After all of everything man?

TOugh guy til the end.

Change his name to fucking desperado, KB

Only if it's FuckingDesperado.

And, like I said, I apologized, and I expected one from you as well, so I guess we're both just too proud to admit when we're out of line.
I do not feel I was out of line at all. I completely meant everything I said, and I truely wish you didnt feel the way you do.

If you meant what you said about me, then fine. So be it.
Man, is he out already? And here was me looking forward to the highly anticipated Macca-FromTheSouth kiss and make up session.

I must say however, if what I am led to believe was said is true, then I think FTS no longer has the right to say I did anything offensive before I was put in here.

Seriously, America should adopt the same political system as Scotland, which is we all focus on the important issues, like trying to conquering England and demolishing Wales.
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Man, is he out already? And here was me looking forward to the highly anticipated Macca-FromTheSouth kiss and make up session.

I must say however, if what I am led to believe was said is true, then I think FTS no longer has the right to say I did anything offensive before I was put in here.

Seriously, America should adopt the same political system as Scotland, which is we all focus on the important issues, like trying to conquering England and demolishing Wales.

you don't wanna know about all of what was said.. A lot of it was over the line.
Which is implying it's important BECAUSE it's making national headlines?

No. Just... no.

It can go both ways. Coco, I'm not arguing with you about this.

The fucking story has been on every political television show, in every newspaper, and periodical since it was first announced. Whether WE made it important, the MEDIA made it important, or the ISSUE ITSELF was important is irrelevant. Fact is that it's an important topic, period.

Yes... just yes.
You guys have far bigger things to worry about than this. In the grand scheme, it's nowhere close to important. Regardless of how much ink it gets.

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