Gimmick Matches - Which is YOUR favorite?

Ultra Awesome

Im standing in Brooklyn/
Since the beginning of time we have experienced all kinds of matches in the wrestling world. Whether they be entertaining, shocking, idiotic, deadly, or phenomenal (etc)---we’ve seen them all at one point or another. From standard Singles matches, to No Disqualification matches, to Ironman matches, to Hell in a Cell matches, and to even weird concept matches such as the infamous Hog pen match---There really is no limit to how many kinds of matches there have been because we’ve seen all kinds. And all of which have been interesting in the very least.

Yet, as it turns out, some are more highly regarded than others. People have their own personal preference to what type of match they like to see. Some, for example, consider their favorite types of matches to be that of TLC matches. The reason [probably] being because they enjoy seeing all the high flying action, all the chair bashing, and table smashing that a TLC match delivers. On the other hand, you will have people who choose a Royal Rumble match as their favorite type of match. The most obvious reason being that it is an elimination match that has 30 men trying to eliminate each other in order to get their one way ticket to Wrestlemania. Thus, such a match creates a feeling of *suspense*---a feeling that we all love to have when watching wrestling.

Whatever the said person may choose to be their favorite gimmick match, they choose it because it is the one that they prefer to see above all else. So now, this leads me to the point (question) of this thread…

What is your favorite type of gimmick match?

Everyone has their own personal preference as to what gimmick match they prefer seeing above all else. So which is yours?
Elimination Chamber... hands down. The only match, or gimmick match for that matter, that declares a single, clear cut winner. In the Elimination Chamber there is no cheating ways to win the match. No steel chairs, no interferences, unless they are competing in the match, no countouts or disqualifications so that one WWE superstar doesn't look "weak" to the fans. This match determines a clear cut winner.

You win this match, you get bragging rights. You're winning the toughest gimmick match. And more importantly, winning the match also basically garentees you'll be in the main event at Wrestlemania. No other match (excluding the Royal Rumble) will do that for any superstar.

The match also constists of the top guys in WWE whether its RAW or Smackdown. Every superstar or wrestler in the Elimination Chamber deserves to be there. They are WWE's top guys and one will represent the brand in one half of the main event at the biggest show of the year, Wrestlemania.

That and the incredible look of the Elimination Chamber really make it my favorite gimmick match.
The Elimination Chamber is a close second, but I have to go with the Royal Rumble.

Why the Rumble over EC? While I think the Elimination Chamber is a fantastic way to prove that someone truly is a champion, the Rumble really is the best way of determining the top contender for Wrestlemania.

While the Elimination Chamber has usually been used to determine the champion, the Rumble has been about naming the top contender. Its a great process for making stars. Its enabled superstars such as Chris Benoit, Batista, and Rey Mysterio to move to the next level, to the main event. We've never seen someone win the EC that wasn't already a star.

The other reason I love the Rumble is that it leaves the feeling of suspense. In the Rumble, there's alot of guys you can eliminate as potential winners, but there's just as many guys who can possibly win it. The other aspect of suspense that's great is surprise entrants and surprise returns- whether it be a cameo from a Beth Phoenix, or the return of an Edge or a John Cena, you're almost guaranteed at least one entrant a year that you never see coming. Im a sucker for surprises and suspense which is what the Rumble provides. Hence its my favorite match as well.
I would have to go with Hell In A Cell. When I was a lot younger, these matches would make my jaw drop. Who could forget Foley being thrown off of the top of the Cell by Taker? Or watching Taker bleed like crazy during his Cell match with Lesnar. But there were also some creepy moments. Watching Triple H and Shawn Michales shove Vince McMahon's head into Big Show's ass was sooo gross. Still, there are so many memorable moments from Hell In A Cell matches. Also, Hell In A Cell has produced some of my favorite matches ever. HBK VS Taker from Bad Blood, Brock Lesnar VS The Undertaker, Batista VS Triple H, Triple H VS Cactus Jack, and Triple H VS Chris Jericho are all some of my favorite matches ever. I liked the marathon that was Triple H VS Shawn Michales, but that match could've been shorter, because you could just tell how gased both guys were towards the end.

Hell In A Cell isn't as violent and brutal as it used to be, but Hell In A Cell has provided me with many great wrestling memories, and that's why it's my favorite gimmick match.
I've always happened to dig the 60 Minute Ironman Matches that are done just right. I'm not talking about the HBK and Bret Hart one, though it was nice... But more along the lines of Angle vs. Lesnar on Smackdown... If you can garner my interest for an hour then there's no doubt that I'm going to want to see more of those. To me, this has always been a way to find the "clear cut winner" and to see just who is the better one of the two in terms of being over.
The Elimination Chamber is a close second for me too but my favorite has to be the Hell in a Cell. Its the quinnessential feud ending match, or was till WWE decided to have a pay per view involving HIAC matches only. Also the Cell is the perfect environment for a face who wants revenge from a chickenshit heel who has been constantly annoying him. Also the moments that we have witnessed in a HIAC do not even compare to the ones we might have seen in other gimmick matches. HBK's epic blood loss, Kane ripping apart the Cage door on his debut, Mankind being thrown off the Cell onto the table and falling through the Cell on the same night are just a few examples. I don't think any other gimmick match has such a brutal legacy.

