G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra


[This Space for Rent]
So I just found out that they're making a Live-Action G.I. Joe movie. It's going to star Dennis Quaid as General Hawk and likely the main leading role. It's also going to star actors/actresses including: Channing Tatum, Marlon Wayans, Sienna Miller, & Joseph Gordon Levitt - rumored to be playing as Cobra Commander.

While I laughed for a while at the mere fact they'd cast Levitt in that type of serious role, I haven't honestly seen much of his work lately since 10 Things I Hate About You. I surely hope Commander Cobra doesn't break down several times and act like a pussy throughout this movie.

The basic plot seems to be the rise of Cobra as a group/unit, and the beginning war between them and G.I. Joe. It's also rumored that this is the first in a trilogy of movies. That makes me believe they're going to attempt making it a serious film, yet I still am very worried about how Levitt will do in such a role, that in all honesty I would've considered to be out of his range.

I've tried to gather as much information on this film as I could, and the best youtube video I found was what's below. It's basically a small bit about who's all been casted, and their backgrounds. It gives a very short description of what the film is likely to be based on as well.


Growing up, I was a huge fan of this cartoon. Shit, I collected the toys and in wrestling terms "marked out" when I discovered they've begun re-making the older figures in today's Generation. (makes me want a boy, just to have the excuse to play with them again. lol)

In a wrestling related story.. one of the first things I questioned was whether or not they'd bring in Sgt. Slaughter. :lmao: I can't imagine they would, but he did actually play a strong role in the cartoon to my knowledge, so an appearance by him wouldn't be out of the question.

My favorite's were always Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, and from what I can tell, they'll have their own mini-story within the movie. So I'm excited in general for that.

What are everyone's thoughts on this up-coming film, set for release in August of this year? Please add General discussion and detailed opinions. Thank You.
Will, Joseph Gordon Levitt is one of the best actors in the World in my opinion, no sarcasm. He's done pretty much nothing but serious roles since leaving that stupid show, and they have all been fantastic thus far. I assume he only took this role for the paycheck and nothing more. And my money bets that he ends up being the only thing worth a damn in this entire picture. Dennis Quaid sucks, Channing Tatum has only been in two decent films (Stop-Loss and A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints) while the rest of them absolutely blow, the bitches will be okay to stare at but useless at the same time since they're all talentless, and Marlon Waynes, well... I like him to be honest, but I can't buy him in a Superhero movie.

So anyway, personally, I was never a fan of the cartoon and I most likely won't check this out until it's out on DVD, but I fully expect it to be a real piece of shit. Most of these high budget action films these days end up being somewhat fun in their own way, but I can't see G.I. Joe accomplishing that with the cast they have and the style it seems the director has taken for this picture. But I'll say with my expectations so low for this, it probably won't take much for the film to impress me.
I wasn't really a fan of this as I think I came along a bit too late for it. It was kind of cool, but just not my thing from what I'pve seen of it. As for the movie, I can't picture it being that good. It'll be mainly flashy violence and CGI for the explosions which rarely works well for me. CG has to be done just right to get it to work and that rarely happens. The plot will probably be standard, but Cobra could look awesome if done right. This could be ok, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
I was never a huge fan of this. I had a couple of the toys and I think I remember watching the cartoon, but it was so long ago and I was so young I don't remember much about it now.
That being said, I too recently found out about this I am excited about it. Dennis Quaid an Channing Tatum are both good actors so hopefully they can carry it. Levitt as Cobra Commander is verrrrry questionable to me, but hey I thought casting Heath Ledger as the Joker was a huge mistake when I heard, but he was masterful..maybe the best comic book villain ever in film.
I also view Cobra as one of the best villain groups there ever was so I'm anxious to see how that's going to be portrayed.
I'm pretty excited about this. G.I. Joe was my second favorite cartoon growing up, second only to TMNT. Snake Eyes is badass and it seem like it might actually be a decent movie.

I'll wait and see though.

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