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From The Vault Special: Dream Unscripted Card

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Staff member

Good morning, afternoon and evening, loyal fans of WZCW. David Kerms here and bringing you the latest in a series of articles; with Unscripted 2015 right on the horizon. Today, we have a look at the history of WZCW Unscripted and bring to you what we feel is some of the best matches that have ever taken place at an Unscripted event. And just like the name suggests, some of the matches that have been competed in at these events go above and beyond what anyone would ever have expected or even imagined. We spend hours trawling g through the footage of the 6 Unscripted events that have gone before this year's upcoming event and proudly bring to you the best that WZCW Unscripted has ever offered up...

On behalf of everyone at WZCW.com, we hope you enjoy this.


Website Manager
David Kerms
Harrys: It is now time for the Chris K.O. OPEN INVITATIONAL!

The crowd rejoices; though boos linger in the background. This reaction intensifies further as “The White Knight’s” music hits:


Harrys: Introducing first, the host of this open challenge; from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and weighing 212 pounds, he is the White Knight of WZCW; CHRIS K.O.!

K.O. enters, the crowd mostly offering cheers, but there is a loud minority offering a more negative reaction. This does not seem to affect K.O. who dramatically removes his helmet before storming down to the ring.

Copeland: This Open Invitational has been the subject of much controversy by many within the WZCW locker room.

Cohen: And rightfully so Seabass. I mean let’s face facts, what has K.O. done since banishing Ty Burna? The answer; lose. He suffered defeat at the hands of Steven Holmes, failed to get it done in the Battle Royal and lost to Steamboat Ricky. That’s hardly validation for him to throw down the gauntlet to the locker room.

Connor: True, but perhaps this Open Challenge will mark a change of fortunes for K.O.

Now inside the ring, Chris K.O. is pacing back and forth, excited for his challenger, whoever they may be. We turn our attention to the titantron now as we see the speckled face of Leon Kensworth:

Leon: Ladies and gentlemen, Chris K.O. is in the ring ready for action, but who did you vote to face him? With me are the top five candidates from the voting, so who did you choose to face Chris K.O.? Was it Jacoby Capone?

Capone is behind Kensworth and he nods, showing he wants to face K.O. tonight? The fans offer a negative reaction.

Leon: How about the gigantic Benjamin Hoss?

Moving along, the camera finds a deadpan Benjamin Hoss who receives further, louder boos. With Hoss is Wilhelm Wunderbar who sneers and nods at the same time, much as Capone did.

Leon: Maybe you picked the ever vocal Justin Cooper?

The camera pans to Cooper who smiles for a second before shoving his sign into the camera to a mixed reception.



We cut to the ring for a second as K.O. looks on disapprovingly, shaking his head.

Copeland: Cooper was extremely vocal about this challenge over social media and the rest of the internet.

Returning to Leon and the rest of the challengers backstage, the camera moves past Cooper and his sign, progressing to the only female candidate. Cheers come from the crowd.

Leon: Perhaps you wanted to witness Sandy Deserts make her WZCW in-ring debut?

Sandy looks focused, determined and ready for the challenge should she be chosen.

Leon: Or maybe you wanted to see the Knight collide with the King in Constan--

Copeland: Where did Constantine slither off to?

As the camera moves to where Constantine should be stood, we see nobody. The “King” has slipped out of everyone’s sights, including Leon’s. The backstage reporter looks around in search of the final potential winner. Again we cut to the arena to see a confused Chris K.O. Then the audience, Sebastian, K.O. and Leon all learn just where Constantine has gone:


As the crowd turns on the music immediately, Constantine saunters into the arena. In one hand he holds his King for a Day briefcase, in the other is a microphone.

Constantine: If I could have utter silence please, your King wishes to address you.

This arrogant statement leads to more hatred from the crowd to which Constantine shakes his head, disgusted by such lack of respect. He continues talking regardless.

Constantine: It was obvious by the enormity of my campaigning that I would be chosen and as such I did not need to listen to any “official” declaration. So, referee, if you would please take out the strap I gave to earlier, we can set ourselves up for a four corners match.

Constantine begins to move to the ring as he drops his microphone, though there is little movement from the referee who is trying to communicate with Constantine.

Cohen: Why does the referee not bring out the strap?

Gesturing to the referee to get the strap ready, Constantine is growing agitated. He enters the ring and grabs the ref by the collar. This forces K.O. into action as he frees the referee and stands between the official and Constantine. Then the camera returns backstage as we see Leon opening the envelope with the official poll winner.

Leon: Ladies and gentlemen, there has been a tie!

The crowd whispers and talks amongst itself, unsure of what’s going on. Constantine sharply looks at the tron, anger clear on his face and the word “what?” visible upon his lips. K.O. is also somewhat puzzled.

a) Benjamin Hoss - 4 votes 15%
b) Constantine - 9 votes 35%
c) Jacoby Capone - 1 vote 4%
d) Justin Cooper - 9 votes 35%
e) Sandy Deserts - 3 votes 11%

Leon: According to the official polling results, John Constantine and Justin Cooper have a shared number of votes and as such, both win! Therefore in the event of a tie, the Open Challenge is now a triple threat!

Delighted, Justin Cooper grins; throwing his sign aside and quickly makes his way out of shot in order to join his opponents for the match. The crowd is pleased with this unexpected twist while Constantine is furious. He barks at the referee as Chris K.O., still shielding the match official, contemplates his tactics.

Connor: So now we will witness a completely different match with the addition of Cooper meaning we have a triple threat.

Cohen: Thank you for repeating what that imbecile Kensworth just told us. This is madness.


Madness perhaps, but Cooper doesn’t care as he sprints to the ring, sliding in and taking down K.O. immediately. Cooper lays in with fists furiously, a warped smile stick fixated on his face. Constantine isn’t sure of what to do and at first leaves Cooper to his assault, but then decides this is his match to dominate and control. He rips Cooper off of K.O. The joints poll winners stare into one another’s eyes for a moment; Cooper somehow still smiling, Constantine with hatred in his eyes. Naturally Constantine is the first to throw a punch, but Cooper expects this. Blocking the fist, the Australian responds with one of his own, before hitting another, and another. Staggering backwards, Constantine finds the ropes just in the nick of time. Cooper loads up a massive punch, but Constantine ducks down, pulling the top rope and sending Cooper to the outside with a thud. Suddenly, Chris enters the picture and hooks Constantine for a German suplex. As the crowd pops partially, Constantine blocks the suplex. K.O. tries again, but once more it is blocked. The King for a Day batters two vicious elbow shots off the side of K.O.’s skull in order to escape the predicament. He then shoves K.O. away in order to get enough distance so that he can come off the ropes for a lariat. As he prepares to do this however, Cooper holds the top rope down in an act of revenge, sending Constantine tumbling to the outside.

Copeland: Both these men were extremely outspoken concerning this contest and it seems like the end result is this collision.

