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General No Surrender Discussion

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

14th September

Don't list cards, give reasons.

TNA's first Canadian PPV as far as I can remember. So you can probably expect Petey Williams to get no more of a push than usual. Christian Cage will probably be in another nothing match with partner Rhino. Robert Roode will probably lose his tag title. Traci Brooks won't be on the show and Super Eric probably defeats Samoa Joe for the world title.

I guess all five of us regular TNA PPV discussion geeks will be talking about the possible return of Jeff Jarrett. So Joe used a guitar to defeat Booker at Hard Justice. Now I don't think that match will happen this month. Jarrett will return at BFG. So as a result we'll probably get another Joe/Booker match with a similar finish. But what's the odds that Joe will act surprised when Jeff returns, even though he aided him at Hard Justice? Along with West selling the return like it's 9/11.
after what took place at hard justice with the guitar i can see them doing the same angle that they did with the hype from hard justice. i can see they are going to save a.j styles vs sting at bfg so this would be a good match.

this would be like the styles,daniles,lax angle where at bfg they could make them go against each other in a ultimate x match and that would end the feud or they can do it backwards

kurt angle is goin to say that sting is on his side and a.j will get tickedand want to challenge sting but trigg comes out and attcks him.kurt will say that they cant be stopped but christian says he will help a.j with kurt and sting.
As the ''Big One'' is on the way. I say big one it's nothing but Bound For Glory. But as TNAs biggest show of the year is on the way I don't expect much change from the last PPV to this one. I'm expecting the main event to be made up of tow of last months matches. Joe vs. Booker vs. Angle vs. Styles. It's a pretty good main event. Something to look forward to. But you can't help but think they're supinking a big match away with no build. By the time the last wrestler has qualified they'll only be three days away from the show.

Beer Money vs. LAX will happen again. That's how TNA do things. they have a match for months, then the other team become champions. TNA then think the feud still has life so they continue it. Boring. I'm hoping LAX split and we get Homicide vs. Hernandez at BFG.
I dont see anything huge happening since BFG is soon. I doubt Joe will lose the belt since he sorta just won it back(even though he was still champ). I dont see Jarett re-debuting til BFG also just because he will want to return at the biggest stage. We will probably see Joe/Booker along with 2 others, Styles/Angle(or add them to the fatal 4). I think Beer Money vs. LAX is obvious since the feud is still continuing. I can see a rematch of Lethal/Dutt with a Lethal possible heel chang. If they want Petey on the card theymay have him go against Davari(even though both are heels Petey will get cheered since he's Canadian). The knockout match im not sure. Maybe another tag team match, or Wilde vs. Kong(been done). Anyway the card will pretty much be the same as last time, but the matches will probably wrestled pretty good. Im hoping for Styles or Angle winning the belt but I dont think it will happen.
I was really thinking TNA was gonna bring out some big matches for this card since it will be the first PPV after the Impact! video game is released and they have an opportunity to pick up some new viewers, but it doesnt seem like it so far. Hopefully they can make some big things happen, this will be my first live wrestling PPV.
Wow. No Surrender to Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, not Toronto as listed in their promotional poster. But I hope they really deliver with this PPV. This is a huge chance to pick up some more Canadian viewership. They should be pasting together some good competition. You've got many Canadian's that will be in the house such a Cage, Williams, Love to appeal to the crowd. Can't wait for it though. Just might attend this PPV.

EDIT TO KLUNDER: The matches above are not on the official TNA No Surrender card. Main event is still undecided for two more competitors. and other matches were not yet posted on TNA site.
To me, this is nothing but a way to kill time until BFG. As everyone has said, the matches seem to be about the same as they have been for the last 3 shows. I expect yet another gimmick match with Lethal and Dutt based on what happened on the last Impact. This time though I'd say that Val will finally make the turn that's been built, and built, and built some more for the last few months. Aside from that, I'm sure TNA sees another 2 months or so from LAX and Beer Money, leading to LAX's split. This whole card just screams dull for me. It'll be ok, but nothign ground breaking.
Samoa Joe vs. Booker T vs. Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage​

If anything this should be a great match. In fact I'm going to predict that this will be the TNA match of the year. Depending on TNA booking that is. The promotion has a habit of fucking up good matches with poointless crowd shots and interference.

Shit, I retract my saying that this will be one of the matches of the year. Jeff Jarrett, or his guitar will fuck this match up. So I'm predicting great action until 2 minutes from the end.

As it's nearly BFG, Joe will win.

Beer Money, Inc. vs. The Latin American Xchange​

Should be a great match. TNA bookers feel that only the main events are important so these matches usually escape the shitty booking. Usually. Beer money win. I'm hoping LAX split. I don't see who else they can feud with, and Homicide vs. Hernandez is something new. I just hope they don't start off with a gimmick match.

"Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams vs. Consequences Creed vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir​

I'm guessing a new champion. I predicted Daivari vs. Creed a couple of weeks ago for BFG. I see no reason why it'll be any different. Should be a good match.

