Greatest and Worst character transformations


Getting Noticed By Management
The gist of this thread is really simple. Which wrestling character changes do you think were the best and which ones were the absolute worst?

Hulk Hogan/Hollywood Hogan - To some this is the end all be all of transformations when you consider the complete 180 he pulled when he changed from the arguably greatest babyface character in the history of the business who once urged his Hulkamaniacs to say their prayers and eat their vitamins and always stood for what was right to the vile, underhanded Hollywood Hogan who claimed he was sick and tired of pandering to the masses and would do ANYTHING and step on anyone to be the top guy for life.

Sting to silent "Crow" Sting - This is another change that I believe reinvigorated a declining character in Sting. Everyone including his best of friends like Lex Luger believed he may have been in cahoots with the New World Order. And to nWo's credit, they even had their very own "Fake" Sting to further the controversy. Finally Sting had had enough and while addressing the fans, said in no uncertain terms that everyone including the fans themselves thought Sting may have been a part of the nWo and for that they could all stick it. Not long after words, Sting would appear in the rafters with the black and white paint always silent and brooding just watching everything transpire but for awhile never got involved. It was great tv during a time when Nitro was really turning up the heat and giving WWF a run for its money.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley to HHH - This is one of those changes that to me that didnt exactly need to happen at the moment. I loved the snob Helmsley especially during his run ins with The Godwinns where he looked completely disgusted by their very presence. Then when he was put in the hog pin matches with them or get the old slop bucket bath, it was classic. Then after Hall, Nash, and Waltman jumped over to WCW, Helmsley joined up with HBK to form DX and gone were the dignified bowing and snobby british mannerisms in exchange for brash and vulgar HHH who liked to mock authority and push the envelope. Later he became who we see today as the Cerebral Assassin aka The Game aka The King of Kings, etc who would take a hell of a beating and bring it back ten fold and hold the top billing for a number of years and brought about the faction Evolution and later reforming DX. Great transformation.

Bradshaw to JBL - This is one of the greatest of all time in my opinion and certainly one that at first I thought would NEVER work. You take a guy who with Ron Simmons were beer drinking, bar brawling, hired guns to the highest bidders and turn the Texas Roughneck into a man who became a millionaire in New York at the stock exchange and had a complete makeover. Gone was jet black hair and goatee in favor of a suit and cowboy hat with bleach blond short hair and pearly white smile with the stretch limo.

Undertaker to American Bad Ass - This is one of those that many people are divided on. I personally like Bikertaker because it was something different and didnt tarnish the legacy of his Deadman days. BUT then when you take a realistic approach and then go back to the Deadman character...that was stupid in my opinion. Its too far fetched to me and maybe unnecessary. Sure he has had his best matches since returning to the dead man persona but I still say it may have been useless to do so.

Randy Orton from Legend Killer to Viper - This has to be the worst in my opinion because I really really liked the Legend Killer gimmick because here you had a young, brash, punk kid who literally spit in the face of those who paved the way for him and put many legends down in the ring and replaced him with the boring, stoic Viper who flops around before delivering the RKO and just doesnt deliver anymore on the mic. I think this is another one that wasn't needed and may have done more harm than good. I understand that he couldnt do the Legend Killer thing forever and had to do something to reach the top of the mountain but the whole Viper thing is a step in the wrong direction to me and needs to be repackaged or at least rethought.

Diamond Dallas Page to Stalker DDP to Positively Page - This guy may have had one of the best turn arounds of anyone in WCW because at first he was a cocky no body who found a niche and created a great following and a hell of a character than many including close friend Mick Foley, say is the most true to life characters in the business in that he lives his character every day. He was one of my absolute favorites in WCW because again, he was different. He was so unorthodox and cheesy that I couldnt help but love him. Plus the New Jersey Triad with him Kanyon, and Bam Bam Bigelow was awesome as well. Then upon going to WWE during the absorption of WCW and ECW into the roster, he started out stalking Undertaker's wife Sara and even taking an ass beating or two from her and Taker then he became basically a motivational speaker with the big cheesy smile and the catchphrase "Thats notta bad thing.....its a GOOD thing!" Pure crap

