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Gold Rush: The Elite vs. Live Mas [HIAC Fatal Four Way] (World Heavyweight Title)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Constantine (c) vs. Ty Burna vs. Matt Tastic vs. Mikey Stormrage


This match has been a year in the making: the last remanent of the super faction that has plagued WZCW throughout much of 2014 and the beginning of 2015, The Elite, take on two men who’ve been at the forefront of the battle and were the entire reason the Elite formed in the first place, Team Live Mas. However, this match isn’t under tag team rules: it is a Fatal Four Way inside the career-shortening Hell in a Cell for the biggest prize in the industry, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. Tensions are at an all-time high not only against the opposing team but also between team-mates as the desire to become the best rips apart the very fabric of this amazing feud.

Does the reigning champion (the man who successfully completed the Elite X gauntlet to get to this point) Constantine find a way to walk still the best or will Matt Tastic reclaim his gold back and continue the dream run no-one believed he could achieve? Maybe it’s Ty Burna, arguably the greatest superstar in WZCW history and the longest-reigning WZCW champion, walks out with the only thing that he has ever cared about inside the match he initially brought into WZCW? Or will the highly-unlikely underdog Mikey Stormrage prove to the world that he is more than the other guy in every memorable tag team and moment in WZCW, defying all the odds?

Whatever the result, this match will not be for the faint of heart!

Special Gold Rush PPV Deadline is Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 11:59 PM (Central Time). Extensions are available upon request.

A Long Time Ago...
The rain had fallen all day and night, and by the time Constantine had delivered his election speech at a local town hall the ground was sodden with water. Leaving the hall, Constantine had spied the most heartbreaking of things. Flanked by his guards, he walked towards the sight; his disappointment growing with each unsteady step. Like a beautiful flower being plucked from the ground and peeled apart petal by petal, a homeless girl sat alone in the rain; her back against the wall and a small cup in her lap filled with water instead of coin.

Drawing closer, Constantine was stunned by her beauty; he truly had never seen someone more beautiful in his life. World weary and damaged, she still radiated a heavenly glow that could be measured by the butterflies in Constantine's stomach as he approached.

Constantine: Girl!

The girl did not move at first, choosing instead to keep her weary eyes down at her cup. Constantine had thought that she had learned a long time ago not to make eye contact with those who were looking down their nose at her anyway. Being homeless was hard enough; being reminded of just how little people like or respect you would be the last straw.

Constantine: Girl!

Shocked, the girl's chin rises to look at the current Senator; his guards standing behind him; eagerly awaiting his departure from these parts.

Girl: I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to be an eye-sore. I'll move, I promise. I don't want any trouble just don't take me to the station again!

The visibly shaken girl rises to her feet, dropping her plastic cup and the small amount of coins that were put in there. She backs against the wall, tears beginning to fall over her smooth cheeks. Constantine moves towards her as she freezes against the stone wall, the moonlight reflecting in every one of the tears that fall down her face.

Constantine: You don't have to fear me, girl. I'm not going to hurt you. Nor will I move you along.

The girl softens a little as the tears begin to stop trickling.

Constantine: What I would like to do is get you something to eat and a warm house for at least tonight. Would you like that?

Girl: I'm not going to the shelter again. You can't make me and I just wont go. I promise you, if you take me there I'll... I'll...

Constantine raises a hand to calm the girl; his eyes reassuring her.

Constantine: My girl, you don't have to worry about that anymore. Come, let's get you out of here. What's your name?

The girl looks frightened but with a wave of his hand Constantine manages to move her from against the wall.

Girl: Mia. My name is Mia.

Constantine takes her by the hand and leads her towards his car, closing the door behind her; the rain still pouring.

* * *

More Recently
... as quickly as Ty turns around to face the ramp, Mikey has run down the ramp and attacks Ty from behind! The two get into a huge brawl with each other and the crowd cannot be any more electric seeing these two fight. They use anything and everything to hurt each other as Akiyama calls for referees and security to try and break things up.

Copeland: Mikey & Ty are fighting out here at ringside. They cannot keep their hands off each other.

Cohen: Tastic's ace in the hole! He's always got something up his sleeve to make sure things go his way all the time. How is allowed to get away with this?

Copeland: Mikey's repaying the favour for what Ty did earlier tonight and is taking a new direction after being motivated by Tastic and in his match with Vikram tonight. Nothing to do with Tastic's match.

Cohen: You can't be serious, Seabass! This has everything to do with the match, which is still going by the way.

Copeland: There has been no contact made by illegal competitors to either Tastic or Constantine so grounds for disqualification are off the table... and now Ty & Mikey are in the crowd.

Security do their best to deal with the situation as Tastic manages to recover, leaning on the ropes and watching the ordeal happen on the outside. Tastic shakes his head and turns around...


Cohen: He hit it: the move that defeated every challenger in the gauntlet!

Copeland: Where did he come from!?

Constantine quickly goes for the cover, pinning the champion. Akiyama slides into position...

... 1
... 2
... 3!

Cohen: He did it!

Tastic tries rolling the shoulder after the fact but it's no use as Akiyama signals for the bell, calling for the match to end. There is a few seconds of shock before Harrys makes the announcement.

Harrys: Here is your winner... and NEWWWW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion... John CONSTANTINE!

The crowd is in shock as Akiyama raises the hand of Constantine who slowly gets to his feet, still trying to process what has happened. Akiyama grabs the World title and offers it to Constantine. John looks up at the senior official who assures him it is his championship. Constantine rips the title from Akiyama and pushes him away, clutching it close to his chest with a smile on his face.

* * *


It had been so long since Constantine properly slept that he forgot what actual comfort felt like. Hell, he hadn't properly seen the inside of his bedroom for weeks either. Between training for Gold Rush, press appearances and being a father to a newborn baby, it felt like Constantine was being pulled in too many directions and was spread too thin. As he sat in his limousine on the luxury leather, he could feel his eyes closing; no matter how hard he tried to keep them open. Sinking into the feeling, Constantine feels himself going to sleep until a sudden and unexpected buzzing comes from the table to his right. His phone; not so unexpected after all. Constantine picks up the phone, rubbing his eyes as he squints to look at the screen. It was Mia as he had expected. Constantine takes a deep breath before setting it back down on the small table and composing himself again.

It wasn't something that Constantine was proud of at all but he just couldn't handle it right now; Mia had become too much. In fact, the only release that Constantine got these days was in the car to and from home. It was the only place that nothing was expected from him. And under normal circumstances he would never have met with someone like Veejay.

Constantine: How uncouth...

Constantine s******s to himself as he thinks about his own history. He thought about when he was very new to the company and how he had thought a lot of himself, too. He thought about how desperate he was to make an impression and how desperate he was to become the World Champion. At the time, Ty Burna was the undisputed Champion of the Federation. In truth, no one even came close to beating Ty during those years. But for a rookie, he was the target. Beat Ty Burna and the world was at your feet; there could be no doubt. Constantine knew this better than anyone. He thought about the days that he called out Ty Burna for a match. How he had finally managed to worm his way into a match with the World Champion at Meltdown 52 and how had ultimately come up short against the man that many felt was unbeatable.