"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles vs. Frank Trigg​

Pointless. Trigg should make his debut at Bound For Glory, Styles deserves better. Trigg wins, dodgy booking.

Abyss & Matt Morgan vs. Team 3D​

I was hoping for an Abyss/Kong match at BFG, but I'm guessing it'll be Morgan now. This match is of no intrest to me. Team 3D win.

Taylor Wilde vs. Angelina Love​

I have no idea what they're going to book after this match. The division is stale less than a year into it. Love is shit, but if I'm being optimistic she's better than the other one. Wilde wins.

"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs. "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt​

Worst feud of the year. Lethal is talented, and Dutt isn't awful. But because TNA insists that the second match in a feud has to have a gimmick, we're stuck with chain matches & this shit. This could be good, but it won't be. Too many val shots. She'll have to have an impressive cleavage to save this match. Dutt wins.

The Rock N' Rave Infection (Lance Rock, Jimmy Rave and Christy Hemme) vs. The Prince Justice Brotherhood (Curry Man, Shark Boy & Super Eric)​

Three faces against two heels and a woman. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Faces win. Crowd cheers when the woman get's beaten up.

ODB vs. Awesome Kong w/ Raisha Saeed​

Sam old. But should be stiff for a women's match.


It's Bound For Glory next month in case you hadn't noticed.

Mick Foley promo updated. Or Kaz. This is TNA so I'm deeply unsure.

So Foley will appear tonight. Probably take away from the main event. Then Jarrett will show up after, he is the bigger star after all. End result is Foley as special ref in the Bound For Glory main event. So what will happen is that he's doing the same as in WWE, but looking worse doing it.

TNA should have him as a third announcer, at least until they've got a quality feud for him, and he's lost some weight.
Over all this ppv was poor, first they start off with Sting talking in the ring for 15 minutes, it was obvious he was out there to kill time. Most matches were typical, but what didn't make sense was AJ Styles-Vs Trigg, why do fake mma fighting ? The best match was the ladder match with a predictable ending. The main event wasn't very good, as they continue to push Sloppy Joe as the champ. Who didn't predict that Jarrett would come down to the ring and hit angle in the head with the guitar ?
They also teased having Mick Foley but he was no where around.
Come on guys, get your heads in the game.

Lets go to work.

Darkshot77's review of TNA No Surrender '08

Fist off, I love Canada. The Crowd was way into the paperveiw. It was cool.

Sting starts with a promo he talked about respect and Bret Hart, way to get cheap pop and referance the WWE. No, thats not an underhanded tactic at all TNA, completely respectable. So as soon as he shuts his KISS makeup wearing mouth, we accuallt start the show.

The Rock n' Rave Infection v. The Prince Justice Brotherhood-Fairly good opener, lots of fun interaction between Curry Man and Christie Hemme. The end sees Hemme get a Chummer, and Super Eric laying the other two out with a double Death Valley Driver. Thats impresive it takes alot to hold two men on your shoulders, Curry gets the pin on Christy and wont get up...so much for the debut of Suicide.

Awsome Kong v. ODB: Falls Count Anywhere-It was exactly what I expected, lots of running arround. But in TNA's own special way they can have a falls count anywhere match end in the ring...brillant. How a Table dosent break when a 300 lb Awsome Kong lands on it is beyond me, but its good footage for Botchamania. Kong wins after driving ODB into a table.

Team 3D v. Matt Morgan and Abyss-Matt morgan continues to impress me every week, its a shame he couldnt be this in the WWE. It was a very good match. Lots of action and fairly well paced. Morgan and Abyss win with a Black Hole Slam. Something happened afterwards but I missed it.

Consequences Creed v. Shiek Abdul Bashier v. Petey Williams: X division Title Match-Good X division match, Petey Willams had Sheik in the Sharpshooter and Earl Hebner was there. If I was him I say screw the planned ending and call for the bell, but it didnt happen. Petey hit the Canadan Destroyer on Creed but Sheik throws him out of the ring and gets the pin. In the end TNA follows up with their promise, if your from the WWE you wear gold in a month.

Angelina Love v. Taylor Wilde: TNA Knockouts Title Match-Could have been worse, definately wasnt anything spectacular. Best part if the match was the GORE! GORE! GOOOOOOORE!!! on Cute Kip. Now Rhino didnt hit him because he was interfearing with the match, he just hated his outfit. Northern Lights Suplex and Talyor retains. Nice match but where do they go from here?

"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal v. "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt: Ladder of Love match-This match proved that it dosen't matter what put atop the ladder, it dose not detract form the fact that it is still a freaking ladder match. The best match of their feud. Chalked full of nice ladder spots. So SoCal Val screws Lethal...didn't see that coming a mile away. After the match Sonjay and Val had a make out session, like Edge and Lita but stranger. So thats Val's transformation from Miss Elizibeth to Lita...way to go.

Beer Money Inc. v. LAX: TNA Tag Team Championship Match-Again these two teams put another classic match, filled with good spots and good wrestling, but in the end Jackie gets involved and Homicide gets a Payoff, and the champs retain. Salinas was banned form the arena for such a horrible promo the other day.

