Funny Ass PMs That You Have Received...

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Here's my favorite ever:

The Jeff said:
I am offended that you have singled me out and your signature image is inappropriate. If you are trying to uphold the sterling image of the wrestlezone forum, rid it of the smut you post (seriously though remove it please as it's giving me a boner and my mom is right next to me)
I recently had a wonderful conversation with LitasRevenge about sleeping with Matt Striker.Quite entertaining
The Jeff, in a PM entitled "Problem with Slyfox696"

The Jeff said:
the guy is a bad mod, seriously a bad mod. I don't care about the stuff directed towards me but he really makes your site look bad. I think you should look to get a mod with a wider vocabulary and less of an attitude.
This dude went through the trouble of opening an account here to tell me that TM's argument about Stu Hart beating Goldberg because he wrestled bears was shit.
Behaviourist said:
Hi Riaku,

i randomly came to this page and saw posts of a couple of people here. I totally have to agree with you with at the subject of The Goldberg/Stu Hart thing you argued with this other guy who refered so much to the FAKE Bear Fight.

I m totally with you. Tough not interested into Wrestling anymore but i used to be and watched it for nearly two decades. I even practicised it for a short time. I m a person who works with animals(domestic and wild ones) thats why i totally have to agree with your statements as i have seen both domestic animals, wild animals which became tamned and wild animals in the animal kingdom fighting.

Such fights of Stu Hart against the tamned bear and tiger really mean very very little. As you probably can guess already from what i read at your comments its not much more than playing what they do.
As i work with animals i pretty much did the same with bears for fun already as well. Especially if they are chained as well its nothing to brag with you dont need to be a wrestler or fighter to do this as these animals arent really interested to fight. It something everyone can do.
Their are a lot of such shows taking place. I have seen tons of these fights either for taped shows when amateur wrestler, martial arts experts or normal people privately who kept bears wrestled them(included my case). It really means nothing you are totally right with this but the other guy doesnt seem to get it.
they are pretty much playing if they are trained the bears are so serious in these fights like our dogs when they play with us. so for stu hart being seriously able to beat a bear in a keyfa match or what would happen against goldberg in an unscripted fight it means as much like a movie script.
however the whole case is very different when it comes to wild animals fighting. I have seen lions, tiger etc fighting for their theretory in the wild and in this case they where really interested to fight even leaded to death thats not comparable to the shit with stu hart this gut MrTM or how he calls himself refers. Wild animals and trained animals are 100 and 1. Trust me if me or any of the other persons included the martial art fighter and stu hart who made this show fights against the trained bears took at one of these i have seen fighting in the wild we all would have looked totally bad. Their is no chance that anyone included their stu hart would stand a chance.
He really can forget this shit fight for a reference against a goldberg fight i would also go with bill goldberg in his prime against stu hart in his.

If that would have been a Wild Bear, not chained and be 100 % interested to fight Stu Hart would have been killed with one swipe same like Goldberg and every other human on earth. I really wonder how people sometimes can get so lost from reality by refering to such show fights and not realizing that this is playing instead of fighting. Also WWE when they where still WWF used to do such animal/human fights have seen all of them and like all the others they are just a joke.
As you said it the bear didnt want to kill stu hart(if he wanted he would have done and noone could have done anything against this) you are totally right with that. Like u said fighting animals is different than fighting humans IF the animal is TRAINED like you mentioned it if a lion, bear, tiger,crocodile,elephant etc is not trained than no human stands a chance if it wants to kill you.
These comments he left about this fight just reminded me at all other such fights between human and animals i have seen.
Because from what i get is that guy really believes that Stu Hart really could have beat a wild, unchained bear in a fight on life and death or do i get this wrong? its because he writes Stu Hart would detach this bear from everything in a real fight or something like that.
Becaue even martial art experts in asia or marines i talked to stated in a real combo even not they would stand a chance against a wild tiger who attacks them and told me the reasons what makes it impossible and whats the so big difference between wild and domesticated animals.
and i have seen it with my own eyes when i visited thailand and went to the tembe of the shaolins(you know this great martial art fighters and which keep tiger in their tembes) one day we went out with them as they wanted to capture a female tiger and bring them to their accomodation it came to an accident as the tigress wasnt totally asleep after being transquelized she attacked one of the shaolins and we had to fire one more transquelizer to rescue him as he wouldnt have stand any chance.
i just write this all now as this guy brags so much with stu harts fight against a bear in a show match and believes he can beat such an animal in a fight on life and death if its not a tamend one while i have seen with my own eyes ten times more skilled fighters than him not being able to do that.
So he really doesnt need to believe that these two fights he mentions mean anything.
You see we are not the only persons laughing about this guy other user love about him too as he doesnt realize that these animals where pets and remind him of that. especial as he calls this fight a keyfa or whatever match.

how does he came to call that match this? this is simple hilarious.
Second thing which is actually the main point in this story which makes it so hilarious when they refer to the fight and victory against the tiger which was a tamned too TRUTH is he didnt beat the tiger like some of them mention it.
Truth is he lost and had to submit in reality. Because i totally remember this when i heard about that story the first time in a Magazine and read about it a couple of times at some websites SAYING" this was the FIRST Time even Stu Hart accepted a less" i remember this exactly. Yeah Stu had to quit as otherwise the tiger could have turned crazy and start to get serious and injure plus his wife later was yelling at him asking how he could do such a stupid thing. You just have to look at this photo as well i dont know what they are talking about but tiger is above him and he is laying at the ground having his hand outside of the ring. so its defenately how they say it that he bet the tiger. yes and it was a tamned and chained tiger he lost to.
Really Really weak and bad attempt with full of lies of the Stu Hart Fans to promote him against goldberg in a fight. Like said my money would be at goldberg as well.

and for the bear like someone else said did the bear submit,did he take him in any submission hold that it can be called a real victory? NOOOOOO ...but the bear was simple not interested to fight.

although i did it already by myself for fun these animal/human fights with "pet" bears etc are actually mean as they humiliate animals alot and make them look a lot weaker as they are naturally and give a misunderstanding of what they are or would really be able to do from their nature and leads people into a fantasy world. I just ask myself how an adult person(this MrTM states he is 23) can believe that stu hart or anyone would beat a wild untamned animal like a bear or tiger in a fight on life and dead when he sayd he would detach the bear from this and that... thats really sad.

I have just two questions are you aware of that goldberg wouldnt be able to beat a brown or polar bear, tiger, lion or elephant which are not trained but wild and would fight to death? I think unlike him you are aware of as you mentioned several time the trained thing of animals which means you realize that matters a lot but i m just asking.

And when you answered him after he said he would detach the bear tellling the bear would take stu into a cross armbar if it would be real because it sounded a bit funny and calling him a clown after this sentence as well like mentioning the bear didnt want to kill him did you mean with those that if the bear would have wanted that he could and would have killed him?

I just have to disagree with you at one point what you said about the bears. but regarding the stu hart fan trust me i have seen many of such discussions and crazy statements for such fights of people like him at the chat forums.

Riaku you do a good job. You really have a lot of knowledge. keep up the good work. you know a lot about what matters in wrestling and how noneseless the comparison of the fake animal fights with domesticated animals are and whats the difference to if the wouldnt be trained. I m totall with you.

Take care


P.S. Sorry for the long mail

Even the title was long.
Huge Difference between Wild and Tamned Predators,Tamned Fights mean nothing
But be nice. He went to a hell of a lot of trouble to send me this.
That last bit where he says I have a lot of knowledge will always warm my heart. My mom just says I'm stupid and lazy.

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