GCW Disruption Request Thread (Warning: Many Requests)


Too Sweet To Be Sour
Okay, so I have many requests for my Joint Book This brand, Disruption. So, I'm gonna give a list and see what people can do.

P.S. I am also going to need help placing these in my signature/posts. I haven't been experienced with them before.

1. THis is going to be tough, and I'm not sure if anyone can do it, but I would like a stage set to post with my shows. I don't really care how the stage is designed, just make it unique and original. Something different. The main colors for the set should be orange and black.

2. Opening video, like they have for RAW, iMPACT!, etc. I would like it set to We Are One by 12 Stones, aka The Nexus theme. Below are the lyrics to the song I want used in the video and the roster list, so you know what wrestlers to use in the video.

We walk alone
In the unknown
We live to win another victory
We are the young
Dying sons
We live to change the face history
We are one
We are one
We are one
We will stand together
Number one
Number one
The chosen ones
We are one
We are one
we will fight forever
we are one and we won't tire

Here is a roster list that you can use for the opening video.

Randy Orton (face)
Wade Barrett (heel)
A.J. Styles (face)
C.M. Punk (heel)
Samoa Joe (face)
The Miz (heel)
Kane (heel)
Alex Riley (heel)
D'Angelo Dinero (face)
Desmond Wolfe (heel)
Husky Harris (heel)
Chris Hero (face)
Drew McIntyre (heel)
Dolph Ziggler (heel)
Titus O' Neil (face)
Michael McGillicutty (face)
Brett DiBiase (heel)
Tyler Black (heel)
Austin Aries (heel)
Zack Ryder (heel)
Justin Gabriel (heel)
Yoshi Tatsu (face)
Bryan Danielson (face)
Drake Younger (face)
Delirious (face)
Petey Williams (heel)

Tag Teams:
Motor City Machine Guns (face)
The Dudebusters (face)
Beer Money (heel)
The Uso Twins w/ Tamina (heel)
Luke Gallows and Matt Bentley w/ Serena (heel)

Please and thank you to anyone who can get any or even one of these requests fulfilled.
Feel the need to keep this thread torwards the top of the page. I really want these graphics and video, and I hope I can get them. So if anybody reading this can help me out, thank you.
I can do the the first one, but that's all i'm afraid. I'm don't know how I would be able to create something similar to the SmackDown logo. I'm sure someone more established could do a good job if you asked them. But i'll crack on with the first one.
Okay thank you. Make sure to make it where it looks good, but somewhat small so it'll load quicker. Also, can you give me a tutorial of how to post it, as I am inexperienced with these things.
Here it is. If you want anything changing, let me know.

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Bumping this thread up. I only have two requests left that I need filled and would appreciate it deeply if anyone could get either one or both of them. Repo to anyone who does. Check my original post to see what I want done. Once again, please and thank you in advance to anyone who can do this for me.

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