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General Slammiversary 2008 Discussion


SmackDown! is MY Show

Dont just write what you think the matches are going to be. Give reasons.

Well at Slammiversary we always have the annual King of the Mountain match and so far we know Joe will be invloved in it as he is the champ. Looking at how things are in TNA right now and with Angle being out for the looks of it i can see the King of the Mountain match containing Joe, Sting, Storm, Booker and either Steiner or Roode. I know that list seems weird to think about but I can see that happening. Now will this KOTM be exciting? Maybe, as they usually have someone take a bump and out these guys I list only who might be Storm. Other than the KOTM, this PPV is just like a regular PPV. I'm sure we will have a gimmick match here and there with the gimmick headline match, which is stupid but hey its TNA

Another mach I can see is a 3 way for the gold between Team 3D, Cage and Rhino vs LAX as all three have different feuds going between them so makes since o put them together in a match for gold. This match should actually be good if done right.
i really hope the doctors clear kurt angle to wrestle at slamerversary so we can finally see the kurt angle vs aj styles match that we been waiting for.If tna gives this enoughh time u can probaly count this in for match of the year.But besides that we are probaly going see to team 3d vs lax for tag titles,which will probaly be decent.And i hope we get to see storm vs sting.and then u add the always confusing but always entertaining match we call king of the mountain match u got a decent half a card right there.and not to mention the first match that was annouced kaz vs petey williams for x title.
i really hope the doctors clear kurt angle to wrestle at slamerversary so we can finally see the kurt angle vs aj styles match that we been waiting for.If tna gives this enoughh time u can probaly count this in for match of the year.But besides that we are probaly going see to team 3d vs lax for tag titles,which will probaly be decent.And i hope we get to see storm vs sting.and then u add the always confusing but always entertaining match we call king of the mountain match u got a decent half a card right there.and not to mention the first match that was annouced kaz vs petey williams for x title.
:flair: hopefully this will be a good pay-per-view but i have the feeling that were not going to see sting wrestle in this ppv but maybe victory road.the card will see aj vs angle-kotm joe vs booker t vs storm vs tomko vs storm lax vs 3d tables match kaz and petey and something with the knockout title which seems good so far but knowing tna they will mess it up big time.
Samoa Joe vs. Robert Roode vs. Booker T vs. Christian Cage vs. Rhino
Special Enforcer: Kevin Nash

Despite me thinking this is one of the most ******ed stipulations in wrestling. And despite them probably giving away a superior verion for free on iMPACT. I'm still intrested in seeing this match. The concept is stupid. But they're always entertaining. I really don't see the point in Nash. There are refs and penalty boxes, so he's only there to start a feud. I'm guessing with Joe. Also the wrestlers involved are odd. I think only Cage has the ability to really shine in matches like this. Joe isn't losing that title anytime soon. Then again this match usually throws up the annual strip the title angle.

"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles vs. Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle

I pary this delivers. If Joe/Angle was supposed to be the dream match of the decade then I don't know what this is. It's a shame I've already seen it. It was on TV about 18 months ago. But TNA does that. Very generous promotion. Angle puts over A.J. Probably ruined by Karen Angle showing her face.

The Latin American Xchange vs. Team 3D

I saw this last year, it was ok. L.A.X. win.

"Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams (c) vs. Kaz

So Kaz in #1 contender for two championships? The outcome wasn't really an option for me until I read that. Now I don't know. Do TNA want to push Kaz or not? I'll go Petey victory. But I honestly don't have a clue.

Can anyone beat the Women's Champion for $25,000?

Dunno. Not a clue. I hope Kong wins. But this won't benefit either.

Gail Kim, ODB & Roxxi vs. The Beautiful People

You would hope that TNA push Roxxi. I'm optimistic they will. The Beautiful People are awful. But people watch them. Nothing to do with tits though. No way. It's all about their talent. Faces win.

See them walk the aisle live on Pay-Per-View - also featuring American Idol star Ace Young and wrestling legends George "The Animal" Steel, Kamala, Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Koko B. Ware!

Can't wait for this. Sad but true. It's awful. but I'm still curious about the outcome. Lethal wins imo.


