G-Mods - Forum tweaking


Excellence of Execution
A while back, D-Man asked for some way to help the forum, and I asked him to see if he could come up with some ways to re-do the layout of the forums. This is what he got back to me with:

D-Man said:
In all honesty, I really like the current format of the forum. I like the name changes in many of the sections and I feel they're more user-friendly.

You asked for a few suggestions on how I would change things up a bit. So, I've put a lot of thought into this and here's what I came up with:

1. Just for fun, considering that "nicknamed" forums look more fun and inviting, would you consider renaming the MMA and Boxing section into "Pugilism Central"? (Just kind of popped into my head.)

2. Ok, onto a more serious note... The WWE has obviously consolidated Raw and SD into a supershow on Mondays. Being that I've been keeping a close eye on the WWE sections as a result of this change, I've noticed that the majority of our new threads are being created in the general WWE section. Posters don't try to put them in the Raw or Smackdown threads anymore and it makes perfect sense as to why.

One suggestion is to change the WWE section into one main section and two subforums (instead of the three that currently exist.) We can keep the main WWE section but possibly change the description (or include within the name) to express the fact that it's a WWE General Discussion thread.

We should consolidate the Raw and Smackdown sections into one thread (i.e. Raw/Smackdown) and describe it as detailed discussion within the WWE's television broadcasts (or specific discussion about the shows and/or their superstars.)

The WWE PPV subforum needs no changes. It's very important that it stays the same because it's the only subforum in which users clearly post correct threads.

3. I think the TNA section should be renamed "TNA/Impact Wrestling." After all, that's what it is.

4. I still don't understand the difference between Book This! and the Book This Lounge. Does it really need to be in two separate sections? Furthermore, I think it really needs a name change.

We get so many spam fantasy booking threads in the WWE and TNA sections. Can we rename these sections:

"Fantasy Booking Central" - All fantasy promotions, made-up cards, and made-up superstars. The section would be in a spam-friendly format since 90% of it is probably going to draw spam. Description could be, "Ever wish to make up and become the GM or CEO of your own promotion? Want to draft wrestlers to your own weekly broadcast? Want to makes your brainchild a reality? Post your ideas in here and let our posters give you their feedback."

"Re-Book This" - Posters' opportunities to take past, real events and re-book them in any way they see fit. It could be described as, "Think Wrestlemania's card was weak last year? Think you could have done better? Here's your chance to re-book any past event created by WWE, TNA, ROH, WCW, or any other promotion that ever existed in professional wrestling."

First off, the new names might draw the users to post their fantasy bookings in the proper sections instead of continuing to flood our current, non-spam forums. Secondly, it's pretty obvious that posters love to redo most PPV's, brands, and programs out of their own ideas. These sections would properly categorize what our posters try to do and could possibly draw new users into those sections.


So, that's what I've come up with. I feel very strong about making these changes (or similar ones to them.) When they're finished, we'd still wind up with the same total amount of forums and subforums that we have right now. However, these ideas would give better names for a few of our sections, give better descriptions, revitalize a section that doesn't get as many hits as it probably should, and would properly categorize our most popular section.

I hope you consider some of these ideas. And if you don't maybe we could put our heads together and build off these ideas.
KB and I are already talking about them in our Super Secret place, but we would also like to hear your thoughts on this as well.
Sly and I also had a back and forth on a bunch of this, too. I still don't understand the purpose of the Book This section and I really wanted to bring new meaning to it. Plus, we really need to accomodate for the new trends happening in wrestling right now (i.e. Raw/SD Supershow, TNA/Impact Wrestling).

Any feedback is much appreciated.

One last thing: I don't see this as a yes or no from you guys. If you feel that even part of my ideas are good or bad and would like to tweak them and/or offer your own expertise, I'm all ears. A group effort can probably do this the most justice, especially from users of your caliber.
I'm totally with the Book This change. I've wanted that name changed for years.

I'm okay with the name change, but I don't want to start moving threads from the WWE to Book This. I want the general purpose of the fiction forum to stay the same.
So do I, but I'd like something a little clearer. The name "Book This" isn't exactly clear on what it is if you're not familiar with it.
Um... didn't I already make a few? ;)

You did, but for two different forums. If we decide to just have one, what would be some names?