The similarities between Veejay and Constantine were very clear to see, at least from Constantine's view. Both men were rubbished when they joined the Federation; no one honestly thought that they stood a chance. But with hard work and the right talent, both men had gone some way to forging their own legacy. Veejay had come from nowhere to find himself in the finals of the Gold Rush Tournament; an unbelievable feat from someone that no one fancied at the beginning. But just like Constantine, something had been awoken in Veejay. Something that could not be contained; something that couldn't even be named. He was driven, focussed and determined.

How funny it was, Constantine thought. That all those years ago, Constantine picked a fight with the biggest dog in the yard to make a name for himself in the world of professional wrestling; his ultimate goal was to be the World Heavyweight Champion. Now that he had finally accomplished that goal; how funny it was that people like Veejay were targeting him with the same thought in their mind. Constantine had gone from being the hunter to being the hunted in the space of a couple of weeks. Looking down at the Heavyweight Championship that rests on the table alongside his phone, Constantine sits quietly; silently contemplating how his career trajectory had brought him to this place. It didn't matter that Constantine had had his ups and downs in his career. All that mattered was that Constantine had finally won the Heavyweight Championship and had put his name amongst the elite in this business.

In that moment, Constantine thought about everything that had happened during his career. His mind immediately raced to his first interactions with Showtime and Austin Reynolds all those years ago; feuding over his beloved Elite X Championship. Next, his mind sprang to the Two Man Power Trip; his loose alliance with Showtime David Cougar before he was betrayed. Without a seconds hesitation, his thoughts then jumped to the King For A Day briefcase and his first World Championship match against Showtime David Cougar. And finally. In those last seconds, his mind stalled on The Elite; perhaps his greatest creation and, what's more, the key to unlocking the World Championship. Constantine had always been known as a master manipulator and The Elite truly was his magnum opus.

Constantine had been the founding member of the stable, reaching out to Showtime Cougar and Michael Winters in the beginning. And as each of those men became obsolete or stood in the way of Constantine's greatest goal, they were destroyed and replaced by more malleable and easier to manipulate superstars. Michael Winters, Showtime Cougar, Steven Holmes and now Ty Burna and Dorian Slaughter; each of them had fallen to the whim of John Constantine and now found themselves under the boot of the greatest World Champion in the history of the Fed. The might Ty Burna, who had continually refused to face off against Constantine 4 years ago because he was the World Champion and thought that Constantine was beneath him, now finds himself chasing the same man; only wishing and hoping that he could reclaim the World Championship and his place in the sun.

Constantine: Pathetic!

But Veejay was right in more than one of his assumptions about Constantine. Firstly, he was now the biggest target in the entire Fed. Just like he did all of those years ago, everyone is targeting what he has and that puts him on a very lonely island. But more than that, Constantine had made plenty of enemies on his trajectory to the top. He had delightfully used Ty Burna et al to get what he wanted; an “injustice” that Ty Burna would not take lying down. There could be no doubt that Ty would do anything to reclaim the Championship from John Constantine and that would likely include the interference of his former stable-mate Dorian Slaughter. It didn't matter that the match was to be contested in a Cell; The Elite always found a way to make their numbers advantage count. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he thought he would be disappointed if the thought of interference had not already crossed the mind of Dorian Slaughter and Ty Burna. With that in mind, perhaps Veejay was onto something with his proposal...


Constantine looks down at the buzzing phone once again, Mia's smiling features smiling back at him from the display. Hesitantly, he picks the phone up with one hand and slides the display to accept the call, bracing himself for what's to come.

Mia: You think that you can just ignore me, John? We've got a fucking child now, John. This isn't funny any more. 2 days you have been gone now and not so much as a God damn phone call!

Constantine: Mia. I'm struggling...

There is a short silence through the phone as Mia takes in Constantine's sudden admission.

Mia: You're struggling!? You? You're a fucking father now, John! Like it or not, we're parents. And I'll tell you something else, you've been nothing but absent for the last few weeks. You're struggling? You've barely been here. Well, let me make it easy for you, John. Me and Casey are gone! This massive house and no one in it, John. You must be very proud!

And with that, Mia was gone; the startling silence still ringing in Constantine's ears as he took the phone away from his face. Staring at it blankly and without any emotion at all, he tosses it onto the leather chair next to him; the now-emptiness of his life being illustrated by the silence in his limousine. Constantine wanted to be upset, this wasn't just another fight for both parties; this had been coming. If Constantine was being honest with himself, he would agree that he had been an absentee father for the last few days. But Mia was all too aware of the unique situation that he found himself in, after all, it was her that had given him proper incentive to push onto be come the Heavyweight Champion in the first place. And as much as he wanted to call her back, apologise and ask for her forgiveness, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Instead, his mind flickered to the next press appearance; thinking nothing of the crumbling personal life that the World Heavyweight Championship had left in it's wake. Just like that, his personal woes had been lifted from his shoulder and he already felt a little more free. It was a sorry state of affairs and Constantine was sure that he would come to regret it. But he hadn't lied to Mia, he was struggling. And she needed to realise how important his career was. In fact, had it not been for his career, she would still have found herself begging on the streets of St Louis...

After a moment of silent contemplation, Constantine pulls a pen and a piece of paper from his briefcase and rests the briefcase on his knee; beginning to write...

* * *





Letter Contents:

I am trapped and it is all my own doing.

At the inaugural Gold Rush pay per view event, I will step into the ring with four of the most talented and dangerous competitors in the Federation. And although many reading this letter that I hastily write between press appearances will be shocked that I have given such a massive credit to my opponents, you shouldn't be.

All 3 of my opponents are supremely talented and have earned this spot on nothing more than hard work and merit. Since the new dawn of WZCW; ushered in since the likes of Titus, Celeste Crimson and Everest left us, all 3 men have continually proved themselves at the very highest of levels. Matt Tastic is, without a doubt, one of the toughest men that I have ever faced in the Federation. His reign as World Champion was more than a shock to me and to everyone else; it was an inspiration. The same Matt Tastic who failed all of those times to win the Elite X and EurAsian Championships finally did what no one thought was possible and won the biggest prize in wrestling. He cast aside the shackles of public opinion and showed everyone what he was made of . And speaking from personal opinion, what he is made of is far more than I ever will be. He is a supreme talent and a damn fine wrestler.

Mikey Stormrage is not currently thought of in the same regard as his Live Mas brother but I have shared a ring with him on more occasions that I care to count at this point. And speaking from experience, he has everything it takes to be successful as a wrestler and a Champion in the Fed. His reign as Tag Team Champion was just as inspirational as Matt Tastic's Heavyweight Championship win, there is no doubt in my mind. And just like Matt Tastic, Mikey finally put the doubters to bed when he finally pinned a World Champion last week on Meltdown. Without a doubt, my shoulders were pinned to the mat and he beat me fair and square. As much as he finds himself in the back of people's minds when they consider who will leave the PPV as Champion, he can rest assured that he is at the forefront of your truly. He has more to prove than any other man in the match and I seen that in his eyes at Meltdown.

