Greatest Disney/Pixar Movie

What's the best?

  • Toy Story

  • Aladdin

  • The Lion King

  • Beauty and the Beast

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

  • Wall-E

  • The Little Mermaid

  • A Bug's Life

  • Other

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
So with the next round of the movie tournament going up today, it got me to thinking: There were a few animated films on the list, but during the creation of the brackets, several had to be left out. So, without making a whole new tournament, this came to my mind. What is the greatest animated film ever created?

To me, nothing can top The Lion King. With the story, the characters, the music and the grandness of the whole film, there's little that can top it. Its Hamlet from the animal perspective. It was the pinnacle of Disney, and to me it hasn't been approached in the last nearly 15 years. It has the dramatic aspect mixed in with the Disney charm in a perfect balance that is never found anywhere else.

Of the choices given, what is the best, and why?
Do we have to stick with animation, or can we go live?

Of your list, I have to admit, I want to see Wall-E make a huge splash. I saw it in theatres with my fiancee and thought it was wonderful. One of the better films I've seen. And they accomplished so much in the first half of the film with only a few words of dialogue. It was romantic, poignant, and it damned two things I trult despise - pollution, and American slothfulness.

Aladdin was great, but it was also controversial. People in India and other "Arabian" countries rioted and refused to show the film anywhere. They even burned copies of it, calling it racist propoganda. The line in the opening song "where they cut off your nose if they don't like your face" was particularly offensive to the people.

My all-time favorite animated film was Lady and the Tramp. Such a great story, the characters were fun, you have many layers of pro- and antagonists, challenges, friendship, trust, love, and of course the most romantic scene in film history - the spaghetti scene.

The greatest overall Disney flick EVER is BY FAR, HANDS DOWN, MARY POPPINS. Dick Van Dyke's most stellar performance, and David Tomlinson's best as well. The movie was funny, smart, a little sarcastic, and dealt with a range of issues like a father's relationship with his children, conformity vs creativity, laughter as the best medicine, and the ability to recognize a person for WHO they are, not WHAT they do for a living.
I have to agree about Wall-E, i really liked that film and as you said overall there is very little dialogue yet they get you to laugh and to care for the characters which can be very hard.

I was quite surprised about that aspect too as for me it must have been a big gamble for them to take this approach considering kids/people these days have the attention span of a fly so to believe you can get them to care without actually saying anything was a big task but they managed it very well.
Lion King. Not only did it make truck loads of money, but also recieved nearly perfect reviews as well, which says alot about its quality. This movie also reaffirmed the fact that Disney movies can be enjoyed by audiences of all ages, not just the kids. It also happens to be one of the best examples of the heroes journey.

The shear emotion that this movie invoked upon its viewers was, and still is in my opinion, unheard of. Who didn't shed a tear when Mufasa made that final jump from the stampede to save his son? Who didn't curse out loud when Scar performed the ultimate betryal in killing his own brother to become king? When Simba ran away from the pride lands, who wasn't reminded of the times in their lives when they themselves have fled from their problems?

When Simba returned from the abyss to take back what was rightfully his, who didn't get the feeling that they were having a once in a lifetime experience? In one word: Epic.
Disney/Pixar movies are almost always great, and there are a few movies that are up there. I also haven't seen Wall-E, so that's ruled out for me. I'm also going to have say that the Lion King is the greatest Disney/Pixar movie.

The music in this film really stands out. Everbody knows the songs "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" and "Hakuna Matata", and they love them, whether they admit it or not. Its basically Hamlet from the aimal perspective like KB said. The emotion in this movie is another big factor of the film. Who honestly did not cry when Mufasa was pushed off the cliff by his own evil brother? Who honestly did not get angry at Scar for basically banishing Simba and allowing the evil hyenas into the Pridelands?

Everybody who is anybody has watched this film. The kids can enjoy it, the teens can enjoy it, Mum and Dad can enjoy it, the grandparents can enjoy it, anyone can enjoy it. It's one of those films that does not get old with time, and will always be a valuable addition to any collection.
My favourite Disney film ever is Mighty Joe Young by a long mile. It was my favourite film for so long. And probably still is, however now I change my favourite often. But this is the one film which will always be up there. The first time I watched it I cried. The second time I cried. Hell I'm onto about 500th time, and still I cry. The acting in this film is amazing, with Charlize Theron probably doing the best of her life, as well as looking amazing.