Which also brings up the question you and I discussed earlier...is there enough traffic to justify two forums for Fantasy Booking, and if so, what do we do with spam areas?
1. Just for fun, considering that "nicknamed" forums look more fun and inviting, would you consider renaming the MMA and Boxing section into "Pugilism Central"? (Just kind of popped into my head.)

I'm all for catchy nicknames for the Non-Wrestling sections, but I think we could come up with something better than 'Pugilism Central' for the Combat Sports section, lol.

2. Ok, onto a more serious note... The WWE has obviously consolidated Raw and SD into a supershow on Mondays. Being that I've been keeping a close eye on the WWE sections as a result of this change, I've noticed that the majority of our new threads are being created in the general WWE section. Posters don't try to put them in the Raw or Smackdown threads anymore and it makes perfect sense as to why.

One suggestion is to change the WWE section into one main section and two subforums (instead of the three that currently exist.) We can keep the main WWE section but possibly change the description (or include within the name) to express the fact that it's a WWE General Discussion thread.

We should consolidate the Raw and Smackdown sections into one thread (i.e. Raw/Smackdown) and describe it as detailed discussion within the WWE's television broadcasts (or specific discussion about the shows and/or their superstars.)

The WWE PPV subforum needs no changes. It's very important that it stays the same because it's the only subforum in which users clearly post correct threads.

I see nothing wrong with this.

3. I think the TNA section should be renamed "TNA/Impact Wrestling." After all, that's what it is.

I already suggested this not too long ago, so obviously I'm with you on that one. But it's no big deal if it remains just TNA, as I don't think anyone will ever really bitch about the name of the section.

4. I still don't understand the difference between Book This! and the Book This Lounge. Does it really need to be in two separate sections? Furthermore, I think it really needs a name change.

We get so many spam fantasy booking threads in the WWE and TNA sections. Can we rename these sections:

"Fantasy Booking Central" - All fantasy promotions, made-up cards, and made-up superstars. The section would be in a spam-friendly format since 90% of it is probably going to draw spam. Description could be, "Ever wish to make up and become the GM or CEO of your own promotion? Want to draft wrestlers to your own weekly broadcast? Want to makes your brainchild a reality? Post your ideas in here and let our posters give you their feedback."

"Re-Book This" - Posters' opportunities to take past, real events and re-book them in any way they see fit. It could be described as, "Think Wrestlemania's card was weak last year? Think you could have done better? Here's your chance to re-book any past event created by WWE, TNA, ROH, WCW, or any other promotion that ever existed in professional wrestling."

First off, the new names might draw the users to post their fantasy bookings in the proper sections instead of continuing to flood our current, non-spam forums. Secondly, it's pretty obvious that posters love to redo most PPV's, brands, and programs out of their own ideas. These sections would properly categorize what our posters try to do and could possibly draw new users into those sections.

I see this is the hot topic between you guys right now, but before I give my opinion, let me say I literally never open up the Book This section. In fact, I have all of the Wrestlezone Interactive sections hidden on the index board. I just could not care less about the section.

That said, I'm not sure whether or not the forum has enough traffic to bother changing things up with it. Like I said, I never pay attention to it, but since Sly is even asking the question does the forum warrant enough traffic for two sections, then I imagine it's the same as when I used to pay attention to it... which is very little.

But if we think changes to the section could maybe draw a little interest to it, then that alone definitely warrants a discussion. I just personally don't think it'll ever be a hot section.
I'm okay with the name change, but I don't want to start moving threads from the WWE to Book This. I want the general purpose of the fiction forum to stay the same.

We won't move threads to that section unless they're supposed to be in that section... just like everything else.

Which also brings up the question you and I discussed earlier...is there enough traffic to justify two forums for Fantasy Booking, and if so, what do we do with spam areas?

I gave this some thought since it's a good point that Sly brought up.

