Global Warming


Shawn Michaels ❤
The pressure is on all over the world to make your country more 'green'. Global warming has become an increasing large issue in society over the last few years. Yet with the increasing number of scientists saying it is a fact, there is an increasing resistance who say no, there is no such thing as Global Warming.

Many of the reasons people accept Global Warming without a fight stem from Scientists misleading everyone with theories stemming from facts.

Looking at temperature scales from the past, compared to now, it's obvious the world is heating up. There's the fact. But by how much? Scientists would have you believe it's by such a drastic temperaure we're all at risk of immediate death. This isn't the case. It is actually by an amount we won't, and don't, notice. They also lead us to believe this is due to the humans on Earth. Yet there's no proof for this, because it's a fact (this one scientists keep from us) that the Earths climate changes, and has done for long before we began our use of everything that is now bad apparently.

So, what is your stance on the matter? Believe it? Don't believe it? Why? And what do you do to 'help'?
I think that global warming is actually happening, but it won't really hit big for several decades. The best i can figure it out is that it will happen little by little until a big change is noticable. Here in Kentucky we still get snow, but not as much as we got say 10 years ago. I really doubt that anyone in our generation is going to die from global warming, but our grandchildren or children will be the ones that suffer more than we will. As far as helping, it's not something that one person or even a community can do. Large cities and countries have to make changes in the way they run things in their countries. Little by little things can be helped, but right now it doesn't look like much is being done.
I couldn't give a shit about global warming. True story. The worlds ending, ok then I'll put this bottle in a bottle bank. Me helping the enviroment alone won't do a sausage. It takes everybody. Everybody won't do it. True story x2. If the world ends, polar ice caps melt etc. Big deal. I'll deal with the impending armageddon.
The pressure is on all over the world to make your country more 'green'. Global warming has become an increasing large issue in society over the last few years. Yet with the increasing number of scientists saying it is a fact, there is an increasing resistance who say no, there is no such thing as Global Warming.

Most of the people claiming that Global Warming doesn’t exist are the idiotic scientists in America that think Creationism is something that should be taught as fact in schools.

Looking at temperature scales from the past, compared to now, it's obvious the world is heating up. There's the fact. But by how much? Scientists would have you believe it's by such a drastic temperaure we're all at risk of immediate death. This isn't the case. It is actually by an amount we won't, and don't, notice. They also lead us to believe this is due to the humans on Earth. Yet there's no proof for this, because it's a fact (this one scientists keep from us) that the Earths climate changes, and has done for long before we began our use of everything that is now bad apparently.

That’s the thing that people don’t get… it doesn’t take that much of a temperature increase in order for their to be an adverse affect on the environment. An increase on average of 2-3 degrees is enough to change an entire ecosystem and render things such as growing crops for food useless in certain parts of the world. Think about how bad Africa is off for natural resources now… that could easily be somewhere like Spain within a few decades.

Global Warming and Environmental Sciences are now taught in schools and University’s. Anyone who says it doesn’t exist either hasn’t read the right stuff or is simply burying their head in the sand and hoping it isn’t happening.
Most of the people claiming that Global Warming doesn’t exist are the idiotic scientists in America that think Creationism is something that should be taught as fact in schools.

Absolutely false.

First off, there is not a single scientist on this planet who is denying Global Warming. Global warming is happening, this isn't the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last time it's happened. The argument is over man's contribution to global warming, which is virtually zero percent, where as Al Gore and his cronies would have you believe that humans are the leading factor in Global Warming, which is just ludicrous considering that human's contribute less then 1% of the total carbon emissions on our planet. True fact.

Secondly, every scientist and professor whom I have met who doesn't blindly accept what Al Gore tells them with no study needed are far from those that believe in creationism. For god's sake, they're scientists! The community of scientists who believe in creationism is at best laughably small.

That’s the thing that people don’t get… it doesn’t take that much of a temperature increase in order for their to be an adverse affect on the environment. An increase on average of 2-3 degrees is enough to change an entire ecosystem and render things such as growing crops for food useless in certain parts of the world. Think about how bad Africa is off for natural resources now… that could easily be somewhere like Spain within a few decades.

You're right, it doesn't take a lot of temperature change. Here's a fun fact I bet you didn't hear in any of the papers though:


Thats right, the globe actually COOLED last year. What a dangerous thing this global warming is.

The idea that Spain could be some barren wasteland in a few decades is utterly false and absolutely without foundation whatsoever.

Global Warming and Environmental Sciences are now taught in schools and University’s. Anyone who says it doesn’t exist either hasn’t read the right stuff or is simply burying their head in the sand and hoping it isn’t happening.

