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Greatest ever non-wrestlemania wwe ppv's


Regal is a real man's man!
i dont know if a thread has been created for this before but i think it would be interesting to see what everyone's favourite wwe/f ppv's are, and for what reason. i'l make it non-wm ppv's because otherwise everyone will pick a mania!

personally mine is:
wwf backlash 2000.
This was the very first wrestling show i ever watched after i stayed at my friends house who had taped it the night before, of course i have since watched many other shows and matches from previous years but in my opinion i have never seen a ppv done better. the wwf roster at this time was incredible. so much so that they had to put kurt angle and big show in a comedy match! the card is filled with great matches the majority of which had genuine meaning and a reason for the match taking place, and they built up the main event so well throughout the card with will stone cold show up to help the rock? the tag team matches are so well carried out including a brilliant opener with e&c v dx. and the dean malenko v scotty 2 hotty match is the greatest match including light-heavyweight title ever, and though thats not saying much the match remains one of my favourites. this card also had a benoit vs jericho match, just saying. did they ever have a bad match?
Few PPV's come to mind...

Summerslam 2002.

Rock-Brock, HHH-HBK, Angle-Mysterio, from memory there was an epic tag match in the too.

Awesome PPV start to finish.

MITB 2011

I'd add to the list, fantastic PPV, alot better then Wrestlemania this year also.

I'm not remembering the specific PPV name for a few.

The PPV headlined by Brock Lesnar & Undertaker HIAC~~ epic epic epic PPV!

Also, the PPV where the triple threat match for the WWE Tag team titles occured between the Guerreros, Angle/Benoit and Rey/Edge, I believe this was Survivor Series 2003.
Survivor Series 1996,
Austin/Bret I, Mankind/Undetaker IV, Shawn/Sid I, MSG the debut of "The Rock" I love this show and watch it pretty much once every 2-3 months.

Rebellion 2001, UK only PPV happened about 10 years ago to the day. Christian/Edge in a cage (one of the best matches of their feud) Rock/Austin and Jericho/Angle enough said in them 3 matches alone.

Canadian Stampede 1997,
It was only a four match PPV but the quality of the matches out-do just about every other WWF PPV in that year.

Royal Rumble 1997,
Second favourite show of 1997, I loved the Mexican feel to the show, the rumble match itself was pretty good, some matches ended feuds others prolonged feuds, and Shawn did the whole revenge angle in his home town always loved the show.

A few others I like to watch are
Summerslam 94, 96, 98, 99, 2000.
Survivor Series 98,
King of the Ring 1993, 1994.
In Your House 5 and 6 (Bret/Bulldog II and Diesel/Bret 4)
Unforgiven 2001,
No Mercy 2001,
Backlash 2002.

There are about the only none WM PPV's I can watch over and over again, they might be the odd one here and there that I've missed but as a whole they're my favs.
I'm not remembering the specific PPV name for a few.

The PPV headlined by Brock Lesnar & Undertaker HIAC~~ epic epic epic PPV!

Also, the PPV where the triple threat match for the WWE Tag team titles occured between the Guerreros, Angle/Benoit and Rey/Edge, I believe this was Survivor Series 2003.

No Mercy 2002 for Brock/Taker, was pretty bad apart form them and Edge/Rey and Kurt and Benoit both MOTY prospects.

And the triple threat was Survivor Series 2002, which i missed on my list but was an awesome ppv from top to bottom.
Summerslam 2001 had a magical card. every match was excellent. From the Edge/Storm opener to The Rock/Booker T closer, the ppv was gold
I recently re-watched Royal Rumble 92 and the undercard only has one stand out (the Piper IC match) but the main event is half the show and should be named here.

MITB '11.

ECW One Night Stand (in 06 I think?)

Summer Slam 98

King Of The Ring 98

Royal Rumble 2000

Summer Slam 91

Canadian Stampede

Summer Slam 97 and Badd Blood

As much as I love the trad Survivor Series match, I don't think I could in good faith recommend an actual show that is back-to-back worth it.
It's hard for me to choose here. Got me a 3 way tie:

Summerslam 2000:

First ever TLC match

The epic love triangle story with stephanie, kurt, and triple h

Benoit v Jericho

Shane's spot in the Hardcore match

Survivor Series 2002:

Elimination Chamber

Awesome Triple Threat Tag Title Match

Heyman turns on Lesnar

Great women's title match

Scott Steiner debuts

Epic card....Epic show

Unforgiven 2006:

TLC and Hell in a Cell on the same card....nuff said
Few PPV's come to mind...

