Future Batman Film Villains


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Yes, I am ****ing out for discussion here. This section has been way too dead.

Basically, I'd like to know what villains you'd like to see in future Batman films. I've heard rumors that because Two-Face is definitely dead, and we have no actor to play the Joker, that the next installment may include a menagerie of Batman villains, with no one in particular getting the most attention. It would be based around Bruce Wayne's life surrounding everything, and how the Batman morphs into what the public needs. I'm assuming that if this is in fact the case, we'll see guys like these:

Harley Quinn:

How is she not perfect? Not only is she sexy, but they can use her, and play off the momentum Joker gave the franchise, while not actually using him. The character will still exist, just not on screen. She's probably just as crazy, and twice as maniacal, so why not? And, it's a villain we haven't seen on film yet.

Killer Croc:

If you follow the Batman comics at all, you'd know this would be an amazing villain to see on-screen. Chris Nolan wants to keep the series realistic, and the way Killer Croc came to be, has endless possibilities in his Gotham. I think it would be a whole new way to look at the films yet again.


Yes, Bane. No, not the Bane from "I wanna be a Batman movie so bad I hired Arnold and Uma", but Bane...The badass mofo that would rip off Batman's legs and make him watch as he ate them. I don't think there's anything I can say that would do this creature justice...

I'd also give a very honorable mention to Clayface, Man-Bat, Mad Hatter, and The Ventriloquist...
I think they're all a little cartoonish for the current style of Batman film. I suggested in a similar thread month ago that Killer Croc would have to be just a big bloke with a skin condition.

I'd have Black Mask as the main villain, but I'd add The Penguin as a minor villain. Basically as somebody recognizable for the trailer before non-fans become more accustomed to Black Mask.
I think they're all a little cartoonish for the current style of Batman film. I suggested in a similar thread month ago that Killer Croc would have to be just a big bloke with a skin condition.

Harley Quinn may be cartoonish, but it's easily adapted with her. Joker is obviously going to Arkham, so she can easily be introduced to the story. Even if she isn't a villain right away, they can introduce the character, and reserve her for later.

Killer Croc could work how you said, but there wouldn't be too much of a reason to change his story. Of course he couldn't be transformed to full croc, but they could tweak the look, without changing the history.

As far as Bane is concerned, he'd be perfect, if they just kept him true to the comics. The problem with that, is fans are already turned off to him, because of his last film appearance.

I'd have Black Mask as the main villain, but I'd add The Penguin as a minor villain. Basically as somebody recognizable for the trailer before non-fans become more accustomed to Black Mask.

I think Nolan has said that Penguin would never appear, but I think Black Mask would be an option.

I was considering adding Red Hood to my post, but decided to leave him out, because I'm not sure if they're saving that for when they get to where the Joker came from...
I think explaining where The Joker is from would be rather pointless. There's no need for a back story for him.

I had the idea that The Joker was a gimmick for a certain group of criminals. If only as a way to bring the character back and not have people complain that it's not Heath Ledger.
I think explaining where The Joker is from would be rather pointless. There's no need for a back story for him.

Agreed. But, I'm sure everyone that makes a Batman movie, or writes a comic strip, thinks they have the perfect idea for him. I'm sure Nolan has his, and will eventually let it out. I think that if they absolutely must, that the story from The Killing Joke would be the absolute best option. I don't see how it could be written any better.

I had the idea that The Joker was a gimmick for a certain group of criminals. If only as a way to bring the character back and not have people complain that it's not Heath Ledger.

I think people need to get over the possibility of an actor change, and deal with it. Someone else will have to play him. He's not dead, and Batman just isn't quite Batman without him. So, we're going to see him pop up again. If not under Nolan, then under some other hotshot director that thinks he can do it better. I don't think anyone can do it better, but someone will have to manage.

