General Final Resolution Discussion


Is hanging up the boots
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7th December 2008​

Please give reasons for listing cards

So with the rivalry between the Main Event Mafia and the Young Guys still continuing, I expect many matches between both sides to take place once again. TNA as a product just seems much more entertaining at the moment since the commencing of this great storyline.

I'm not expecting any huge matches to take place at this pay per view. This is not the final TNA pay per view of the year. So I'm not expecting anything special here at all. This promotional poster is decent and looks much better than the previous awful pay per view poster. If only Nash wore sunglasses though...
I'm really disappointed to be honest. I read the rumours that this was going to be Christmas themed. Sam came up with some really great suggestions, it's a shame Disco Inferno didn't pitch them to creative. I'm joking of course, he got fired.

A Christmas theme would have been stupid. But TNA is anyway. And from the spoilers it's still stupid, but without an intresting theme. I can miss TNA PPV's. I have no real intrest in them. But if they did something ridiculously stupid I'd have no other option but to watch.
This is not the final TNA pay per view of the year.

Eh? Really? They're going to have 2 in December? Who do they think they are, W.W.E. tying in an E.C.W. p.p.v.??

I was remotely looking forward to a possible Scott Steiner against Petey Williams match.. until I read the spoilers to the Main Event. I can't say I'm shocked, but the lack of a Christmas theme does disappoint. (seriously) A 'Deck the Hall's' match, with Scott Hall as a special official could've sold big..

Anywho.. I forsee the likelyhood of Awesome Kong facing Cheerleader Melissa. Why? Because she asked for more opponent's, and apparently we're going back to that stupid "I'll beat up the 'fan's' until then" crap.

Shane S'ol will likely take on Bashir, especially considering the wannabe wrestler/ref cost him the title. I'm shocked it took T.N.A. this long to work a Ref v. Wrestler match into the mix. They must be slipping.

If Team 3D isn't involved in the Main Event somehow, then I likely believe we'll see Beer Money defending against Team 3D.
TNA World Champion Sting, Legends Champion Booker T, Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner (The Main Event Mafia) vs. Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Team 3D (TNA Frontline)
(If TNA Frontline wins, AJ Styles becomes the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion)

I actually don't know what the point of the TNA Frontline is. They appear to be fighting over something that has been happening for years. Things that didn't really effect Joe & Styles that much as they were pushed hard anyway.

Overall it's a stupid match. If Joe get's the pin then does he get the next title shot? Or will they have Styles title victory create a divide in the Frontline? Nope, what will happen is that Joe will pin and win the title for Styles, and they'll all celebrate like one big happy family.

That's what WOULD happen, if Team 3D weren't going to turn on the Frontline and join the MEM. But they will. Even though they're not main event wrestlers. Stupid & predictable.

Special Enforcer: Mick Foley
"The War Machine" Rhino vs. Kurt Angle of The Main Event Mafia
(If Rhino wins, Angle is gone from TNA! If Angle wins, he gets his rematch vs. Jeff Jarrett!)

Another match with a stupid stipulation. Anyone think Rhino would win even if this stip wasn't in place? And why is Foley the enforcer? He was one in an Angle match just two months ago. Stupid. Although TNA have done a good job of building up Rhino. Shame it's about 3 years too late.

Abyss & "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan vs. champions Beer Money, Inc

TNA has such a great tag division that Abyss & Matt Morgan are now together. They share that common similarity of being tall, that's about it. I'm undecided if Morgan turns on Abyss.

Eric Young vs. champion Sheik Abdul Bashir

Several weeks ago on iMPACT.............

- Eric Young vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir.
- Eric Young wins title.
- Eric Young stripped of title.
- Eric Young get's rematch on PPV.

If he wins the title again then TNA have done a circle for no apparent reason. Thankfully I don't think he'll win the title, that ref will. Because TNA is dumb like that.

Christy Hemme vs. champion Awesome Kong w/ Raisha Saeed

Hemme wins, not by DQ either. I actually think she'll win the title. In a fluke victory mind, which will do nothing for either of them. TNA will get bored of her and Kong will get the title back several weeks later.

Plus, the event will see the return of the "Feast Or Fired" competition, where 14 TNA Superstars will battle to get shots at the TNA championships! However, one unlucky superstar will also be FIRED from TNA Wrestling!

I can't decide if this is worse than the Turkey Bowl match. Two matches where the ''winner'' loses. A bit like that dumb battle royal/ladder match where Roxxi had her head shaved. I don't care for the outcome. The real question is can I really just ignore how stupid it is and try and enjoy the match.

The Beautiful People & Sharmel vs. ODB, Taylor Wilde & Roxxi

Overall the show seems like a typical TNA PPV-3 hours of wrestling that's just there. Nothing great, nothing bad, just there. TNA will turn 3D obviously and cost Styles the belt, in a "shocking" moment which won't shock anyone. Other than that, pretty much flip a coin on the rest of the matches other than Kurt/Rhino. That's fine, but when you don't care which side the coin lands on, that's not fine. At the end of the day this whole show just winds up being a whole lot of nothing. I'll likely watch a bit of the stream, but I won't be paying attention outside of a match or two.

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