Going in for an interview


WZ's Resident GameStop Advisor
As some might know, I work at GameStop. Our third key manager (for anyone who doesn't know how GS works, that manager is called the Senior Game Advisor, or SGA for short) is being promoted to ASM at another store, and the SGA position is opening. Our district is holding a job fair at a local mall tomorrow, and my SM told me he wants to go because he has a procedure for promotions/hiring new managers. I'd have to interview with him again, then a few more store managers, and then maybe the DM.

I'm not going to lie, I am kind of nervous about this. I've done interviews before, but this is by far the most important one for me. I've met some of the people that are going to the job fair, and they all have a lot more experience than me.

Does anybody have any advice?
Doesn't matter if you're going in for an interview as a pizza delivery boy or as the CEO of Disney, dress for success. You should wear a nice shirt, a tie, and a sports coat along with a pair of nice pants and shoes and belt to match. You don't have to wear a suit for this particular job, but if you want to wear a suit I don't think any harm would be done.

Also, prepare for the questions they might ask you. Anticipate the ones you are SURE they will ask you, and be prepared for the tricky ones interviewers like to slip in there, such as what is your biggest weakness and what do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

And above all else, sounds and look confident. Practice good body language in a mirror to see what works for you. Make sure you talk strongly and proudly, and don't be intimidated by your interviewer or surroundings.
I've recently been given an interview for an insurance job through an agency. The agency have very kindly outlined pretty much what to do and say before getting to the interview.

Basically it said -

-Wear a suit. Regardless of how they might actually dress in the workplace, wear a suit to the interview because it shows professionalism and enthusiasm for the position (since you work there already and they know your track record, that's probably not all that essential, but hey it couldn't hurt right?)

-Have maybe 3 to 5 questions for whoever is interviewing you. Again this shows enthusiasm for the job and a professional attitude.

- Look at the duties of the job and review your own skills from what you do now and explain how your skills and strengths would make you an ideal candidate for the position.

- Learn the job role inside out so that you can answer any questions within about 2 seconds of being asked. Nothing lets you down more than having to stop and think of an answer.

- If you don't already know the salary or even if you do, and they ask you how much you're looking to earn, always quote just under what they're offering. Apparently being too money orientated is a big put off.

- Sell yourself as much as possible. Tell them you're efficient, eager, flexible and think of examples where you've gone above and beyond for your business in the past and tell them that not only do you want people to recognise you for your own personal excellence, but through your efforts, you want people to recognise the company's excellence through you as well. Tell them you want customers to leave thinking, "If the rest of company are as great as he was with me, i'd definitely recommend them to others" etc.

- Like JGlass said, practice what you're going to say over and over again. Stuttering and having to stop and think of appropriate language will let you down.

I'm desperate to get out of my job because A) it's a good 20 miles from where i actually live (massive drain on money), B) they pay pittance (people who've worked at McDonalds for 2 years get paid better than me, and they barely have to apply their brains. I have to actually think on people's behalfs AS WELL AS chasing all the other idiots who fuck up our service), C) it's obvious the company doesn't give a shit about our store because we get fuck all stock ever, and business is getting worse and worse as a result, and they do nothing to turn that around, and this isn't a new problem, that's how it's been for at least a year, and D) I have zero interest in the job and E) there's not even any means to transfer to another branch, area of the compnay i.e. distribution or even get promoted because they're removing positions and cutting budgets left, right and center. We only have 1/3 of the people working here now comapred to when i started for instance.

For this insurance job i'm going for a wrote across like 8 pages of a notepad exactly what i'm going to say in each section, without running my mouth for god know's how long about nothing of real merit. One of the big things the agency told me was, lack of preparation before the interview is the most common thing that lets applicants down.

And since you're looking to get promoted, think of something you would want to change that could benefit the business.

And finally, best of luck dude.
Thanks guys. I wasn't going to wear a sports coat, but I think I will. Like Mark said, it couldn't hurt. I've already interviewed with my SM a few weeks ago, plus my first interview a year ago, so I'm kind of prepared for the questions he'll be asking. I'm printing out a few copies of my resume, and trying my best to look confident. My dad's a pretty high manager at USA Mobile, so I had him interview me with questions he likes to ask, and he says I seem pretty ready.
Don't forget to always point out what you're good at. When I was interviewed for my job at McDonald's, the boss was quick to praise when I mentioned I was bilingual. Whether you know two languages or not, pointing out what you're good at may strike a chord with your interviewer and may give him/her various reasons to hire you as you may have some qualities others don't have.

As already mentioned, looks are important. Being there before time also helps. Best to be there before anybody else as it is best to wait for others instead of making others wait.
When the interview is over, go home and send a letter to the person who interviewed you. My father taught me that, and I believe that it's helped me. If the company is trying to decide between hiring you and someone else, they'll remember that you sent a letter. That shows that you want that job. In the letter, be sure to reiterate that you're confident in your abilities, and be sure to thank the interviewer. It's not guaranteed to get you the job, but it certainly will not hurt you in the least.
1)Be Confident. Make them think straight away that you are the best person for the job.

