This guy received TONS of heat just because of his origins...
Without a doubt i have to say JBL. Triple H was a great heel, but as mentioned by some above me in this thread, not truly hated. JBL was the one heel everyone hated. Not only taking the belt from Eddie but holding it for so long in such shady victories as well. If he wasn't so hated Cena might not have got so over ( good or bad thing depending on your opinion i guess). Also don't forget the heat JBL got for his gimmick change. It wasn't just leaving farooq that upset people, but his adaption of that border line George W. persona, who at the time was not very popular in the States. Hell i loved the new gimmick, till they found a way to make even us Texans hate him, when he renounced the lone start state for nyc, classic.
Hi! I think that one of the greatest heel in the WWE could be Muhammed Hassan... This guy received TONS of heat just because of his origins...

Syracuse NY?? I have to admit that New Yorkers generally are hard people to like. Seriously though, he was billed as Middle Eastern-American. He did get heat basically because his debut was so close to 9/11 and he on stage was Muslim. He did get heat for that but because of the heat translating to his personal life the character was short lived. I would hardly call the gimmick a great heel of the last decade.
I don't know how anyone else but Triple H is an option. The only person who comes close is Edge but I really don't think anyone can rival the The Game's dominance in this decade. IMO, he's not only the heel of the decade but also the wrestler decade so I may be biased but I don't think anyone in the last 10 years got more consistent heat than HHH did starting from 2002 into 2006. I just wish he could've been heel for longer but oh well he turned face and re-started DX several times.
It has to be JBL after Ron Simmons went to rehab or got fired I can't remember what one and then the next week Bradshaw came out as JBL, the cocky Wall Street business ass hole who thought he was better then everyone he got so much heat he didn't even have to talk on the mic and he drew heat and even when he came back a few weeks ago to sign the contract to be the guest ref he drew heat.
Ravno666 might have it. Well, that is had Hassan not been fired. This guy had old skool heat. If he kept going that way I think you'd be hearing stories of sneaking him in, and out of buildings. There's not one single person mentioned thus far that got Hassan heat.
Like I said, if he wasn't let go so soon.
Trips definately got the bigger push than all mentioned. Still, people always pop to his music.
I'm tied between JBL and Jericho. JBL was so damn good when everyone didn't want him to be. The never ending title reign, the way he squeaked by almost every win. The Cabinet worked as well.
Jericho is so up there to me because of how he upped his game and gave us a reason to keep watching. The mic work and how he just commanded the audience to boo him was just brilliant. Jericho does have "it" in spades. No matter what any self appointed "living legend" may think.
For best it would have to be HHH...the HBK feud was awesome, Evolution were absolutely dominant and when they broke up, the way he turned on Flair was great.

However, my personal favorite has been and will forever be Vince. The heat he got during the DX feud was incredible and his match with HBK at Wrestlemania 22 was the defining moment of that night...the perfect foil for HBK!
JBL, hands down! I mean seriously, who didnt hate that guy? He was an obnoxious ass and drew heat like no-one else! His title regin was pretty good and when he returned 3 weeks ago i totally marked out!
Apart from JBL, although not a wrestler, Vickie Guerrero sticks out like a sore thumb! People hate her so much she cant even talk! Not many can draw heat like that!
To me it has to be Triple h. The heel run he had from 2002-2006 was nothing short of amazing. He's a natural heel in a lot of ways and he has stated in interviews that he prefers being heel, and it clearly showed because he knew how to get a crowd to hate him. However, I liked him more as a badass heel which he was during the later part of this run as opposed to the 2002 p*ssy blue blood heel he was made out to be, where he was constantly whining to Bishoff every Monday about how unfair things were. Also heel or face he's better with a beard imo, he just looks do*chy without one.

Honorable mentions go to Jericho, CM Punk, and JBL. Their work was/is gold in my opinion.
I am going to agree with that Vickie Guerrero statement above. That is someone that draws heat, it gets LOUD when she's talking shit about someone. However, I'd have to say CM Punk get my vote. He knows how to play a heel perfectly. The only thing keeping Triple H from this is he has a tendency to try and get "cool heel" pops time to time, which drives me nuts. I hated when the nWo did it, and I hated when DX did it. Punk goes full on heel. You are supposed to think he's sick and want him to lose badly. Punk singing Happy Birthday to Rey's daughter after he went in the ring and made him look like a bitch in front of his family? That was amazing. The initiation of the Nexus, destroying Cena and Orton for very stretched reasons, all very awesome heel work.
I know it was technically 11 years ago, so its not part of the decade but I cant see how anyone comes close to HHH in 2000/2001. Maybe Austin as the bionic redneck in 2001. Both these guys were mega heels and the powertrip duo was one of the best and most dominating tag-teams of that period. Yeah it didnt last but they had a much bigger impact than most other tag-teams since. Individually Austin and HHH destroyed everyone on the roster and were constantly holding the strap. All their matches were really good and they really got you into them. I hated HHH so much back in the day, I couldnt wait for Rock to beat him. The Rock/HHH battles were classic. Austin was just an a-hole during his post wm-17 run and it was fun to watch. He had great matches against Angle and Rock. Austin was still kind of over but HHH really knew how to work the crowd and he was that good at it.
I would have to say Vicki Guerrero. Think about the heat she draws every time she says those words "Excuse Me." Everyone else has gone from heel to face to heel to face. Not Vicki. The fans hate her with a passion. They voice their disgust with her so much she can't even be heard with a microphone. Yeah, I would have to say Vicki Guerrero.
As a wrestler, Triple H. From the HBK feud to Evolution. Trips was an amazing heel. A very selfish, evil person, only out for his own title reigns.

Of all people who show up on television...Vickie Guerrero. Do I really need to explain this? "Excuse Me!" just by uttering these two words, she gets more heat than the planet Mercury...

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