Or, maybe, just maybe, they've decided to not be a stooge and look up some facts for themselves. I was all over the global warming bandwagon a few years ago, ranting up and down about carbon taxes and whatnot. Until I actually did some comprehensive study (coincidentally in my Environmental Studies class!) of the subject, and was shocked and amazed at how utterly gullible and foolish this world's population can be.

Want proof that global warming isn't the end of the world?

This isn't the warmest the globe has ever been, contrary to what Al Gore psuedo-scientists will tell you. The Medevil warming period contained much warmer weather, with much more chaotic weather patterns. Look it up at any library.

The world goes through natural phases of cooling and warming. 30 years ago all the scientists were raving about "Global Cooling" (I'm not making this up, look it up) and how that was going to end the world as we know it.

The world is warming. But man can do absolutely NOTHING to prevent this. All of the politicians who want to WASTE our valuable tax dollars on bullshit "global warming studies" are nothing but vermin. Don't even get me started on the proposition of a "carbon tax", which would effectively tax us TO BREATHE AIR.

Global Warming is real. Man's contributions to it are not. Don't be fooled; do some studying for yourself.

I'm sure Shocky will be here any minute to reinforce everything I've just said with more elegance and statistics.
I’d just like to point out that no place in my original post did I say that human beings were responsible for Global Warming and I did not say that it was going to end the world.

I am fully aware that there are theories that this is a natural cycle that the earth goes through. I could definitely buy that, but at the end of the day both sides… the side that says that we are personally killing the planet is a theory, and the side that says the world isn’t going to end and it’s something completely normal is also a theory.

Remember one thing about me I don’t live in America so I haven’t been brainwashed by that ManBearPig hunting former Vice President of yours.

The idea that Spain could be some barren wasteland in a few decades is utterly false and absolutely without foundation whatsoever.

Is it though? Is it really? I mean you yourself admitted that it would only take a small increase in overall global temperatures to cause the environment to drastically change. I’m not aware but would there be records of how places like (for example Spain) changed during the warming period in medieval Times? I doubt the records of that warming are so comprehensive. So it’s entirely plausible that the theory that places like Spain could become a lot less hospitable towards certain type of plant and animal life…. Right?

The fact that I’m open to the idea that we could be having an adverse affect on the planet doesn’t mean I’m going to go buy a Hybrid and start wearing Hemp clothes. There is a fair bit of evidence to support what you are saying and there is no way I am going to complete rule it out, because how can you? But at the same time you are discounting that we have had any effect on Global Warming and there is a significant amount of proof that would say otherwise. You say that we contribute only 1% of the Carbon Dioxide towards the annual amount given out… I guess this graph would beg to differ…


While of course it’s only a graph that has come from Wikipedia.. check the validity of it for yourself. It shows a clear increase in the amount of Carbon Dioxide present in the atmosphere and in the last forty years there has been a heavy increase in the amount of fossil fuel being burnt. Couple that with the amount of Trees that are being lost and therefore unable to absorb the gas, surely you cannot dispute that humans are putting a fair bit up there… a fair bit more than 1%. So if the theory that Greenhouse Gases such as CO2 are directly responsible for Global Warming is to be taken at face value (which I agree it shouldn’t) your statement that humans have no effect on it would be incorrect.

Don’t get me wrong I honestly don’t know enough to make a clear judgement either way. I may not know a whole lot, but I know enough to say that claiming we can’t stop it and that it’s completely natural will only result in one thing if we are wrong… the earth will probably blow up or something… however if people take the cautious route and reduce the amount of CO2 they put into the atmosphere and they are wrong and it is simply a natural cycle no harm will actually have been done. Personally I’d rather be cautious about it… at the very least it warrants a whole lot more study.
I’d just like to point out that no place in my original post did I say that human beings were responsible for Global Warming and I did not say that it was going to end the world.

Ahhh, my mistake good sir. Came off that way.

I am fully aware that there are theories that this is a natural cycle that the earth goes through. I could definitely buy that, but at the end of the day both sides… the side that says that we are personally killing the planet is a theory, and the side that says the world isn’t going to end and it’s something completely normal is also a theory.

Gravity is a theory as well though.

Remember one thing about me I don’t live in America so I haven’t been brainwashed by that ManBearPig hunting former Vice President of yours.

I always forget that, you seem far too American to be British. Al Gore didn't even really start with the whole "THE SKY IS FALLING IF YOU DON'T BUY A HYBRID RIGHT NOW!" trip until after he was Vice-President anyways. Guy is such a friggin jackass it's ridiculious.

Is it though? Is it really? I mean you yourself admitted that it would only take a small increase in overall global temperatures to cause the environment to drastically change.