And what more could be said about Ty Burna? My biggest friend, rival, stable-mate and enemy in my entire run in this company. On so many occasions during my tenure in The Elite, I pinched myself. Why? Because I still cannot believe that the mighty Ty Burna shared a ring with a former politician. When I first entered this company, I never thought that such a thing was possible. The might Ty Burna; the greatest Champion in the history of this great company calling me a friend and standing beside me as equals. People will write about his accomplishments when all is said and done. But something they will not write about is just how much an honour it has been to share a ring with him for all of these years. I cannot pay any higher respect to the man who will make my life a misery for months to come should I leave Gold Rush as the Champion.

There can be no doubt about it, I have my work cut out for me at Gold Rush. And as I sit in my limousine and worry about how I am going to rise to the occasion, I have to give my competitors the credit that they undoubtedly deserve.

But still, I am trapped.

Literally and figuratively trapped, I will face the biggest challenge of my wrestling career when I face off against these 3 competitors in a few days time. With this match, comes the end of The Elite and Live Mas. Tensions have boiled over on more than occasion and, make no mistake, they will do once again at Gold Rush. All four men have worked tirelessly to get themselves into this position and none of them are willing to the let that opportunity slip past them without a fight. This is the end. This is destruction in it's base form.

And just as I have paid tribute to the 3 men whom I will compete against at Gold Rush, I would hope that they pay me the same respect. Not only am I the world Champion, I have orchestrated everything that you see before you. I was the one who brought together The Elite. I was the one who managed to beat Matt Tastic and claim the World Heavyweight Championship; something no one thought was possible. I was the one who built this feud to such epic proportions that the friendship of Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage has began to crumble around them as they crawl on their hands and knees trying to rise from under my boot.

Even the great Ty Burna has found himself beneath me, being manipulated at every opportunity. I used all three of them to get what I wanted. And now that I have it, I am not letting it go for any man or woman.

Pay your respects to John Constantine; the architect. Pay your respects to John Constantine the manipulator. But most importantly, pay your respects to the one man who will give anything to make sure that he is not forgotten; who is not deemed to be a transitional Champion. The same man who would let his family leave him without a fight. The same man who now stares at the World Heavyweight Championship and knows that nothing will stop him from crafting a legacy worthy of the 3 men who stands to compete against at Gold Rush.

This is the end, my friends, my enemies. After this match, we will be done. No more will be fight like this. I will retain my Championship and will move onto becoming the most feared and destructive Champion in the history of this great company.

This is the end. I am the end. I am destruction.
No.....no this cannot be how this ends! Arianna! Please!

Get out of the way idiot. Serafina, listen to me, you have to get up and fight!



The piercing cry shatters through the air, the forlorn tides had swept across the two entities. They crouch down over the same woman, the woman that head lead them all to this very moment in time. As they look up, struggling against the chains that bind their throats and wrists, the sky bleeds crimson, foreshadowing the devastation caused. The weak and the manipulator, both reaching out for what defined their very existence. The siren laid broken, her wings clipped and her calming tone shattered.

It can't end like this.

It can't be this way.

Understand where we stand. The Ouija is dead. Chaos has become nothing more than a play thing. You are have become nothing more than a proxy for us all.

Then there's only one thing for us to do Harbinger.

There is NOTHING we can do Tyrone.

The human struggled to his feet, the chains pulling taut against him as he slowly turns towards his fellow prisoner. His teeth gritting together as blood falls from his mouth, a flash of blue flickers across his eyes as he throws his head back, lighting striking down right where he is. The screen goes completely white, the violent serenity remaining for what seems like hours. Forgive them all. We are not human. Desecration has reared it's head, leaving all in it's path a broken memory of their former selves. Matt Tastic. Mikey Stormrage. They have felt it's wrath. They have become feed to the monster inside. The Endless Winter approaches as the fire burns everything to the ground in front of it. The false Emperor. He has finally achieved what he has plotted for so long for. He claims no power over the monster that tears apart his lands. His Kingdom shall become the ruination. Weep for the man that discards all. He shall face the beast now! The wraith floats down, into the caravan of the emperor, his guards oblivious to the perils that await the man they swore to protect.

I assumed you would show up Ty. This truly is the end of the Elite is it not?

Alliances are dead. Bring forth those that fought side by side. They shall be thrown into the coliseum. One shall survive. The other shall perish.

The Emperor Constantine swallowed hard as he stared out the window, the hour of despair soon upon his reign. Though he contemplates the words spoken, he simply blinks away the invisible tears. The beast sharpens it's claws, the smell of blood wavering in the air, marinating the pain to come.

I don't know what's changed in you Ty, and frankly I don't care. But I will make it very clear to you, I'm not giving up this title if it's the last thing I do. I've thrown everything away to attain this!

Foolish is the one who believes in only his kingdom. History shall become nothing when all is severed from the living realm! The ash of Kings mix in with the ash of peasants, inseparable and undistinguished. Death is the only end for us all.

The Emperor snaps his head towards the beast, the sickening grin of a predator upon it's face. The fire had returned upon this proud man, egoism had become the downfall of many royalty. It shall be no different when trapped inside a cell with the essence of the world ender. Constantine, such is the name of a king remembered through the ages. His name shall be washed away from memories in blood just as his namesake!

Arianna........I have no other choice. To save you, to save everyone, is to lead myself right into the grave. With what little energy I had, I used the Harbinger's own will against him. We fell onto the ground, into a house that was disorganized. The house, that belonged to Mikey Stormrage. He was the only one who could understand. He is the one that can put an end to the beast once and for all!


What the FUCK!?!

Suddenly the larger man is up to his feet quickly. I could not muster the strength to meet him face to face before he stands over us, my arm over Arianna in a feeble attempt to ward off the man we had intruded upon. This was a risk, but it was the only card in my hand. As I slowly look up, I can hear her labored breathing.

What in the hell are you doing here Ty? Haven't you caused me enough damn problems you can't even leave me alone in my own house?

No....Mikey I'm not Ty....I mean I am not the one you harbor hatred for!


Suddenly I could feel myself lifted up with ease, slammed against the wall with a hand around my throat. I coughed, the blood still dripping from my mouth as I grabbed at his wrist, desperately trying to breath.

You won't make it to Gold Rush.

I have to....I have to for her!

Just then Arianna convulsed on the floor, her voice screaming out in pain as her chains seem to glow in the dimmed room. Mikey turns towards her as do I, reaching out for her as a look of major confusion forming on his face. He grimaced before narrowing his eyes towards me, the malice in his voice enough to shake any normal man.

What in the fuck is all this? What are you doing to her?


Inside El Califa's study, Matt Tastic can be seen pacing back and forth as El Califa watches, his head tilted as he throws his feet up onto his desk. He tips back his drink, checking through his phone as Tastic talks to himself, muttering everything under the sun about his opponents.

Will you buy El Califa new carpet Matt?

The hell you talking about Califa?

The way you are pacing, you are going to wear out Califa's new carpet soon! And he just had it put in three days ago.

Well I'm sure as hell glad you're enjoying yourself. You don't have to walk into a damn Cell in two days.

And you are one of the finest World Champions WZCW has had. What are you so worried about? Come, have a drink with El Califa.

You know I don't drink.

Fine then, would you like Califa to call up some mamacitas?

