[Genesis] Kim v. ODB v. Tessmacher v. James v. Sky [Gauntlet Match]

Who wins?

  • Gail Kim

  • ODB

  • Miss Tessmacher

  • Mickie James

  • Velvet Sky

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &


Genesis 2013
Gail Kim v. ODB v. Miss Tessmacher
v. Mickie James v. Velvet Sky

Knockouts Gauntlet Match
for #1 Contender for Knockouts Championship




All discussion here.​
This should be an interesting match, all of them can put on a good match (i dunno about ODB), would much rather someone like Madison Rayne be in this match, jus to even the match out abit. When u look at the card, theres only 1 heel which means she won't win. Im going for velvet here, mainly because TNA were waiting for her to get back and give her the title. But on the other hand it could be Brooke or Mickie, since they have been in the title picture.
Meh, kinda feels like a typical match TNA does to set up this month's challenger for the KO title. It could be worth watching, depending upon how much time it gets overall.

I think either Mickie or Tessmacher gets the win here. They've been the two babyface Knockouts that've gotten the most attention lately. If Mickie goes on to challenge Tara, it'll be okay, nothing we haven't seen before. If Tessmacher goes on, then she runs the risk of going back to being the bland as dirt babyface she was when she was champ. She did her little stripper/raunchy bit before she won the title, she stopped after she got the title and she's slowly started adding the raunchy aspect back.
I think Velvet makes the most sense and would be the best choice...

But I don't think she is going to win.

After last night's angle with Tessmacher and the Robbie's I would guess that they will want to keep this whole thing going, so Tessmacher will win to keep the angle visible. They do have alot to play on with this program. Robbie E/Jesse have started to build a little back and forth thing, Terry and Tessmacher now have something that can be expanded, there is a weird dynamic happening between the two Robbie's, and of course there is still the former best friend betrayal angle that exists between the two women that would be battling over the belt. With so many subplots and different ways to go with a program featuring these five, I think that creative will feel forced to explore the possibilites.
These matches are kind of hard to pick a winner in. It seems like they just throw these together. If I had to pick a winner I would say Velvet Sky just because she just returned and it seems like they want to get her in the title picture.
Velvet can get stuffed. She sucks big time, they might as well have chucked Brooke hogan in. I'm going with Mickie James on this one, she will win the title & after a few rematches then they can set up a Mickie/Gail feud.
A basic Royal Rumble type setting, from what I understand. 2 Knockout's will begin, and after so many minutes another will enter, with battle royal rules (over-the-top eliminations) as well as pinfall or submission.

If I'm mistaken, then it's 2 Knockouts begin, with another coming in once one is eliminated. Although I read on the front page somewhere it's the battle royal setting more than an actual Gauntlet setting. So who knows.

Regardless, this match is more or less just a way to throw Velvet Sky into being the top face of the Knockout's Division once more.

Mickie James got her chance at the iMPACT! Champions night, and failed. Or rather came up just short. Tessmacher had her match/rematch, and lost just the same. So it would be pointless to continue forward with either of them.

Gail Kim is heel/tweener/pointless at this point - and thus, it makes no sense to push her against Tara.

That leaves ODB and Velvet... This is the only part of this match that even remotely makes me wonder.

While I can see ODB winning, I seem to recall a slight feud her & Eric had against Tara & Jesse; which leaves only Velvet to match-up against Tara, and once again circles back to how this match is being made solely to build up Velvet Sky as the top face of the Knockouts, since her return.

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