Georgia Congressman says Discrimination is Acceptable


Scientific Skeptic
George Congressman Paul Broun was on Fox News and he has a story to tell. Basically, he says that he's in an airport going through security and a woman and little girl in front of him are stopped and patted down, but a man in arabian attire just walks through, with the implication being that he wasn't thoroughly investigated.

So what's the point of all this? Is it that the security in airports need to check everyone equally? That seems to be the logical conclusion one would gather from the story, but in fact, the lesson according to Broun is that we need to be checking people unequally. Broun says that we need to focus on people who want to harm us - which is not women and children, but people in arabian attire, so basically he's saying we should discriminate.

So now the reporter asks kind of an odd question, which isn't, "Should we really be discriminating against people?", but instead, "Wouldn't it be hard to ask the TSA to discriminate?" Either way, Broun's logic on this is hilarious. He compares a man in arabian attire walking through security to:

Congressman Broun said:
If a guy, whose a young man, robs a bank, and goes and jumps in a blue Camaro with racing stripes and flames on it and goes running off, do the police put out an all-points bulletin and say, "There's a person driving a motorized vehicle - look for them".

So essentially according to Broun, because the 9/11 hijackers were men in arabian attire, it's akin to now being on the lookout for suspects. Besides the fact that if a white-man with black hair robbed a bank and took off, and then was captured or killed, we wouldn't from now on suspect every man with white skin and black hair, does Congressman Broun realize that the 9/11 hijackers weren't dressed in arabian attire? The 9/11 hijackers were dressed like Americans.

Comments upon the Congressman's stupidity? Does anyone sympathize with his view?

EDIT: Link for video:
I don't entirely disagree with him but I feel this thread would be better served in the Cage.
Not really surprising. Some southern congressmen can be a bit out there at times. Guess this means we better only complain when southerners say it, because they did it once before.

The name Timothy McVeigh means very little to people doesn't it?
As we all know, white business class Americans are the ones most likely to blow up an airplane.

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