Tastic's head perks up as Califa holds his phone up, the list of numbers never ending. Califa tilts his head and nods as Tastic starts looking through the list.

You have seven Maria's in here?

Popular name. Unfortunately. Califa seems to call his ex Maria when he means Maria from Houston, or Maria from Mexico City.

Why don't you just delete the ex's number?

You never know hombre. Maybe you'd have better luck then he did.

I don't want your sloppy seconds Califa.

Suit yourself, she can do this thing in the bedroom with her tongue while you're.....

I really don't want to hear about what you've done with her....what are you looking at?

Califa shoots up out of his chair as Tastic turns to see a black robed man slowly walking into the room. He keeps his head low, but grey hair can be seen falling to the side.

Who...in the hell.....

Demonio del Caos!

The two Armada members ready for a fight, but the black robed man falls to one knee, breathing heavily, revealing a chain around his wrist. He slowly reaches up and pulls his hood back, revealing it to be the Harbinger. His hair has gone completely white, his face sullen, cracked, scarred, and bloodied. He gazes up at the Armada members, his voice weak and wavering.

Chaos.....has died. There is nothing left.

You son of a bitch. You cost me my title!

Tastic reaches down and grabs the Harbinger, pulling him up as the Harbinger's eyes glow a faint red, there is no intensity to him anymore, no will to live, not even a glimmer of the man that faced Matt Tastic at Revolution.

I....I.....need your help.

You what? You don't deserve my help.

Wait Matt. Demonio, what are you talking about?

There's something you need to know, and something I need from you.

Tastic looks back at Califa, who tilts his head as he crosses his arms. He walks over and begins to help the Harbinger up into a chair.

I am the World Heavyweight Champion for a damn reason Ty! I have scratched my way to the top, and you were the unwitting reason for me having this. So thank you Ty, but your assistance isn't needed anymore.

Laughter, the laughter of a beast being waved away. The hand that hopes to simply whisk away the violent aberration would soon find no hand left to hold his coveted high into the air. The Emperor only grew more angry at the insolence of his supposed ally. There would be only the rotting of carcasses left. The beast gets mere inches from the Emperor, his fangs evident to the man who holds what it wants. His claws wrap around the edge of the grail, clicking against the metal at an unnerving pace.

There will be no assistance in a structure built for monsters. There is no victory. There is only survival. The bloodthirstiest shall live, the others shall become victims to the animal that remains, the cell becoming his domain, and all those within mere rats released to the snake to eat. They shall run away with a want to survive, but they shall submit to their inevitable fate. Just as you will Constantine. Just as Matt and Michael will. Woe is the fate of those that carry the names of Apostles, for no prayers to their feeble God can save them now. He shall deny their pleas, and even the release of Hell shall have no effect. Bodies shall be dragged to oblivion.

The Emperor's eyes open wide, his frail humanity meek and the fear in his eyes palpable. But yet, a spark remains, and soon he shoves the beast off, his eyes piercing through the blackened heart of misery in front of him.

Your mind games won't have any effect on me this time Ty. I know full well what you did to me the first time we went one on one. I know every trick you've got under your sleeve. I am the best for a damn reason, and there's nothing you can do take this from me. So threaten me all you want, I am far better than I was the first time.

How is the Emperor's family John? It would be a shame if something were to happen to your son while you battled your own demons.

What the hell did you just say to me?

I said......please listen to me Mikey.

I continued to struggle, as Mikey struggled internally. We both looked down upon the woman that we both had loved at some point. Revenge was a way of life, I knew it all too well. To help or to cast us aside, I knew that was his mindset. He turns back towards me, his eyes narrowed and in a rage. I closed my eyes, knowing full well his decision. My opportunity had failed. Suddenly his grip around my neck loosened and he let go. I fell to the ground, my head falling forward as I coughed and choked.

So tell me what in the hell you're doing in my house. And what the hell is wrong with Serafina?

Arianna.......she and I. We are prisoners.

You're what?

Prisoners. I am not the Harbinger Mikey. Nor am I the monster that has haunted you in the past weeks. I am Tyrone. I'm the one that's lived through this nightmare for years. Only it took a dark turn at Revolution.

I held up my arms, the chains rattling against the ground as the bands were tight. Mikey studied them close before noticing the same on Arianna. I crawled over to her and slowly lifted her to a sitting position, my arms wrapped tightly around her as she continued to writhe in pain.

The Harbinger had come to an uneasy agreement with me. He could not survive without me, and I had grown too weak to survive on my own. I made a deal with the devil, to survive and buy myself time to figure a way out. A way to save my Arianna. She was an unwilling pawn in this whole thing. She was just a gypsy girl, but she was mine.

Wait wait, so you're telling me you're the original Ty? And the Harbinger is the one causing all this now?

No......the Harbinger is a prisoner too. Something....something cracked inside us, and something darker came out. He draws from us at every moment, our energy feeding him.

I let out an unbridled scream as my chains started to glow, the process was continuing again, what little strength I had was now gone as I collapsed, holding Arianna close. Mikey runs up to us, holding his head as he reaches for the chain around my neck. I grab his hand as soon as I can.

It's too late for that Mikey. It will only draw you into what holds us.

Then what am I supposed to do?

You need....you need to put an end to it. In the Cell. This is more than just a World Title match. This is....this is my only chance to live. And I need you to do it for me.

You're shitting me!

The Harbinger lifted his head up, looking Matt in the eyes.

I wish I was Matt. This is graver than I could have imagined. I thought obtaining the Ouija Scroll would give me enough to fight back, but in the end all the beast did was let me go so I could deliver it to him signed and sealed.

El Califa is confused. So it has not been you that has been attacking everyone lately?

The Harbinger shook his head as he clasped his hands in front of him, the blood dripping from his face down onto his hands.

I thought I was more intelligent then this beast, but his savagery withholds a mind even greater than my own. He does not wish to rule everything. He simply wants to watch the world burn and then drown under the blood he spills.

Jesus Christ. So not only do I have to worry about Mikey and Constantine, but now we got an even more psycho version of yourself in there with me?

There is one weakness in him Matthew. When he fights, the only thing he wants is bloodshed and broken bodies. He does not fight intellligently despite what I have just told you. He is slower than myself, if you noticed over the past few weeks he has bulked up, and of course my existing knee injury. Attack the knee, put him down.

The Harbinger looked up at the attentive face of Tastic and the tilted head of Califa, his voice lowering, almost as if he is shaking.

And end him. End me. End Tyrone.

Tyrone? El Califa is unsure of who this Tyrone is.

He is the human host I took. It is his body that I used, and the monster uses. There is no more hope for me. There is no more hope for him. But if you can end the monster, than it can be stopped before the horrors I have seen take place.

Tastic turns away, crossing his arms with his head down when suddenly the Harbinger cries out. He falls to the ground, his body convulsing wildly as the chains around him start to glow. Califa leaps over his desk and tries to grab the chain but the Harbinger brushes him off. He pushes himself up to his knees as Tastic turns towards him as well.

Please....this is the request of a dying man.

I swear to you........

I swear to you that I'll break you in that Cell Ty! You threaten me? Fine. You threaten my son, and I will end you!