Anyway I can do this all day. What are some of your favorites and least favorites throughout history?
I never liked the split of the Powers of Pain..two bad-ass Mad Max-type gimmicks to Barbarian wearing dear antlers and Warlord looking like a juiced up Phantom of the Opera....terrible!!
Then upon going to WWE during the absorption of WCW and ECW into the roster, he started out stalking Undertaker's wife Sara and even taking an ass beating or two from her and Taker.....

Here was the problem I had with that whole angle.



WrestleZone, look at Taker's wife Sara, now back to Kimberly. Now back to Sara. Now back to Kimberly. Back to Sara, now back to Kimberly.

Now, we all know (and knew back then) that Page was married to Kimberly. I can only suspend my disbelief so far, and I simply couldn't believe that someone like DDP would be stalking Sara when he is going home to someone as gorgeous as Kimberly.
Perhaps the two greatest ones of all time were not mentioned in the original post.

The Ringmaster to Stone Cold Steve Austin- Steve went from a guy who was going to be a mid carder for his whole time in the WWE and turned himself into the biggest thing to hit professional wrestling since Hulkamania. Steve was always very talented when he was in WCW but it took for him to go to ECW and find his voice to get his shot in the WWF/E and once he got there he was stuck with a horrible gimmick but did have a good manager in the Million Dollar Man. But if not for the transformation into Stone Cold, there may have never been an Attitude Era and who knows where the business would be today.

and the other...

Rocky Maivia to the Rock- This one explains itself, but sure Rocky may have been a World Champion with the gimmick he originally started off with but it wouldn't have lasted long and never turned out to be the career that he had in the ring and definitely outside of the ring. The fans were hating the Maivia gimmick, always smiling trying to be what he thought the fans wanted, but what they really wanted was the Jabroni beating, pie eating, trailblazing, eye brow raising, People's Champion....the Rock!! and Hollywood thanks him for that transformation too.
Got a couple favorites. I'll think on some least favorites and share them another time.

One Man Gang to Akeem - 1988 was the year that I became a wrestling fan, so this transformation will always be special to me, because it was the first time I had seen anything like it. As goofy as the transformation and character himself probably seemed to older fans, I found them both entertaining. I've grown a greater appreciation for One Man Gang over the years, but his metamorphosis into and run as Akeem was great in my rose tinted eyes.

Shawn Michaels to HBK - I don't know if there's anything I can say about this that hasn't already been said. One of the most famous segments in wrestling history, Rocker Shawn Michaels blindsided his teammate Marty Jannetty, launched him through a window, and ignited a run that led an undersized pretty boy into the Hall of Fame (but not without some bumps and detours).
Johnny Polo/Scotty Flamingo into Raven- The Raven character was just so groundbreaking and great. When you rewind and compare Johnny Polo the manager of Adam Bomb I believe with his terrible one liners and just all-around stupid character and compare him with Raven, its night and day. Raven gave these chilling promos from dark places with the camera right on him about neglect and torture from childhood, being bullied and picked on and laughed at in school when compared to the jock high school hero,Tommy Dreamer, about being overlooked in the business etc. Then in the ring he would sit in the corner before the bell rang and would just take a beating but always somehow beat Dreamer or Sandman or whoever it was. Plus he had The Nest and later The Flock in WCW of followers who would do his bidding and all the while he could care less about any of them. Just a great all around character and a one of a kind that can never be duplicated
Issac Yankem D.D.S. to Fake Diesel into Kane

Glenn Jacobs got stuck with an awful gimmick to begin with. I mean... a Dentist? Come on.