I had the idea of using whatever footage of Ledger's was cut from Dark Knight, and mixing that with some audio that wasn't used, and adding that into the next film, so that technically, he's still playing Joker, while they wait for the right guy to come along. Sure, it won't be a huge part, but if you put someone in the make-up and clothes, and have them stand in a dark corner while some old audio plays, it'll do the trick.
I've gone over this before, but here's how I would handle the Batman series:

Number 3 you recast Joker (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and introduce Harley Quinn (would cast Isla Fisher as her) to the series. You also introduce Selina Kyle (who I would cast Kate Beckinsale for), but the origins for Catwoman don't start until the very end. So, I'm not a writer, but that's what I would build #3 around. The only thing I would have set in stone is Joker and Quinn getting killed.

#4 is mostly about the relationship between Wayne and Selina Kyle. Penguin (Philip Seymour Hoffman) has a role in it, but not a big one. Riddler (Ben Foster is who I would cast for this) would be the main villain in the film. Selina Kyle dies by the end of the picture, and Riddler gets put away.

And #5 would be the last one, with Javier Bardem as Mr. Freeze. Alfred and Lucius Fox would both die off in this one, leaving Bruce Wayne/Batman all by himself.

And there would be no Robin, at all.

So yeah, that's how I would personally handle the series if it were up to me.
I don't care if they replace The Joker. They should after all. But I don't think he should be in the next film. Certainly not all the way through. I'd maybe have him at the end. Batman has to see him at Arkham for some Silence Of The Lambs style tips. Then have him escape for the 4th.

I think there would be outrage if they meesed with anything Heath Ledger did jst so they could add it to the next film. I also think that if there was anything intresting cut from the film then it would have come out by now.
I've gone over this before, but here's how I would handle the Batman series:

Number 3 you recast Joker (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and introduce Harley Quinn (would cast Isla Fisher as her) to the series. You also introduce Selina Kyle (who I would cast Kate Beckinsale for), but the origins for Catwoman don't start until the very end. So, I'm not a writer, but that's what I would build #3 around. The only thing I would have set in stone is Joker and Quinn getting killed.

#4 is mostly about the relationship between Wayne and Selina Kyle. Penguin (Philip Seymour Hoffman) has a role in it, but not a big one. Riddler (Ben Foster is who I would cast for this) would be the main villain in the film. Selina Kyle dies by the end of the picture, and Riddler gets put away.

And #5 would be the last one, with Javier Bardem as Mr. Freeze. Alfred and Lucius Fox would both die off in this one, leaving Bruce Wayne/Batman all by himself.

And there would be no Robin, at all.

So yeah, that's how I would personally handle the series if it were up to me.

I don't know if I'd like to see Mr. Freeze again, or The Riddler. Catwoman would be nice for the end. Maybe in the last movie, where Bruce is falling for Selina, but fighting Catwoman. Leaves a lot of drama to build a story around.

If the rumors are true, and they use a mix of villains for the next one, I'd like it. It would be more about Bruce, which is something we haven't seen since the first half of Batman Begins, and fleetingly in The Dark Knight. Show what Bruce is going through, as Batman continues to be hunted, and fighting the freaks of the streets (i.e. Killer Croc, Bane). Scarecrow hasn't left either, so he can't be left out. I think putting him in Arkham only makes him stronger. Harley Quinn has to be introduced. She just feels right with everything going on.

I don't care if they replace The Joker. They should after all. But I don't think he should be in the next film. Certainly not all the way through. I'd maybe have him at the end. Batman has to see him at Arkham for some Silence Of The Lambs style tips. Then have him escape for the 4th.

I like the idea of this. But, he'd have to be fighting a villain, or about to fight a villain, so crazy, that he would need the Joker's help. My guess, would be The Riddler. But, I'm not sure if it can be saved from what they did with his last apearance.

I think there would be outrage if they meesed with anything Heath Ledger did jst so they could add it to the next film. I also think that if there was anything intresting cut from the film then it would have come out by now.

The Riddler would be intresting. But I think after The Dark Knight they need a different type of villain.

I'm als sure jmt stole the Joseph Gordon-Levitt for Joker idea off me. But I'd cast Timothy Spall as The Penguin. Philip Seymore Hoffman is too obvious.
The Riddler would be intresting. But I think after The Dark Knight they need a different type of villain.

