Fuck my life.


July 4th, supposed to be a good day? Right? Not really...

=\ My papaw died today. Its been 4 hours since I got the news, and most of my friends are sleeping, so again, no one to talk to about my personal shit. I've come to vent to you all again, sorry I really know you don't care but, sometimes you just need to talk....
I'm so sorry to hear that man. You must be under a lot of stress right now and this can't help at all and all I can say is the man is in a better place now and that all you can do is remember how much you love him and never forget it. I'm not used to losing relatives as my grandfather passed away when I was 2 and my other grandparents are alive, but I've seen the pain people go through and I know how you must feel. And you can always come here to vent. Their are haters but I've found it to be a great way to let go of shit.
Ehh, we kinda knew kinda didn't. It was unexpected as he has been doing good for a few weeks, without any problems.
The hardest part is actually seeing my dad cry. I've only seen him cry once, and I wasn't old enough to remember it so, that was really really hard on me. Otherwise, I'm fairly good about the situation, they asked my to be a paulbearer, which I accepted, but I just know hes in a better place, walking with his son thats allready there, and getting to see Jesus, and he can actually talk for the first time in 13 years.
Damn Milk, that's really unfortunate man, sorry to hear it. Ty also lost his grandfather today, perhaps you two could talk...I don't know if that's prying or anything.

Sorry to hear it man. Just remember the good times, and be thankful for the time you had with him. When I lost my father thats all I focused on and it really did help.
Sorry to hear about your grandpa Ty, if my MSN were working, I'd send you an IM. I really hope you're allright yourself.

Thanks X, KB, NSL, and Jane. It means a lot. And marquis.
The hardest part is actually seeing my dad cry.

I hear ya here man. My whole life, my dad was always the parent I went to, and he was the one that stood by me through thick and thin. when he passed, he obviously wasn't there, and I lost it. I didn't know what I'd do without him, but I know that he'd want me to be strong and live on. I'm sure you're grandpa would feel the same way.

Sorry to hear about the loss...
I'm sorry to hear about this Milky. You and your family will be in my prayers.

Just try to focus on all of the good times you guys had and remember he is in a better place now. Someday you too will meet up again.
Sorry to hear it bud. All you can do, is know he wouldnt want you to have heartache over him most likely, and try to think back to the good times, and grin man.
Sorry to hear about that, guys. Sucks to lose a relative any day, not just a holiday. Hope things get better.
I understand people needing to vent and talk, especially when it's something along the lines of losing someone close to you. Everything will be alright, all you can do is cherish the good times you had and remember that you can live a life that makes your grandpa proud.
Thanks everyone, really. It means a lot. I can only hope to be half the man he was. I can remember him going fishing with us, we'd walk for hours after we drove for hours, but we ALL (no matter if there were 5-10 of us) always caught about 15-20 eatible fish, only to throw them back. There was a blizzard in 1993, 4 foot of snow, my Papaw couldn't take his car, so he WALKED to church, in 4 foot of snow. I've never heard the mans voice in my life, yet I loved him a lot more than you can imagine. Its just a really hard time, and I'm not sure how to handle it.
My deepest sympathies Milk. I'm sorry to hear about his passing and I have just prayed for him, you, and your family. May he rest in peace, and good luck to you and your family in getting through this tough time.

And in his honor, let me post this:
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now can see
that sucks Milk, and I know what you're going through. From what I've read in this thread, it sounds like your granddad was a good, upstanding Christian man. This my sound cliche, but at least he's with God and Christ right now, and isn't suffering. My prayers are with yours and Ty's families, for what that's worth.

The first time I ever heard this song, I got chills, as if my Dad was listening with me. Music always helps me through tough times, so give it a listen. If you want the lyrics and stuff, just send me a PM, and I'll get them over to you...

All this made me look up these old pics of my dad...I was 5 when these were taken. Right before him and my mom split...
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