However, being repackaged as the Undertaker's brother was a brilliant move on WWF/E's part. I, along with some other people thought the Kane gimmick wouldn't be around long, but over time it has evolved into one of the most successful adapting gimmicks we've ever seen. Kane has been in every position imaginable in the company. Monster Heel, Babyface, comedy jobber, comedy face, and cerebral heel. He's such a versatile character that had changed so much over time. Originally he may have been somewhat pidgeonholed into a gimmick character that wore a mask, but we've gotten to know the character so much. Kane is my pick for best gimmick change.

Barry Darsow/Smash of Demolition to Repo Man

Do I really even need to explain this? Repo Man was SUCH an awful gimmick. Who the hell gives a crap about a guy that looks like a color blind Dollar Store knock off of the Hamburgalar? Such an awful awful repackage.
a lot of my faves that spring to mind have already been mentioned so mine will prob be mostly bad lol.

a recent bad one is turning ryback into a sniveling coward the guy was likened to goldberg and looks seriously hard as nails it remains to be seen how this will pan out but it just seems to be a dumb decision to make him look a wimp.

masked kane to unmasked bald kane at first he went in full on psycho mode which was awesome but it quickly fizzled out and he pretty much turned into an irrelevant jobber for years.

i also hated val venis and the godfather turning into right to censor members sure they were great heels but at the time they did my head in although it seems right to censor have been in charge of wwe creative for the past few years lol.

the doctor of thuganomics to the marine sort of guy to present cena not a bad change for the wwe buisnesswise but as a fan i just find him to goody goody sucking up to the fans when they boo him ect and like many i think its been stale as hell for a long time.

a couple of good ones are when visera became the singing love machine character that was good for some laughs.

also eddie and chavo doing the lie cheat and steal thing was a good change.

another couple of good ones i nearly forgot is pirate paul burchill i dunno what went wrong there i thought it was great dunno why it didnt take off much

and lastly helms to the hurricane was also a great change he was hillarious
I personally like what Tna has done with Aj Styles.... A Tna original and babyface turned into a lone wolf who only cares about himself. Kinda like what they did with sting turning him into a loner. i think it's working for Aj, and hopefully he goes on and wins the bound for glory series.

Going back to WWE, I liked when they turned Stone Cold Heel.. when he teamed up with Triple H and they became Two man Power trip. that was a great team. And showed a side of stone cold we have never seen.

And another is Matt hardy breaking away from jeff hardy and Mentored Shannon Moore. i thought that was pretty entertaining.

Also there is the Chuck Palumbo change when he went away from Bad ass billy gun and became the Biker chuck palumbo with Michelle.
Dustin Rhoades to GOLDUST
One Man Gang to Akeem
Terry Taylor to RED ROOSTER ( This has got to be worst EVER!)
Ron Simmons to Farooq Asaad

WWF had so many, specially around 1993-1996

Here's my pick for some of the weirdest 1's:
Terry Taylor was supposed to be Mr. Perfect while Curt Hennig was gonna to get the Red Rooster gimmick.
How bout Nord The Barbarian to Yukon John Nord in the AWA to the Beserker in the WWF.
The 4 Faces Of Foley was a great 1 w/ Mick playing himself, Cactus Jack-Mankind-Dude Love all 3 were in the 1997 Royal Rumble.
Terry Funk to Chainsaw Charlie
Lex Luger from the Narcisist to the All American in 1993.
Joseph Park n Abyss
The diff gimmicks of Kip Sopp aka Billy Gunn
Just some of the few I can think of right now.
Goldust was one of the greatest gimmicks of all time. They got a ton out of that character. More interesting than Dustin Rhodes the man. Clearly you're not a big fan of wrestling.
Duane Gill into Gilberg.

It was the only time he really made somewhat of a name for himself and became the longest reigning Light Heavyweight Champion in history.

It was also a damn hilarious spoof.
The auto-enhanced chants.
The sparklers.
The fire extinguisher.
All amazing.

Plus he was involved with both the Rock and Goldberg is one promo...