Laughing at Constantine’s fall, Cooper re-enters in hopes of continuing his earlier assault on K.O., but he walks right into a dropkick. Stunned for a moment, Cooper starts to get to his feet, but waiting for him is K.O. who quickly hoists the former Elite X Champion up for a scoop slam. K.O. goes for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Forcing K.O. off him, Cooper tries to crawl to a corner for some air, but K.O. is relentless following Cooper’s verbal assaults online. The “White Knight” grabs a waistlock on Cooper and goes for the same move he attempted on Constantine; a German suplex. With great power, K.O. tosses Cooper overhead. However, K.O.’s own strength may have gotten the better of him there as Cooper actually manages to fly a full 360 degrees back into a standing position. After a moment of shooting pain in his legs, Cooper is prepared to take an oblivious K.O. by surprise. Before he can do that though, a recuperated Constantine grabs Cooper’s leg from the outside and pulls him out of the ring. As K.O. turns around he is surprised to see no one behind him either on the floor or standing. Then he moves over to the outside where he sees Constantine attacking Cooper. The tyrannical monarch nails a sickening lariat to Cooper, sending him to the mat below. Constantine turns his head to K.O. and through his body movement he tells his rival that it is time for them to resume business.

Constantine slides into the ring and meets K.O. in the middle as Chris allows him to do so. Mimicking the closing stages of the Battle Royal, Constantine slaps K.O. with an uppercut before K.O. retorts with the same. Surprised by the ferocity of Chris’ uppercut, Constantine takes a step back before kicking at K.O.’s knee, sending him down onto the canvas. Quick to capitalise, Constantine lays into his foe with a number of stomps making sure he stays down. Constantine now drops to K.O. and lays in several closed-fists to the face. After a few fists, Constantine backs off to catch his breath and to also come off the ropes as he delivers a knee drop. He goes for a cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Not to surprised, Constantine continues his assault and returns to drilling his fist into K.O.’s face. Each shot has more power behind it than the last. Eventually the “Powertrip” decides on using a different manoeuvre and lifts K.O. from the mat. He hooks K.O. up and hoists him high with a vertical suplex. Arrogant as always though, Constantine is in the mood to display his strength and keeps K.O. in the standing vertical position for a few seconds. The crowd, despite their distaste for the King for a Day lets out a small round of applause in appreciation. This applause quickly changes to a slight cheer as Constantine turns around to see a flying shoulder block coming right at him courtesy of Justin Cooper! Constantine drops K.O. with the suplex and also falls to the mat himself.

Connor: Cooper’s shoulder block affecting both his opponents tonight, a clever move on his part.

Cohen: Perhaps, or maybe it was purely luck, eh CC?

Getting to his feet, Constantine is dazed and confused for a split second, but that’s all Cooper needs as he hits a hip toss. Once more in a state of bewilderment, Constantine climbs to his feet quickly only to be slammed straight back down as Cooper comes off the ropes from behind with a big bulldog. Quick into the pin: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Using his supreme strength, Constantine forces his enemy off. He shakes his head in order to clear any cobwebs, but Cooper is relentless and returns, grabbing Constantine’s head, seeking a DDT. The variety of the move changes as Cooper tries to hook Constantine’s arms, but some slick footwork on the King’s behalf allows him to deliver a drop toe hold, sending Cooper down. Instinct takes over and Constantine sees the opening for an STF, jumping onto Cooper in order to apply the painful submission hold. He’s just about got it locked in when from behind, K.O. comes in! He grabs a waistlock and unleashes a devastating German suplex, but he refuses to let go of the waistlock and brings Constantine back to his feet as he unleashes yet another German suplex. Constantine is dead on his feet at the moment, as K.O., rises once more, seeking a trifecta of German suplexes. Before he can hit that third, all important suplex, Cooper comes running in, but K.O. sees it. Ducking both himself and Constantine, K.O. manages to nail Cooper with a super big back body drop which sends him sky high before crashing to the mat below. Now K.O. executes his third suplex, achieving a hat-trick.

Building momentum off of those suplexes, K.O. signals that the end could be near here for John Constantine. Slowly regaining his bearings, Constantine tries to push himself off of the mat and climbs to his feet. As soon as Constantine returns to his feet, Chris latches himself onto the King and tries to apply Burning Crusade. Constantine struggles to fight him off but after shoving the palm of his face into K.O.’s face, he finally escapes. He does some further escaping by dropping to the mat and rolling out onto the floor. At first he does so to catch a breath, but then thinks of a “better” idea. He goes over to the ring announcer and timekeeper’s location and snatches his briefcase. He storms off, both irritated and dissatisfied. K.O. yells for him to come back, but Constantine turns around and shakes his head. He declares that he has ”better things to do tonight...” With that ominous statement left in the air, Constantine continues to make his way up the entrance ramp, but before a new player enters; Alex Bowen. The former Mayhem Champion is dressed in street clothes and is clearly not here to compete. He steps onto the ramp and gives Constantine a harsh look before continuing to move down to the ring. K.O. looks surprised, but is determined to defeat Cooper so looks to resume the contest.

Copeland: Well Constantine just ran away--

Cohen: I think you’ll find he walked quite calmly.

Copeland: Well regardless he appears to have been replaced here in some form or another by Alex Bowen.

K.O. wants to end this now and as such lifts Cooper into position. With an air of confidence about him, K.O. wants to show off as he tries to put this thorn in his side away with the Butterfly Effect. As he seeks to show off to Bowen though, Cooper surprises everyone, including K.O. by popping out of the move and hitting his own finisher; Your Final Verse! He goes into the cover: 1...2...3! The crowd lets out a mixed, surprised reaction. Almost as soon as the ref counts three, Bowen enters the ring and raises Cooper’s hand.

Harrys: Here is your winner, JUSTIN COOPER!

Connor: What exactly is Bowen here for?

Unsure of the answer to that question, Cooper blasts K.O. with a stomp before Bowen puts his hand on Cooper’s chest and shakes his head. Bowen now takes a step forward and lifts K.O. to his feet. He screams in K.O.’s face before kicking him in the midsection and delivering the End of Days, laying K.O. out. Again, the mixed reaction occurs. Bowen and Cooper begin to take their leave

Copeland: What did we just witness?

Cohen: I’m not sure, but I think I liked it.

Cooper and Bowen head up the ramp together, smiling, smirking and perhaps plotting. K.O. lays in the ring, devastated by Bowen’s finisher.
Harrys: The following contest is a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match for the Elite X championship!


Triple X walks on the stage, running to each side of the stage, hyping the crowd up. He then returns to the middle, holding up his arms up making an X symbol. He then walks down, acknowledging fans, and slides into the ring. He mounts the turnbuckle, playing to the crowd again, making the X symbol with his arms once more.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing 220 pounds, Triple X!


Smith walks out, methodically making his way to the ring. Upon reaching the ring, he climbs up the stairs, sarcastically posing in the middle of the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing 235 pounds, he is the Elite X champion, Sam Smith!

The two men stand in the ring as the titantron brings up the stipulations for the TLC. The choices are…

a) Climbing the Ladder to retrieve the Elite X belt - 22 votes 85%
b) Pinfall or Submission - 3 votes 11%
c) Putting your opponent through a Table - 1 vote 4%

The two superstars watch as the first option lights up as the crowd cheers. The referee takes the Exite X title and attaches it to a pulley and hangs it high above the ring. Smith and Triple X look at each other, before glancing up at the belt, and then outside the ring at the ladders that were set up previously. The bell rings as the two competitors begin to circle each other. They lock up and begin to grapple but Smith gets the upper hand and puts Triple X into a headlock. He launches him into the ropes, but Triple X responds by kicking him in the face. He whips Smith into the ropes, but the champion responds with a clothesline knocking the challenger down. Smith picks Triple X up and hits a swinging neckbreaker and exits the ring.