I realise this is a remake, but it's also so different from the one 50 years before, they're barely comparable. The gorilla in this is great. Everything Disney put together here is great. I think everyone should go and watch this now.

As for animated film. I have to agree with Klunder when it comes to The Lion King. Still now, it's a childs favourite, I've never met anyone who hasn't seen it. It has everything, and is practically the face of Disney. It's a true classic and I doubt it'll ever be beaten.
Tough one between The Lion King and Toy Story, both coming out when I was a kid. I was more crazy about Toy Story so that gets my vote. I hope Toy Story 3 lives up to the first two which both got perfect reviews.
In my opinion, the greatest Animated film of all time is the Lion King. I first received that VHS when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I used to watch it all the time and it NEVER got boring. I bought the second one, but nothing could top the first one. It is just a phenomenal movie. The movie soundtrack is one of the best ever. The characters are very good but the overall storyline is impossible not to like. There are so many memorable moments in that film. Just amazing, words really can't describe how great it is. Almost everyone I know, no matter what age they are, have seen the original Lion King.

The death of Mufasa is by far the most emotional moment in animation film history. I remember having tears in my eyes the very first time I watched it about 10 years ago and I'm sure I'm not the only one. That film MADE you want to see Scar get taken down. It wanted you to believe that one day, Simba would return to take back what is rightfully his, and to fight for his family pride. It was an emotional film, but it had quite a few comedy moments with Simone and Pumba especially.

I just can't praise this film enough. It keeps you on your toes all the time. The ending of the film is great and it made you want to see more when the baby lion is held up at the end. The second movie was also pretty damn good, but it just didn't have the same effect and appeal as the first one. I can remember all of this clearly, despite not watching the movie for at least 5 years. Very few movies can stick in your head as clearly as this one. The Lion King is just phenomenal.
There have been many Disney movie's over the years that I have enjoyed. Some of my all time favorites include The Jungle Book, Pinocchio, The Great Mouse Detective, The Rescuers, and The Fox and the Hound. Although I have to say my favorite would have to be Alice in Wonderland, even though the movie a poor representation of the book written by Lewis Carol (in terms of content), it is still a fairly actuate representation of the book (storyline wise). The film still covers the basic themes of the book and even though the content of the film is watered down, the overall mood of the film is not. Disney uses the bright and vivid colors and landscapes in the film to create the emotion in the void left when they watered the film down for a children audience.
The Lion King hands down. Rusty hit the nail right on the head. It's been a very long time since I seen the movie, but I remember crying my eyes out when Simba was trying to wake up Mufasa after he had fallen off of that cliff. Great Movie.

Now I'm going to go and watch it. :)
How could you have this list but not have cars? Cars would have to be the best Cartoon mover ever made. It has everything, Drama suspense and action. there was not one part of that movie i didnt like. I have seen it at least 600 times and it never gets old. but the story line seems vaguely familiar to me. it reminds me of doc hollywood.

The worst I am sorry but would have to be Wall-E. that movie was torture. it was dull and boring, very limited talking in it but i guess thats what you get for robots :(
Replace Wall-E with Cars and I agree. That had to have been the most boring, predictable waste of a film I've ever seen. Cars is just overrated in every aspect. When I started watching it, I thought to myself, ok this is going to happen, then this then this. But wait, this is Pixar. They couldn't be that predictable. And low and behold, they were! Everything played out perfectly as it looked like it would. One of the few times I thought about leaving a theater. Just an awful film all around.
Replace Wall-E with Cars and I agree. That had to have been the most boring, predictable waste of a film I've ever seen.
Bear in mind that it was made for Kids i dont think it was to predictable. you knew he was going to lose the race? Every kid i know that watched it thought he would win.
Cars is just overrated in every aspect. When I started watching it, I thought to myself, ok this is going to happen, then this then this. But wait, this is Pixar. They couldn't be that predictable.And low and behold, they were!
As i said, Just like doc hollywood. did you think that was predictable?. but again the main thing you have to remember is it is made for kids. they dont think like that.

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