Who woulda thought?
Johnny Polo/Scotty Flamingo into Raven-
Issac Yankem D.D.S. to Fake Diesel into Kane
Barry Darsow/Smash of Demolition to Repo Man
Dustin Rhoades to GOLDUST
Ron Simmons to Farooq Asaad

The ones mentioned above, should not count, as they were not Character transformations like the OP mentioned, but they were complete character revamps, where we were not suppose to know or remember that they were these other characters previously.

My Picks for best though would have to be

Ringmaster-Steve Austin- Just became the biggest superstar of all time

Hunter Hearst Helmsley to HHH- This one was done perfectly as when he first started teaming with HBK, he was still the blue blood, but slowly the blue blood gimmick just started to fade away.
Best: Already mentioned -- The Ringmaster/Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan/Hollywood Hogan

Least Favorite: I'm not gonna call this the worst, because it's definitely not, but it was a transformation that became permanent and to my mind, should've only been temporary: Sting's Crow character. The whole thing made sense only in the context of the NWO. That gimmick -- hanging in the rafters for about 1 1/2 years before finally having a blow off match...shit, what a sweet gig for him, but it didn't nothing for me as a fan. I was a huge Sting fan for years, and in many ways, that period killed the character I enjoyed. After that, the issues with WCW in general killed a lot of my love for the promotion. I still think it sucks that Sting never went back to his original style, and now perhaps it wouldn't work due to his age.

Big Bubba Rogers to Big Bossman - In the NWA, Bubba was a "gangster" type, but the evil "Prison Guard/Cop gimmick was perfect for him. When he hit the WWF (and many superstars with that nightstick) he was the first real attempt at making an edgy character during the Wrestlemania era - having a bad ass white cop beating up guys like JYD with a was radical to say the least. They cleverly dodged the racial element by teaming him with Slick and Akeem so it wasn't the sterotypical "white bad cop" but just a nasty bastard. He never worked well as a face for me, but I never hated it either.

Shawn Michaels: Rocker to Heartbreak Kid - Shawn was never someone many saw singles potential in, he was the "lesser" of the Rockers and often the weak link in matches and performance wise. Janetty was the guy we all thought would rise. It's important to note that the gimmick Shawn took on was,,like many of that era - not intended for him, Shane Douglas was the original choice but like the best transitions, it didn't happen gradually, and it was a jarring shock. Shawn pulled off still probably the best heel turn of all time - it was the first "extreme" moment the WWF had put out and when Shawn superkicked Marty the entire TV audience...and crowd...and even the commentators seemed stunned, that he followed up by throwing him through the window had them baying for blood.... the moment HBK was born though was that arrogant straightening of his jacket. The whole character seemed to click for Shawn there and then and it was how he portrayed it thereafter. Over time he tweaked it but it peaked around the Diesel time, especially the cheeky little run in front of him when they were Tag Team champions and Diesel was IC... The HBK of DX, the boyhood dream and even born again Shawn were nothing compared to that cocky, brazen guy who played a song calling him a sexy boy, would use his belt as an air guitar and push Sherri to the floor like his own personal ****... but go back and look, it's all in that Jacket pull and smug grin.

Chris Jericho: Y2J to The Best In The World At What He Does.... Everything about that change was done so well, how Jericho took what the fans loved about him away from them. His clothes and colourful style? gone for grey suits. His machine-gun banter, replaced with a monotone, deliberate, thoughtful but cutting way of speaking and even his moves...the Walls, Lionsault - replaced with the Codebreaker. But most importantly the "good guy" and "goofy heel" was replaced with a nasty piece of work who would throw a man into a TV after knocking out his wife. We were all glad when Y2J returned, but that character is up there with the best.

