God Damn This place is Frustrating

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Dark Match Jobber
I dont post on this site much, for obvious reason - This major Kurt Angle/TNA thing has taken up over 10 threads on this site? Everyone is talking about the EXACT same topic on numerous different threads? Why? Why cant you simply have ONE thread, for ONE topic?

Topic - Angle = Ratings for TNA - Yep, definitley does, no doubt about that

Topic - Angle = Great Matches in TNA - Yep, definitley does, Samoa Joe vs Angle is something i have been waiting for for years, Angle vs Sting WOW major potential there

Topic - TNA is Competiton for WWE - Am, NO, TNA will be airing Thursday's. WWE airs Friday's and Mondays.. Its not competition until they go head to head, until then, it simply means that the WRESTLING FANS (Thats us by the way) get spolied for choice 3 days out of seven..

The WWE WILL NOT MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT TNA/ANGLE on raw, why? Because TNA is not a threat, Vince McMahon does not consider them a threat and i mean why would he? WWE Get's over 7 Hours of TV Time a week to TNA's one hour??

Come on people, start thinking logically, your not only turning this Forum to utter SHIT but your turning a completly interesting topic into a pile of senseless babble..
Which is why the mods should make more "official" threads so its not cluttered up.;...
I mean has Vince EVER mentioned TNA prior to this?? No, Rhino burnt the ECW title, called out ANYONE - Did vince mention it? No?? Why would he? Ever heard the saying any publiciity is good publicity?? If Vince mentioned TNA it would promote TNA, negating any benefit of him mentioning it..
It was a major coup for TNA, but this doesn't mean that WWE is going to fold next week or some crap like that. I like TNA and anyone who knows me from the TNA forums knows how I feel about WWE at present, but those who think Titan is going down right away need to remember: "It's a long way to the top, if you wanna rock and roll." The TNA boards are the same as this one in that there are too many threads dedicated to the source topic. Maybe the mods should just merge them together as a miscellaneous "Kurt Angle" thread.
ruge said:
Which is why the mods should make more "official" threads so its not cluttered up.;...

NO! People should be clever enough to look a few Threads down the page. The mods are few and far between and they have lives, they dont have the power to add more mods, so as members we should all be doing our part to keep the Forums tidy. Its not like the Angle stuff isnt huge news, the Thread is at the top of the page, it just takes a little common sense, which it seems not that many people have around here at this point.
ruge said:
Which is why the mods should make more "official" threads so its not cluttered up.;...

Do you actually think.. That people would still post there? No.. All you newbs suck and are making the good posters on this forum leave..

And someone like DX may say something to refer to angle.. Last time I checked.. Noone here was a writer for the WWE... You never kno... But Vince considers UFC a threat more then TNA right now..

Thats all I want to say
Nothing is a threat to the WWE - seriously, think about it.. WWE is the only Fed that appeals to such a wide scope of people.. People watch it not only for the wrestling but for the STORIES too.. UFC and to an extent TNA lack the Sports Entertainment aspect of things, they will never out WWE the WWE
answer to your problem


post something worth talking about instead of having a go at newbie's
hmmm here in oz we only get wwe no ufc no tna no nothing, pretty sure i have the best cable plan available so im sure im not missing anything, we had a tna ppv a few months ago but y the hell would i buy it when i have no idea what it is?. WWE has nothing to fear from any of them, i dont know how much they make from the oz market but it has to be enough to keep showing it.
ShaneP101 said:
I dont post on this site much, for obvious reason - This major Kurt Angle/TNA thing has taken up over 10 threads on this site? .

What you're saying (which is true) is that people should add to existing threads instead of making new ones. With that in mind why didn't you add this thought to the stickied thread about repetetive threads or the other sticky. I hate to say it but you're guilty of the same thing :(
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