Frontline is terrible

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You don't want it with me.
I like TNA. I watch it every week. But TNA needs to fix the frontline. First of all, taking Joe and AJ out for even one segment was stupid. One of them needs to be in every Front Line spot. Secind, I forget that the Dudleyz are involved.

TNA needs to do one of the following.

1. Show a united front. They tried to do that on tonight's broadcast, however EY, and Lethal Consequences saving Petey doesn't have the same effect on the viewer as Joe saving him. The MEM is always together. They help each other. They make it noticeable.

2. Continue playing up the discord in the Frontline. At first Mick Foley was yelling at them to work together. Now, he is gone too. The three most important members of the Frontline are all gone, and we're supposed to believe that someone will stop the MEM?

This is bad storytelling. If I was watching TNA as a one off episide, this "MEM takes over" night would be a great show. However, knowing the backstory, this show seems like MEM refuses to put over the Frontline at all, and it looks like the end of WCW. They should be copying the beginning of the Monday Night Wars, not the brutal, pathetic end.
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All very true. Frontline is just a group in name only right now. What needs to happen is to have some of the younger guys actually get some falls over the veterans. Something like Lethal over Nash. Just a shock that gets Frontline on the map. There's what, 5 Mafia members and 10 Frontline guys? There's two Frontline guys worth a damn and that's Joe and AJ. Without them it's like a bunch of guys throwing spears at tanks. It means nothing at all and is just annoying. TNA needs to alter a lot to get Frontline started towards being even, or this is WCW all over again.
I always thought they were lame are we suppouse to think guys like Young, Leathal, Williams are going to be a threat to the Mafia. Half of them arent even feuding with the Mafia. Heck I dont even know who the members are. Styles, Joe, 3D, and Rhyno should be the only members. They should keep it a elite small group.
I think it's ridiculous that we're meant to believe that a group of 5 who have had more surgeries than some of the Frontline members have had PPV matches continuously dominate a group more than twice their size.

Seriously it keeps happening, the Mafia win because of numbers eventhough they are OUTnumbered. Only once in the feud has the entire group attempted to rush in on them and that was when they surrounded them in the crowd.

I get the idea of it, they're the biggest names in the company, they've drawn the most money over the years, they've all held world titles. But quite frankly Nash as much as I love him cannot wrestle anymore on those knees.

Sting looks worse and worse everytime he laces the boots and they simply CANNOT make him a heel no matter what they do.

Steiner is awful. I hate him. He comes across as an idiot at all times and he is a danger to other wrestlers (remember the endless botches on Triple H? Remember the suplex on Hernandez the other week?) and he is banged up injury wise too.

Angle is one of the best wrestlers in the world, he's fine. Booker is solid, he's fine. But realistically the Frontline would win this war if it were real so I don't get how they can continue it. Add Beer Money or something, I mean I know they don't fit the world title aspect of it, but they're the top heel team and they would add some sort of life.

Think about it, they're having to take members of the Frontline off tv for weeks just to keep the war believable. Joe made Sting look like crap at BFG, and we all know he'd take Nash and Steiner with ease. Joe alone could beat most of the Mafia, throw in AJ, throw in Rhino, throw in the fact they have half the locker room as members and I just do not get how this is a believable storyline.

Bottom line is this storyline would have worked a couple of years ago when the Mafia could still wrestle, but right now it's wreaking of NWO, and not the good version, the "we refuse to put people over" version. The Frontline are bending over backwards to put the veterans over and quite honestly it's making them look bad.
Totally agreed, Frontline is awful. I mean first they need to decide a set number of people for the group. I don't think Creed or Lethal are needed, the MCMG's could benefit from this kinda feud, but I don't think they need to be in there either. Because of the Steiner/Williams history, Petey Williams should stay, but should be the jobber of the team. All in all, the Frontline should only be Rhyno, 3D, Styles, Williams, and Joe.

Once you have the set members, push them as being as focused as the Mafia. The Mafia is focused on bringing TNA down and are determined, currently, the Frontline wants to gain the respect of the mafia (I guess) and save TNA, but they don't seem as focused.

