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Greatest Ever WWE Title Win

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CM Perfection
In my opinon the Greatest Ever WWE title win was No Way Out 2004
Eddie Guerrero vs Brock Lesnar, Eddie Guerrero won his first ever WWE title,
(Undisputed Belt) What a great match and a great moment for the late great
Eddie Guerrero. R.I.P (Eddie) :worship:

So what was your Greatest Ever title win you saw in the WWE. ??? :lmao:
IMO, Edge's first WWE Title win from John Cena was the best ever. We just didn't know what to expect of the Money in the Bank briefcase back then, all the info WWE gave us on the MitB briefcase was that it can be cashed in any time, anywhere. So when Edge won the first MitB ladder match I was curious about how hes gonna use it. And the fact that he and Flair fought to a DQ loss for Edge in an Intercontinental Title match and after it Edge was gonna get interviewed then he said he had bigger plans, well you just assumed that he was gonna cash it in that night, but after Cena won the Elimination Chamber I was really worried they were gonna have him somehow go over Edge too to make him look good, so when Edge won I was so happy about the fact that he busted his @ss off every single night for that moment, it was, IMO, the greatest WWE, if not any championship win in WWE history.
When Mankind beat The Rock for his first reign, but before hand WCW had already told everybody, this really ended up backfiring on WCW and set into motions the end of the Monday Night Wars.
Good all above (cept the eddie thing, yeah that was good but they only did it to get the belt off lesner for his goldberg match.... not that he didn't deserve it... it's just the match was a slow match with a big ending...)

No one will agree with this one, but when Angle beat Austin at Unforgiven I believe 2001, it was right after 9/11 and it really was a great moment because of everyting else... that one stands out in my mind.
When Mankind beat The Rock for his first reign, but before hand WCW had already told everybody, this really ended up backfiring on WCW and set into motions the end of the Monday Night Wars.

Came here to say that, it was a real shock to have Mankind as the WWF Champion.... if it weren't for the spoiler I'd say no one would of expected it because Mankind didn't have the look... but at the same time it was totally believable and actually heartwarming to boot.
Got to go back to Wrestlemania IV in 1988. Hulk Hogan had been the champion for 4 years and they held a 14-man tournament for the title, which I presumed Hogan would win. In those days, no one was going to beat him in the ring for the title, so it was ingenious the way WWE had Hogan and Andre the Giant fight to a double disqualification in an early round, eliminating both men from the tournament. At that point, I presumed Ted DiBiase would win the championship from whomever he met in the finals, but Randy Savage wound up facing him in the last match and won the belt, which he held for about a year.

I thought this was the greatest WWE title win ever because it was totally unexpected. I always figured if Hogan were to lose, it would be to a bad guy because the only way to beat Hogan was to cheat. To have a good guy prevail.....and with Hogan's support, no less.... was a brilliant piece of story-writing and an event that called for celebration. It was probably the only time Macho Man escaped from Hogan's shadow.
I'm going to go with Shawn Michaels first title win.

It had been teased and put off for so long for various reasons.

He won the Rumble in 1995, won it again in 1996. Went through that epic Iron Man match for a 0 - 0 draw and finally won the belt after overtime.

Personally to me it was HBKs first run as champion not only was it emotional but it was two faces putting everything on the line in a non-stop 60+ match which made me respect HBK just a little more, it was sad being a Bret Hart fan as a child, but it made me like HBK just a little bit more...
the greatest tittle win in my opinion would have to be chris benoit wrestle mania 20, it was an epic triple threat match with hhh vs hbk vs benoit. benoit had worked his butt off for so many years and he finally main evented wm after winning the royal rumble that year.