2) If you're not sure What they're talking about, Ask them, don't just smile and agree, because it will show. they're trained to read people and Asking a question about something you don't understand while show them that even though you don't know, you're willing to learn

3) Don't ask about the pay or holidays. Asking for the pay show's you're only interested in it for the money and nothing else

4) Show up to the interview 10 minutes early. Sometimes they're busy and want to get it over and done with. Turning up early shows that you have good time management skills and will be less likely to be turning up late if you get the job.

5)Do you smoke? if the appointment is early in the morning don't smoke until afterwards, the smell sticks to you.

6) Just be yourself. nothing shits people off more then interviewing somebody and when they get hired they become a different person.
I am in the process of being interviewed for several new jobs right now. Here is what I do

1. Make sure I look smart, my hair is right. I wear a shirt, shirt and matching tie with freshly polished shoes

2. Research the company. You often get asked about where you think the company is going, about its history etc. You need to know some of this shit

3. Have a few questions for them, perhaps about opportunities for career progression, salary, benefits, and ask them what they like about working for that organisation.

4. When you are asked about personal qualities/skills, try and give examples of how that skill/quality would be of beneficial to their organisation and how it has aided you in your career so far. Examples show that you are not just bullshitting.

5. I have a book titled "excellent answers to tough interview questions". I read this constantly in the days up to the interview, so I know what to expect. It has certainly benefitted me

6. Good body language is always important. Look confident, give a firm handshake and try to look relaxed. Building a good rapport with your interviewer is always a good thing.

7. Perhaps ask for a tour of the premises after the interview. This shows you are interested in knowing how the company works.

8. If you have to do a presentation, practice it infront of an audience (parents, girlfriend etc). This will help you to learn it and feel more comfortable when having to present to the interview panel. I was told that in my current job, my presentation in the interview was a 9/10 and the others were 2s and 3s. Practice makes perfect my son. Do not underestimate it.

9. If you smoke, do not light up before the interview. Smelling of smoke is not a good thing to most interviewers, so don't do it.

10. Send an email after the interview to the person you saw, thanking them for the opportunity of speaking to them. They will remember this.

11. Ensure you know your CV well. There is nothing more embarrasing that being asked a question about something on your CV and not being able to talk about it. If you have lied/exxagerated something, make sure you can cover it up.

12. When you are in the interview and asking about something, say..dresscode. Say "WHEN I am working for you, what is the regular dresscode", rather than "IF I work for you...", this will subconciously affect the interviewers opinion. This was actually told to me by an MD of a company who I know very well. He always used it himself in interviews.

Hope any of this helps you bro. Good luck. I will find out tomorrow (Friday) hopefully whether I was successful in my interview this week.
Well, I was stated as "over dressed" and the interviewer stated I might "lack the personality". Joy.
Well, I was stated as "over dressed" and the interviewer stated I might "lack the personality". Joy.

Sorry to hear that dude, i've had some real bullshit responses in the past as well. I once applied to work for our county council, and although i made it the final round of applicants in the interview stages for one job they thought others would be better qualified, which was fair enough, i'd never used any of the software they were talking about, whereas everyone else who came had done.

About a month later, they rang me up and said 'there's another position we'd like to interview you about, come down etc' and after the interview they said 'that i didn't seem enthusiastic about the job offer', when i was never told what the actual job was. They bombarded me with questions (even though one of the interviewers was the same one i'd had the previous time, and they actual job role was never described to me). Obviously i should have asked questions, but i did actually expect them to give me an overview of what they were actually interviewing me for. Nothing what so ever. And now every time i've applied to do anything relating to the council, they don't even get back to me.

Keep your head up high dude, something will come up eventually, but it does sound like utter bullshit when agencys and other people you know socially who have employed people in their work tell you to dress in a suit and then the actual place you apply for says 'over-dressed'. I mean, what the fuck does that mean? It's not like you intend to dress that way EVERY single day, you're just trying to show commitment and enthusiasm for the job role.

I applied for a job with an insurance company that wanted to hire graduates only, but they didn't need previous experience in sales. I AM a graduate and i DO have experience in sales already and they said 'thanks but no thanks.' WTF? I tick both boxes when you only want one box ticked and you don't want me? Where's the logic in that?
Well, I was stated as "over dressed" and the interviewer stated I might "lack the personality". Joy.

WTF? How can you be overdressed for a job interview. 99.9% of jobs expect you to turn up in a smart suit, nice shirt and tie and clean shoes. If you did not do that then almost all companies would reject you right off the bat. If that is the feedback you got then I really am shocked.