Intresting show. Different. At least it's not a carbon copy of last months show. But next moths show will be a carbon copy of this. So the crapness evens itself out over time.
In Slammiversary the king of the mountian match would be a cooler if Aj was in it. Would be an eye opener with all Aj high flying moves. It could be a little high flying if Cage would do the the frog splash for the top of the ladder. Or if rhyno dose a spear from the penlty box.
TheOneBigWill's predictions for Slammiversary 2008:

T.N.A. Heavyweight Championship: King of the Mountain: Samoa Joe (c.) v. Robert Roode v. Christian Cage v. Rhino v. Booker T. (Speical Enforcer: Kevin Nash): This doesn't really have the appeal of your typical ladder match. First, anytime you continue to put Rhino into a match in which heights are involved, its a bad thing. Rhino doesn't oversell being afraid of being high, he truly IS afraid.

Secondly, Christian is honestly the greatest feature of this match, and hes more than likely going to be used no better than Kaz was in the last month Triple Threat match for the World Title. Meanwhile, Robert Roode has the ability to be a dark horse that likely won't happen, because T.N.A. doesn't deal with dark horses.. they put them down.

So that leaves Samoa Joe, and Booker T. I honestly hope and wish that Joe would drop the title here. Hes had it two monthes and defended it against Scott Steiner, Kurt Angle, Kaz and thats roughly it. He hasn't been the "Main Event" player T.N.A. hoped he could be. Hes plain, hes average, and I find more enjoyment outta watching Lethal as a make-believe Savage than I do Joe as Champion.

While Booker T. is the most logical heel choice, especially since the next Pay Per View or one coming soon (not sure if its the next one or not) will be from Houston. (Booker's hometown) I could see Booker T. winning the Championship, then dropping it in his hometown, or I could see Joe retaining and a storyline building up to Joe v. Booker. Honestly.. I don't wanna see that though. Booker T. as Champion would be great, but anything regarding Joe in league with that Championship just has "shit" written all over it. I'm picking Samoa Joe to retain, to be honest, because it'll give him a history making moment. (No previous Champion going into KOTM has ever retained)

Grudge Match: Kurt Angle v. A.J. Styles: This should truly be the Main Event, even over the KOTM. People already see and know Joe is more than likely guaranteed to win. But this match has so much appeal surrounding it, so much hype for it being a regular single's match. While I don't see a solid winner coming out but instead a Disqualification for Angle to win, I still think this match has more hype and fan fare than the Main Event for this p.p.v.

Karen Angle will no doubt be involved somewhere, somehow. I think if anything she could cost A.J. the match accidentally, and in the end of this feud, I see her going back to Angle. A.J. is finally being used properly again, and this is going to be the match that hopefully leap frogs him back into Main Event status.

The question that surrounds this is whether or not Team 3D, Tomko & Booker T. will interfere? I honestly believe Tomko at least will, especially since he has nothing else going for him. In the end, as I said, I'm picking Kurt Angle to get the victory via DQ, as A.J. even said hes not going to attempt winning, hes just wanting to hurt Angle.

T.N.A. X-Division Championship: Petey Williams (c.) v. Kaz: This match has the ability to be the MOTN in my opinion, that is if Petey is over his injury that I was originally under the impression was going to put him out of action for several monthes.

Kaz recently won a preview of the KOTM match in which he'll face the World Heavyweight Champion on the iMPACT! (I think) following this p.p.v. Obviously Kaz won't win the World Championship, but this will be, what like the 3rd time he's received a Heavyweight shot directly after a p.p.v.?

I think the best thing to do, is to at least give him the X-Division Championship that way it could look like he has everything to gain and nothing to lose. Furthermore, it'd work that much greater if his opponent was Booker T. I could see him defeating Booker far quicker than I could see him beating Joe.

As far as this match goes, I expect it to be very high impactful and full of great spots that only the X-Division stars can do. Kaz should pick up the victory and the Championship, especially since he apparently has more potential than Petey Williams.

T.N.A. Tag Team Championships: L.A.X. (c.) v. Team 3D: I'm not real excited to see this match, infact I'm downright wishing I could fast forward live television, so I won't have to sit through it. I can only hope it goes on first, so I can spend that time finding food and being able to only catch the end of it.. when I honestly believe Team 3D will cheat to victory, and become the 20th Tag Team Champions, or 21st, or however many they've held now.