my second best title win would have to be rob van dam vs john cena at one night stand 2006, the crowd went nuts, and destroyed cena emotionally, and rvd destroyed cena physically. that match had the best crowd or chants ever, from ''f*c*k u cena'', ''u cant wrestle'', to ''change the channel''. rvd won and every body was happy because they finally got to see cena lose as a heel.
the greatest tittle win in my opinion would have to be chris benoit wrestle mania 20, it was an epic triple threat match with hhh vs hbk vs benoit. benoit had worked his butt off for so many years and he finally main evented wm after winning the royal rumble that year.

my second best title win would have to be rob van dam vs john cena at one night stand 2006, the crowd went nuts, and destroyed cena emotionally, and rvd destroyed cena physically. that match had the best crowd or chants ever, from ''f*c*k u cena'', ''u cant wrestle'', to ''change the channel''. rvd won and every body was happy because they finally got to see cena lose as a heel.

I'd have to go with RVD..I was a huge ECW(original) fan and to see one of them hold big belt was so cool!!
Coolest thing was the t-shirt,I still have yet to see a crowd throw back a t-shirt at a wrestler!!
Foley comes a close second,the fact that WCW spoilered it,blew up in their face..didn't WWF/E achieve its highest ratings to that point?
my second best title win would have to be rob van dam vs john cena at one night stand 2006, the crowd went nuts, and destroyed cena emotionally, and rvd destroyed cena physically. that match had the best crowd or chants ever, from ''f*c*k u cena'', ''u cant wrestle'', to ''change the channel''. rvd won and every body was happy because they finally got to see cena lose as a heel.

That is also my favorite because that day I was there at the Manhattan Center and when I left I found a whole new respect for Cena. The sign that said If Cena Wins We Riot was true to go in that hostile environment and lose to RVD made RVD's win even more better because RVD was the favorite.
My favourite title win was Shawn Michaels last title run.
He had been out for 4 years after breaking his back, and managed to win the title in only his second match back, in the first ever Elimination Chamber match.
Hrmm, good question.
I agree on RVD beating Cena being a great win. I thought RVD couldn't break the glass ceiling and Cena would win somehow, just because Cena was at his peak. But what a great crowd, and it was a great feeling to see RVD finally have all his hard work pay off.

My second choice is actually a title change that was reversed the same night. Chris Jericho and HHH (in 2001/2002?) on Raw. They had a great match, and Jericho pulled out a shocking victory that made the crowd go nuts. Too bad he had to give the title back to HHH because of a quick count.

And Randy Savage winning at WM IV...almost forgot about that. Wrestled 4 matches in the same night, all of them well done. That was a great victory that I have never seen anyone repeat.
Gonna have to agree with Mustang Sally. I suppose all the young people on here weren't around to appreciate it for what it was, but Randy Savage winning the title at WM IV still stands today as the greatest win. Not just for the final match and final moments, but because Savage had to defeat 4 opponents in 1 night to win the title. The way they had the byes work in Dibiase's favor which stacked the deck against Savage made it seem all that more significant of a win. Sure Hogan helped Savage win the final match, but Macho Man had to go through Butch Reed, Greg Valentine and One Man Gang just to get to the finals of the tournament. A tournament of that nature is almost unheard of in the industry nowdays.
another great tittle win in recent time, is when sheamus won his first championship from cena in a tables match, i thought cena was gonna win big time(i wanted sheamus to win)
and sheamus won, which was a huge suprise, and it was that title win that started wwe's youth movement.
кαяℓ [zα¢к ρα¢к мємв;3114394 said:
I know nobody will agree with me but I am going to say John Cena's first title win. At the time nobody expected him to win, he was going up against the longest reigning Champion in Smackdown history on the Grandest Stage Of 'Em All. So yeah, Cena pulling out the win was a huge moment and definitely one I will always remember.

no offense bro but everyone expected john cena to win. just like everyone expected batista to win against triple h. but at tht time we were looking forward to new faces as champions
Since my first choice can not be an option I would have to say Eddie winning it because yes it was a way to get if off Lesnar but it was Eddie's time, no matter who was gonna face Lesnar was winning but it was Eddie which was good and he wasn't just a transitional champ either for he retained it at WM that year. Another one worth mentioning I think is when Angle beat Austin (who was alliance at the time) in Pittsburgh in front of his family and everyone stormed the ring great emotion, great win.