I'm tired of seeing the Mafia succeed every week and every PPV, I hope the frontline gains momentum or I might stop watching.
Having Rhino and Team 3D in it doesn't make sense. And I don't mean that they're shit and they're past it - though they are. I mean, Team 3D are terrible, just terrible. Them in a main event? Laughable. In fact, I'd laugh if it didn't provoke me to tears. Same thing with Rhino, although he's not nearly as bad.

No, they're not just poor. They just don't belong. Although not in the "what are they doing near a major storyline?" way - though I must say, what are they doing near a major storyline? No, they just don't represent the spirit that the Frontline is supposedly about. If you want some serious faces, have LAX in there. I appreciate I'm a complete LAX mark but honestly, it just makes more sense to have them in it, doesn't it? You could even throw in Abyss as an enforcer. The crowd would be hot for Abyss joining a group of TNA originals.

Not only this, but the Frontline always lose. Always, always. Whenever they do come out on top it's after having the shit kicked out of them for ten minutes and after bringing in half the roster to chase away five guys - most of whom have trouble even walking around.

They are just shit.
Frontline is just another example of how the new, young talent suffers because the veterans have to be in the spotlight to give TNA more notoriety. This proves why Vince Russo is such a terrible writer. He did the same stuff in WCW (even though he claimed that he was "bullied" by the backstage politics of Hogan and company) and this is going to keep the TNA product down. Even Team 3D is a group of veterans getting more mic and TV time... and they're IN the Frontline!

The Frontline can be a good idea (if used effectively) to push the newer pro wrestling talent like Styles, Joe, and Lethal. Right now they're being lost in the shuffle... It's a joke.
The whole concept in general does not work for TNA !! In all seriousness, last night's Impact (January 29th) may have been the worst two hours of wrestling television I have ever witnessed. That truly is saying a lot considering I never missed an episode of WCW or MNR during the classic war days.

I am a major hater of the "new" ECW as well, but last night's Impact far surpassed any of the crappy stuff ECW has done in the past six months.

The writers really need to find something creative and get behind it. This storyline is playing out exactly like the NWO storyline from WCW -- unfortunately, it's climaxed on three short "in and out" strokes, rather then the year it took for WCW to climax with the NWO.

Sting is already set to make a "face" turn and there's just not an angle that i'm interested in. The only way I believe they can save this angle is if Jarrett comes back and turns on the Frontline. Make the fans believe he's given up on his company. Fighting the WWE (in theory) will get them nowhere -- they have to start acting like they've given up and let the rest of the roster save the company.

I know that sounds like a stupid angle, but they have to try something different. I'm about to stop watching and I know it won't make a difference in the overall impact of Impact, but there are going to be a lot of wrestling fans tuning out in the coming weeks rather than tuning in if this storyline doesn't turn around somehow.
The biggest problem with Frontline is the lack of caliber stars. They are fighting a group of guys that are all current or former world champs and who have been main eventing for years. To combat that, I would think Frontline would need to have some guys that I believe could actually compete. Joe & Styles obviously work, but who else??
This is the opportunity to actually do what the purpose of this whole storyline push the young guys. By that I mean make a couple stars. Having someone beat the likes of the MEM with any kind of consistency will make them legit as long as they're decent in the ring.
First off, what the hell is up with 3D?? I know neither are former world champs, but clearly they are older veterans and should be in the MEM if involved in this storyline at all..getting them over is not the point, they have been over for 15 years. I would say use either LAX or MCMG as the main tag team in the group. By having LAX, combined with Hernandez being in world title matches, I think they can make Homicide and Hernandez into main eventers which would make the whole storyline seem more believable for reasons I stated above.
Aside from that, I would try giving someone else a rub that looks like they could be a star. My idea would be to drop this whole Suicide thing and have Christopher Dainels return and join Frontline or Kaz when he returns from injury if that is soon.

Point being, this storyline is to push some of the younger guys to get them over and get them into or at least set them up as a main eventer. That is not at all what is going on. Joe & Styles are over..they should be the leaders but there should be some more legit young guys to help out.
The frontline gimmick is a joke onto itself. It is for the most part, a group of guys who themselves for a most part are being held down by the people they are feuding.