Copeland: It looks like Smith got the better of that little scuffle. Could he be going for the ladder?

Connors: I don’t think Triple X has been put down enough for him to attempt to climb.

Cohen: There’s strategy in these matches Seabass; he’s going for the chairs.

Smith starts to grab one of the ladders, but thinks better of it before reaching under the ring and grabbing a chair. He throws it into the ring and grabs two more; he turns around and runs right into a baseball slide from Triple X which knocks him loopy. Triple X readies himself and nails the champion with an Arabian press which lays Smith out onto the floor. The crowd cheers Triple X on as he grabs a table and sets it up on the outside in front of the ramp. He grabs one of the chairs that Smith dropped and nails the champion in the back as he stands. Smith begins to reel and retreats to the other side of the ring with Triple X in tow.

Copeland: Triple X is relentless! He’s attacking the champion with everything he’s got.

Cohen: Knowing that freak show, giving “everything he’s got” he’s going to take himself out in the process.

Triple X hits Smith again but on the third swing Smith ducks causing him to hit the steel ring post. Smith grabs Triple X, spins him around, and rams him back against the post. Smith grabs Triple X and delivers a snap suplex on the outside. Smith rolls Triple X back into the ring and follows him with the chair in hand. He jabs the chair into his ribs and then slams it across Triple X back driving the smaller man to the mat. Smith grabs two of the chairs and sets them on all fours with the seats adjacent to each other. He grabs Triple X and tries to suplex him on top of the mass of metal but the smaller man black it. Triple X reverses and tries to go for a suplex of his own, but Smith fights him off with elbows to the side of the head. He whips Triple X across the ring, but in an amazing display of athleticism Triple X jumps over the chairs on the rebound and takes Smith down with a hurricanrana.

Copeland: What athleticism by Triple X, avoiding those chairs!

Connors: If either of them goes through that mass of chairs it’s over.

With the crowd behind him Triple X readies himself as Smith crawls to the corner. He drags himself to his feet, but Triple X charges. Smith rolls forward only for Triple X to pivot off the top rope and plant him with a Whisper in the Wind. Triple X looks to finish off Smith by suplexing him through the chairs, but Smith retaliates with a low blow. In a flash he picks the smaller man up and drives him through the two chairs with a spinebuster. Smith exists the ring and grabs one the ladder on the outside and brings it into the ring. He sets it up in the center of the ring below the Elite X title and starts climbing. He gets about three quarters of the way to the top when Triple X recovers and quickly climbs up the other side.

Copeland: My god! Smith just put Triple X spine first through those chairs!

Connors: That had to hurt…

Cohen: That a boy Smith! Go for the ladder kid!

The two superstars begin to slug it out on the top with Smith gaining the upper hand. He tries to push the smaller man off but Triple X counters and drives Smith’s head into the top of the ladder. He repeats the move again, and again, until Smith lets go and drops down a rung. Instead of trying to reach the championship Triplex X flips over the top and drives Smith to the match with a sunset flip powerbomb. Both competitors are down as the crowd goes nuts. Both men are back on their feet as they continue to slug away at each other. Smith cuts Triple X off with a knee to the gut and delivers a sidewalk slam. He begins to wrench away at Triple X’s neck trying to wear the smaller man down. He gets to his feet and counters and hits the Adrenaline Rush backbreaker.

Copeland: Both men crashed and burned off the ladder, but they’re still going!

Connors: There’s back and forth action everywhere; neither one of them is backing down!

Cohen: Come on Smith, don’t take that – you’re the champion!

Triple X sizes Smith up and tries to go for the X-Rated early but he catches his foot, spins him around, and drives the smaller man backward against the corner with a sick looking tiger suplex that folds Triplex X up like an accordion. Smith picks the smaller man up onto his shoulder and tries to dump him out of the ring, but Triplex X counters and sends Smith out of the ring with another hurricanrana. Smith manages to hold on and hoists himself back up but Triple X tries to knock him off again. He charges forward but Smith grabs him and hotshots him off the top rope. He slides back into the ring and maneuvers Triple X over to the table that was set up earlier outside the ring. He picks the smaller man up and dumps him over the top rope with a suplex that sends both men crashing straight through the table.

Copeland: Smith sacrificing his own body and now both men are down again!

Connors: What an awkward fall that was; look at all the twisted limbs!

Cohen: That’s what you need to do son, now get to your feet!

Both men are down, but Smith gets to his feet first. Without wasting any time he darts for the ladder, sets it up, and begins to climb. His pace is much shorter this time and by the time he gets to the top Triple X has recovered on the outside. With no time left to lose Triple X slingshots himself to the top rope and leaps across the ring and kicks both the ladder and Smith over with an unbelievable drop kick. The champion crashes to the mat as Triple X takes control. Triple X picks up the other chair that hadn’t been bent earlier and places it beside the over turned ladder. He picks up Smith and tries to drive him down onto it, but the larger man counters and pushes Triple X backwards against the ropes. He rushes forward and Smith tries for another spinebuster but Triple X’s momentum carries him forward and he plants Smith back first on top of the chair with a Yoshi Tonic. Triple X rolls Smith over and places the chair on top of him; he rears back and hits a standing shooting star press. Smith grabs his chest and rolls over to the corner as Triple X begins to climb the ladder. He gets about halfway up when Smith reaches up and grabs him from behind and tries to pull him off.

Copeland: Triple X won’t die! Every time Smith knocks him down he retaliates with something bigger and bolder. First a dropkick off the ladder and now a Yoshi Tonic onto a chair!

Cohen: And that audacity is going to cost him, mark my words.

Triple X kicks him away and continues to climb; he steps up another rung when Smith grabs the chair and smacks him in the back. Smith climbs the ladder behind him and grabs his arms. Triple X tries to struggle free but Smith smiles sadistically and tosses him backwards with a huge tiger suplex off the ladder. Both men crash into the mat as Smith looks to have taken himself out in the process. The audience looks on as Smith staggers to his feet, wobbles to the ropes, and slides outside. He reaches underneath the ring apron and pulls out another table and slides it into the ring. He sets it up and turns his attention to Triple X, who is just getting to his feet.

Copeland: And look at that by Smith a huge tiger suplex off the ladder! Triple X is down, and Smith brings a table into the ring.

Connors: I doubt either one of these guys can keep up this intensity for much longer; something’s got to give.

He hits the smaller man a few times and then floors him with a short arm lariat, trying to soften him up. Smith motions to the table and drags Triple X towards it. He lifts him up and tries to drive him through it with a suplex, but the smaller man floats over and hits a DDT. He tries to do his kip up but in a sign of fatigue he ends up falling against the ropes. Triple X grabs Smith and hits the Black Out into the middle turnbuckle. He measures Smith and hits the X-Rated! Smith falls to the mat but with no referee to go for a pinfall, Triple X measures Smith yet again. He looks for the X-Rated for a second time, the crowd rallying around him as Smith gets to his feet; he lungs forward but Smith counters and hoists the smaller man onto his shoulders. As quick as a cat Smith nails Nightfall, as both superstars are down once more. Smith gets to his feet and drags the table closer to him instead of wasting energy moving his opponent.