Austin, Hogan, Scott Steiner, JBL and even the New Age Outlaws and Matt Hardy v1 deserve big ups... but the best ever is:-

Brian Pillman - Flyin' Brian to "The Loose Cannon"... Most WCW fans of the time remember the moment it happened, when Brian Pillman grabbed the mic and told Kevin Sullivan "I respect you Booker man" and walked out of a live event. It was clearly unscripted, a major problem and created the most startling, but ultimately perfect change of character. A few weeks later Brian went crazy again, harrassing Bobby Heenan into making "The F-Bomb heard around the world" on Nitro. Around that time, even Bischoff didn't really know if Brian was working or shooting and I think somebody got nervous. I was stunned when I heard that Brian had signed for the WWF, and gutted 3 days later that he had been in the accident that ruined his career... The character still had some brilliant moments though, he gave birth to Attitude with his first promo, BEFORE the 3.16 speech, Austin just kicked the door open and of course pulling a gun on a live RAW... They toned it down a bit when he joined the Hart Foundation but it's pretty hard to dispute that had Pillman not gotten injured, gone into the WWF with his gimmick and ring ability intact - he, not Austin would have been the big star of the Attitude era.

The guy who said Goldust - way, way wrong... Like him or not Goldust was another jarring, but perfect change. Faarooq could have worked, and arguably did when they tweaked it into the Nation version - the gimmick wasn't the issue, just the costume. Rooster was unfortunate but ultimately he was no Mr. Perfect and he went from the Rooster to the even shitter "Taylor-Made Man" in WCW, even copying the black lame type suits that DiBiase wore. Akeem was damned entertaining, even for the time - again Slick deserves a lot of the credit for getting it over, but this guy was never meant to be the World champion people often forget that.

The real worst ones are:-

The Spellbinder to Phantasio - Vince took a sinister classic of the USWA and made him a Wrestlecrap legend. Instead of magically producing a club or a cane to batter his opponent with, he produced a deadly...strong of hankercheifs... the evil version could have done so much more - a tag team with Matt Borne's Doink for a start...

Anything WCW produced from 93-96 using a former "known talent" makes the list. We got a Shark, a Booty Man, A Guardian Angel and even a Typhoon who blew himself over... but Loch Ness stands out (Shockmaster kinda gets a pass cos of how it worked out) due to the fact they took a legit British legend - Giant Haystacks, who was know worldwide under that name and could have used that to build the feud and turned him into a figure of fun. The fact the guy was only doing it cos he knew he had cancer and wanted to provide for his family makes it more insidious. The last matches of a guy who in his prime had over 20m watching on TV was in a cheap WCW sanctioned costume only marginally better than The Yetteeeehhh... At least he didn't have to dry hump Hogan.

John Cena - Not for the sake of bashing, but what he is doing right now is beyond insipid. They had a very interesting character with his heel rapper, then he went face but remained the rapper, then they turned him into a soldier and now his gimmick literally is the Fruity Pebbles guy... I get that kids love him, that in itself isn't the problem but as he once said "don't BS me that you love this... and neither should he love that gimmick".

Drew McIntyre - 3 Man Band version... This is tragic to watch, the guy is SO much better - I only hope that now Axel has had his go that Drew is next... Make him a Heyman guy, make him a Punk ally even team him with Barrett or Adrian Neville in a new British Bulldogs but do SOMETHING with him other than be the butt of a joke.
How about the transformation of some random blond male cheerleader into a caddy for Chavo Guerrero into Dolph Ziggler? It remains to be seen how Ziggler's career will turn out, and how his current face transformation will succeed or not. But the fact that's he's been an upper mid carder for some time now, has held major hardware (albeit briefly), has been a MITB winner, and seems to be transitioning into a main eventer has got to be seen as a successful transformation. I certainly didn't think when he was cheering in a green track suit pretty much anonymously, that he would reach the stage of his career where he currently sits. Even when he first became Dolph Ziggler, shaking hands and introducing himself to everyone, he was hardly screaming main eventer.
Scott Steiner into Big Poppa Pump, i still remember not seeing the superbrawl ppv and when scott came out on that next nitro blonde for a second i didnt know it was him at first.. the only thing they did to mess up that character was not putting him into the world title picture in 1998 or 1999 against goldberg, that guy was being built up as the anti golberg...scott also messed it up by goin way overboard with the steroids, if he hadve stayed in his 1998 physique he coulda gotten way more mileage out of his body and stayed on top of the main event scene for several years
How about the worst character change that never happened (thank God, Allah, Buddah, Zeus, and Odin it didn't happen): Turning Ric Flair into Spartacus. Seriously, he was going to turn the stylin'-and-profilin' Nature Boy into a Roman gladiator. Why wrestling fans didn't gather their torches and pitchforks against the guy for such a stupid idea is beyond me.
For me the greatest character transformation (and the one that alongside the emergence of SCSA turned the Monday Night Wars) was nice guy boring as hell commentator Vince McMahon into the egotistical Mr McMahon character that endures to today.

