Fuck 1 Marry 1 Kill 1


Bus Wankers!
My First Thread.


Me and my freind always ask each other this question with different women. Now let's try doing it on Wrestlezone. After being asked this question by myself, you will then come up with new women to ask the next person and so forth.

So I'll start responding to the video, I'ld marry my wife, fuck Barbra Walters :disappointed: And kill Oprah. :disappointed:

Now for the next poster (I'll be a bit nicer than Dale)

Beyonce, Cheryl Cole, and Rihanna you gotta Fuck 1 Marry 1 Kill 1 GO!
Pretty stupid but i'll give it a go.

I'd fuck Beyonce, Marry Cheryl Cole, and Kill Rihanna.

Ok the next three are: Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Tilly, and Rebecca Black!

Fuck one, Marry One, and Kill one!
I'll finish the job and kill Rihanna.


I'd pack a lunch. Not like she hasn't gone a few rounds before.
Fuck Courtney Cox

Marry Jennifer Aniston (and continually fuck her before and after the wedding)

Kill Lisa Kudrow (after fucking her)
This is just so natural for me to answer... er, Natural:

Fuck Aniston, marry Garner & kill Lopez.

Let's theme it up... the three girls from Mean Girls that are the most well known (Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams & Amanda Seyfried)
Marry Emma Watson, Fuck Emma Roberts, and Kill Emma Stone.

Next three Maryse, Tiffany, and Kelly Kelly.

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