Connors: Both men are throwing everything that they have at each other; what is it going to take for either of these guys to win this match?

Cohen: If this had been a normal match, that Nightfall would have the nail in the coffin. This match won’t end until someone can no longer move.

He hoists the smaller man to his feet and tries to use a falcon arrow to drive Triple X through it, but he counters, floats over and twists Smith’s arm into a hammerlock. With a burst of strength he floors the larger man with a short arm lariat. He tries to whip Smith into the ropes, but he counters and gets flung instead. Smith tries to knock him down but Triple X ducks, bounces off the opposite ropes, and charges back with a flying forearm smash. He hits Smith with the Adrenaline Rush, and floors the champion again with the X-Rated. Smith’s body goes limp but instead of trying to climb the ladder Triple X drags the larger man over to the table and drapes his body over the top. Triple X starts to climb the ladder and when he reaches the top, instead of reaching up to grab the title he looks down at the fallen Sam Smith. The daredevil motions to the crowd and balances himself on top of the ladder. He signals for the end and leaps off the top going for the Firefly. At the last second Smith rolls off the table as Triple X crashes and burns! Smith drags himself over to the ladder and starts crawling up to the top, each step bringing him closer and closer to victory. He looks down at Triple X, who is still unresponsive, and looks up at the Elite X title; amidst a chorus of boos he reaches up and unhooks the title and clutches it to his chest.

Harrys: Here is your winner and still Elite X champion, Sam Smith!

Copeland: Triple X went for everything and got nothing! Smith moved at the last second and he went right through the table!

Connors: Oh my God!

Cohen: I knew that daredevil would take himself out, Smith was playing possum! He’s way too smart for Triple X!

Smith falls back to the canvas and celebrates as the referees check on Triple X. Smith holds the title above his head and smirks as he heads up the ramp.
Harrys: The following contest is the Mayhem Gauntlet Match! The rules of the match are as follows, two men will start and fight under Mayhem rules under one pins or submits the other. A new opponent will come out and fight under the same rules and this will continue until there is no more opponents. The last man left will be the Mayhem Champion.

"The Hills Have Eyes" plays and the crowd gives a mixed response as Bowen makes his way onto the stage with a shopping cart full of weapons. On top of them all is a chainsaw which the crowd cheers wildly about. Bowen takes his Mayhem title off and holds it up high, then lays it on the cart and grabs the chainsaw. He holds it up and goes to start it. The motor has trouble starting. He pulls and pulls again but the thing won’t start. He looks upset and throws it back near the curtain and continues to the ring with the rest of his weapons.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 247 pounds... the WZCW Mayhem Champion... ALEX BOWEN!

Cohen: Harrys forgot to mention longest reigning Mayhem champion ever.

Copeland: Tonight though maybe more than Bowen will be able to handle. He is competing against possibly 6 WZCW wrestlers.

Connor: As great a champion as Bowen has been even he may tire and fall victim to one of these men. In Mayhem one move could end it all.

Bowen rolls into the ring and holds up his Mayhem title. “Anarchy in the UK” plays and the crowd boos as Johnny Scumm is the first opponent in the gauntlet.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Manchester, England, weighing in at 223 lbs, Johnny Scumm!

Bowen rolls down under the ring and grabs a Kendo Stick from his shopping cart. Scumm runs downs as Bowen walks towards him. Bowen swings and cracks the side of Scumm. Scumm falls to his knees and Bowen walks a little around Scumm and then strikes him in the neck. Scumm is down and Bowen goes for the first cover. 1... 2.. Scumm kicks out. Bowen picks up Scumm and walks him towards the ring. Bowen stops and Irish Whips Scumm towards it. Scumm crashes into the side of it, toppling it over and scattering the various weapons on the floor. Bowen lifts Scumm to his feet and grabs underneath his arm. Bowen lifts him up and drops him to the concrete with a hip toss. Scumm squirms around in pain on the floor as Bowen searches along the floor for a weapon to use.

Copeland: Bowen looking for something to inflict further damage.

After some searching he reaches down and grabs a metal wrench. He turns it around looking at it and then nods in approval. He turns to go attack Scumm who’s on his feet. Bowen goes to hit Scumm. Scumm quickly boots the midsection of Bowen, causing him to drop the wrench. Scumm grabs Bowen's head and performs a Stunner-Type JawBreaker. Scumm grabs a trash can lid and takes repeated shots at Bowen's head. Bowen continues to stumble, but remains on his feet. Scumm drops the lid on the floor. He goes to Bowen and hits his finisher, The "Facebreaker", driving his knee in Bowen’s face as he drops to the floor. Bowen springs back up, but is still standing and stumbling, appearing only slightly worse than before. Scumm is irate and grabs Bowen’s head. He goes to DDT him on the lid. Bowen grabs Scumm and quickly lifts himself up vertically, throwing Scumm over top. Scumm lands on the shopping cart and cries out in pain. Bowen stumbles towards Scumm and rolls him off the cart. He grabs Scumm’s waist and hits his Swinging reverse STO, Ride the Lightning. Bowen covers Scumm. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Johnny Scumm has been eliminated.

Copeland: Bowen showed almost no effect from that facebreaker from Scumm.

Cohen: Maybe he really is indestructible.

Bowen shakes his head and knocks it a few times but gets up and waits for his next opponent. "Paradise" plays and Armando Paradyse comes out to loud boos.

Harrys: from Puerto Rico, weighing 268 lbs, Armando Paradyse.

Paradyse runs down the ramp. Bowen goes for a clothesline, Paradyse ducks under it and keeps running. He slides into the ring. Bowen walks over towards the weapons, Paradyse yells at him to fight him in the ring. Bowen thinks about the challenge and quickly hops onto the apron and gets into the ring. Bowen and Paradyse lock up. Bowen pushes him back to the ropes. Bowen chops at the chest of Paradyse. Paradyse holds his chest in pain. Bowen chops him again. Bowen Irish Whips Paradyse across the ring. Paradyse runs back. Bowen with a Bionic Elbow knocks him to the mat. Bowen goes for the cover. 1... 2. Paradyse kicks out. Paradyse and Bowen stand up. Paradyse throws a fist. Bowen ducks and Paradyse swings around in a half circle. Bowen tucks his head underneath Paradyse shoulder and lifts him up and drops him with an Atomic Drop. Paradyse stumbles forward and Bowen follows with a one armed Bulldog. Bowen walks around the ring with his arms up in the air. Paradyse slowly recovers and reaches into his trunks. He pulls out a pair of brass knucks and slides them on his hand.

Cohen: That a boy Paradyse. Send Bowen to Dream Street.

Bowen goes and grabs Paradyse by the head and lifts him to his feet. Paradyse quickly turns and swings at Bowen. Bowen’s arm in up and fist strikes it. Bowen moves back and holds his arm in pain from the blow. Bowen has no time to defend as Paradyse follows with a Shuffle Kick, knocking Bowen to the mat. Bowen holds his arm in pain, but Paradyse doesn’t go for the cover. Instead he rolls out of the ring and reaches under the ring. Paradyse pulls out a table and slides it into the ring. Paradyse slides in the ring and pulls the legs out and sets the table up. Paradyse grabs Bowen and rolls him onto the table. Paradyse hops on slowly, the table hobbling at the weight. Paradyse tucks Bowen’s head underneath him and goes for Paradyse Plunge. Bowen drops down and low blows Paradyse. Paradyse holds his groan as Bowen stands and hooks Paradyse’s arms. Bowen lifts him up. Spike Piledriver puts Paradyse through the table, The End of Days! Bowen with the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Armando Paradyse has been eliminated.