Can you kill someone with such a conscience John? Can you be the one to put a dagger into the heart of a black miasma? Will you? Come on John. BE THE ONE TO END ME.

The Emperor shook as he faced the beast. Humanity were mere strings to be pulled, to dance upon the wishes of the angels and demons. Their souls had become their weakness. Could the Emperor not see that he had fallen directly into the path of The Dragon's jaws? The claws dug in deep, separating rational thought from pure instinct. Their mind's gone, they become nothing more than the lesser of the savage beasts. To be slain by those greater than themselves.

Hell in a Cell. You've been in the most. You know the carnage that goes on there. I'll bring that upon you like you've never seen before.

Forgive me.


Forgive us. For there is no forgiveness after this moment!

The mortal. The Harbinger. The monster. They all suddenly rose in unison across the dimension, their eyes all glowing red. The message of the devastator spoke through the wave lengths of existence, the puppets had done their unwilling duty. The message had been clear from their warnings. Consciousness left the former two, the beast stood before the World Champion, his voice inhuman.

The hero, the underdog, the emperor. All three shall fall upon the razor laced field! The beast shall separate flesh from bone, cascade it all around the Cell you find yourselves trapped inside of. The den has been built, and you enter to only finish your pathetic lives inside of it. Into the silence, into the darkness you shall waste away. Desecrated corpses shall wait for the rodents to devour what is left.







The roar of the beast echoes throughout the ages. The past shaken to it's core, the present becomes the past, and the future becomes the finale. The crescendo of angels speaks out the trembling of God. Fall before the coming of that which demons kneel before.


The crimson light flashes forth from the marionettes. Michael, Matthew, John, the three aposolistic named cover their eyes as they are overcome from the blinding. Soon nothing remains in front of the three. All that can be heard is the suffering cries of the siren, her wallowing the last sounds of their visitors.

Forgiveness cannot be given.

The time has come for the sinner to perish.

This graveyard is surrounded by steel.

There is no hope.

There is only.

I had been driving for a little over an hour when I finally arrived. I chose to go alone, instead of with family. They were upset that I had missed the funeral, but over the years they had started to grow accustomed to me missing major events. It was a draw back of being a professional wrestler.

Dealing with my father's death had made me think a lot on my own mortality. It seemed fitting, since I was soon going to go through hell itself to gain a shot at the one prize I had failed to capture in my line of work. The one thing I had never tasted, yet each of my future opponents had. To say I was the odd man out was an understatement.

A light rain had started to fall about half way into my trip, and it had only continued to increase in intensity as the day went on. It almost seemed appropriate for the somber tone of the day. The great poets of yesteryear could not have penned a more melancholy setting.

As I approached the cemetery, I pondered what I would do when facing hell. Would I call on the occult to help me out? Would I use the power of those around me to ascend to the top? Or would I call upon my thousands of fans to push me through?

I sat inside my car, listening to the radio through static. My dad had always been an outdoors man, preferring the solitude of nature to most other things, so it was no real surprise when he picked such an isolated cemetery to be buried in.

I imagined had this been ten or fifteen years ago my dad and I could have easily walked along a path just like the one I drove here on to find a secluded lake for fishing or some spot deep in the woods for hunting. It was never really my thing, but my dad enjoyed it and I did my best to gain his approval, often to little avail.

It was on one of those ill fated trips that I saw true disappointment from my dad for the first time. We had been squirrel hunting in the woods on my grandma's farm.

"Okay Michael, you go down this path, and I will head down this one. We will meet back up in about a mile and a half. Remember to keep the safety on your gun on until you are ready to shoot. Then when you pull the trigger make sure to squeeze, not pull."

"Okay dad."

The two of set off down our separate paths, I was excited that Dad had trusted me to go on my own for the first time. I was enjoying the sights and sounds of the forest when I saw a squirrel dart in front of me and up a nearby tree. I walked a few feet off the path and took up a position to shoot, using a nearby fallen tree to steady my gun just like my father taught me. I waited a few minutes for the squirrel to reappear. In reality it only took it about two minutes to make its way onto a nearby branch, but it felt like I stood there for two hours. Remembering everything my dad had taught me, I steadied my aim, made sure there was nothing dangerous behind my target, controlled my breathing, clicked the safety off and then...


With a small crash the squirrel fell from the tree to the ground below. The rustling of leaves combined with the thud of the lifeless carcass of the squirrel made for an awkward sound. I approached the spot where the squirrel had landed and started to jump for joy. I had killed my first wild animal, my dad would be so proud of me.

I started to yell for him, eager to show him the kill. A few minutes later I could hear the rustling of leaves again, and then I saw his hunter orange hat coming through a nearby thicket. Before we could celebrate another squirrel that had been scavenging for food in the thicket ran out and up the same tree.

"Go on and take the show Michael."

My dad said in a loud whisper.

"Are you sure dad? You can take this one."

I responded, but my dad shook his head, signalling that he wanted me to take the shot.

In my excitement, I decided not to take the few steps back to the fallen tree, but instead I wanted to impress my dad with my new found shooting ability. In my haste I didn't control my breathing, but I pulled the trigger anyway...


Again another squirrel fell, but this time when it hit the ground, it was twitching. I had only winged it, not enough to kill it instantly. The poor animal lie on the ground still twitching and making a sound that I will never forget. Before that day I didn't know that squirrels could make noises. As we approached the fallen squirrel, I began to load another shell into my gun, when my dad put his hand out to stop me.

"Don't waste the bullet son, just break its neck to put it out of its misery."

I was horrified. My father expected me to pick up the bleeding squirrel and snap its neck to end the pain it was in. I picked it up, but I couldn't bring myself to twist the neck as my dad had instructed. Instead I began to cry.

"I can't do it dad!"

I screamed in tears.

"Why can't I just shoot it again?"

Again I was screaming as tears ran down my face.

"Too much buckshot will ruin the meat. If you shoot it again you might as well have killed this thing for nothing. Now be a man and put this bastard out of its misery."

But I couldn't. I lost all control and fell to the ground. I was twelve years old at the time, but I was throwing a fit like a three year old. My dad lifted my off the ground, and I threw my arms around him, expecting him to console me. Instead he pushed me away.

"Be a fucking man and kill this fucking squirrel!"

I snapped back to reality. I wasn't a man that day.

The rain was continuing to pour down as I stepped out of my car and approached the soft dirt from the freshly dug grave. I laid down some flowers I had bought at a gas station on the drive over. I sat them next to the bouquet of flowers my mother had brought. I could tell they were hers because she always used red roses ever since my great grandmother had passed away when I was two.

I sighed deeply, unsure what to say.

"I'll miss you dad."

In my mind I knew this wasn't enough, but my mind wouldn't allow me to form the words fitting for this occasion.

As I stood, rain soaking my clothes, I saw a couple of squirrels chase each other up a nearby tree and I was reminded of all the bad times with my dad. I was angered.

"I never was good enough for you was I you old bastard?"

My voice raised as I spoke, the anger now apparent.

"I wasn't was I!

My anger got the best of me and I kicked the headstone. Then I began to punch at it.

"I was always too slow!"

Again I punched the cold concrete slab.

"Too stupid!"

My knuckles began to bleed.

"I was never man enough for you!"

