GFW Championships Revealed


Pics of the various Global Force Wrestling championships belts have been released. GFW will crown four champions at their TV tapings tonight. The Link shows the:

GFW Championship
GFW NEX GEN Championship
GFW Women's Championship
GFW Tag Team Championship

Personally, I can't say that I'm impressed by any of the title designs. The NEX GEN & Women's titles both look quite generic and the green color scheme all the titles have definitely doesn't do much for me. The GFW Women's Championship doesn't look like a butterfly, but it also looks like it has absolutely zero identity/personality. The pic of the GFW Championship as shown on the main page looks better than the one at the link, it definitely looks a lot glossier and that helps, so it might depend on how good the lighting is or another possibility is the title is photoshopped to look more lustrous than it actually is.

As for the GFW Tag Team Championship, I can honestly say I like WWE's tag title belts a lot better even with the Roman Centurion theme and bronze color schemes
The belts are pretty nice but the roster they have for the tapings is terrible. I just think that for starting out you need some name people on your show to bring in fans.
I'm not very impressed by them. The shiny green is a nice touch, but when you look past that you have incredibly generic designs. They aren't ugly belts or anything but goodness that's such a boring design. The Women's Championship should not be silver. I can see why the NEX*GEN Championship would be silver if it's going to be the midcard belt at least. The tag titles are the least impressive of all, they look even more like giant pennies than WWE's Tag Team Championship belts do. Hey, it could be worse though. At least they aren't using anything as ugly as The Immortal Championship from TNA.
Why on earth does the Nex*Gen title look larger than the Heavyweight title? And the tag titles appear even larger?

Can't say I'm a big fan of the look. I do think the green is a nice touch and I actually think the Women's title looks better than the ones used for the major promotions, but their sizes seem pretty off in these pictures. Anyways hope that's just the camera angle.

WZCW titles blow everybody out of the water, though.

I'm not that impressed with any of them to be honest. I think they look pretty generic, and they all look quite alike. As much as I do like that tone of green, it hasn't translated well to the title belts in my opinion. I don't think it was necessary for ALL the belts to have the bright green in them. There should have been more differentiation between them.

Look at the WWE belts both now and during the Attitude Era...they all looked totally different from each other, and were instantly recognisable. You'd never get the Intercontinental and WWE Title belts confused, or the Tag Team Titles and the US Title belts.

They just seem lazy designs to me.
Overall these belts range from OK to nice, but if GFW is to succeed they'll need to redesign these in the next 6 years. For now, I think they'll do a good job.

The GFW Global Championship belt is my favorite design of them all. The small six sided decorations are great for brand identity, as well as the company logo and green detailing. Everything about it ties into the branding Jarrett has been building on, and it's growing on me. I think this will look great around the waists of GFW's top talent. Hopefully Lashley will hold it soon. The 2-headed Eagle and 2-bodied Dragon symbols are a little questionable. I think the artist went for symmetry over believable imagery of creatures. They sort of represent Asia and North America, so I like the international vibe.

The Tag Team titles with shield shaped plates and bright green detailing are a nice looking pair of championships. Again I think these will look great on the talent and help establish the GFW brand. They're not perfect though. The half eagle clip art repeated from the World Championship is a bit generic. It's not that bad though. It may grow on me.

The Nex*Gen is the weirdest of the bunch. I can live with the name, but it is really the one that stands out as needing a rebranding ASAP. What happens if a veteran slips to the midcard? Is it demeaning to call somebody like Chris Masters Nex*Gen when he's actually last-gen? It kind of sucks to exclude veterans from the midcard championship. The top of the belt design is weird, like is that supposed to be angry eyes? Nex*Gen is not as cool sounding/looking as Jeff Jarrett thinks. The belt's only okay visually, and does not look like a big time wrestling championship when rendered in aluminum. I like the bottom half of the belt's design though.

The Women's Championship is puzzling because of that bird in a circle at the top. Everything else about that design is nice, but the bird circle is a little odd. The belt should be gold, not aluminum. The faster GFW corrects that, the better.
I really like the GFW Heavyweight Championship belt. It's like old WCWs - Big Gold - Heavyweight Championship ( my favourite of all ). Except it has GFW's signature color green in it, but it's not a big distraction. The Nex Gen belt is another belt using the green....except that it's horrible looking. Like a fuckin garbage can lid. Ugh.

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