Connor: Paradyse brought the table to send Bowen packing, but Bowen ended up driving Paradyse straight though out of here.

Copeland: But Bowen continues to be punished, and who knows who will come out next to face the champion.

Cohen: My fingers are crossed on Ale. I think Bowen will not be able to handle another opponent larger than he is.

Bowen stands up from the wreck as some ring crew clear the table and Paradyse from the ring. “Drones” by Rise Against plays as Cohen’s wish came true as Ale slowly walks out onto the ramp.

Harrys: from Peru, Indiana, weighing 400 lbs, Ale!

Ale stares coldly at Bowen in the ring. Bowen straddles through the ropes and stands on the apron. Ale is close to the ring and Bowen leaps off the apron. He slams his forearm across the back of Ale and throws wild forearms trying to keep the big man down. Ale with a burst of strength, runs and pushes Bowen back first into the side of the ring. Ale holds Bowen by the neck and slowly raises his one arm. Ale then does a one handed chop across the chest of Bowen. Ale presses Bowen against the ring again and gives him a second chop. Ale rolls Bowen into the ring and starts to collect some weapons and throw them in the ring. He throws a steel chair, two garbage cans, and a cheese grater. Ale grabs onto the ropes and pulls himself onto the apron. Ale straddles one leg over the ropes. Bowen is now standing and runs over the Ale and starts punching at him. Ale gets his second leg over the ropes, but is showing wear from the punches. Bowen spins and goes for a Clothesline. Ale grabs the head of Bowen as he turns and delivers a Headbutt, knocking Bowen to the floor.

Ale follows quickly with a Leg Drop keeping Bowen on the mat. Ale with the weak cover. 1... 2.. Bowen kicks out. Ale gets up and places a garbage can on its side in the ring. Ale picks Bowen off the mat and lifts him over his head. Ale walks towards the garbage can and Military Press Slams Bowen on top of it. Ale raises his hands and taunts at the crowd who boo him loudly. Ale walks around slowly. Bowen stirs but remains on the flattened garbage can. Ale walks over to Bowen and bends over the pick him up. Bowen has gotten a hold of the steel chair in the ring and smashes it against the head of Ale. Ale stands hunched over. Bowen drops the chair and quickly hooks the head of Ale, performing a DDT on the chair. Bowen slowly gets his body over Ale. 1... 2... Ale throws Bowen off him.

Copeland: Bowen with a desperate move is able to get back into this match.

Cohen: Bowen will not be able to keep the giant down. We are looking at the man who will beat Bowen.

Bowen is up first and grabs the steel chair. Ale gets to his feet and Bowen goes to hit Ale with the chair. Ale swings with his fist and knocks the chair from Bowen's hands. Bowen and Ale are both shaking their hands in pain. Bowen goes at Ale, Ale quickly wraps his arms around Bowen's waist and lifts him into a Bear Hug. Ale holds him in the air, then runs towards the corner and drives Bowen's back into it. Ale then backs a step and press his foot into the neck of Bowen. He holds it for a good five seconds before letting go as Bowen falls to the mat. Ale walks across the ring and grabs the other garbage can. He positions it between the second and third ropes in the opposite corner. Ale walks back towards Bowen and helps him to his feet. Ale Irish Whips Bowen across the ring towards the garbage can. Bowen grabs the ropes and is able to stop himself. Ale runs towards Bowen and goes to slam his body into him. Bowen moves to the side and Ale drives himself into the steel garbage can, crushing it. Ale falls down and rolls under the ring. He lifts the apron and pulls out what he needs, a 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire.

Connor: The sadistic weapon of chose for Bowen. Ale is in a lot of danger.

Bowen rolls into the ring with the weapon. Ale is on his feet and raises both his arms, looking to slam Bowen to the mat with them. Bowen swings low and hits Ale in the midsection. Ale bends over and Bowen drives another shot across the back, dropping Ale arms and head over the second rope. Bowen drops the 2 x 4 and walks over to Ale. He reaches over and pulls the bottom rope over Ale's head and behind his neck, trapping Ale in the ropes in a vice like manner. Bowen picks up the Barbed Wire 2 x 4 and has a sadistic look in his eyes. He turns to Ale and swings the 2 x 4 across his back. Bowen continues to do this a few more times, inflicting further damage to Ale. Ale's back has many cuts and small amounts of blood. Ale is unable to get loose and Bowen stands on Ale's cut up back and grabs the top rope and pushes down on Ale's back. The ropes begin to really choke Ale as he slowly begins to lose consciousness. The ref sees Ale is unable to defend himself and calls for the bell.

Harrys: Ale has been eliminated.

Cohen: Bowen has turned it up a notch and sent a message to his remaining opponents about what he'll do with him.

Connor: Anyone with a clear understanding of the physical pain Bowen can inflict to a human should remain far away.

A few refs come down to assist Ale from the ring as Bowen bends over in the ring, exhausted but willing to continue. "The Robots" plays and S.H.I.T walks out onto the stage ramp. S.H.I.T quickly scans the ring before continuing his usual approach towards the ring.

Harrys: from Mechanical Mecca, weighing 230 lbs, S.H.I.T!

Copeland: Well Cat, S.H.I.T may not be afraid of Bowen as he thinks he is not a human.

Cohen: Fear is a word S.H.I.T can define and spell out to you, but not feel.

S.H.I.T enters the ring and Bowen without hesitation swings at S.H.I.T with the barbed wired 2 x 4. S.H.I.T catches it between his arm and body. S.H.I.T with a Bionic Elbow knocks Bowen back and releases his hold of the 2 x 4. S.H.I.T takes the 2 x 4 and overhand swings, making perfect contact with Bowen and knocking him to the mat. Bowen rolls out of the ring and stands near the apron. S.H.I.T reaches over and grabs Bowen by the hair. Bowen is unable to move. S.H.I.T with the 2 x 4, rubs it against Bowen's face. Bowen cries out in pain till S.H.I.T finally lets go. Bowen falls to the mat, he face pouring with blood. Bowen crawls away from the ring as S.H.I.T drops the 2 x 4 and walks to the corner, exiting the ring and slowly walking down the stairs. Bowen continues crawling and grabs a steel chair and uses it to get to his feet. S.H.I.T is right behind Bowen who turns and strikes S.H.I.T right on the head. S.H.I.T walks back two steps but appears unfazed. Bowen swings again and strikes the head of S.H.I.T. S.H.I.T is still unfazed and swings both fists with a double axe handle, knocking Bowen to the floor.

Connor: Bowen is exhausted and S.H.I.T is unable to feel pain. Bowen is seriously risking injury by continuing.