However the greatest title win ever was Jericho beating HHH on raw becasue it had that "holy shit" factor that we don't see to often anymore. But thanks to a few pricks who shall remain anonymous it was erased from the record books but still a great win regardless
кαяℓ [zα¢к ρα¢к мємв;3114394 said:
I know nobody will agree with me but I am going to say John Cena's first title win. At the time nobody expected him to win, he was going up against the longest reigning Champion in Smackdown history on the Grandest Stage Of 'Em All. So yeah, Cena pulling out the win was a huge moment and definitely one I will always remember.

I hate to agree with the above also but I too think it wasn't that great of a title win because like the person above stated it was obvious, but also after like 30mins of Cena getting pummeled he ducked one clothesline from hell and then an FU to win, 1 move and you win, "really....really.......really?" But I respect your opinion I mean someone has to stand up for the Fruit Loops of the world (no pun intended :)
Wow, you guys have some really good answers. Mad props. Now, does it have to be first title wins? If not then instantly Austin vs The Rock at WM X-Seven comes to mind. He beat the rock, and in J.R's words "sold his soul to the devil(mcmahon)" No one saw that heel turn coming, at the end of the AE, Stone Cold and Vince were now side by side! I'll never forget J.R screaming "son of a bitch I don't believe this" Just an epic moment, IMO!
In a league all it's own and undisputed champion of title wins for WWE has to go back to Madison Square Gardens in January of 1984. Hulk Hogan breaks the Camel Clutch and beats the Iron Sheik kicking off a whirlwind called Hulkamania and putting the WWF on the map. This one match did more for Professional Studio Wrestling than any other match ever and helped to build wrestling into what it is now. Second for me, though not WWE history, would have been Kerry Von Erich defeating Ric Flair.
In a league all it's own and undisputed champion of title wins for WWE has to go back to Madison Square Gardens in January of 1984. Hulk Hogan breaks the Camel Clutch and beats the Iron Sheik kicking off a whirlwind called Hulkamania and putting the WWF on the map. This one match did more for Professional Studio Wrestling than any other match ever and helped to build wrestling into what it is now. Second for me, though not WWE history, would have been Kerry Von Erich defeating Ric Flair.

That was the first wrestling match I ever watched. I have no idea how I even saw it because my father wasn't a wrestling fan, but somehow I had that on my tv and afterward I was hooked. I never was a Hogan fan though.

To me, the greatest ever WWF title win was the Ultimate Warrior over Hogan at Wrestlemania VI. I know that Warrior went off the deep end and his push didn't last, but he was the first man to ever hold the WWF title and Intercontinental titles at the same time and he was extremely over at the time. Hogan was the WWF's standard-bearer and I didn't think there was any way he'd ever lose. This was a passing of the torch match in ways that hadn't been seen since the Sheik lost to Hogan in the aforementioned match. Truly an incredible moment.

Too bad Warrior had to ruin it by being nuts.

(As an addendum, I still hate Vince for not giving the Million Dollar Man the title at Wrestlemania IV. He deserved it and should've been the first heel to ever win the penultimate match at Wrestlemania. That said, it elevated another wrester I've always appreciated in Randy Savage.)
I have a few of them that comes 2 mind, so here goes it....

Hulk Hogan's 1st title win over the Iron Sheik, this on was symbolic 4 a couple of reasons, of course, there was the birth of Hulkamania which began the Golden Era of wrestling, I refuse 2 call it "Sports Entertainment", then there was the storyline of USA vs. Iran, which was in the headlines of the news during the 80's. Hogan's win over the Sheik was a way of symbolizing America's win over Iran @ the time.