The only way The Riddler would work, is if they used him as the counter to The Joker. Have him on his own crime spree, and then they have a game of one-upsmanship. It'd be great for a movie, and could be done in the same realm as the current Gotham. Maybe even with Harley at Joker's side, since she'd be the one to get him out of Arkham to try and better the Riddler.

I'm als sure jmt stole the Joseph Gordon-Levitt for Joker idea off me. But I'd cast Timothy Spall as The Penguin. Philip Seymore Hoffman is too obvious.

I've heard it before, but not here. I was told by a few people that his performance in Brick was enough for him to be considered as the heir apparent. I'm not sure who I would cast. It'd be a tough call.

Timothy Spall should be the Mad Hatter. I've thought this for a long time. He's got the look, and is a great actor.
I like the idea of The Joker & Riddler trying to outdo each other. But that strikes me as a storyline that would have to take place in a later film. I don't think they could jump right into that with The Riddlers first (new) film. I'd imagine it would start after one got the better of the other later in a film.
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I definitely wouldn't jump right into it. If they do, it would have to be filmed, and told very well. My suggestion, would be to have Batman chasing The Riddler the whole time, thinking it's only him committing everything. And then, right before the end of the film, have Batman standing in an alley, holding Riddler by his shirt, and then you hear the cackle from the end of the dark alley, and just as the camera gets ready to fade, you just catch a glimpse of the sadistic smile. This could work to have them paired together, or as enemies, trying to one-up each other, while still messing with Batman's head.

It's best if they drag it out, but there's ways to do it if they want to rush.
I hope it's The Penguin or The Riddler. I had heard a rumor that Johnny Depp was looking to play The Riddler, but I don't think it's true.

I thought Timothy Spall would be a better Penguin, actually. My brother said he'd have to lose the accent, though. He would make a good Mad Hatter, though...

If they were to introduce Robin, they'd better make him a kid like Robin is supposed to be. I don't know how they'd keep the dark tone with The Riddler and Robin, though...
I hope it's The Penguin or The Riddler. I had heard a rumor that Johnny Depp was looking to play The Riddler, but I don't think it's true.

I'd never watch another Batman movie again. Johnny Depp is just all sorts of wrong for this current franchise. He had his shot when Burton was directing.

I thought Timothy Spall would be a better Penguin, actually. My brother said he'd have to lose the accent, though. He would make a good Mad Hatter, though...

No offense to the Brits here, but the accent would be perfect for either villain. For some reason, villains in American instantly gain a few extra points if they sound British. I personally don't mind either way (accent or not), but I think he'd look great as the Mad Hatter.

If they were to introduce Robin, they'd better make him a kid like Robin is supposed to be. I don't know how they'd keep the dark tone with The Riddler and Robin, though...

If they bring in Robin, I hope he gets shot. I never liked him in the movies, and it would be a waste here.

The Riddler however, wouldn't be much of a stretch. His character is based entirely on his ego, and the riddles he plays. To make him darker, you simply make him write darker riddles, and commit darker crimes.
I was browsing the net earlier, and came across two people that I think would make good Harley Quinn's. Marquis and I had discussed Reese Witherspoon as an option, except that she may be too old. I also like the idea of Fairuza Balk, but I think she's a little too over the top.

Here's my choices:

Evan Rachel Wood


She's grown a lot as an actress over the years, and would be a good fit for the role. She can be the cute blonde by day, and psychotic nightmare at night. She's also a fairly fresh face in Hollywood, and would work well in the role Harley plays.

Robin Tunney


She's played a ton of different roles through her career, and is still a fairly unknown name among movie-goers. Everyone knows they've seen her before, but can never quite put their finger on it. She'd also be good at playing both ends of the Harley role.

Helena Bonham Carter


A reach? Yes. But, we all know that she has the "insane but not totally fucked up" role down to an art. She's shown she can be attractive, when necessary, but I think she'd be good for the role, because she's been in darker movies before.