Frank Trigg v. AJ Styles: MMA Style match-This match had all the classic chants "Fire Russo" "This is Bullshit" and the always classy "We Want Wresting" Bad match, plain and simple, thats why you dont mix MMA and TNA compared to pro wrestling MMA is boreing. Inadvertant low blow by Styles leads to styles beating Trigg with a kendo stick.

Samoa Joe v. Kurt Angle v. Christian Cage: Four Ways to Glory for the TNA world Heavy weight Championship-Well three ways, Booker couldnt make it cause the hurricane, and thats a real shame, seriously, stuff like that shouldnt happen. All in all a good main event, all three men were impressive. Eventulally Kurt knocks out Hebnar (who had been getting heat all night), clears the ring with a chair, and puts Joe in the Ankle Lock. This prompts Jeff Jarret to come out to hit the Acoustic Equalizer, then Joe hits a Muscle Buster and gets the pin.

Final Thoughts-Better than Unforgiven, sure not all the matches were PPV quality but TNA managed to stuff 9 matches onto this card, compaired to the WWE's 6, plus all the matches had sufficant time and nothing was to rushed. In compairison it only contained 4-5 short promos and it didn't detract much, unlike the Undertaker/Vicky segment. TNA wins this round.

Final Score:7.5/10
From a fan who attended this live...the crowd was jacked, the matches were hot and it delivered on all fronts.

Not one single complaint at all.

The card, top to bottom, was entertaining. If you loved wrestling, TNA No Surrender was a solid show.

Jarrett returning was great, Christian gave it everything he had tonight and the undercard was incredible...some really fast paced action throughout.

From a fan who attended this live...the crowd was jacked, the matches were hot and it delivered on all fronts.

Not one single complaint at all.

The card, top to bottom, was entertaining. If you loved wrestling, TNA No Surrender was a solid show.

Jarrett returning was great, Christian gave it everything he had tonight and the undercard was incredible...some really fast paced action throughout.


I hope what you are saying is true because the critics utterly BURIED this PPV. Mike Johnson and Buck Woodward from pwinsider.com thought it was horrible and so did Jason Powell from prowrestling.net. I find it so odd that one reason that they did not like the show was that they did not give the hometown wrestlers like Petey Williams or Christian Cage the win. In all honesty, how should a non-Canadian fan or I be less entertained if the hometown wrestlers did not get the win? Mike Johnson felt that the wrestling was sloppy and felt like an indy show. It was more of the booking that was criticized than the wrestling. However, I don't see how Lethal vs Dutt could have ended any other way. The critics felt that ODB vs Kong was sloppy and did not get out of first gear, so I must have been watching a totally different match. I am NOT saying that it was perfect by any stretch, but in all honesty, I feel like a total idiot for enjoying this PPV because apparently it was an absolute disaster.
This was among the weakest PPVs of the year.
The ME was good but talk about lackluster finish. TNA just cant their PPV finishes right, its always something lame.
This could have been good if they hadent put 9 matches on the card. That was stupid and brought down some matches because of time.

And Joe Vs. Sting at BFG for the World Title?? Now that is bullshit!!!!
I just saw the replay of No Surrender, but missed the first 40 minutes.

Why wasn't Booker there? I read that there were travelling issues? Is that true?

Overall it was a descent ppv. TNA had better and I expected a better Ending.
Let's see how BFG will go...
I hope what you are saying is true because the critics utterly BURIED this PPV. Mike Johnson and Buck Woodward from pwinsider.com thought it was horrible and so did Jason Powell from prowrestling.net. I find it so odd that one reason that they did not like the show was that they did not give the hometown wrestlers like Petey Williams or Christian Cage the win. In all honesty, how should a non-Canadian fan or I be less entertained if the hometown wrestlers did not get the win? Mike Johnson felt that the wrestling was sloppy and felt like an indy show. It was more of the booking that was criticized than the wrestling. However, I don't see how Lethal vs Dutt could have ended any other way. The critics felt that ODB vs Kong was sloppy and did not get out of first gear, so I must have been watching a totally different match. I am NOT saying that it was perfect by any stretch, but in all honesty, I feel like a total idiot for enjoying this PPV because apparently it was an absolute disaster.

these critics are idiots. simple as that.

This was a great show...the crowd was hot throughout the night.

Russo knew his MMA match bombed and that's all there is to it.

Bottom line, this PPV was great top to bottom, giving Canadian fans another taste of great in-ring action and a PPV that they truly deserved.

Never listen to these so-called experts, as they are no more qualified than you or I to comment on the matches, the storylines or the winners.

Arguing that they didnt give the titles to Christian and keeping it on Petey shows how little they know about booking. You dont just give the face the match because its in his hometown...that is illogical booking.

If you enjoyed this PPV either in attendance or watching it at home, that is all that counts...forget these loser critics and enjoy the show based on your own merits.

Who cares if a table didnt break...shit happens.

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