S.H.I.T picks up Bowen from behind and hooks his arm behind S.H.I.T's arm. S.H.I.T has Bowen locked into an Abdominal Stretch. Bowen is crying out in pain as blood still runs down his face. S.H.I.T starts striking at the ribs with his free arm. Bowen looks about ready to tap until S.H.I.T suddenly lets go of Bowen. S.H.I.T slowly walks back to the ring and then rolls under the ropes and then back out, breaking a non-existent 10 count.

Copeland: A possible malfunction by S.H.I.T as he went back to the ring to what looks like break up a 10 count.

Bowen continues to crawl up the stage ramp as S.H.I.T slowly gives chase. Bowen reaches the top and goes behind the curtain. S.H.I.T grabs Bowen's legs and pulls him back from the curtain. In Bowen's hand is the chainsaw! Bowen swings wildly at S.H.I.T, striking the body armour and cutting trough as well as denting it. Bowen pulls the chainsaw back out of S.H.I.T and drops it. S.H.I.T walks around the ramp, appearing to be suffering from some sort of a short circuit from the damage to the armour. Bowen slowly gets to his feet and walks over to S.H.I.T. Bowen kicks the gut and then quickly hits The End of Days. Bowen falls on top of S.H.I.T. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: S.H.I.T has been eliminated.

Cohen: Unbelievable.

Copeland: Bowen has defeated four men. Only two remain for him to retain his Mayhem Title.

Connor: Who could be next?

Bowen rolls off of S.H.I.T and crawls to the rail to lift himself up. "Spiderman" plays and Sean Cruz walks out onto the ramp to cheers. He fist pumps and then takes his scarf off.

Harrys: from Galveston Island, Texas, weighing 236 lbs, Sean Cruz!

Cruz walks down to Bowen. Bowen is barely able to stand but has both his arms out ready to strike. Cruz shakes his head at Bowen barely held together and yells at him to lie down. Bowen slaps the face of Cruz. Cruz holds his jaw and then the two start trading blows. Cruz is able to overpower the tired Bowen and starts punching and kicking him. Cruz turns and is able to hit a Spinning Wheel Kick. Cruz goes for the cover. 1... 2...... Bowen just kicks out. Cruz can't believe Bowen has anything left. Cruz gets onto the apron and slowly waits for Bowen to stand. Bowen is slow to his feet, but unbeknownst to Cruz, has a steel chair in hand. Cruz leaps at Bowen with a Shoulder Block at he turns. Bowen is able to drive the chair into the gut of Cruz. Cruz is on the floor bent over and Bowen lifts the chair overhead and strikes Cruz three times. Bowen with the cover. 1... 2... Cruz kicks out.

Bowen wants to put Cruz away quickly and puts the chair down on the floor. He grabs Cruz, Belly to Back Suplex on the chair. Bowen again with the cover. 1... 2..... Kick out again by Cruz. Bowen mounts on top of Cruz and starts punching him in the face. Bowen gets off after ten punches and rest against the guard rail, physically exhausted from the match and the blood loss. Cruz is to his feet before Bowen has moved. Bowen goes to grab Cruz. Cruz with a Crescent Kick, back peddles Bowen. Cruz hops onto the apron and then springboards off the ropes with a Crossbody. He connects but rolls off of Bowen as they hit the floor. Cruz is up and lets out a roar and the fans applaud his offense. He slowly starts to take apart the announce table and remove the monitors. He then turns his attention back to Bowen who is up and with the Mayhem Title takes Cruz's head off. Cruz lies on top of the table.

Cohen: Bowen has taken Cruz's head off! He has him defeated!

Bowen falls to the floor exhausted. He crawls towards the table and pulls himself to his knees and drapes half his body over Cruz. 1... 2......

Cruz just kicks out. The crowd can't believe it and neither can Bowen. Bowen climbs the rest of his body on to the table and slowly stands on it. Bowen lifts Cruz up to his feet and slowly hooks one arm and them goes to hook the other to perform The End of Days. Cruz breaks loose and hits a sudden DDT. The table doesn't break. Cruz rolls off the table and walks towards the ring apron near the turnbuckle. He climbs to the top of the turnbuckle as Bowen rolls onto his back. Cruz takes a moment to look at Bowen and then leaps with a Leg Drop. Both men crash through the announce table in a heap. Cruz lies on top of Bowen as the ref makes the count. 1... 2......


Harrys: Alex Bowen has been eliminated!

Copeland: Oh my God! Our table has been destroyed and Alex Bowen's reign as Mayhem champion is officially over.

Cohen: Great... they better bring us out a new table after.

Connor: Sean Cruz has just one man to get through and he will be the new Mayhem champion.

EMT's check on Bowen and Cruz as "Iron Mary" plays and Jack Skinner comes out, fist in the sir pumping like he's already won the match.

Harrys: And finally, from New York City, weighing in at 150 lbs, Jack Skinner!

Skinner jogs down the entrance ramp he gets to the scene where EMT's are still working. Jack does a few jumping jacks and weak leg stretches as EMT's move Bowen from the wreck and onto a stretcher. Skinner quickly runs towards Cruz and covers him. 1... 2... Cruz kicks out. Skinner gets up angry and smacks his hands, but calms down and lifts Cruz up and rolls him into the ring. Skinner climbs into the ring and removes his belt. He folds it once and then grabs the end of it. He sees Cruz getting up and strikes the back of Cruz with the belt. The crowd boos as Cruz rolls in pain. Skinner strikes him a couple more times and then puts the belt back on. Skinner goes for the cover and puts his feet on the bottom rope. 1... 2.....

Cruz kicks out. Skinner scolds at the ref for not counting quicker. Skinner sees Cruz rising and hits a low Dropkick to the face. Skinner applies a weak front face lock and pulls back, simultaneously kicking at Cruz's side. Cruz swings around and catches Skinner on the nose, immediately breaking the hold. Skinner jumps to his feet, but then settles and applies the "Midnight Deadline" Sleeper Hold. Cruz swings his arms around, but them grabs Skinners head and drops down, Jawbreaker. Skinner holds his chin and Cruz lifts Skinner up and hits a Spinebuster. Both men stay down on the mat for a while. Cruz crawls to the corner and gets his hands on a weapon. Skinner too is at a corner and is on his feet. Skinner turns to charge at Cruz. Cruz has in his hands the cheese grater. Skinner immediately stops upon seeing it and drops to his knees. He begs to Cruz to not hit his pretty face with it and then lies flat on the mat.

Cruz looks around wondering what to do and then shrugs at the audience and swings once down at Skinners face. Skinner holds face as Cruz tosses the grater and stands in the corner. Skinner has gotten to his feet and is still holding his face in pain when he turns to Cruz. Cruz knocks him down with a Superkick. Cruz goes in for the pinfall. 1... 2..... 3.

Harrys: Here is you winner and new Mayhem Champion... Sean Cruz!

Copeland: What a long and thrilling Mayhem Gauntlet match it has been Jack and CC. Carnage has been laid out here from the ramp to our tables and a new Mayhem Champion has emerged.

Cohen: And credit must go to our former Mayhem Champion, still the longest reigning champion I might remind you. Bowen has a devilish heart and if this is his last days in the Mayhem division I'm sure he'll bring his hell to the rest of the roster.

Connor: And, Jack, what about our new Mayhem Champion. Sean Cruz has picked up a huge win in his career and seems to be an exciting prospect in WZCW.

