GCW Blitz

future admin

Getting Noticed By Management

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GCW Blitz opens to "Don't Question My Heart" Pyro's go off, and GM Solofa Fatu (Rikishi) is in the ring
Solofa- Hello Blitz fans!! Are we gonna raise the roof tonight or what in Blitz' first ever episode! We are gonna start big with two title tournaments kicking off, and also, a Ladder match to determine the GCW Australia Champion! But, enough talk from me, let's get to the matches!!
Crowd go wild in anticipation of the first ever episode of GCW Blitz!

**Out To Kill**
Tazz- Here comes the first match of the GCW World Title Tournament, we have Cody Rhodes vs Mark Henry up first

Don West- Mark Henry is going to squash Cody like a bug, come on Mark!!

Tazz-Why don't you shut up before I choke you out, and find a new partner

**Somebody's Gonna Get It**
Match Starts and Rhodes runs straight outside, he waits till a count of 5, and comes back in. He goes up to Henry, and he gets pushed back. Rhodes tries again, but gets a headbut from Henry, he waits for Rhodes to get up, and he headbutts him again. Rhodes crawls towards the corner, and Henry walks towards him. Rhodes pulls Henry into the bottom turnbuckle, and Henry is holding his eye. He gets up, and Rhodes runs towards Henry, and hits a chop block to Henry's leg, he falls back, and the tide of the match changes. Rhodes applies a leg lock onto Henry's leg, and Henry is in pain, his shoulders hit the ground, 1...2. he picks up again. Henry reaches the ropes, and Rhodes has a count of 5 to release, 1...2...3...4 he releases. Rhodes taunts, and Henry get's back up, he grabs Rhodes, and elbows him in the face. He picks him up, andgoes for the Worlds Strongest Slam, but he falls over, his leg is too Painful, Rhodes runs to the corner and quickly hits a Springboard Kick to Henry's face, He falls slowly, and Rhodes is on the top rope, he hits a moonsault, 1...2...3 Rhodes wins and advaces to the next round.
Winner at 6:33, Cody Rhodes!

Tazz-Hold on Don, who crushed who here?
Don West's face is Red with Embarrasment

**Tattooed Attitude**
Tazz- These two are probably my Favourite team, DALLIGAF and one crazy SOB in Shane Helms, but they have a tough opponent, they have the outsiders, Michael Tarver and Skip Sheffield.

Don-Tazz, you are completely right, the outsiders won't be an easy task.

**We Are One**
Helms and Tarver start things off, They lock up, and Tarver pushes him back with all of his might. They lock up again, but end with the same result. Helms backs up, and Tarver runs towards him, but Helms dodges it, he runs to the ropes, and he hits a cross body. 1...2.. kickout. Tarver gets up, and Helms hits a clothesline, he tags in More, and they hit a double vertical suplex. 1...2.. kickout. Moore is about to pick Tarver up, but Sheffield distracts the ref, and Tarver hits a low blow. Tarver picks up Moore, and walks to Sheffield and tags him in. Tarver places Moore on Sheffields back, and they double team him. Sheffield hits a backpack stunner, and Tarver hits a killshot as they complete the maneuvre. 1...2...3 The Outsiders win and advance to the next round.
Winners at 4:52, The Outsiders

West-Wow, the Tag Team Move was amazing!! The Outsiders are going to the finals!!

We are in the back with Williams and Magnus. Regal walks in.
Regal- Gentlemen, fellow Brittanians, I know how badly you have been treated in your previous promotion, and I took it upon myself to form a group of the most Elite British wrestlers around the world. The British Empire! and you two were the first people I thought of, so, how does it sound? do you want in?

Magnus-Ok, I'd like to join

Williams-Count me in guys


Part 2 to be posted later
For the one promo sucked when the fuck have you heard a british guy say Count Me In Guys, other then that it was pretty good 2.5/5 for the first half but wait isn't Sign Guy supposed to go infront of you

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