The EC match is a close second only because of its concept. Eric Bischoff said it once that it was some sort of a combination of a War Games and a Royal Rumble match. Now that sounds cool and looks even cooler when you watch it. But as far as great matches go I do not think there have been a lot of great EC matches. In fact, in my opinion, the best EC match is the first one in which HBK won the title.
Oh that's a tough question!

I generally enjoy all types of gimmick matches. Be it a ladder match, a TLC match, a tables match, a Last Man Standing match etc. I love it all.

But my favorite? God damn that's like asking a starving person what he wants for dinner.

All of the gimmick matches has produced classics of epic proportions. Some better than other obviously, but all of them have produced at least one memorable classic.

The first thought I had was the Iron Man Match. Yet some of them can get really dragged out. A match like Shawn vs Bret was awesome, Rock vs Triple H was awesome as well.

But, I guess if I really had to choose just one gimmick match, it would have to be the Last Man Standing match. Not only does it produce some great hardcore wrestling, but they can go on for pretty long. The past 5 years time John Cena has managed to produce outstanding last man standing matches. Triple H seems to be quite a good guy in those types of matches as well. But generally it doesn't matter who's in it, because you know it's bound to be ecstatic and exciting.
I don't really have a favorite, but since some have already come up I am going to choose the Last Ride matches.

I think when the Undertaker goes against someone in this type of match it is just crazy to see so much carnage and blood. I think he fought one with JBL and one with Kennedy if I'm correct. This matches just had everything from wrestling to the big spots, to blood. It was just cool to see Taker being thrown from the top of the Armaggedon set. Also when he chokeslammed and tombstones JBL on top of the limousine. Just some awesome moments.
Most of the time, I prefer a straight-up wrestling match to a gimmick match. Largely, this is because the majority of gimmick matches are kind of lame. Variations on 'Hardcore' are fine, since basically all that does is waves the DQ (and maybe count out) rules, which I'm okay with. Also, once in a while, something like a cage match or a ladder match is great fun, too. Even something as gimmicky as a casket match can work pretty well sometimes, when it makes sense.

I'm not a big fan of over the top gimmicks like Hell in a Cell or the Elimination Chamber. In both cases, those seem to end up being more about the cage than the wrestlers - the Mankind/Undertaker HiaC in particular seems vastly overrated to me. Awesome stunts by Foley, of course, but not much of a wrestling match.

On the whole, I suppose my favourite is the ladder match. It's simple, yet it does allow for some impressive spots and can still be used to tell a decent story between the two (or more) wrestlers involved. Or it can be a random spotfest like a Money in the Bank match, I guess, but I much prefer the former.

I wonder if I still have Royal Rumble 2001...
Great thread and it is really hard to come up with just one so mine is a tie between Hell in a Cell and TLC. The Elimination Chamber matches seem way overated in my opinion. They are not have as brutal as the Hell in a Cell matches. Or should I say what they used to be before WWE went PG. The Hell in a Cell had so many great matches. You could make the Hell in a Cell match a one on one match, tag match, and can have up to six people involved. The Elimination Chamber always has six people and you couldn't just make it one on one like you can Hell in a Cell. Plus I like to see fighting on top of the Cell. That has never happened on the chamber.

The TLC is also a favorite because like the hell in a cell, you can have a lot of guys involved or just a one on one match. It has so many high spots and keeps you on the edge of your seats every TLC match. When you see someone get thrown off a ladder through tables, you just want to yell, "Oh Shit."
Royal Rumble. There are many ways the match can go. The various combinations of wrestlers that can be involved at any one time of the match means more opportunities to see different spots in the match compared to other gimmicks. Massive brawls, every man for himself, alliances formed to clear the ring, tag teams can appear to be strong by working together, everyone targeting the big man first, etc. Also, the thrill of seeing multiple eliminations in a short span of time is like no other.
Hell In A Cell

It's just brutal. Seeing Mankind fall from the top of the cell showed how hardcore Foley really was, but it really put the HIaC on the map. Apart from a couple of the more recent ones, every match in a Cell has been an awesome one.

Coming in second, is King Of The Mountain

I had to bring this up, because I LOVE this match. Having to hang the title belt up, instead of take it down, just makes the match totally different & interesting. Also, the Penalty Box adds to it, as that can be the moment where you go "Oh, he's not gonna win now". Yeah, I do love it.

Just as I was writing the KOtM one, I thought about this

Championship Scramble

Now, Mike Adamle was a dick of a GM, BUT he did create this match, which in my eyes, is actually really exciting. For those who don't remember, let me recap. 20 minutes, 5 men. 2 start off, and every 5 minutes another enters. HOWEVER, if you pin someone, you become the "Interim" Champion. If someone else pins you or any other wrestler, they become "Interim" Champ. Whoever is "Interim" Champ at the end of the 20 minutes wins the title.

Why I love this match so much is that the 1st ever time we saw it on PPV, there was 2 of them. The Raw one was allright, but the SD! one, where Jericho came out bruised & battered as a replacement for Punk, only to win, was a great surprise.
So yeah, there's my thoughts.

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