Sean Cruz has the Mayhem Title and is celebrating his win with fans at ringside. High fives and hugs around as the ref checks on Jack Skinner inside the ring. Cruz makes his way to the ramp and raises the Mayhem Title once before leaving.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The lights dim and turn into a very dark, cold shade of blue. The robotic brawler S.H.I.T. emerges from the back and surveys the crowd around him before making his slow decent down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 230 lbs, he is “The Mechanical Man Machine of Mechanics”, S.H.I.T.!

S.H.I.T. straddles through the ropes and stands in the middle of the ring, looking to the outside at all the weapons that are at his disposal. Chairs, tables, ladders, trash cans, and of course, barbed wire and C4 explosives.

The crowd gives a surprisingly mixed reaction as the insane monster Barbosa steps out onto the ramp. Barbosa is oddly dressed in a hunters jacket and large gallon hat, holding in one hand wire and a box cutter and a bottle of BBQ sauce in the other.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 237 lbs, he is “The Ultimate Inmate” Barbosa!

Copeland: Two of the most destructive men in WZCW, about to face each other in what could very well be the most violent match in WZCW’s history.

Cohen: There’s a good chance here that the ring could turn into one giant crater by the time these two are done with each other.

Connor: This match could have a lasting effect on their health. Both are too focused on what they’ll do to each other to even consider the risk factors.

Barbosa walks down the ramp and slides into the ring. He and S.H.I.T. stare each other down from opposite ends of the ring. Barbosa’s ring gear makes the whole scene look like it is out of some strange western.

Copeland: Now we get to find out what rules the match will be contested under. Barbed wire, C4, or a Texas Death match. Let’s look at the results.

a) Barbed Wire match - 3 votes 11%
b) Exploding C4 match - 8 votes 30%
c) Texas Deathmatch - 15 votes 59%

A loud cheer erupts from the audience upon seeing the results.

Cohen: Oh boy, CC, Seabass, a good ole fashion Texas Death match. As my old buddy used to say, this one is going to turn into a real slobber knocker.

Connor: For those at home unsure what the rules are regarding a Texas Death match, it works very similar to a Last Man Standing match. To win you have to pin your opponent for 3 seconds and then your opponent has till the count of 10 to get back to his feet or else he loses, and that's how you win.

Upon hearing the results, Barbosa removes his hunters jacket and throws the box cutter off to the side. He stands ready with the BBQ sauce in hand as the bell rings. Barbosa charges at S.H.I.T. and swings the bottle at him. S.H.I.T. grabs Barbosa by the wrist and the two lock up at centre, engaged in a power struggle for the bottle. S.H.I.T. with a burst of strength pushes Barbosa backwards in the ring, knocking the hat right off him. S.H.I.T. now has possession of the bottle as Barbosa rolls back to his feet. S.H.I.T. holds the bottle in his hand and crushes it, the sauce and glass dropping to the mat. Barbosa looks unimpressed as he charges and tackles S.H.I.T. to the mat. Barbosa straddles over S.H.I.T. and begins to punch wildly at him. S.H.I.T. rolls him over and starts to punch Barbosa. The two roll over on the mat a bit more fighting until they finally separate. Both slowly get to their feet, Barbosa a bit slower as he brushes off shards of glass and bits of sauce from his back. The time spent doing this allows S.H.I.T. to run towards Barbosa, knocking him down with a clothesline. He follows the move up successfully again, and again. Barbosa rises to his feet quickly each time, but after the third clothesline S.H.I.T. picks up the rising Barbosa and slams him down to the mat. He slowly bounces off the ropes follows up with a body splash and a pinfall attempt. 1...

Barbosa kicks out before the count of 2. The look on S.H.I.T.’s face remains the same; cold, lifeless, and drawn on, as he slowly brings Barbosa to his feet. S.H.I.T. tucks his opponents head under his arm and attempts a DDT. Barbosa grabs and spins behind S.H.I.T. He pulls S.H.I.T. around to face him and as he does he drives a knee into S.H.I.T.’s midsection. Barbosa follows by giving S.H.I.T. an Inverted Atomic Drop, that soon leads into an STO attempt. Barbosa slams S.H.I.T. back first into the remnants of the bottle, and rolls over towards the corner rather than going for the pin.

Cohen: I told you all this would be a real slobber knocker. The only thing these two inbred rednecks are missing is some beer.

Barbosa stands up and uncharacteristically climbs onto the top rope. He looks down at his opponent and, taking a page from S.H.I.T.’s book, he leaps off the top rope and lands a Frog Splash and goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Barbosa stands up smiling and the ref starts a 10 count. Almost immediately, S.H.I.T. rocks from side to side and easily rolls over and gets up to his feet before the count of 3. Barbosa wastes little time continuing the attack and runs at him with a clothesline. S.H.I.T. is up near the ropes upon impact, and both men go over the top rope and crash hard on the floor. Ring crew slides into the ring to clean up the mess as the battle continues on the outside. Barbosa tries to keep the robot on the ground, but S.H.I.T. is able to ram his head into the gut of Barbosa. S.H.I.T. gets to his feet and the two start throwing punches at each other. Barbosa grabs S.H.I.T. and attempts an Irish Whip. S.H.I.T. stays in his tracks and reverses it the other way. Barbosa goes flying back first into the steel stairs. S.H.I.T. keeps him in a seated position by stomping on his chest. Realizing that he is doing very little damage, S.H.I.T. grabs a tangled ball of barbed wire lying nearby and throws it at Barbosa. He then starts to stomp and press the barbed wire into Barbosa. After several kicks he pulls Barbosa from the stairs and lies on top of him and the barbed wire for the pin. 1... 2... Barbosa kicks out!

Connor: If this were a barbed wire match, S.H.I.T. would have all the advantage. Just look at how he was able to pin Barbosa while pressing barbed wire into him.

Copeland: Still, Barbosa was able to kick out at 2 and unfortunately CC, this match will probably get a lot more violent before either of these two are unable to answer the 10 count.

Barbosa is heavily tangled in the barbed wire, so the ref calls S.H.I.T. off as he attempts to help him free. S.H.I.T. starts to walk around the ring and comes to a stop once he find a steel chair. S.H.I.T. picks up the chair and stares at it for a long while before he heads turns back to his opponent. Barbosa has freed himself and is up to his feet when S.H.I.T. swings at him with the chair. Barbosa ducks and S.H.I.T. ends up hitting the turnbuckle. S.H.I.T. turns around and raises the chair high up to strike again, but Barbosa kicks him in the gut. S.H.I.T. drops the chair and Barbosa follows with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Barbosa breathes heavily as he wipes away the small amount of blood from his chest wounds. He grabs the chair and wastes little time smashing it across the back of his opponent. S.H.I.T. falls to the floor and tries to get back up, but Barbosa delivers another shot across the back. Barbosa places his foot on S.H.I.T. and, like a golf player, takes a swings with the chair and hits S.H.I.T. in the side of the head. The chair is now badly dented, as is S.H.I.T. head, as Barbosa tosses the chair away and goes for another pin. 1... 2... 3!

Copeland: That’s the second time in this contest that Barbosa has gotten the early pin on his opponents. I wonder if S.H.I.T. is already running low on fluids.

Cohen: Seabass, can’t you see this is brilliant strategy by the man pretending to be a robot. Why waste energy kicking out when you could just lie there for 3 seconds and then slowly get to your feet?