Curt Hennig's transformation into a West Texas Redneck definitely strikes me as a terrible waste of one of wrestling's greatest ever talents (and that's before you get into the minor point that EVERYONE knew he was from Minnesota!).
The worst one I remember was Chavo Guerrero turning into "Kerwin White". If it wasn't for Eddie passing away, we might have had been subjected to Chavo winning with the use of a putter.
Bret Hart: A massive shift in character brought on more so organically by the shift of the wrestling industry and its fans than by booking and storylines, this was huge. A face turned heel in the views of a changing demographic with a massive grey zone in the sense of right and wrong. Hart took the role by the horns and delivered with one the hottest and most controversial angles of the time literally dividing the wwe fans in two, USA vs Canada and the rest of the world.
One of the worst surely has to be Chavo Guerrero into Kerwin White.

I know Chavo was never a megastar, but why take a member of one of the most famous wrestling families in history, who was always a pretty good member of the roster and fairly over with the crowd, and bleach his hair and turn him into a golfer? WTF?! Luckily they switched him back, as it was an insult to the Guerrero name, I'm surprised Chavo agreed to it.

Another horrendous character change was Mike Awesome- I have said this numerous times. Awesome was something special in wrestling, a huge man who was incredibly strong and who could move like someone much smaller. Top rope splashes, dives over the top rope, you just don't see that from someone his size! WCW paid BIG money to convince Awesome to break his contract with ECW and walk out on the company, only to completely ruin him when they got him to Atlanta.

He could have been one of the next generation of WCW main eventers but was reduced to a guy who thought he was from the 1970's, and a guy with a fetish for having sex with fat women. WHAT THE FUCK?! It annoys me to this day that someone so talented could have their career ruined by WCW's stupidity!
I think Henry has had a great transformation - from being Sexual Chocolate to the BEAST he now is (regardless of the fans who still chant the former to him - which is hillarious)

When did Vince go from being a sadistic, back-stabbing, evil con-artist to a withering old man with no apparent "power" about him?? Here's hoping the current storyline brings back the old vince!

1-2-3 Kid to XPac - I loved both, although XPac was a quality star to watch and had an edge to him.

Character wise, Kane has had the same "kind" of character for his time in WWE/F....although over time he has become less and less a monster. The more skin and face they revealed, the less scary he became and the more beatable and human. Just look at Abyss in Imapct...not as scary now I don't think? Not as daunting?

A-Train / Tensai - Horrendous.
Taz's repackaging from the Tasmanian Devil to the bad ass MMA-Hybrid shooter that couldn't be stopped in 1995. That character was a solid decade ahead of his time.

That's a really good pick, Taz was a great character change. ECW gave alot of wrestlers the chance to reinvent themselves- Taz, Raven (Johnny Polo) and Justin Credible (Aldo Montoya) all immediately spring to mind as great successes.

Hunter Hearst-Helmsley to Triple H is another fantastic example for this thread. From the posh Conneticut blue-blood with the fancy clothes, and the bowing in the ring to the foul-mouthed de-generate, Triple H is a great example of how a character can develop over time.

Who would have thought that Helmsley would have ended up with one of the most successful careers in wrestling history, winning pretty much everything there is to win multiple times, leading 2 of the most dominant factions in WWF history and ending up in a position where he will run the entire company in the near future. Triple H is smart enough to adapt with the times, and he would never had all this success had he stuck with his original aristocratic character.

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