Future Triple Crown Winner


The triple crown is a great accomplishment in the WWE, reached by many superstars. It isn't the Grand Slam, but it is still very special. These following men have so far won the triple crown:

Pedro Morales, Bret Hart, Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Kane, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Ric Flair, Edge, RVD, Booker T, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy and CM Punk.

So out of the following men still with the WWE, who do you think will be the next to join the club. All of these men are one championship away:

Missing WWE/WHC:

Carlito, Christian, Goldust, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin and William Regal.

Missing Intercontinental:

Batista, The Big Show, John Cena, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Rey Mysterio and The Undertaker.

Of all of these men, who do you think will be next to join the club. Also how would you create a storyline to get that championship.

NOTE: Christian, William Regal and JBL are also that one championship away from winning the Grand Slam.
If they counted the US Title as part of the Triple Crown, Cena, Show and JBL would be there.

If I had to be honest. The most likely person I could see become the next Triple Crown Holder is JBL, only down to this mysterious script leak about the IC Title. If it carries out in the end, then we might see him become it.

Problem is IC Title is quite a joke these days, so I don't see those who needs the IC Belt getting it. I'd rule out Batista, Show, Cena & Undertaker straight away. I can see JBL and Mysterio getting the IC Title, but the other guys are so over as World Title contenders, you'll never see them get the IC Title, Batista & Show maybe, but doubtful. Cena's only chance is if they lowered him down, but there's a fat chance of that happening.

As for those who need the World Title: Regal, Goldust, Carlito and Kingston, I immediately rule out, mid-card for life. John Morrison will be garenteed a World Title run one day, but not just yet, he's being built up at a good paced, not rushed. Whilst Benjamin is most under-rated on the card and his window feels it has passed, I really could see him going further, if put in a great program and have a manager, you got the makings of a World Champion there. Christian, whilst Vince doesn't think he's got IT to be the top guy, I could see him getting there in the next 3 years, ECW will be a great restart and if his run as ECW Champion goes great, it will give him the top title.

So definites:

High Maybes:

General/Low Maybes:


EDIT: I just read that if JBL, Christian or Regal were to win the one title they need left, they will also become Grand Slam Champions. They're currently the only three people left who can go for it (US Title & ECW Title not counted).
I would have Rey Mysterio as the next one in the group. He could bring back pride to the IC title and is the closest one to a particular title in them groupings, e.g. it will take a hell of a long time to build up John Morrison for the WWE title, but Rey could win the IC title on Monday if needs be.

With this JBL storyline "apparantly" going on with the IC title, I would have him lose to Rey on Monday in a no#1 contender match, and Rey go over Punk the week after on RAW, but in a close fought contest so Punk loses no credibility and has some momentum going into MitB.

Then i'd have JBL come out and say he wants to complete the triple crown in his home state at WrestleMania 25, so he challenges ReyRey. But Rey wins to keep the belt. This gives the IC title a place at Mania, gives Rey and JBL something to do and stops JBL winning the title.
I definately think the most likely triple crown winners are JBL and Rey Mysterio. Followed closely by John Morrison. Of these three i think JBL will accomplish it first winning the intercontinental within the next few months maybe even the next few weeks. Mysterio will probably accomplish it next and then eventually John Morriosn will get that big push he deserves and wins the world title.
I clicked on this thread thinking it had something to do with the AJPW Triple Crown of belts instead i found out i was about WWE. Waste of Time, WWE championships mean nothing anymore so who cares about being a triple crown or grand slam champion in WWE - it means nothing. The only belts that matter in WWE are the WWE championship & World Heavyweight Championship however both are less prestiges due to the other as there should only be one World Champion especially since the brand extension is a joke beyond all proportions.
good thread.

id say either rey mysterio or jbl. the leaked storyline suggests that jbl will win the intercontinental title at some point running up to wrestlemania. rey mysterio is an upper mid carder and so could easily win the title in a storyline involving jbl at wm 25.

john cena and big show are unlikely to lower themselves from the main event to win the intercontinental, same with the undertaker - never gonna happen.

if christian gets into the money in the bank then i could see him winning the belt at some point this year so maybe christian. possibly the same of shelton, but highly unlikely, he would have to get a huge push. john morrison and maybe kofi will get there eventually. batista is also unlikely to win the intercontinental as hes a main event wrestler
I definietly agree.