As for the personality thing? Maybe your personality was not suitable to the advertised position, or perhaps you were nervous in the interview and didnt let your personality shine through? That is extremely common, and most interviewers worth their salt will appreciate that about the people they are talking to. They know how fucking nerve-wracking and unpleasant going for an interview is.

In my interview on wednesday, I went to shake the hand of the MD and my hand was sticky as I was nervous, and when I apologised he just laughed and said don't worry, everyone is a bit nervous in an interivew. I think the interview went well as a whole, and I am waiting to hear back whether I was successful. Me and 2 others were interviewed, so fingers crossed!
I can understand how somebody can be over dressed for a job interview. Over dressing yourself for a job where you wouldn't normally wear a suit and tie makes you look like you're trying to hard and it's not showing your true self. I find, when I go to a job interview wearing a nice pair of jeans, and a nice dress shirt can be more affective then a suit and tie. It show's that you are well dressed, and you're not faking who you are.

the Natural said:
As for the personality thing? Maybe your personality was not suitable to the advertised position, or perhaps you were nervous in the interview and didnt let your personality shine through? That is extremely common, and most interviewers worth their salt will appreciate that about the people they are talking to. They know how fucking nerve-wracking and unpleasant going for an interview is.
That's why I said in my first post I said act yourself. I know job interviews can be nerve racking but they use interviews as ways of seeing how you can handle being around customers. If you appear nervous, or sound like a druid, why would they want you to work in customer services?
Well truthfully, I was a little nervous. What he meant by personality, was that I wasn't fake enough to bullshit somebody into buying something extremely expensive when all they want is just a 15 dollar game.

The next night, he actually came to the store I work at to help with inventory. He came up to me and said "well, you seem extremely different now than yesterday" and I said "i guess first impressions aren't everything". We laughed and he walked off.

Just found out I didn't get the promotion. They hired some new girl instead of promoting from inside. It's cool, I just got to keep positive, work harder, and hope for the next time.
I got a 2nd interview tomorrow for a job selling business insurance. I was actually interviewed for a whole hour despite the fact that the guy doing it said he needed to get it done as quickly as possible, and he was the guy i'd be working under specifically.

I guess they're keen to have me because it had been less than 24 hours when i heard back from them.

He even went into why i wasn't looking to get a career relating to my degree and how my commitment to my band might interfere with my work and obviously i was able to negate any fears about getting bored with the job quickly or coming in hung over regularly, because i got the call back.....

Never had to do more than one interview for the same job before. Tomorrow they're going to assess my competancy and phone manner as well as going over some stuff we already discussed on Monday.

Hope they appreciate the amount of shit i've had to do just to get the time off for the interview. Had to use a holiday day and everything.

Based on how quick they were to respond before, i'd say i should have a definite answer by the end of the week.
I got a 2nd interview tomorrow for a job selling business insurance. I was actually interviewed for a whole hour despite the fact that the guy doing it said he needed to get it done as quickly as possible, and he was the guy i'd be working under specifically.

I guess they're keen to have me because it had been less than 24 hours when i heard back from them.

He even went into why i wasn't looking to get a career relating to my degree and how my commitment to my band might interfere with my work and obviously i was able to negate any fears about getting bored with the job quickly or coming in hung over regularly, because i got the call back.....

Never had to do more than one interview for the same job before. Tomorrow they're going to assess my competancy and phone manner as well as going over some stuff we already discussed on Monday.

Hope they appreciate the amount of shit i've had to do just to get the time off for the interview. Had to use a holiday day and everything.

Based on how quick they were to respond before, i'd say i should have a definite answer by the end of the week.

Good luck bro, I am sure you will get it!

I am still waiting to hear the news on whether I was successful in my 2nd interview last week.

The decision was initially meant to be made Friday PM, but the MD had an emergency and had to go abroad and wasnt back in the office til yesterday (Tuesday) PM, and so he and the Marketing Manager have not yet got over the candidates. Hope I hear something today, I hate the waiting!
It's not bad that someone else got the job, man. You could always just keep working and if another opportunity comes up, go for it. You have a bit more interview experience now, so it shouldn't be much of a problem for you. Personally, I don't mind interviews. I go in and I try to stay calm, very calm. Regardless of the situation, always stay calm. My dad told me that once when I was going to apply for my first job while in high school, I just wanted some spending money, and I took his advice. It worked.
So, after being told i'd get a definite answer Friday, i got told it'd be Monday instead. On Monday i get woken up with a phone call asking me to come in for a 3rd interview, which i agreed to and attended. Finally yesterday, i got a phone call confirming that I HAD THE JOB! YEAH BABY!

Sorry, sorry, don't mean to rub that in because obviously people are having a tough time finding better work or work at all, but you have no idea how much of a positive impact this will have on my overall life.

Working A FUCK LOAD closer to home, monday to friday, all bank holidays off, £3000 a year more basic salary and uncapped commission on top of that as well!

And now i'm going to hand in my notice........

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