Who has been the Best GM in last few years? Under which Gm was WWE most intresting?

  • Bischoff

  • Austin

  • Theodore Long

  • Stephanie

  • Vince McMan

  • Foley

  • Coach

  • Paul Heyman

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Dark Match Jobber
the wwe is having a crisis abou the GMs no raw GM and smackdown GM just guys who do you think has been the best GM over the last few years? And who would you like on Smackdown, Raw, ECW as GM?
well for raw i think everyone knows who that should be, yeah thats right im talkin about Big Dick johnson. Paul heyman is fine as the gm of ecw as he is good with story lines.I also think that teddy long is doing a fine job as smackdown gm.
Mr.SmackDown said:
why did you post this twice?

He didn't. It seems that the other thread has a different topic. For some reason they have the same name but different topics.
I think It has to be Eric, just because he was the only one who got a decent run with it (on raw that is). Im suprised theres not a single vote for steph, i thought she was great!
Stone Cold was a great GM before and he should be the new GM of Raw. I miss seeing him on TV and its been a while since there was a face GM.
I think the day that Raw lost a GM, would be a starting point (well at least some defining point) to where the storylines really fell apart..a GM has played an integral role, and always will be, to most angles, but although this sounds somewhat cliche, i would say Raw was best under McMahon (attitude era, yes how many times have u heard that)....

But just to take things slightly off topic for a second, id love to see Scott Hall as the Raw GM. 100% unlikely, but would make things interesting.
its a tie for me between austin, stephanie, and eric bischoff. Austin is just funny 2 watch, stephanie was just good and eric was da best heel gm ever
They are actually wanting to bring back Austin as an on screen role, and i cant think of anything more likely than as Raw Gm,at least for a few months. Would allow them unlimited publicity for his film, and would ceartinly give ratings a boost. Plus, Raw needs a Face GM, as pretty much all of its main eventers are heels, or are anti-hero faces (i.e. anti authority), thus would work well with Austin.
I can actually seeing this happen!
Well I voted Teddy but I reckon all are alright. If Kurt Angle was there he'd get my vote. I think if I was there I WOULD TURN AROUND THE PLACE!
Make Kennedy be a rival with Batista again. Make Cena lose to Orton. Make Kenny and Johnny Jeter win tags and so do Bro's Of Destruction, Benoit rival with Mark Henry, Jeff Hardy rival with Matt, Mickie, Torrie, Victoria and Candice are contenders and Helms stays with Cruiserweight title until February 2008, ECW TV Champ to Dreamer or Davairi or CM Punk ECW Champ as Khali or RVD or Sabu Tags as Test & Holly rivals with Sandman & Dreamer

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