Team 3D has more to gain from holding those Championships than L.A.X. does. At least Team 3D are apart of a Main Event faction right now, and they're heel so they could feud with Christian and Rhino, or the Machine Guns, or any other face duo. But L.A.X. doesn't really have anywhere to go. They're life tweeners, the fans cheer them, yet they face bigger faces than they're made out to be. In the end, one of these two teams will cheat to victory, I'm sure of it. I just believe Team 3D will make the statement on the "landmark" p.p.v. (6 year anniversary, and all)

Awesome Kong's Challenge: Would it be too awful to see someone like Jazz or Molly Holly challenge Kong and shock everyone with a big name for once? I doubt seriously T.N.A. would've been capable of signing one of them to merely job for one night. I fully see this being either Ms. Brooks, or I can only hope, Cheerleader Melissa.

Either way, I don't see Kong losing. It'd be pointless and worthless for her to lose. At least if its against Jazz, Molly, or Melissa, she could put on a great match. Which I'm hoping will come from this. Kong retains in the end, as the challenge isn't even a full month in.. and we all know its a definate year long storyline.

Knockouts Tag Team Grudge Match: Gail Kim, O.D.B. & Roxxi v. The Beautiful People: The simple thing to say would be Roxxi for the win over the ugly "beautiful person." I don't see either Velvet Sky or Angelina Love taking the loss, and if their counterpart/muscle loses, they I see them berating her on iMPACT!

I'm unsure how healthy Gail Kim is, and it'd be very stupid to see her come out with crutches and merely stand on the ring apron. Roxxi has the most to gain from this, and should be the center of attention, even over Kim & O.D.B. Somehow I believe O.D.B. will get more attention in the ring than Roxxi though. I'm picking Roxxi to win however.

Jay Lethal/So Cal Val Wedding: Sonjay Dutt will be the best man. George "The Animal" Steele, Kamala, and Koko B. Ware will be Groomsmen. And Jake "The Snake" Roberts will likely be the bartender.

Anytime a W.W.E. Wedding happens, it always fails and never happens in the end. I honestly see this one going through and in the end, Lethal & Val will marry. Either that, or they'll both decide they're happier as a couple that can still sleep around. (Oh yeah, I could see them both saying that) I'm excited to see this, just because it should be outrageous. The one thing I'm disappointed in.. is its happening in Memphis, TN. Why couldn't they of gotten the Honkey-Tonk Man to be the guest singer? I'm holding out hope for a shocking special appearance.

Special Attraction Match: Abyss v. Scott Steiner: Okay, so I'm currently watching the 30 minute preview show, and they're actually advertising this, yet tnawrestling.com IS NOT confirmed this. So I'm unsure if it will or won't happen. Rumors have surrounded Abyss to make his return tonight, but it was never confirmed to be a match.

Somehow I see Steiner cutting a promo after Petey's match, then Abyss returns and destroys both Williams & Steiner. If this becomes an actual match, I'm unsure how it'd go. It doesn't seem like a match I'd be excited to see, but I am eager to see Abyss' new look. If he has one, that is.

Overall Thoughts: No Sting v. James Storm. No Tomko. No Machine Guns. With this being an anniversary show, you'd think they would've had Sting & the Guns at least. I'm assuming the Guns will be involved in the wedding, but Sting v. Storm was a great opportunity that apparently won't happen.

Eric Young is still in search of Elvis. What are the odds that instead of the Scott Steiner promo, we instead get Abyss in an Elvis suit and he destroys Eric? Oh yeah, I'm banking on it.

I love the King of the Mountain match, and I'll be happy to see it even with the assumed logical outcome of Joe retaining, but none the less I hate seeing Joe in general, much less winning to end a Pay Per View. Styles v. Angle is the match I'm most hyped to see, but I doubt it'll be worth it until next month when they add a gimmick that stops the match from ending due to major blood loss, or a disqualification.

The Wedding shouldn't take up a major amount of time, but I definately see it being between Angle/Styles & the KOTM match. Sadly, it'll probably get a bigger reaction than either of the others. I'm still hoping for some surprises outside of the already named big names to be there. In the end, this should be a decent Pay Per View, especially for it being an anniversary show. By far better than Bound For Glory was last year.
It was interesting to see the outcome of the Jay Lethal and SoCal Val wedding. You knew Sonjay was going to turn on Lethal, which provided a decent storyline there, but it was blown out into a comedy act when bringing some of the old wrestlers ringside as they came to the ring and started destroying Dutt, tearing up the ring and wedding setup, and then after it all raising Lethals arm like he won a title match or something. The whole building up to / wedding storyline was good imo, but the ending to that wedding was just ridiculous.

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