Last, but not least...I know jmt had said earlier, that he'd cast Isla Fisher as Harley. But, what about:

Amy Adams


I don't think she's a half-bad actress, and she could be the best option for Harleen Quinzell. I don't know for sure how she'd work as Harley, but that is an easier role to adapt to the actress. Since Harley is so far out there, it wouldn't be hard to twist and stretch some things to make them easily attainable for whoever is in the role.
I'm not one of the ones deadset against a Joker recast. Ledger was awesome, (not that Jack Nicholson wasn't. He did Burton's concept proud.), but if they recast Joker right we won't know the difference. If they fuck up, it will flop horribly.

For Harley Quinn, Helena Bonham Carter would fit perfectly. At least for me. She's always that chick with the crazy hair that no one knows if she's quite there or not. Fight Club was probably her most lucid role, lulz. For some reason when i think of her with that make up and hair, all over Joker it just seems right. She'll have to be careful not to make Harley Quinn not look like her Harry Potter character, Belatrix Lestrange (?), though. And it'll be incredibly easy. Both are batshit crazy.

Penguin needs to make a comeback. I'm probably one of the few who loved Batman Returns, and Danny Devito's portrayal of the Penguin. And anyone can play him, as long as they have that weird penguin squawk type aspect to their speech. Accents don't matter when you sound like a penguin.

Riddler would be a great addition. He's gotta be played correctly though. He's gotta have that obsession with puzzles that Joker has with pure chaos/insanity. It was never crime with a few puzzles to trick Batman for Riddler. It was "Let's set up a puzzle and see if the Batman can solve it. I'm crazy though, so it'll naturally have to threaten someone." And I don't like the idea of Johnny Depp for Riddler. Though I'd be open to it.

Catwoman? I like jmt's suggestion of Kate Beckingsale just because i think she's the hottest actress ever. And she's really good at what she does to boot. She'd be a great fit, actually. She's gotta have a fling with Batman also (in their alter-egos, duh). It just has to happen.

Anyone think of the Phantasm? Remember the cartoon movie Mask of the Phantasm? It was epic. And it could totally work. Imagine vigilante that actually kills, (I know Burton's Batman killed. That doesn't count anymore though), and make that version of Batman compete with Batman for Joker's hide. Now make that vigilante have a romantic thing with Bruce Wayne, and eventually die for her obsession of revenge. Damn guys. I would say it writes itself, but it was already written. Lulz.

Killer Croc, Clayface, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy I find a little tricky to introduce into this new Batman universe. The Ventriloquist, however, I find completely legit. The Mad Hatter would be fair game as well, but only in his creepy, implied thing for that "little Alices" version. Not some cartoony guy that has giant lairs made of playing cards.

Everyone should check out Batman: The Animated Series for ideas of the underlying issues under these characters that we should bring to light in the movies. Or read some of the almost always great graphic novels for inspiration. BTAS struck a great balance between the cartoony and making the villains have legitimate psychoses (for the most part). There has to be a reason it only ran for 4 seasons, but is considered by most one of the best cartoon series to have ever run, maybe only behind The Simpsons.
I'm not one of the ones deadset against a Joker recast. Ledger was awesome, (not that Jack Nicholson wasn't. He did Burton's concept proud.), but if they recast Joker right we won't know the difference. If they fuck up, it will flop horribly.

While I agree that it can be recast, I don't know if I agree that we wouldn't know the difference. Heath made the Joker what it was. Everything from the way he touched his hair, to the way he smacks his lips, were things that Ledger did on the fly. It came naturally to him, while whoever gets the part next, would have to act for it. They can still be great, but we'll know there's a change.

For Harley Quinn, Helena Bonham Carter would fit perfectly. At least for me. She's always that chick with the crazy hair that no one knows if she's quite there or not. Fight Club was probably her most lucid role, lulz. For some reason when i think of her with that make up and hair, all over Joker it just seems right. She'll have to be careful not to make Harley Quinn not look like her Harry Potter character, Belatrix Lestrange (?), though. And it'll be incredibly easy. Both are batshit crazy.