Yes this does look like the old WCW, where the main eventers dominated the better Mid Card. TNA has to change something, and I believe they will, how could they not? Are they really that blind to their own talent that they don't know the end result? The Frontline has to go over, and that is the end of the story. it is a David the victim versus Goliath the bully story. Soon enough Frontline will have to win, and have a breakout star over the Main Event.
everytime some guy from Frontline gets "ganged attack" it takes an ETERNITY for the Frontline guys to come out. MEM is ALWAYS together. I'm sure the Frontline members double the number of MEM members but they still always look like fools how the run out after the attack is finished and the victim is bleeding or have whatever body part injured or broken.

TNA suceeded in making Frontline look like a bunch of fools if thats the directiion the wanted...
Does anyone think that the frontline is being booked like this on purpose? because they are disorganized and dont all work together all the time is why they get there ass beat. They have too look weak and inferior so when they finally triumph over the mem it will be a bigger deal. if you get your ass beat for months and finally beat that person it's a bigger feat then if they do it right away. I think thats TNA's plan with this angle.
Yeah, but they started that in the beginning with Foley, but for the last month he has been out of it. Last night he ran in, WITH NO ONE FROM FRONTLINE!

If they're putting LAX in frontline, then cool, good idea. The problem with TNA is that sometimes things just get abandoned, so you never know how big of a moment something is until two weeks later. You don't have the proper reaction at the time, and that ruins momentum.

Why would Foley be coaching then Frontline, and then run in with none of them? That is a major lapse in the story. Now Mick Foley has his own issues, and can't be taken seriously when he says they need to be a unit.
The whole storyline is out of control. What began as a very interesting angle has turned into a runaway train. While I watched Impact last week (I only made it through the first hour), I actually counted the segments that the MEM were involved in. They were shown 6 or 7 times in just the first hour of the show! My friends, this is complete overkill and it has made me lose interest in TNA.

As pointed out my a few people so far, the Frontline is so terribly disorganized and the members of the groups don't even make sense. The Dudley's?? Really?? I still love the Dudley's, but why TNA chose to align them with the Frontline, I will never understand. Maybe I'm the one who is missing something here, but isn't the Frontline supposed to be about the youth of the company demanding their own recognition?

It's just a complete clusterfuck. TNA could've done something very special with this angle. It had all the ingredients to be huge. Unfortunately, this angle has swallowed nearly 90% of Impact's airtime, leaving vitually no room for any other talent to make their mark.
I like TNA.

I like T.N.A. too!

I watch it every week.

You must really like T.N.A.

But TNA needs to fix the frontline.

Like, the guardrails? I haven't noticed many T.N.A. advertised things on them lately. I think they're making more money by putting that bull-riding crap on them. But yeah, they should really do something about the frontline.

First of all, taking Joe and AJ out for even one segment was stupid.

Okay.. joking aside now.

Samoa Joe & A.J. Styles, dispite being popular, DO NOT need to be in every fucking shot. Just because they're the leaders, that doesn't mean they need to become mini versions of Eric Bischoff & Hulk Hogan. By that, I mean in constantly trying to take up spotlight in every shot, just because it involves the FACTION they're in.

The sole purpose of the Frontline was to focus on all of the T.N.A. Originals. Not just two of them. Duh. :doh:

One of them needs to be in every Front Line spot.

No.. one of them (hopefully Joe) needs to be shot. That's what you should've said. At any rate.. .. ...

No. They don't. What they do need, is to get the un-T.N.A. Originals, out of their fucking group though. That's what's killing the storyline.

You have more former W.W.F. and other company Wrestlers playing the Main Event roles in claiming to be T.N.A. Originals. More or less.

Secind, I forget that the Dudleyz are involved.

Yeah. That's why T.N.A. put them in the Main Event, for the World Heavyweight title. It's kinda like how Cena returned and won the Royal Rumble.

T.N.A. just forgot that the Dudleys aren't one person.

1. Show a united front. They tried to do that on tonight's broadcast, however EY, and Lethal Consequences saving Petey doesn't have the same effect on the viewer as Joe saving him. The MEM is always together. They help each other. They make it noticeable.

:lmao: So let me get this straight. You want the face faction to not get beat down on a constant basis. You want the face faction to stand up to M.E.M. and show them equal ground, everytime?

Where's the fun in that?

This is nothing more than an n.W.o./W.C.W. repeat. One of which I'd like to point out that it took W.C.W. Superstars almost a year to "unify" themselves and stand up against the n.W.o., before the n.W.o. was truly stopped, or rather dented.