But indulge me for a moment. What with all this talk of "Bringing prestige back to the Intercontinental Championship." What if once JBL has won the championship, bringing some "prestige" back to it. Then Rey Mysterio comes in for the chase, perhaps gets the win. The Intercontinental could be used by those looking to become Triple Crown Champions, rather than wanting to just be Intercontinental Champion. People in that could be:
JBL, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Batista and perhaps John Cena (unlikely).

But as for thsoe who need to win the World Championship or WWE Championship, in order of likeliness;

Christian - He will win it eventually, I'm sure even if it's just once.

John Morrison - Definetly, unless he messes up with the Wellness Policy or someone back stage.

Shelton Benjamin - It's quite likely he will win a major title, I personally think that he is a high favourite to win the Money in the Bank this year, especially after the program he had with The Undertaker.

William Regal - I think he would of been Champion for a while had he not messed up with the Welnness Policy. But I think he has missed his window.

Carlito - Been a player for a while, but will ultimately end with the release of Primo.

Kofi Kingston - Over well with the crowd, could have a run.

Goldust - At some point in history, I would of said he was a higher possibility, but not anymore AT ALL.
This is simple and will happen with two of those people in the next month. JBL will do it first because clearly they arent going to leave him off wrestlemania and with punk in mitb it would make a lot of sense to do the title switch to have the belt defended on the biggest show they have. Lately I've been getting the sense that they are gonna unify the tag belts and the womens belts at wrestlemania so they may unify the ic/us also and if they do thats the only way I see Rey not facing and defeating jbl for the ic title at wrestlemania. Rey much like JBL has nothing at all to do so that would solve this, but i wouldn't be surprised if they make Shelton drop the US title to Kozlov who has nothing to do as well and the two face off at mania.
if the ECW title was recognised by the WWE to be worth the same as the WWE and WHC and that the US was the same as IC matt hardy would be a triple crown and grandslam winner
Im pretty sure Christian will be the next TC winner. Even if he's not the next, I'm almost sure he'll win it in the near future. It looks like he'll get a decent push in the WWE so that could result in his capturing of either the WWE or (more likely) WHW Title. If not him, then it will probably be either Mysterio's or JBL's capturing of the IC Title that will then make them TC winners, as those two also seem to be shoe-ins for it eventually.
i wouldnt say never to carlito cuase if he keeps up his recent improvement. and Kofi just might get the world title in a few years
I have to disagree about Carlito. I just don't think he'll ever get over that hump to the Main Event. John Morrison on the other hand will indeed do it...several times. Orton and Morrison are the future of the industry
Yeah so, now JBL is off that list and off the grand slam list. I can't believe he won the grand slam. I hope he is a great IC Champ and helps bring pride into the belt.
I personally don't count CM Punk as Triple Crown Champion. If we're talking the ORIGINAL WWE Title as held by Diesel, Bret Hart etc, then the current WHC is a completely different title with it's own lineage starting in 2002 - completely separate from the WWE Title. Until Punk wins the WWE title he cannot be regarded as a triple crown champion. On a sidenote who will be the first current eras Triple Crown Champion ie: WWE Championship, WHC & ECW championship?
Missing Intercontinental:

Batista, The Big Show, John Cena, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Rey Mysterio and The Undertaker.

where do you get your facts? V_V
JBL was the Intercontinental champ going into Mania 25... remember.. he lost to ReyRey?

so i'm thinking if Jiggly Boobs and the 4"2 hero can be Triple Crown winners,
really anyone can get it....
Batista/Taker: If he drops down and gets the Intercontinental, but i don't see him droppping down.
Show: He could definatly go down to the US or Intercontinental and have a huge reign

and if they get the World Title push, the likes of MVP, Kennedy, Matt Hardy, Morrison, and all the rest of the under-appreciated talent are future Triple Crowners

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