Greatest Betrayals EVER


Pre-Show Stalwart
Thought I would use my first thread posting ever to ask the question, what was the most shocking betrayal ever in the WWE.

My two favorites were Paul Orndorfs betrayal of Hogan on Saturday Nights Main Event back in the day. Seeing him carried out on the shoulders of Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy was pretty shocking.

The other had to be when HBK pitched Marty Janetty through the window of the Barber Shop. That pretty much jump started HBK's career into superstardom.

What do you all think?

An please leave out the obvious one.
For me it was Owen turning on Bret at the 1994 Royal Rumble. I had never seen one brother turn on another in wrestling before so thought that was pretty shocking.
The Obvious One? Would that be the McMahon's buying WCW? Because honestly that is one of the greatest. How could you post this thread and not expect that to be brought up? It was one of the biggest moments in the WWE. Sheeze.

I would have to say, Probably when Steph turned on her father. Started a whole new era in the WWE. When she sided with Trips it was totally unexpected and it was a brilliant storyline.

Honorable mentions: HHH on HBK
stone cold joining the alliance in 2001 at invasion - this was totally unexpected and helped evolve a great storyline

and also stephanie turning on vince at armageddon 1999 - This completely evolved stephanie mcmahons on air character, and she gained a ton of heat
Evolution on Randy Orton

i mean i expected to see teasers of Orton leaving Evolution (similar to how Batista left) or something similar to show Evolution was slowly breaking up after he won the title from Benoit in 04, but i had no idea he would get kicked out the very next night on RAW

& the way he got kicked out was WOW after Batista hoisted Orton on his shoulders & then HHH did the thumbs down which lead to him, Batista, & Flair beating the hell out of Orton
My all time favorite betrayal was actually when Paul Bearer turned on the Undertaker and sided with Mankind at Summerslam '96. At that point you were so used to seeing both together at all times and for me as a kid it was totally unexpected, Paul Bearer was MADE to be the Undertakers manager, he fit with that character SO well so when he betrayed the Undertaker, that was a complete shocker for me (especially as a 10 year old).
For me it was Paul Bearer turning on the Undertaker way back in 1996. They had been in alliance for 5 years without the slightest hint of problems. Undertaker had finally put Mankind down after a war, and right when Undertaker is about to win the match, instead of giving him the urn, he cracks him over the head with it, much to everyone's surprise. Something about Undertaker lying there "dead", and Mankind's piano music playing in the background just stuck with me. It also led to Taker's feud with Bearer and Kane's eventual entrance in the picture.
My two favorites were Paul Orndorfs betrayal of Hogan on Saturday Nights Main Event back in the day. Seeing him carried out on the shoulders of Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy was pretty shocking.

are you sure this was an SNM match? i thought i remember watching this on a thursday night show because the previous week, hogan/orndorf beat the moondogs.

mine would have to be when barry windham turned against lex lugar while facing blanchard/anderson and became a horseman. i remember this was when dusty rhodes was the The Midnight Rider and wore that mask that windham tore off afterwards.

i for the life of me cannot remember when this was though. i thought it was the first clash of the champions, but it wasn't
WAIT. We've gone this long without talking about Hogan's betrayal on WCW, the fans, and his legacy (Which has gone untarnished-but it was a bold gambit)? It's true-Michaels on Jeanetty, HHH on Michaels, Steph on Vince, and Bearer on Taker are all great-but this is the grandaddy of em' all. Biggest and best.

They took the sport's biggest hero and made him the biggest villian. Like Spider-Man killing Mary Jane and Aunt May. Like Iron Man turning on War Machine. It was a HUGE Deal. The day that Wrestling was forever changed. That specific incident probably spurned on the attitude era which was "Teh bestest era evar!" according to everyone on this forum. WCW used this to parlay the WWE and control the ratings.

And if they wouldn't have screwed it up, then it should have been the move which won the war for WCW.
Kane on Taker at Survivor Series 03. Shocking to me because once it happened I knew they would have him return as the Deadman, when personally I thought Big Evil was still very over and personally i do perfer biker taker. I didnt see it coming either although I probably should have after Kane decimated Shane once again in the ambulance match.

I'm questionable on saying this but Matt turning on Jeff at the Rumble in 09. Just really out of the blue until Matt was in the ring with a chair, but still out of no where. Second time he had turned on him too.

Christian turning on Edge and joining the Alliance in 2001. The best WWE tag team breaking up. Although it was hinted towards a lot, especially at Summerslam 01, still a pretty great betrayal when Christian attacked Edge with I believe Hugh Morris and Chuck Palumbo backstage in Toronto.

I completely agree with Evolution turning on Orton.

HBK turning on Hogan might be the greatest betrayal ever. Completely out of no where with the superkick and it lead to HBK's best promos in 6 years, with the Larry King impersonation and HBK taunting the fans in Montreal.
Vince McMahon betraying Stone Cold after Austin rescued Stephanie

Vince was revealed as the "Higher Power" that The Undertaker was talking about who brought together The Ministry of Darkness and The Corporation and pretty much set everything up.