I punched and punched until I was certain I had broken something in my hand. Small streams of blood trickled down the lettering of the headstone, as rain washed it away. I took off my outer shirt and wrapped my hand in it before climbing back into my car.

My hatred for my father made me realize something though. When I stepped into that ring for Hell in a Cell, I wouldn't be fighting for myself. I would be fighting for losers and misfits everywhere. I was fighting for everyone who was ever too slow, too fat, too dumb. Everyone who wasn't man enough. Everyone who was picked last. Everyone who just wanted to be picked on the cool team. Everyone who ever cried themselves to sleep because of loneliness. I would be fighting for everyone everywhere who was never good enough.

I wasn't simply fighting against a trio of men who had my number. I was fighting against the entire world that had held down losers like myself. There would be nothing fancy about it. It was going to be tough, it was going to be ugly. Blood was going to be spilled. I would be beaten and battered in ways I never thought possible, but this time it wouldn't be Game Over for me, for us. It would be Game Over for them.
It's the never ending story. The world of pro wrestling. A chapter ends. A chapter begins. But the book never comes to an end. Different protagonists. Different antagonists. Some are well remembered. Others are easier to forget. But from every point of view, The Elite vs Live Mas is a chapter in the book of WZCW that will never be forgotten.

The story of 2 rivals. A bitter, anger ridden warrior facing an opponent on the road to redemption. Walking away from his own darkness, he reaches out. Both men set foot on the same path and march on ahead side by side. The outcome of their battle being of very little consequence. The tale of Live Mas. Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage. Alongside El Califa Dragon and Grampa Tastic came together.


As the two men walk toward a bright future, another man slips into the shadows. Long angered and frustrated he decides to take matters surrounding him on to himself. He recruits 2 men and embarks on his conquest. Title by title, they would return to power and stomp out anyone they saw unfit. Showtime creates The Elite.

Ascension Anarchy said:
We go backstage with Stacey Madison standing by for an interview with The Elite. Winters and Constantine seem calm enough, but Cougar is pacing place with a large scowl on his face.

Stacey: Ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time are The Elite. Showtime, right now you must be very angry with what transpired last night at Meltdown Madness. The... Pale Riders, I guess we'll call them, swooped in after your brutal match with Ty Burna to take the World Heavyweight Championship.

Showtime takes the mic away furiously and looks at the camera.

Showtime: Angry isn't even the goddamn word for it, Stacey! I'm furious! Those freaks in pajamas took advantage of my hard work and ran off with MY World Heavyweight Championship. And now you're telling we don't have a World Championship anymore? Stacey, what the hell am I supposed to do to establish our dominance as The Elite around here? What the hell is Constantine defending the Elite X title for? I'll fix this. I'll fix this, I don't kno--

???: HEY!!

A familiar voice echoes from the distance and approaches The Elite. It's Matt Tastic. Holding the Eurasian Championship over his shoulder and a pipe in his hand. Stacey bails at the sight of a potential fight.

Matt: Hey, Cougar! I saw what you did yesterday to my grandfather.

Matt threatens Constantine and Winters with the pipe as they stand in front of Showtime. Mikey and Granpa Tastic also walk in to restrain the angry Matt and pull him back.

Matt: You lay another finger on him and I'll crack all three of you open. You hear me?

Mikey: Calm down, Matt. That's enough.

Showtime shows an interested face and pulls aside Constantine and Winters.

Showtime:That old bas- I mean, that fine gentleman is your grandfather? Well, had I known. I'm sorry. Really, I am. Did not mean to disrespect one of the top stars of this company.

Matt drops the pipe and calms down as Showtime talks on.

Showtime: You are one of the best here, Matt. You're also an elite. Just look at you. 4 time Mayhem Champion. A former Elite X Champion like us. And Eurasian Champion. Just look at you now. You're the top champion in the company.

Matt gives a perplexed look as Constantine steps in to talk too.

Constantine: I'll be honest, Matt. Mikey may be an OK guy, but you really should surround yourself with better company. You do want to be a top guy, right? Mikey and his comedy schtick will only slow you down. You'd fit right in with The Elite. And help us take down those "carnival acts" you hate so much. What do you say?

Matt looks on considering the offer as Constantine extends his hand. Showtime nods approvingly and Michael looks on content with what he sees. Mikey and Granpa don't seem too approving though as Matt looks at them.

Matt: I'll think about it.

Mikey: Come on. We need to be ready for our match.

Matt: I'm always ready, partner.

Mikey and Granpa look on with concerned faces as Matt pulls them away. He puts his hands on their shoulders to reassure them, but it doesn't seem to convince them.

Winters: Looking to take control of the Eurasian title, huh?

Showtime: With the World title's status a total mystery, I'd figure keeping the next best thing on a leash would be best for business. Lets see if we can get to the little wannabe. Otherwise.

Constantine: Otherwise we take it by force.

Meltdown 106 said:
Showtime: Matthew, Matthew, Matthew. Why do you continue to associate yourself with simple filth like you do? You're better than that. I know it, John knows it, Michael knows it, and most of all you know it. You are better than some overweight child, you are better than pandering to peasant fans. You are a champion. You are Elite.

Showtime passes the mic over to Constantine, who steps forward and adjusts his Elite X title that is slung over his shoulder.

Constantine: You and I have been in the business a long time Matt. You know how these fans will treat you. Sure they cheer you today, but soon they will turn on you for the next hotshot who comes along pandering to their simple minded sensibilities. Guys like myself, like David and Michael, we can bring this company to their knees. Think about it Matt. The Elite X and EurAsian champions side by side with one of the most decorated superstars of all time. We could rule the wrestling world.

Showtime steps forward and again grabs the mic.

Showtime: So what do you say Matt? Are you ready to stop playing with little kids and take your rightful place at the adult table?

Tastic, who has been pacing around the ring, stops and begins to lift the mic to his lips but is interrupted.

Stormrage: No es bueno!

The crowd cheers loudly as Matt pats Mikey on the back and mouths that he's got this.

Tastic: Look David, I'm going to have to respectfully decline. I'm better than Elite. I'm a goddamn Super Saiyan! To prove that, I'll put my EurAsian title on the line at Lethal Lottery against you, but first you have to get past Miguel over here on Aftershock.

The crowd begins to cheer wildly, drowning out Showtime as he tries to speak. Frustrated Showtime finally yells out.

Showtime: I accept!

Aftershock 35 said:
Showtime: I need a moment to speak. You see at Meltdown, I got caught in the moment and let my impulses act over what's best for business. See, Matt Tastic declined our invitation and challenged me. Under what premise, I do not know. But I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Matt, you're obviously in the building. I'm putting the offer again on the table. Whatever you want. Name it, we'll get it. We are welcoming you to the top brass of professional wrestling. We can guarantee your safety. Women. Money. Power. Name it. We can make it happen.

Corvus walks up the ramp and just as he's about to walk through the curtain, he's clocked in the head by a familiar object. The Eurasian Title. And Matt walks out to no music.