Randy Savage's win over Ted DiBiase in the tournament final in Mania IV. as a Hulkamaniac @ the time, I wanted to see Hogan regain the title that day, but thanks 2 the double DQ finish against Andre The Giant, it turned out like this year's NBA Playoffs, with a new champion & who better 2 win it all than Randy Savage?

Ultimate Warrior defeating Hogan 4 the WWF title @ Mania VI was great because it was the first time I had ever seen anyone pin Hogan's shoulders 4 a legit pinfall, it was sad 2 see the Hulkster leave the ring with that sad look on his face, yet he was a good sport about it.

this next title win wasn't even televised, yet it was a great title win once I finally saw the match some years later....Bret Hart defeating Ric Flair 4 the WWF title. it was a shocking surprise when Mean Gene, @ the start of the old WWF Superstars show, announced "LADIES & GENTLEMEN, THE NEW WWF CHAMPION" I was waiting 4 the Ultimate Warriors music 2 start playing, but when Bret's music started up, I was speechless, but also excited that Bret was the new champion because I felt he was deserving of @ least getting a shot @ the belt.

Shawn Michaels defeating Bret Hart @ Mania XII while I was disappointed that Hitman had lost, it was still a great match with neither man scoring a pinfall until the sudden death after the match, the match could've been alot better IMO if Shawn wasn't such a prick, telling the ref "get him the fuck out the ring, this is my time".

of course Eddie beating Brock Lesnar, but what I remember most about Eddie's reign as champion was @ the end of Mania XX, when he came out 2 congratulate his friend Chris Benoit on becoming the World Heavyweight Champion, when I see that match now, it brings tears 2 my eyes seeing that they're no longer with us.

Last but not least would have 2 be my fellow pothead RVD defeating John Cena 4 the WWE title @ One Night Stand, hell, I feel he could've won without help from Edge, but hey, it is what it is.
Austin Vs. HBK Wrestlemania 14. This was the first title reign for one of the most iconic superstars in wrestling history. It was done on the "grandest stage of them all" and is also credited as the official beginning of the attitude era.

Honorable mention: Y2J's win over the heel HHH on raw back in april 2001. It was a total shocker, you never see a rising upper mid card face get a clean win over the top heel like that. Although it was my personal favorite it cant really be number one because the decision was reversed. The feud also culminated in a much forgotten last man standing match between the two at Fully Loaded later that year.
There have been a lot of noteworthy title changes over the years.

Bruno Sammartino vs. Buddy Rogers
Ivan Koloff vs. Bruno Sammartino - the audience reacted in a stunned silence when Bruno lost for the first time in almost 8 years.
Hulk Hogan vs. The Iron Sheik - Hulkamania is born and the "big time" era of the WWF begins.
Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan - WWF Champ vs. I-C Champ. Hogan loses and gives his seal of approval. It was supposed to be a "changing of the guard", but Warrior's ego wound up being his downfall.
Ric Flair winning the 1992 Royal Rumble - Flair was already considered the greatest wrestler on the planet for his NWA/WCW work, but coming in and winning the WWF title cemented his legend.
Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart - Clash of the titans, considered by many to be the greatest WrestleMania match ever. Shawn Michaels' "boyhood dream" finally comes true.
Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels - The (temporary) end of HBK's career and the launchpad for Austin's. This is considered to be the official beginning of the "Attitude Era".
Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin - Jericho unifies the WWF and WCW titles to become the first-ever Undisputed Champion.

After the brand extension, I had a hard time keeping the "WWE" and "World" titles straight, so I count both as WWE champion.

Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle
Chris Benoit vs. HHH vs. Shawn Michaels - the crowning moment of Benoit's career, this has sadly been "stricken from the record" after the events of June 2007.
Batista vs. HHH
Edge vs. John Cena - Edge cashes in his MITB briefcase to win. Also started the annoying trend of winners cashing in their briefcase right after the champ had a long match and was too weakened to put up much of a fight.
Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena
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