I don't watch, and won't watch Harry Potter movies, but I believe I've seen a pic of her in that character before. I was thinking Fight Club when I pictured her in the role, but she also played darker characters in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, and just about everything else. It's just something she knows how to do. Dating Tim Burton couldn't hurt either.

Penguin needs to make a comeback. I'm probably one of the few who loved Batman Returns, and Danny Devito's portrayal of the Penguin. And anyone can play him, as long as they have that weird penguin squawk type aspect to their speech. Accents don't matter when you sound like a penguin.

While I also loved Batman Returns, I don't think Penguin fits in this series. I'm sure they could make him less penguin-y, and make him something of a mob boss, or rich corporate asshole, but it wouldn't be the same thing, and would just look goofy.

Riddler would be a great addition. He's gotta be played correctly though. He's gotta have that obsession with puzzles that Joker has with pure chaos/insanity. It was never crime with a few puzzles to trick Batman for Riddler. It was "Let's set up a puzzle and see if the Batman can solve it. I'm crazy though, so it'll naturally have to threaten someone." And I don't like the idea of Johnny Depp for Riddler. Though I'd be open to it.

I don't know if you saw the special on History...But, they covered all of Batman's regular enemies, and the things that were "wrong" in their brain. They did a pretty good rundown on Riddler, and you pretty much shortened everything they said. I still hate the idea of Depp in the role. I'm sure he'd turn it into a mix of Jack Sparrow and Willy Wonka, as he has with almost every other role lately. If he was in the same mold as Sleepy Holow, or maybe even Sweeney Todd, then maybe. But, I stil doubt it.

Catwoman? I like jmt's suggestion of Kate Beckingsale just because i think she's the hottest actress ever. And she's really good at what she does to boot. She'd be a great fit, actually. She's gotta have a fling with Batman also (in their alter-egos, duh). It just has to happen.

I don't doubt that Catwoman is going to appear. Lucius all but guaranteed it with his line in Dark Knight. I don't know if Kate Beckinsale is right though. She has too much of an accent. I've never heard her without it, and Selina has more of a sexy, seductive tone to her voice. I was thinking more along these lines:


Anyone think of the Phantasm? Remember the cartoon movie Mask of the Phantasm? It was epic. And it could totally work. Imagine vigilante that actually kills, (I know Burton's Batman killed. That doesn't count anymore though), and make that version of Batman compete with Batman for Joker's hide. Now make that vigilante have a romantic thing with Bruce Wayne, and eventually die for her obsession of revenge. Damn guys. I would say it writes itself, but it was already written. Lulz.

I don't know if they'll revisit the vigilante Batman angle, especially after having Joker kill the leader of Citizens For Batman, Brian Douglass.

Killer Croc, Clayface, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy I find a little tricky to introduce into this new Batman universe. The Ventriloquist, however, I find completely legit. The Mad Hatter would be fair game as well, but only in his creepy, implied thing for that "little Alices" version. Not some cartoony guy that has giant lairs made of playing cards.

I don't think Killer Croc, Mr. Freeze, or Poison Ivy would be stretches. Clayface obviously would be, but it would still be nice to see fresh faces. This is why I don't want to see Freeze or Ivy again. I'd even deal with Man-bat appearing. The Ventriloquist, and The Mad Hatter, would both be great for future movies, although not as feature villains.
Amy Adams


I don't think she's a half-bad actress, and she could be the best option for Harleen Quinzell. I don't know for sure how she'd work as Harley, but that is an easier role to adapt to the actress. Since Harley is so far out there, it wouldn't be hard to twist and stretch some things to make them easily attainable for whoever is in the role.

Honestly, this is the only woman from your list I think would be able to pull it off. Those other actresses are okay with certain roles, but they wouldn't be able to do Harely Quinn. Amy Adams, though, I think could do anything. She is spectacular.