2. Continue playing up the discord in the Frontline. At first Mick Foley was yelling at them to work together. Now, he is gone too. The three most important members of the Frontline are all gone, and we're supposed to believe that someone will stop the MEM?

Again, recalling the original storyline from which this was taken from..

Sting was in the rafters for a fucking year plus, only making "selective" appearances to help W.C.W. out. Lex Luger was about the only every week Superstar who constantly put up a battle.

Outside of that, I can't think of any Main Eventer in W.C.W. that was truly, constantly, there each week to defend the n.W.o. attacks.

This is bad storytelling. If I was watching TNA as a one off episide, this "MEM takes over" night would be a great show.

Actually.. if you were a Wrestling fan, and one that knew the storyline's origins.. you'd see this show, (assuming it'd be the first time you've watched) and say.. "This is a fucking repeat" and likely flip the channel.

However, knowing the backstory, this show seems like MEM refuses to put over the Frontline at all

Well, then that means they're actually playing their proper roles. I mean, isn't that what the Main Event Mafia is.. a bunch of old-school vets, who're unwilling to want to put over the younger guys because they don't like them?

Seems to me like M.E.M. is following their storyline to a "Tee".

and it looks like the end of WCW.

Hmmm.. well, they did recently give Scott Steiner, Booker T. & Kevin Nash much larger roles. You might be onto something.

They should be copying the beginning of the Monday Night Wars, not the brutal, pathetic end.

So you want them to give away the results of Smackdown? Attempt stealing even more talent. And trying to lure away current Champions, to dump their rivals titles in the trash?

Technically, Rhino did dump the E.C.W. title in the trash a year or two back. And I don't think iMPACT! would have the same "impact" (see what I did there) as W.C.W. had, with giving away "taped SD results" seeing as to how they're taped themselves.

And if they get anymore "rival talent" they're going to look like a 4th Brand in the W.W.E. themselves.
I like T.N.A. too!

You must really like T.N.A.

DVR. I usually watch it Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. This week I got it to it late Thursday.

Like, the guardrails? I haven't noticed many T.N.A. advertised things on them lately. I think they're making more money by putting that bull-riding crap on them. But yeah, they should really do something about the frontline.

Okay.. joking aside now.

Samoa Joe & A.J. Styles, dispite being popular, DO NOT need to be in every fucking shot. Just because they're the leaders, that doesn't mean they need to become mini versions of Eric Bischoff & Hulk Hogan. By that, I mean in constantly trying to take up spotlight in every shot, just because it involves the FACTION they're in.

I think they need to be in every segment with the Frontline, at this point in the story. TNA has failed to get anyone else over as credible. If Jay Lethal comes to the ring alone and clears the MEM, I will not mark out, I will change the channel. I think Joe and AJ need to at least be on every show, and taking them out right now is a badly misjudged plot twist.
The sole purpose of the Frontline was to focus on all of the T.N.A. Originals. Not just two of them. Duh. :doh:

Except that for the last two years, the only TNA originals that they have focused on are Joe and AJ, therefore, "the guy that dresses like Apollo Creed" and "the one that fought with that guy over that chick" aren't over enough to be the focus of anything.

No.. one of them (hopefully Joe) needs to be shot. That's what you should've said. At any rate.. .. ...

Yeah, but if he's not out to pasture, he needs to serve a purpose. My only question is what kind of gimmicky briefcase match TNA would use to arrive at your suggested end.
No. They don't. What they do need, is to get the un-T.N.A. Originals, out of their fucking group though. That's what's killing the storyline.

But being that the other Frontline guys, the one's that aren't working injuries, are about as worthless as Helen Keller on the mic. At least 3D can deliver a promo.

Also, I have come to really enjoy their role. I thought they would be turning on Frontline at the first PPV, so I am curious to see where this goes.
You have more former W.W.F. and other company Wrestlers playing the Main Event roles in claiming to be T.N.A. Originals. More or less.

At some point, I expect to see Linda McMahon on Impact announcing that she bought them. Tomorrow on SD! AJ Styles vs. Edge. I'm so down.

Yeah. That's why T.N.A. put them in the Main Event, for the World Heavyweight title. It's kinda like how Cena returned and won the Royal Rumble.

T.N.A. just forgot that the Dudleys aren't one person.

But the three of them combined could use their 10 total moves to headline any PPV!