Matt: There's a time for fun and a time for serious talk. Fun's over, it's time to be serious. You gave me a hell of an offer, I won't deny it. I considered it. Status. Money. Leverage. But we go back to what you just said. What I want. You see, I've been here for 4 and a half years. Each and every month, they say Matt this is his toughest test. But each and every month, I pass that test. They asked me Matt what's next. And that's when the answer to your offer came. See last year I missed Lethal Lottery. But it wasn't because of the injury I had. See, I was cleared to compete at Lethal Lottery last year. So I called up upper management. Showtime, I told you what happened. What is it they said?

Showtime: Hahahaha. I remember. They said they had enough returns booked. Ty Burna, Blade, DC, James Howard, Derek Jacobs. They said you weren't needed. To come back later, I remember. But you see, that's why I'm offering my hand to you. To keep that kind of thing from happening. To give you the opportunities you deserve.

Matt: See, that's the thing. After that I was pushed off Kingdom Come and made it to Redemption after throwing a fit. But you see, since WZCW management told me I was beneath Derek Jacobs, I worked. I worked very hard. I won the Elite X title Consty has over there. And then I won this pretty Eurasian thing. You ask what I want. I'll give you the answer. The World title is vacant. Lethal Lottery takes place in my home. I'm the next biggest champion. It may not be the best of circumstances, it's what I want after all. I wanna be the one who sets the bar. The one who everyone else tries to reach to. I wanna be what you are Showtime. I wanna be..... The Main Event. And I'll do anything to get it.

Showtime: So is that a yes or a no?

Matt: Show, this is a business where you make your money by putting others down and making yourself superior. I can't do that working under you and under false hope. If you're World Champion, you'd gladly screw Constantine like you did so long ago. Hell, didn't Steven Holmes pull the same stunt the following year? What's your problem, Consty? You're into S&M or something? Showtime, take your offer and shove it up your ass. At Lethal Lottery, in front of the friends I grew up with. In front of the family who raised me. In front of "mi patria", I will Deliver Kickassery all over you and your so called "Elite". I'm gonna be the main event.

Constantine grabs the mic from Showtime and speaks out frustrated.

Constantine: No! No! You don't deserve it! You don't deserve to be anywhere near a starring role in this company! You ungrateful hillbilly! We gave you the chance to actually be great and not the pandering moron you are right now. And you spat on it! We are gonna tear you apart for that!

Steven Holmes grabs the mic, but unlike Constantine, he's very calm.

Steven: You really are one very annoying little wanker, you know that sunshine? I actually respected some of the things you did this past year to stand up for yourself. Doing anything to win, going to such deep lengths to win titles. You really wanted to persevere even if you didn't have the talent, you tried to find your way. I actually respected that. But now you're back to square one. The same clown in a mask who's title I stole 4 years ago. Different name. Different look. Same sad clown. Such a shame, really. If you really want to go down this road, by all means go. Just know that it will lead to your end. It's inevitable my old friend.

Matt: I don't need any sympathy from a conformist like you, Holmesy. I don't what the hell they offered you to join the Oily Pretty Boys Club, but I can guarantee you, you'll be taking a backseat to Showtime.

Steven: I'm a former World Champion myself and the original Elite. My status is well and secure. But as for you, why don't you face me then, child? Why not man up?

Matt: You and I both know this is a thinking game. Showtime is the only 3 time World Champion. He's the only Grand Slam Champion in this company. He's the money man here. You're just the plus one now. Step aside.

Showtime drops the frustrated look in his face and takes the mic from Steven with a smirk. He chuckles before speaking.

Showtime: ..hahahahah.... You're right, Matt. I am the money man. The longest tenured star in it's history. I am the 3 time World Champion. I am the only Grand Slam Champion. And after Lethal Lottery, at your expense, I'll have more accolades than anyone could ever dream of reaching for. I'll be WZCW's only 4 time World Champion. It's only 2 time Eurasian Champion. It's only 2 time dual Champion. It's only 2 time Lethal Lottery winner. By the time the night is done, the company wouldn't even be able to afford me. I accept the challenge, Matt. I suggest to get a very good taste of your faux main event and enjoy it while it lasts. Because after you lose and fall humiliated in front of your peasant hometown, you'll be wearing a paper bag over your head in shame.

Matt: Keep in mind that if I win, you'll have to live with the fact that you lost to a chicken breading, talentless hillbilly. I hope you're thirsty. Because I'll be Delivering the Kickassery at the Lottery and then moving on to win the World title at the match itself. If anyone is winning the World title, it's the hometown hero! LIIIIIIIIIIVEEEEEEEEEEE MAAAAAAAS!

Just like that, the conflict begins. The lines are drawn and war began. Matt and Mikey battled Constantine, Michael Winters, Steven Holmes and Showtime. Matt's grandfather was caught in the crossfire and it seems the Elite were to succeed. But Matt shocked the world by winning the World Heavyweight Championship right after losing the Eurasian Championship. It seemed the Elite were stopped.


But enter a new leader. Ty Burna resorted to old habits. He eliminated Showtime and took the group all on his own. He barely dispatched Mikey Stormrage through trickery to secure a match for the World title. Constantine also dispatched ally El Califa Dragon to also secure a title shot. The stage was set and the gauntlet was thrown. But Matt could not withstand the Elite's onslaught. And Mikey's help was not enough.


The battle must conclude. For nearly a year, the two groups have fought. The lines have been blurred. Allies have become rivals. But the goal remains the same. To be World Heavyweight Champion.


The allure of success can taint even the best of minds

Matt: OK. I'm mad.

The scene opens with Matt Tastic in a place he hasn't been in a long time. The barn. Surrounded by chickens running around, the pounds on a large sack used as a punching bag. It's being held by El Califa Dragon as Matt delivers fists of fury to it.


Why does it anger you, amigo?

Punch, Punch

: He does not say anything. He doesn't communicate. He just BAM, tags himself in. And then WHAM! Throws me out. Was asking me so hard, man?

Punch, Punch

Matt, you have to understand that he was in a high pressure situation.

Punch, Punch

Califa, the whole idea behind the “Live Mas” thing was Matt Tastic vs Mikey Stormrage for the title. And that BONEHEAD totally went ballistic when we could've just worked together.

Punch, Punch

In the end, he's still gotten the opportunity. I don't see the problem.

The punching stops.

Califa, he tossed a friendship aside. In my book, that's not cool. That was our ace over The Elite. He took it away in a selfish act. He has not called me back. He has not bothered to communicate with me. He's gone dark on me after leaving a foul taste in my mouth. Dude, I don't know what to think. But nothing positive is coming to me. How about you, oh great advocate of the devil?

Haha. That's funny. I like to be impartial. Please understand that while you always had the opportunity to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship, he was pressured and ridiculed for not being in contention.

There's still better ways to go about, Califa. I've done nothing but help him. And he-he....

Califa: He what?

Matt punches the bag with great ferocity. Ripping it and letting loads of chicken feed pour into the ground.

He fucking failed! Califa, I would still be World Champion or would've have gotten the damn match with Mikey if he had not fucked up so much!!

Even though he's masked, the body language and vibes given by Califa very clearly give off the feeling of utter shock at Matt's words as the former World Champion proceeds to kick up the chicken feed. Sending all sorts of winged animals that had come flocking to fly off scared.