However, my first choice remains to be Isla Fisher. Not only does she have the perfect look for the role, but she's a damn good actress. She's one of the few "beautiful" actresses who can actually be funny, and her drama roles have all been very good. Plus, in Wedding Crashers, she showed she could be a bit psychotic. There's not a better option for this character, in my opinion.

And NSL... what have you seen Zoe Saldana in that would make you think she'd make a good Selina Kyle/Catwoman?
Honestly, this is the only woman from your list I think would be able to pull it off. Those other actresses are okay with certain roles, but they wouldn't be able to do Harely Quinn. Amy Adams, though, I think could do anything. She is spectacular.

The problem, or benefit, of the Batman universe, is that you need to be able to pull off two completely different characters, to play anybody. Aaron Eckhart had to pull off Harvey Dent, and Two Face. Christian Bale had to pull off Bruce Wayne, and Batman. Even the people who aren't heroes or villains per se, still have two sides to their story. This is why I figured on Amy Adams. I think Helena would be a great Harley, but I don't see her as Harleen. Same with Robin Tunney, and Evan Rachel Wood.

However, my first choice remains to be Isla Fisher. Not only does she have the perfect look for the role, but she's a damn good actress. She's one of the few "beautiful" actresses who can actually be funny, and her drama roles have all been very good. Plus, in Wedding Crashers, she showed she could be a bit psychotic. There's not a better option for this character, in my opinion.

She is a good actress. But, every time I see her, I flash back to her playing Mary Jane in Scooby Doo. I know it's not a career definer, but it's stuck there. I'm sure she'd play the role great.

And NSL... what have you seen Zoe Saldana in that would make you think she'd make a good Selina Kyle/Catwoman?

I originally thought of Thandie Newton. She played a bitch quite well in Crash, and played a "psycho" pretty well in Chronicles Of Riddick. Her voice is also a little better for the role. I just think Zoe has a better look. I know that isn't much to go on, but it's a start, and a good advantage. I can see everything about Thandie playing Selina, but I can't see her physically in it.

EDIT: Since you kind of crapped all over my choice of Zoe, let's try this one. I first thought of her because she's already played in a comic book series, so she at least understands the acting needed. I also think she'd be able to play selina and Catwoman well, and she'd looking beyond gorgeous in all leather:

I heard a rumour that is some footage of Heath Ledger's Joker at Arkham leftover from TDK, so it might be one last cameo for Ledger as a possibility.

At the moment, we're currently in a situation where Batman has to get his name cleared, ultimately his first villain is going to be Gordon and the Police. I know that Batman and Gordon have an accord to have Harvey's name cleared so Gotham has hope, but Batman's goal is to get good in the public's eye.

In my opinion, I'd introduce 3 villains as minor characters and 1 main villain, before you start jumping on me, I wanted to express that they should be like Dr. Connors in Spiderman, we know he's a Lizard but it's a nod to the fact that he is an option to turn to. Which is why I'm thinking that there should be scenes where Batman gets tips from Oswald Cobblepot at his Penguin Nightclub, Harleen Quinzel at Arkham or Victor Fries at his research lab (for example). I like the idea that Batman has to seek some alternatives get things sorted. I'd back the Penguin being in there because regardless of Nolan's saying, he would fit in the mob background story that's occured in BB and TDK, someone needs to rise with the mobs taking big hits from Joker and Two-Face.

The main villains I'd like to see are:
Catwoman: Maybe not a main villian but someone who appears on and off that annoys Batman and plays the sexual chemistry game, I think this would work for the psychological effect with Bruce losing Rachel and having a personal conflict with his feeling towards to the thieving feline.

Deadshot: Granted I know little about him. But with the Police aiming to hunt Batman down, and some being more corrupt than others, what's to say they don't get a little "outside help" and bring in an assassin in the form of Deadshot? Granted that the situation suggested here is similiar to how the Joker was brought in for TDK, but as the saying goes "Desperate times calls for desperate measures". He's also not been used in the films and Nolan wanted to try and use characters we rarely see as well as realistic.
Deadshot: Granted I know little about him. But with the Police aiming to hunt Batman down, and some being more corrupt than others, what's to say they don't get a little "outside help" and bring in an assassin in the form of Deadshot? Granted that the situation suggested here is similiar to how the Joker was brought in for TDK, but as the saying goes "Desperate times calls for desperate measures". He's also not been used in the films and Nolan wanted to try and use characters we rarely see as well as realistic.