I'm kidding, I like them all.

:lmao: So let me get this straight. You want the face faction to not get beat down on a constant basis. You want the face faction to stand up to M.E.M. and show them equal ground, everytime?

Where's the fun in that?

It seems like their current strategy is to wait in the back until MEM gets tired from the group beatdown on their buddy, and then run out to fight MEM, which is probably exhausted from dropping tanks on Eric Young.
This is nothing more than an n.W.o./W.C.W. repeat. One of which I'd like to point out that it took W.C.W. Superstars almost a year to "unify" themselves and stand up against the n.W.o., before the n.W.o. was truly stopped, or rather dented.

But it doesn't have to be. There are so many things you can do. And in three weeks when Sting is one of the TNA guys, the storyline will get even more convoluted.
Again, recalling the original storyline from which this was taken from..

Sting was in the rafters for a fucking year plus, only making "selective" appearances to help W.C.W. out. Lex Luger was about the only every week Superstar who constantly put up a battle.

Outside of that, I can't think of any Main Eventer in W.C.W. that was truly, constantly, there each week to defend the n.W.o. attacks.

And here is where you can drive the story. Have Joe get beat down every week. Have AJ make the save, but have AJ bring three or four guys with him. These guys need to have clearly defined roles. With Evolution or the Horsemen, you knew the roles everyone had. With Frontline, it seems that they don't know their roles, and that is a problem.

Actually.. if you were a Wrestling fan, and one that knew the storyline's origins.. you'd see this show, (assuming it'd be the first time you've watched) and say.. "This is a fucking repeat" and likely flip the channel.

It had it's moments, and it was very funny. The wrestling was, meh.

Well, then that means they're actually playing their proper roles. I mean, isn't that what the Main Event Mafia is.. a bunch of old-school vets, who're unwilling to want to put over the younger guys because they don't like them?

Seems to me like M.E.M. is following their storyline to a "Tee".

I meant it looked like more of a backstage thing. I was saying that is looked a lot like the things blamed for killing WCW.

Hmmm.. well, they did recently give Scott Steiner, Booker T. & Kevin Nash much larger roles. You might be onto something.

The last thing we need is more Nash and Steiner in the ring. On the mic though, those guys crack me up.

So you want them to give away the results of Smackdown? Attempt stealing even more talent. And trying to lure away current Champions, to dump their rivals titles in the trash?

Technically, Rhino did dump the E.C.W. title in the trash a year or two back. And I don't think iMPACT! would have the same "impact" (see what I did there) as W.C.W. had, with giving away "taped SD results" seeing as to how they're taped themselves.

And if they get anymore "rival talent" they're going to look like a 4th Brand in the W.W.E. themselves.

I want them to try and be groundbreaking. I want them to blur the line between kayfabe and reality. I want to see them try and work me. I want one holy shit moment that is properly sold.

I want Tony Schiavonne to replace Tenay and I want a mute rooster to replace Don West.
The frontline is terrble excuse for wrestlers all of them undoubtly suck. but mem is only a bit better i hope they end this storyline quick so i can at least watch a good match onse and a while.
OK, let me first start off by saying that I am a fan of this angle as it will, eventually, boost the young guys to the main event and give them a great rub when they finally go over on the Mafia.

But back to the topic at hand, Yeah the Frontline is a total mess at the moment and I think it's great to see because it shows that the creative department know how to book this kind of angle. You cant come right out the blocks with the frontline as a coheasive (sp?) unit and an elite fighting force because it would then make the wins over them less significant, and more of a routine.

Secondly the guys getting injured is genius as it will allow them to come back meaner and more focussed to take the Mafia out. Case in point Samoa Joe it looks as if he will go back the the machine that he used to be, and possibly going to be the same with AJ Styles.

But I really can see this running until atleast Lethal Lockdown and then the Frontline getting the First of the BIG wins and then from there the Mafia will start to crumble.
The whole storyline is old and relatively boring.
bout the only remotely entertaining part was the past weeks show when the commentators were replaced by Booker and Nash, they actually did a good job. Suprised the hell out of me
bout the only remotely entertaining part was the past weeks show when the commentators were replaced by Booker and Nash, they actually did a good job. Suprised the hell out of me

I liked them too as the commentators.They were funny enough,much more than Don West, and i laughed hard when booker commentated while he beat up Petey.