That was a crazy betrayal. I mean, you know Austin and McMahon would never ever get along for too long but I'll be honest I didn't see that coming. There was just so much involving into that massive storyline
When the Buther stabbed Hogan in the back, eh, not quite.

When Martel walked out on the Strike Force at Wrestlemania V, pretty good but not quite.

When Scott Steiner screwed over the Dog Faced Gremlin, Bingo. For me this did it. Big Papa Pump and Rick were the greatest tag team of all time only to see it ruined because of Scott's ego.
When the Buther stabbed Hogan in the back, eh, not quite.

When Martel walked out on the Strike Force at Wrestlemania V, pretty good but not quite.

When Scott Steiner screwed over the Dog Faced Gremlin, Bingo. For me this did it. Big Papa Pump and Rick were the greatest tag team of all time only to see it ruined because of Scott's ego.

I hadn't thought of that one, I remember that night, they were doing the thing where Rick was barking and Scott hammered him. An joined the NWO. Those were the days.

Of course Scotts attitude had been shifting and you could kind of feel something was in the air, wasn't expecting an attack on his own bro though.
Shawn Michaels turning on Marty was a shocker at that time in the biz; it was violent and seemed very real. Owen turning on Bret was also great and Owen played his part perfectly.
The greatest betrayal of all time has yet to be mentioned, and that would be Rock turning on the crowd and joining the Corporation at the end of the Deadly Games Tournament at Survivor Series 1998. It appeared the whole night that the Corporation-backed Mankind was going to be handed the Championship and BAM, Mr. McMahon stirs up the ghosts of the Montreal Screwjob, rings the bell on Mankind and the Rock turns heel at the highest point of his initial "The Rock" babyface run. Pretty awesome swerve in my opinion. If this post was listed "Greatest Swerve Ever", I'd nominate this match for that too.
For me there would have to be 2, my first one is Paul Bearer betraying the Undertaker, really shocking that someone like him would betray a huge reliable dude to join up with a lunatic (Mankind)

My Second would be Stephanie McMahon betraying her father, 1999. Triple H was pretty cool and I thought he deserved Stephanie more then her dead beat father Vince, and when she betrayed him that created one of the Attitude Eras greatest storylines, and thats saying a lot.

I also liked Austrin-McMahon uniting but thats the opposite. :)
when lita betrayed matt hardy. that was as real as it gets.hogan going with the nwo was classic. when people start throwing stuff in the ring, it's deep. when shawn put marty through the window. theat kicked off shawns solo career.
most of the good ones have already been said, Hogan joining the nWo, Evolution turning on Orton

but i also loved when Batista was in the ring with Evolution and was gonna sign the contract to face the WWE champion at Wrestlemania and him and HHH were gonna rule the WWE and Evolution would hold both world titles. They give each other the thumbs up and then...Batista spins his thumb round... gives the Game the thumbs down and powerbombs him through the table before signing the contract to face HIM at Mania for the world title!

This turn was obvious, but I still thought it was great
The greatest "storyline" betrayal: when Hogan made his heel turn on WCW - not only did he betray his on-screen friends at the time, but pretty much anyone who believed in the training, the prayers, the "vitamins", and the overpriced Spaghetti-Os at his Great Mall of America restaurant.

The greatest "legitimate" betrayal: what Earl Hebner did to Bret in the Montreal Screwjob.

-- Don
Since the OP specifically stated the WWE, that eliminates Hogan's monster heel really, for me the choices are between HBK superkicking Jannetty, and the Hebner twins screwing with Hogan...

I have to go with HBK. As shocking as the SNME screwjob was, does it really count as a betrayal? Refs are supposed to be neutral, and it wasn't even the "right" ref, but his twin brother. I don't know if that technically qualifies...

The Rockers were waaaaaaaay popular, and HBK actually did betray his partner, transforming from Shawn Michaels to the arrogant SOB HBK. That was a real betrayal, a face immediately turning on his partner to become a full fledged heel.

Plus, lets look at it from a historical perspective...without that moment, is HBK the legend we know him to be? You could point to that moment as the birth of one of the greatest singles wrestlers of all time. It certainly was the most meaningful betrayal, long term.
I think the "obvious" betrayal was the Screwjob, so I'm going with two.
Austin turning on Team WWF to join the Alliance.
HBK/Marty. This one has to have mention in any great betrayals conversation, because it was the Superkick heard around the world. And even though HBK has since had MANY betrayals, this is the one that jump-started his career of betrayals. By far the best one as well.
I thought that the Matt betraying Jeff was kinda shocking. All of a sudden they were friends then -BAM-, Matt goes and hits Jeff with a chair. They built a great Sibling Rivalry storyline out of it though. We saw Extreme Rules matches and Stretcher Matches so I don't believe anybody was dissapointed. Aside the matches, they built the storyline up more by bringing personal lives into the equation which makes things alot more interesting and personal (ironic?). Kane and Taker was a pretty shocking storyline too, I thought.

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