This could work, but there's a lot we need to find out about the police first. we know Gordon is commissioner, but how's his relationship with the mayor? If it's good, then the 18 months of clean streets that Dent promised will get rid of the crooked cops. They wouldn't look for outside help.

If there are crooked cops, we need to know if they learned from the mob's mistake. It was "outside help" that brought in The Joker. Would they risk letting a psycho on the loose too?
Has it been confirmed that Ra's al Ghul is actually dead, Or is it just assumed because of the ending of Batman Begins? Because with Harvey Dent comfirmed to be dead, And the possibility that The Joker won't be re-cast, Al Ghul would bring back some familiarity, He could be brought back in wanting vengence on Batman, Because of the train incident.

Hell if Al Ghul is dead Nolan could always bring in one, Or all three of Nyssa, Talia, Or Dusan(The white ghost). To get vengence for their father, It could work as a one villian story, Or collectively. They want to find their father, But can't, Find out about the Gotham City incident, And find out Batman was the reason he died. Then they could go on a rampage trying to take him out, And try to realise their father plan in wiping Gotham off the map.
Has it been confirmed that Ra's al Ghul is actually dead, Or is it just assumed because of the ending of Batman Begins? Because with Harvey Dent comfirmed to be dead, And the possibility that The Joker won't be re-cast, Al Ghul would bring back some familiarity, He could be brought back in wanting vengence on Batman, Because of the train incident.

Nolan has said in a ton of interviews that there are no Lazarus Pits, therefore no immortality, in his Gotham. Ra's Al Ghul is dead. Fin. Gone. Worm food.

Hell if Al Ghul is dead Nolan could always bring in one, Or all three of Nyssa, Talia, Or Dusan(The white ghost). To get vengence for their father, It could work as a one villian story, Or collectively. They want to find their father, But can't, Find out about the Gotham City incident, And find out Batman was the reason he died. Then they could go on a rampage trying to take him out, And try to realise their father plan in wiping Gotham off the map.

If they do anything like that, it'll probably be down the line, not right yet. Talia would be the best choice, because there's about 20 stories stemming from her alone. They could probably do a whole movie series on just Batman and her, and make it interesting. I don't see them using anyone but her, but I'm also not in the fancy chair with a big paycheck.
dammit I liked the idea of the Lazarus pit being an option, it can still be fitted into the nolan-verse. You don't have to explain itproperly but some sort of amneotic sac that is jolted with electricity, it just happens to be in a sunken area that looks like a pit.

Ras Al-Ghul is one of the few Batman villains that rank up there with the Joker in being the defining antagonists to Batman's protagonist.
If they can find the right actor to play the Joker, then they should keep him around. But to make a transition and differentiation what they should do is take a page out of the Batman Beyond animated movie, and have it that the Joker had imprisioned someone, or even had escaped into the depths of Arkham with another inmate, and brainwashed him, so that he would then disfigure himself and believe that he infact was the Joker, maybe actually have that inmate named Jack Napier as a form of an inside joke. This way we can keep a character i would not want to see killed off, but not disrespect Heath Ledger's performance by recasting the role.

I would like also to see the Riddler, just to do the role as would fit this movie, dark and dreary, trying to prove his superiority, the Mad Hatter would also be an excellent choice of villian, they could even do Poison Ivy without changing too much of her essence, but instead of being a plant women, they could use her knowledge of plants and toxins to create heaps of poisons, and pair her up with Harley Quinn, or even the Ventriloquist, using the multiple personality or dissociative identity disorder to explain why he acts the way he does, therefore maintaining the "real" look that Nolan wants.

If he gets desperate he can pull out the Firefly and Maxie Zeus and such, before having to rever to doing the Penguin, and Catwoman who have already been done

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