We were so fucking close, man! We created a renaissance in WZCW! New faces! New blood rising! New main events! And it was supposed to be capped off by Matt Tastic vs Mikey Stormrage as a testament of our hard work! And HE FUCKING BLEW IT! Now, because of him, one of the guys we worked so hard to surpass is still running around the main event and potentially going right back to holding everyone down for another year. Another fucking Age Of Chaos under a mad man. And because of him a politic with a king complex has the World Heavyweight Championship! This guy is responsible for putting my grandfather, the man living in the house right there, in the fucking hospital!

Matt keeps his fit going and even grabs feed off the floor. Tossing it across and the animals flock in mayhem. Matt begins to walk away, but Califa snaps out of his shock to cross paths with his friend.

Matt, stop! Mikey has done nothing but stand by you and help you. Don't you think he would be frustrated? He helped you win the title and had to watch your night come to light. At the same time a person who paraded as his friend played him. Don't you think it's unfair to think he's being selfish? Maybe he also wants his moment.

I fucking warned him about Ty!! And look what him not listening it led to. Ty ending YOUR career! Get out of my way.

Matt walks off into the very jungle-like environment that is his backyard as Califa looks on scratching his head in concern. But someone that can't be seen pats him on the shoulder as the scene fades. It's become clear that Matt is frustrated by the unfolding events with Mikey. It seems like the tension was, is and will remain unresolved heading into the dangerous Hell In A Cell match. A peculiar circumstance as the match was brought about the continued battles between The Elite and Live Mas. But in a very cruel, ironic twist, its conclusion will be met in a match where all bets are off. The fellowships have been broken. The alliances have ended and friendships have seemingly deteriorated. Whether it's been because of selfish desire over the most coveted prize in pro wrestling or because of righteous indignation, redemption or finding closure in life doesn't matter. The Cell knows no emotion. And the men who will populate will have to throw away any sense of sympathy or remorse in order to prove themselves.

Ty Burna wishes total control. Showing clear signs of lacking purpose without said control. The World title is his claim to sanity. Without it, he acts as a destructive man with no cause. Constantine is an eloquent gentleman who places class above all else. And a seeming need to showcase superiority through that class has compelled him to monopolize the World title with his self righteous belief, also looking to provide to his family regardless of the moral cost. Mikey Stormrage has had to play the number two to Matt Tastic from nearly the beginning. As a parallel to the Cinderella Man story of Matt, Mikey has met every opportunity with unconventional failure. Reaching a point of “Do Or Die”, he had no choice but do anything to show he's on equal ground to his long standing foes and one ally. Even if it means severing friendship. Maybe his victory can mend the fence. But what about Matt? What motivates him?


Matt sits in the insides of a broken shack. Or more precisely, his old home. When Live Mas came about, this was the place where the friendship came to be. Mikey came down to find Matt. Difficult to maintain, it's become broken down and serves more as a home for the animals than the former World Champion. A metaphor for the collapsing friendship between the duo. He meditates in frustration with the place empty. Probably from the angry vibes he lets out. But he doesn't stay alone for long as a familiar face steps in to confront him.

Are you here to tell me I'm doing something wrong, Califa? That it's wrong of me to express my anger? My frustration after my life's dream came to an end in a way I didn't like? You here to tell me I'm being selfish? Well, maybe I am being selfish. And maybe I know I'm being selfish. But unlike everyone else, I wanted to be selfless in the end. You've been cham- Oh.

Matt turns and realize who was behind him wasn't actually El Califa Dragon.

Great. From Obi Wan to Yoda. You're here to give me vague metaphors then? Listen, I don't think you'd understand it. This is a little complicated. It's not like the old cockfights we used to work, gram- GAAHH!!!

Grampa chucks a small rock and nails Matt right on the side of the head. Shutting him up long enough to reply.


Matt turns around flustered and obediently.

Yes, grampa!

Grampa: Do you fear the Cell, boy?

Matt:What? I've been in hundreds of Mayhem matches, dozens of Cage matches, Ladder matches, twice inside the Elimination Chamber, I won Lethal Lottery. What do I have to fear?

Grampa:Maybe it's not the structure you're afraid of. Maybe it's not even your opponents. Maybe it's what brought the match together.

Matt: Did I do wrong to Mikey? Did my fight against Ty and Constantine push him away and turned him against me? Is it my fault? Or his? I-I can't even tell anymore. I was mad at him. But Califa's right. He has as much a right to fight for the title as anyone else. But I didn't want to push him away.

Grampa: I understand you had issues with Mikey, boy. You antisocial little whippersnapper. Do I have to fix all the problems you have with your friends? I just had to justify you to the creepy guy in the mask because you're so closed in the head. Matt. Listen, it's not wrong at all to be selfish. It's not wrong to want something and to go out and fight other people for it. You know what other things in life work that way? Love and war. This is war for the things you love, kid. And I know you might be frustrated because you feel a loved one betrayed you. But you know what? That's a problem that can easily be fixed. Whether its you or Mikey as World Champion. I know the winner will go to war for the other. Because that's what brought you to the dance in the first place, child. It was your teamwork that night. I was so proud of both of you. And I still am today.

Matt: Grampa, I don't think he can win at this point. Hell, I'm afraid to lose the match myself. If neither one of us wins, what happens? Is all the hard work to become main event level wrestlers gone? Do we both go back to wallow in the midcard praying for opportunities for years? Is it the end of me? And Mikey? Does all our work become a fluke? I don't want it to be a fluke. Or to it be seen as some sort of political work. I want people to remember it as two hard workers and their payoff. But I'm afraid of it not happening. And people seeing us as just two guys who got lucky. Namely me. Because no one saw me fit to be World Champion. I had the very people running this company trying to push me away. Taking away my dream. Just thinking about it hurts.

Grampa: That doubt is the only thing standing between you and what you want, kid. You've done all this once before. And I seriously doubt you being able to get out of a cage with Ty Burna and wave goodbye at him smugly is a fluke. You have the talent. Both of you have the talent to go into that overgrown chicken coop and make your dreams reality. In the end its all about the doubt. And it's pretty clear that Mikey has no doubt in what he has to do. What he wants to do. Or what he's willing to do, to make that dream real. Do you feel the same?

Matt gets up on his feet and goes over to his grandfather and embraces him. The comfort and warmth can be practically felt from just watching as Matt seems re-assured. But he retracts and looks at his beloved grandfather.

Thanks grampa. But I don't know. All I know is I need to go in there and fight. For everything I believe in. Whether it's to win back the World Heavyweight Championship. To help Mikey. To stop Ty and Constantine once and for all. For closure. For redemption. To prove to myself I can in fact hang at a main event level on my own...... I really don't know. But hopefully......... The answer will come. And I'll hopefully be happy for it and able to move on with it.

The scene closes with Matt walking off. With a more clear head. He walks past El Califa who is calmly feeding the animals and Matt pats him on the shoulder giving him a re-assuring smile. Whatever, the outcome of Hell In A Cell is, Matt has to go in and confront things first. Regardless of what's happened before. Or what will happen after. Life is not meant to be taken in fear of the future. Or in anger toward the past. It's supposed to be lived happily. Enjoying the present. And looking forward to what good may come. You're supposed to......

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