The majority of "fantasy booking" threads are spam. So would it make sense to completely close down the Book This section and re-open it as a subforum in the Spam Friendly section?

But if we think changes to the section could maybe draw a little interest to it, then that alone definitely warrants a discussion. I just personally don't think it'll ever be a hot section.

I think any section can be "hot" if it's promoted properly. That includes proper placement for the section.

It's no secret that the spam sections are our most popular sections (besides WWE non-spam). If we place these new ideas into the spam sections where they probably belong (as I said above,) a few things should happen:

1. It's probably going to generate immediate traffic because new sections always tend to. (i.e. Potluck)

2. Spam posters have another section to post in without taking away their fun of ignoring our spamming rules. Most of our posters hate our spamming rules, so the more sections we give them to relieve them of said rules the more we're doing for them.

3. Since we have posters lobbying for a Spam Zone moderator position, adding these sections gives them more responsibility and more to do. Since our rules are much lighter in those sections, proper placement of threads and posts can be an added responsibility for said spam moderator. Is it necessary? No... but can it be beneficial and does it make sense? Yes.

Can we make a final decision on my ideas this week? The Raw section might as well not even exist anymore. EVERYTHING is being posted or created in the WWE section.
We won't move threads to that section unless they're supposed to be in that section... just like everything else.
I understand that, but I don't want to redefine what's supposed to be in that section.

I gave this some thought since it's a good point that Sly brought up.

The majority of "fantasy booking" threads are spam. So would it make sense to completely close down the Book This section and re-open it as a subforum in the Spam Friendly section?
But the people who actually write a Book This don't spam. Is it fair to them?


Those are currently the last 4 active threads. Would you call those shows spam?

I'm not trying to be defeatist here, and I personally don't care about post count, but some people do, and those posts are worthy of a post count if anything on this forum is.

I think any section can be "hot" if it's promoted properly. That includes proper placement for the section.
Fair enough.

It's no secret that the spam sections are our most popular sections (besides WWE non-spam). If we place these new ideas into the spam sections where they probably belong (as I said above,) a few things should happen:

1. It's probably going to generate immediate traffic because new sections always tend to. (i.e. Potluck)

2. Spam posters have another section to post in without taking away their fun of ignoring our spamming rules. Most of our posters hate our spamming rules, so the more sections we give them to relieve them of said rules the more we're doing for them.

3. Since we have posters lobbying for a Spam Zone moderator position, adding these sections gives them more responsibility and more to do. Since our rules are much lighter in those sections, proper placement of threads and posts can be an added responsibility for said spam moderator. Is it necessary? No... but can it be beneficial and does it make sense? Yes.
I don't want these people hard work to be buried by a Coco "that sucks" post.

Can we make a final decision on my ideas this week? The Raw section might as well not even exist anymore. EVERYTHING is being posted or created in the WWE section.
If I don't forget, we'll see what we can do. Basically, it's been more about me not thinking about it, than taking time to mull it over.
I understand that, but I don't want to redefine what's supposed to be in that section.

Not at all. The only change I've been asking for was a name-change, which could make the section more attractive and give a better definition of what belongs in there.

But the people who actually write a Book This don't spam. Is it fair to them?


Those are currently the last 4 active threads. Would you call those shows spam?

I'm not trying to be defeatist here, and I personally don't care about post count, but some people do, and those posts are worthy of a post count if anything on this forum is.

Know what? I totally forgot about post count. You have a very good point.

Then should we have a spam and non-spam version? Or is that overkill? Fact of the matter is that the majority of fantasy posts that happen outside of Book This! are spam-magnets.

I don't want these people hard work to be buried by a Coco "that sucks" post.

Another good point but we can't base our forums around Coco's antics... or any other instigator, for that matter. But, if we clearly specify what belongs in that section as part of its "rules", we can avoid this.

Coco, although annoying as fuck, is a stickler for the rules. So are the majority of our spam-flies.

If I don't forget, we'll see what we can do. Basically, it's been more about me not thinking about it, than taking time to mull it over.

If anything at all, I'd like to make the WWE/Raw section changes. The rest can still be marinated on but these sections need to be changed.

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