Get Creative: The Cerberus Saga


Dark Match Winner
KEY PLAYERS: Alberto del rio, Big Show, Kane, Mark Henry, Damien Sandow (hope thats how its spelled)

FINALLY Alberto becomes WHC! but he dislikes the fact that he needs to be always watching his back. Del Rio is both cunning and rich, its about time he used his wealth to prolong his championship streak.

Del Rio is seen on his cell phone alot talking to an unknown person(s) about his upcoming title defense in a Fatal Four Way.

at the PPV Del Rio nears his defeat when suddenly...Big Show, Kane, and Mark Henry show up and take out the three opponents of Del Rio. Del Rio pins whom ever as the other three walk away leaving questions unanswered.

the Friday that follows the contenders are unhappy and decide to join up to face their attackers.

MATCH: Contenders vs Cerberus (Kane, Show, Mark)

Del Rio sits ringside watching it all unfold. after Cerberus wins it, Del Rio picks the bones and does his "End of the show pose" (What ever that is)

Finally another Friday rolls on and Del Rio reveals that he has protection, and introduces his three hitmen (Show, Mark, Kane) they all explain that they are getting great money for hurting people. Kane has a different story...he just likes to hurt people.

ENTER Sandow:

After a long run with the Cerberus gimmick Damien Sandow earned the right to face De Rio in hopes of becoming WHC

The Implosion begins:

Damien Sandow ALSO a cunning person explains to the giants that they can easily take the title from a whelp like Del Rio. Why protect the champion when you can BE the champion, why take orders when you can GIVE the orders? why serve when you could be SERVED? why work for dimes? when you can earn GOLD?

Sandow has a different story to Kane such as: A Demon can not be tamed, A Demon has no loyalty, A Demon bends to HIS desires...not the desires of a mere man

Kane gets upset and Sandel puts his mind in check mate by saying:

its funny...i wonder if i could BUY the Undertaker, i mean Del Rio owns his little brother after all.

Fall Of Cerberus:

PPV match for WHC: the whole Cerberus till the end where they destroy Damien Sandow. though Del Rio wins....its not over. each member of Cerberus is seen ON SEPARATE OCCASIONS on the same night exiting the room of Booker T.

Del Rio claims no person can take the title from him, he owns Smackdown now

Booker T comes out at the end of the night and explains Del Rio will have a title defence next week against...the Big Show. Whom ever is champion at the end of the night will move on next week to defend the title against...Mark Henry...the champ of that night will then move on to face....Kane...and finally at the PPV because of how things went down...the champion will face Damion Sandow.
I dont really have a problem with it. Im just confused on how u got the name an I'm not really sure Kane would fit into the mix now. But in my opinion that would be a great way to bring Mason Ryan bak into the picture. Mark Henry needs to be a heel when he comes back but not as a henchman in Del Rio's stable. Maybe Ezekiel Jackson or something.
Judging purely by my love for the man ADR and his title reign I only have one thing to say and excuse my language.

I fucking love it.

One thing that never really gets used in the WWE is the gimmick and if it is used it isn't done well. However this idea is frickin awesome. ADR needs to use that money to his advantage. JBL used his, DiBiase used his. You could even get the Ted's together Sr as a Manager/Accountant Jr as the IC champion and ADR as WHC. this could also lead to their downfall, JR wanting more glory with the WHC instead of the IC title.

I love the name also. for those who don't know a Cerbrus is a three headed dog like beast. Show,Henry and Kane that is a prefect word for all three of them.

Again the idea is sell it to the WWE, but since they are weird TNA will read this website and take the idea..just watch
I like it & would love to see this on TV. But it makes too much sense, fits together too well. You know the writers for WWE can't do things that make sense! When they do, we'll know the Mayans were right!

Excellent story, btw.
Could be interesting but why exactly is Sandow in the world title mix and why is he a face? Or is he remaining heel meaning you would have a heel champion against 4 heels for the title for 4 consecutive weeks and a ppv. The fans wouldn't be to into that seeing as WWE's main focus is on kids at the moment who would they have to cheer for to make this angle successful?

Don't want to rip the idea apart but within seconds of reading it that was the first thing that came to mind. I'm not saying it wouldn't be good or interesting because it does have the potential but there is those big flaws with it.

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