But thats the thing alot of people are confused by. People hear the words "drastic change" and immediately think the world is going to be flooded by polar ice caps and are going out of their mind about how the world will end. The world has "drastically changed" through out the last millions and millions of years, and clearly we humans are still here kicking. I get what you're saying, but first off it would take more then a few decades for a drastic change like that to happen, and secondly if Spain's ecosystem were to change drastically, it would be a normal occurence. The earth's land is in a constant state of microscopic flux, as I'm sure everyone remembers the "Pangea" (is that what its called?) they taught you about in school where all of the continents used to be one big continent.

I see it as another form of evolution if something like that were to happen.

I’m not aware but would there be records of how places like (for example Spain) changed during the warming period in medieval Times? I doubt the records of that warming are so comprehensive. So it’s entirely plausible that the theory that places like Spain could become a lot less hospitable towards certain type of plant and animal life…. Right?

Well most of the records on past events such as the medevil warming period have been done retroactively. Just like the study of dinosaurs and etc. Just because it happened a long time ago, doesn't mean we can't still learn about it. You'd be surprised at how many secrets our Earth contains.

And yeah it's entirely plausible that Spain could become less hospitable to certain plants and animal life...but I don't understand why this is such a bad thing. Species of plant and insects go extinct every single day, yet no one cares. But when it's a cuddly polar bear (who would actually rip your throat out if you ever approached him) then everyone cares.

Yet again, another phase of evolution I say.

But at the same time you are discounting that we have had any effect on Global Warming and there is a significant amount of proof that would say otherwise.

I hate to sound like a dick Jonny, but you're wrong. There isn't. There is not a single shred of evidence to support the claims that mankind are the leading contributor, or even a large contributor, to the carbon dioxide emissons.

You say that we contribute only 1% of the Carbon Dioxide towards the annual amount given out… I guess this graph would beg to differ…


While of course it’s only a graph that has come from Wikipedia.. check the validity of it for yourself. It shows a clear increase in the amount of Carbon Dioxide present in the atmosphere and in the last forty years there has been a heavy increase in the amount of fossil fuel being burnt. Couple that with the amount of Trees that are being lost and therefore unable to absorb the gas, surely you cannot dispute that humans are putting a fair bit up there… a fair bit more than 1%. So if the theory that Greenhouse Gases such as CO2 are directly responsible for Global Warming is to be taken at face value (which I agree it shouldn’t) your statement that humans have no effect on it would be incorrect. is that graph supposed to debunk the fact that humans contribute less then 1% of carbon dioxide? All that graph shows is the increase in CO2 levels, which has been proven scientifically comes as a direct RESULT of global warming, and not the other way around. So that right there is the first thing that completely debunks the idea that man is responsible for global warming.

I get what you're saying, and you're totally right. The earth has been warming (until last year), and carbon dioxide levels have been going up. But you'd be very surprised at how very little that level of CO2 that humans contribute is.

It is, in fact, less then 1%, the exact number being roughly 0.28%. I'll say it again, humans contribute less then 1% of the total CO2 in our global system.

Here's a closer look at the numbers if you're interested:

The effect we would have if we were to cut out literally ALL CO2 emissions that are man made (which is obviously impossible) we would still only be removing an almost undetectable amount of emissions from out systems.

Natural factors contribute more C02 emissions then the human race multiplied by 50.

Don’t get me wrong I honestly don’t know enough to make a clear judgement either way. I may not know a whole lot, but I know enough to say that claiming we can’t stop it and that it’s completely natural will only result in one thing if we are wrong… the earth will probably blow up or something… however if people take the cautious route and reduce the amount of CO2 they put into the atmosphere and they are wrong and it is simply a natural cycle no harm will actually have been done. Personally I’d rather be cautious about it… at the very least it warrants a whole lot more study.

Once again I completely understand your stance here Jonny, and it's an intelligent one. The only problem with it though, is the damage that would be done to our planet if we were to start taxing carbon emissions and trying our damnest to stop them.

The idea of a carbon tax is absolutely horrifying. And that would be the first step an eco-friendly Al Gore follower as President would do. Americans would have to pay literally hundreds and hundreds of more dollars in taxes in order to make up for the carbon they emitt from breatheing and other daily chores, which as I've said before, makes up less then 1% of total carbon emissions. A carbon tax would basically be a form of robbery.

Besides, one would be foolish to refute the actual science of the man-made global warming myth. Take a look at a website that declares man are responsible for global warming, then take a website that debunks that. The one making the declaration will be completely devoid of statistics apart from maybe two or three graphs, and will provide little to no detail on the carbon emission breakdown. The debunking website will, because the strongest tool to fight with has always been science. It's something you can't debate; it's simply fact.

But hey, it doesn't hurt to drive a hybrid or wear all hemp clothing (don't even get me started on how utterly ridiculious the US ban on hemp is) at all. Thats not what I'm worried about; go "green" all you like people. What I fear is when these things become legislation, and things like a carbon tax become real. That right there would be a step towards total chaos.

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