"He's about to kick Petey.Oh nooooo!"-hilarious

Back to the topic, the frontline needs to sort itself out.The members are as follows:

Team 3D
Eric Young

The ones i would keep are Joe, AJ Petey an EY.Joe and Aj are my two favourite wrestlers and both are good leaders of the frontline i suppose. Petey is in a feud with steiner so he can stay and Eric can make up the numbers, hes a good enough wrestler.The guns should stay if theyre actually still in it.

The ones i would tell to fuck off are 3D and rhino,lethal Consequences and ODB.3D and Rhino for obvious reasons, lethal consequences cause theyre not needed and ODB cause she served her purpose,feuded with sharmell so Joe should be the only titted one left.

The wrestlers i would have join are LAX,Abyss,Chris Daniels(if he drops the self hate) and kaz when he comes back from his injury.Not all of them cause then youve just got Don West saaying "And here comes the frontlinje,still coming,still coming,still coming,thats INSANE theyre still coming"-hyperbole.
Even just Abyss and daniels,that would make me smile:icon_razz:

Just to refresh your memory
Frontline=mainly x division
last year 3D tried to destroy the x division.
now Team 3D=Frontline
Using common sense...that doesnt make sense
I find it funny how so many people HAVE to look at the supposed "backstage" issues as to why the MEM wins a lot. Making a group of World Champion caliber wrestlers lose to a bunch of midcarders(and Joe and AJ) would be rediculous and would tear the story line to pieces.

You watch wrestling to be entertained right? Well watch it for whats on the screen not what internet sites say is happening backstage.
I wouldn't kick Lethal Consequences out of the Frontline. I think that these guys are entertaining in the ring, and this might be what finally gets them over. If the X division guys are at least seen as threats to the HW division, the X division becomes that much more over. I don't see the value of Rhino either. The Frontline is far too convoluted.

I disagree with you that that taking AJ and Joe out was a good idea. Then you have to have someone to fill the void, and 3D and Rhino become necessary. I'm sure 3D will be gone soon, as they have to turn, and they would make sense in the MEM as 20 time World Tag Team Champs.

Originally posted by Original Sin:
I find it funny how so many people HAVE to look at the supposed "backstage" issues as to why the MEM wins a lot. Making a group of World Champion caliber wrestlers lose to a bunch of midcarders(and Joe and AJ) would be rediculous and would tear the story line to pieces.

Calling the backstage issues supposed is like saying that Bin Laden might have had to do something 9/11. Nash and Steiner have always used influence to get themselves over in storylines. But beyond, that, saying that they don't, at some point, you either have to use those midcarders or have them "injured." I understand why they win, but not why the Frontline is made to look so weak. Mick Foley was their coach, and this Thursday, he ran out to make a save with a bunch of guys not even in Frontline. This is what confuses me. Now, if Abyss and LAX are added to replace Rhino, 3D and MCMG, then cool. MCMG are too heelish right now to be in Frontline.

You watch wrestling to be entertained right? Well watch it for whats on the screen not what internet sites say is happening backstage.

I don't need internet sites to tell me what is going on in a storyline. As a matter of fact, this hasn't been mentioned on websites. Common sense says Frontline looks too weak right now. They don't need to win, they need to make it to the ring in less than three minutes to stop a beatdown. If they are a faction, it shouldn't take that long to round up the boys to get to the ring.
They don't have to win to look strong. They can merely make it to the ring on time to save their guy. They can trick a member of MEM into being alone and beat him as retribution.

There are so many things Frontline can do to make themselves look like they are close instead of looking like they never stand a chance. Now when they make their comeback, it will look less believable.

The goal of post screwjob wrestling is to look real in spite of itself. Now, when the Frontline tries to come back, viewers will remember how worthless they were made out to be. It won't be a situation where they got over the hump, it will be like the hump got moved out of the way for story line purposes.
I believe MEM is going against the entire TNA. Frontline is just whoever is currently fighting against them at the moment. Or so it seems, I could be wrong. The reason why Frontline looks so weak is because they lost 80% of the time, if not higher. This is bad since their opponets aside from Angle can hardly move anymore. Also I don't think Steiner ever won a major World title.

And if 3D were concerned about MEM and wanted to be single wrestlers, why were they in Japan wrestling for tag titles?
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