Summerslam 2002.

Rock-Brock, HHH-HBK, Angle-Mysterio, from memory there was an epic tag match in the too.

Awesome PPV start to finish.

MITB 2011

I'd add to the list, fantastic PPV, alot better then Wrestlemania this year also.

I'm not remembering the specific PPV name for a few.

The PPV headlined by Brock Lesnar & Undertaker HIAC~~ epic epic epic PPV!

Also, the PPV where the triple threat match for the WWE Tag team titles occured between the Guerreros, Angle/Benoit and Rey/Edge, I believe this was Survivor Series 2003.

no mercy and survivor series 2002, problem i have with no mercy is the katy vick storyline, but it was a great ppv, and survivor series 2002 as well they had the triple threat tag team match and the opening match was tables elimination and the dudleys reformed, plus the 1st ever elimination chamber(and in my opinion the best) it was a great ppv
Survivor Series 1996,
Austin/Bret I, Mankind/Undetaker IV, Shawn/Sid I, MSG the debut of "The Rock" I love this show and watch it pretty much once every 2-3 months.

Rebellion 2001, UK only PPV happened about 10 years ago to the day. Christian/Edge in a cage (one of the best matches of their feud) Rock/Austin and Jericho/Angle enough said in them 3 matches alone.

Canadian Stampede 1997,
It was only a four match PPV but the quality of the matches out-do just about every other WWF PPV in that year.

Royal Rumble 1997,
Second favourite show of 1997, I loved the Mexican feel to the show, the rumble match itself was pretty good, some matches ended feuds others prolonged feuds, and Shawn did the whole revenge angle in his home town always loved the show.

A few others I like to watch are
Summerslam 94, 96, 98, 99, 2000.
Survivor Series 98,
King of the Ring 1993, 1994.
In Your House 5 and 6 (Bret/Bulldog II and Diesel/Bret 4)
Unforgiven 2001,
No Mercy 2001,
Backlash 2002.

There are about the only none WM PPV's I can watch over and over again, they might be the odd one here and there that I've missed but as a whole they're my favs.

canadian stampede 97 was awesome, the crowd reaction for the main event is possibly the greatest in history!
Unforgiven 2006. Not every match on the card was exceedingly brilliant, you had matches like Kane vs. Umaga and Spirit Squad vs. The Highlanders on their that really did suck, but in the grand scheme of things the PPV was saved by both the emotion that came from the crowd throughout the night and the action in the ring.

Trish Stratus had her final ever match, against Lita, for the WWE Women's Championship in her hometown. I don't think you'll ever find a Diva's match, maybe outside of Trish vs. Mickie from WM 22, where the crowd was so into everything. Trish winning it was huge for her and it added to the emotion of the entire event. Then if you liked bloodbaths, you had The McMahon's and Big Show vs. D-Generation X inside the Hell in a Cell. Between the comedy you get from seeing Vinnie Mc's head shoved up Big Show's ass to the gringe when HHH cracks the sledgehammer across Vince's neck it really is just an awesome brawl.

In-terms of overall match quality, Randy Orton vs. Carlito and Nitro vs. Hardy were two of the better matches on the card that you'd see that entire year. Nitro and Hardy went past the 20 minute mark of nothing but high flying moves and a very quick tempo.

And the Main Event is still fondly remembered. Edge vs. John Cena in a TLC match in Edge's hometown for the WWE Championship, if Cena lost he'd return to Smackdown. Not only was it a brutal, hardcore brawl but the emotion again is what drived it. Cena had probably not a single fan in the crowd when he made his entrance, but through the match he earned respect from the crowd, to the point that when he won they cheered him. Also, "CENA FEARS KANUCKS!" was a personal highlight of the match.

Unforgiven 2006 is a great PPV, I have it on DVD and I'll probably never get rid of it.
Few PPV's come to mind...

Summerslam 2002.

Rock-Brock, HHH-HBK, Angle-Mysterio, from memory there was an epic tag match in the too.

Awesome PPV start to finish.

MITB 2011

I'd add to the list, fantastic PPV, alot better then Wrestlemania this year also.

I'm not remembering the specific PPV name for a few.

The PPV headlined by Brock Lesnar & Undertaker HIAC~~ epic epic epic PPV!

Also, the PPV where the triple threat match for the WWE Tag team titles occured between the Guerreros, Angle/Benoit and Rey/Edge, I believe this was Survivor Series 2003.

Ive highlighted in bold the one I was going to post....

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