Geometry fucken sucks


Melon Farmer

Geometry fucken sucks!!!!!

That is the 1 subject I am doing horrible in. It's so miserable!!! And my teacher is a nut case!!! I guarantee you that you have never experienced a teacher like Mr. Adler. Holy shit!!!

Geometry is so hard!!!!!! The first semester I got a 90 on the Report Card. On the 1st test I got a 100, only because the other math teacher re-taught it to me and 2 nights before the test I literally stayed up until 12 or 1 in the morning!!!! I drank A LOT of coffee those nights. The 2nd test I got a 70, shocker. He counted the 1st grade twice....270 divided by 3 equals 90.

We just had the first test of the 2nd semester (we have 4 semesters in my school) and the first test I got a 40. Now we are having another test on the 13th of December. I thought "Good a new topic of Geometry...I can take advantage and score a high grade. I am paying attention, participating, not goofing off, asking questions but I still don't get it. I mean I get it a little bit but not a lot. Anyways, he told us today that the test will be on the new material and on the material of the previous chapter...the test in which I got a I am totally screwed.

I do not know what to do...I am so fucked up with this...and I try to get it but it just doesn't go!!! I might be having a Senior help me, but I don't know yet.

Any advice?

How did you guys get through Geometry? How did you guys get to harder subjects like Trigonometry (I will probably be taking it next year if I pass Geometry) and Calculus (I heard it's really really really hard)

Math used to be my BEST subject from 5th grade till 9th grade. Now I am in 10th grade and it is fucken miserable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

** HELP!!! **
Geometry was easy. I slept and got A's. I never had too take Trig, because i never wanted too. But geometry was easy crap.
It's so hard. Half of the class isn't doing well!! It's all proofs and memorizations. I don't do that!!!! I can't memorize so much pointless shit!!
Geometry was hard for me mostly because of the teacher but I passed..... ..... ................. ...barely
Ok that 90 was a fluke...and that was the 1st quarter...i am now on the 2nd quarter and im starting out with a 40. And now we are learning proofs...and as we are talking i am currently dong a review sheet that he gave us of what we learned so far. (the new lesson of proving why a quad is a: Trapezoid, Rhombus, Square, Rectangle, and Paralellagram

Lucky Me.

I never had to work this hard for math,
what do you mean by learning proofs? I took geometry and passed with flying colors, and i have no idea what you all are talking about?
what do you mean by learning proofs? I took geometry and passed with flying colors, and i have no idea what you all are talking about?

Catch up with the group.. just because he switched subjects on what he rambles about, you're just NOW not understanding him? hahahaha (Sorry Coco, he set you up)
Great...I think I know this shit...I do 11 problems and I get 4 right....marvelous...i'm done...this totally killed my self-esteem im out good night!!!
Catch up with the group.. just because he switched subjects on what he rambles about, you're just NOW not understanding him? hahahaha (Sorry Coco, he set you up)

What are you talking about Will? Proofs and identifying how a quadrilateral is a all about I don't know what you are talking about. No one is rambling.

C.M. understood what I was saying. So does Big Wes, I think.
dude, telling shapes from one another is cake man, i got like a 95 on the chapter test that we did that had that crap on it, ok,

a trapezoid has one set of parallel sides,
and the rest i cant remember, but i remember that proofs suck ,just wait till you get to algebra 3-4, its like harder, geometry is kindergarten compared to 3-4, IMO anyway...
Sociology, now there's a hard subject. Never again will you have to write so much about common sense.

O i know how you mean on that, that class was given out in my high school. Gosh I hated that class sooooooooooooooooooo much. It would have been a little easier if i had common sense, too talk about common sense.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. You Americans do all areas of maths seperately?

yes, in high school my freshmen year i took Algebra, then my sophmore year i took Geometry, my junior year i took algebra two, then my senior yr i had an SAT prep math class and calculus, which i didnt need.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. You Americans do all areas of maths seperately?

yea my freshman year [9th grade] I took algebra then my sophomore year I took geometry then on my junior year I took algebra 2 which i barely failed because of the teacher so my Senior year I took it again and i passed with straight A's
I feel your pain... uh Curious Asparagus (nice name)!!!!

Gemoetry makes me want to bang my head on a wall. I'm taking Algebra II at the same time, and it's way easier. I'd rather just do Pre-Calc and skip over Geometry, but of course we can't do that!

Flames Out
Geometry is easy as shit. I had to do Coordinate Geometry. Essentially, it was one formula about 8 pages long for one problem. It took 3 hours to do one match problem, I love the shit.

Nope, we can't use GPS or Surveying equipment, no sir, we had to know how to do it manually. Brutal for most.
Geometry is easy as shit. I had to do Coordinate Geometry. Essentially, it was one formula about 8 pages long for one problem. It took 3 hours to do one match problem, I love the shit.

Nope, we can't use GPS or Surveying equipment, no sir, we had to know how to do it manually. Brutal for most.

Easy for you! Some people are really good at Geometry, some are bad.

3 hours. :eek:

I can't figure out how I'm going to be using coordinate proofs in real life. On the other hand, I don't know how I'm going to use matrices in real life either (which is an Algebra II subject).

Flames Out
geometry, just to let you know its only gonna get harder lol. math's the one thing im good at, 8th grade and im in an honors 11th grade math. if youve menver studied before, thus would be the year to.

Proofs, just remember all the different things. ASA, SAS, SSA, CPCTC, get them in your head. i hard trouble with all the interior angles crap, but really study, make flashvards, do what ever you can to memorize this stuff, its helpful. proofs realy aren't that hard, there just a pain in the ass. my teacher graded them by step, so always remember to get the first one right, where you state the problem.

Now, Algreba 2/ Trig, that shit's impossible lol. i'm just like you, i never had to study. first marking period i did low to high 80's. now its second, and my test grades are 75, 66, and 50. but i still have a 78 in the class because of homework. That might help coconut : ALWAYS DO HOMEWORK, or anything else that counts as a grade. but this class, idk its just different than anything else i've done. tought stuff right thurr

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