Cohen is correct as S.H.I.T. does the same thing before and gets himself up around the count of 3. Barbosa meanwhile is underneath the ring looking for a weapon. He barely notices that S.H.I.T. is approaching him when he finally finds the weapon he is looking for. He pulls out a fire extinguisher and sees that S.H.I.T. is standing almost right beside him. Having no time to strike him with it, Barbosa lets loose the smoke from it, blinding his opponent. S.H.I.T. brushes the air from his face and Barbosa uses the time to tackle him into the steel stairs, which causes the top set to fall off. Barbosa slowly gets to his feet, showing a slight bit of exhaustion for the first time in this contest. He stands on top of the bottom set of stairs and grabs S.H.I.T., straddling above his head as he prepares to deliver a Piledriver. Barbosa grabs S.H.I.T. waist and attempts to lift, but can't get the cardboard covered machine off his feet. S.H.I.T. then surprises Barbosa by standing straight up, flipping Barbosa over in the air as he comes crashing to the floor outside the ring.

Copeland: Barbosa was moments away from possibly ending this match, but the resilient S.H.I.T. was able send Barbosa flying hard onto the concrete instead.

Connor: Both wrestlers have taken a lot of damage so far here tonight. Broken limps and torn muscles will become strong possibilities the longer this match continues.

S.H.I.T. walks around the ring and grabs a new steel chair and tosses it in the ring, along with a ladder resting near ringside and a 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. S.H.I.T. grabs Barbosa and throws him against the barricade. He then pulls him off and rolls him into the ring. S.H.I.T. crawls in after him and grabs hold of the steel chair. He allows Barbosa to get back up to his feet and with one shot to the head brings Barbosa to his knees. Barbosa refuses to stay down and tries to get back to his feet, but S.H.I.T. delivers a second chair shot that puts Barbosa to the mat. S.H.I.T. crawls on top for the pin. 1... 2...

Barbosa again kicks out before 3. Barbosa rolls over onto his stomach and crawls towards the ropes. S.H.I.T. rises slowly to his feet and looks for what to use next. S.H.I.T. grabs a ladder and stands holding it horizontally as Barbosa slowly gets to his feet. He does and turns to face S.H.I.T. as he rams the end of the ladder into his gut. Barbosa hunches over it, but stays on his feet by clinging onto the ladder. He tries to pull it from S.H.I.T.’s grip, but the robots clutches are too strong as he starts using the ladder to ram Barbosa into the turnbuckle. The force of the collision is followed by a loud groan from the crowd, as if they too could feel the pain of the blow.

Copeland: The back of Barbosa was rammed into that corner. What more does S.H.I.T. have in store for Barbosa?

S.H.I.T. is able to answer that question almost immediately. He takes the ladder and stands it vertically against Barbosa who has his back against the corner. S.H.I.T. walks across the ring and grabs the 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. He walks over to Barbosa and his face, while still showing the same design, somehow looks happier. He stares directly at Barbosa’s face.

Connor: Oh my God.

Cohen: Close your eyes CC. S.H.I.T.’s about to come down on Barbosa.

S.H.I.T. takes the 2x4 and drives it into Barbosa’s face. Barbosa falls to the mat and S.H.I.T. bends down and pushes the end of the 2x4 into the face of Barbosa. Barbosa has his hands up to try and push it off him. S.H.I.T. eventually ceases and throws the 2x4 away. He paces backwards in the ring as Barbosa tries to pull himself to his feet still trapped in the corner with the ladder. S.H.I.T. starts to run and leaps into the corner with a Shoulder Block. Moments before he leaps, Barbosa with all his strength throws the ladder off him and it collides head on with S.H.I.T. who drops to the mat. Barbosa also falls back to the mat still in the corner. He is panting heavily and whipping his face, Barbosa suddenly looks beside the corner and reaches at something.

Cohen: What’s he got in his hands?

Copeland: It’s the box cutter. Barbosa’s got ahold of a blade.

Cohen: Good luck it’ll be against Mr. Cardboard.

Barbosa stands up holding the box cutter. He looks around at the audience, who have been going crazy throughout this contest. Barbosa then grabs the ladder and hold it horizontally across his chest. S.H.I.T. gets to his feet and Barbosa runs right into him, knocking them both down to the mat. Barbosa sits on top of the ladder, which is right across the chest of S.H.I.T. Through one of the openings, Barbosa starts to a cut a line in S.H.I.T.’s chest. The robot tries to attack Barbosa, but can’t get his arms through the ladder. Barbosa reaches over and grabs the 2x4 that was tossed across the ring. He raise the 2x4 high in the air and jabs it through the chest of S.H.I.T. A loud scream is heard like no other one heard by S.H.I.T. Somehow he summons the strength and throws Barbosa and the ladder off him. S.H.I.T. reaches for his chest to try and repair it and Barbosa stands up in the ring and smiles rather than going for the attack.

Cohen: Why isn’t he finishing him off.

Connor: I think Barbosa is simply enjoying making S.H.I.T. feel a little human. Err, what’s wrong with me, all of this is violently sick.

Barbosa grabs the chair in the ring and holds it up. He slams it on the mat and does this repeatedly as S.H.I.T. slowly gets to his feet. S.H.I.T. does and turns around and Barbosa drops the chair on the mat. He then grabs S.H.I.T. by the head and DDT’s him on the chair. He picks S.H.I.T. up a second time and DDT’s him again on the chair. Barbosa stands up with S.H.I.T. a third time and holds him in DDT position. Barbosa looks around the arena and drops a third DDT on S.H.I.T.

Copeland: Multiplicity connects!

Barbosa gets to his feet and waits for S.H.I.T. to stand up. This actually takes longer than Barbosa wants to wait so he helps S.H.I.T. to his feet. Barbosa lifts him up from behind and hits the Doppelganger!! He goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Connor: This one should keep S.H.I.T. down.

Barbosa gets up and rolls out the ring as the ref begins his 10 count.



Barbosa reaches underneath the ring near the turnbuckle and pulls a small box covered in a blanket.



S.H.I.T. actually starts to move as Barbosa rolls into the ring. He removes the blanket and reveals in his hands to be a C4. The crowd naturally explodes with excitement.



S.H.I.T. has rolled over and has his hands underneath him. Barbosa sets up a ladder across two middle ropes in a corner and starts to tape the C4 against it.



S.H.I.T. has lifted himself to his knees while Barbosa still adjusts with the C4.


S.H.I.T. stands up and the ref signals the match to continue. Barbosa turns around and walks over to S.H.I.T., who surprises him with a kick. S.H.I.T. follows with a couple punches that back Barbosa almost into the ladder. S.H.I.T. is about to go for one final push when Barbosa comes alive with punches to the face. He backs S.H.I.T. up to the opposite corner and Irish Whips him towards the ladder. S.H.I.T. reaches with his hands and stops himself from hitting the ladder. Barbosa walks up from behind and S.H.I.T. elbows him in the face. S.H.I.T. turns around a goes for a Head Chop. Barbosa blocks it with his both his hands and tries to power S.H.I.T. backwards. S.H.I.T. with his free hand pushes Barbosa backwards in the ring. Barbosa backpedals a bit and then runs forward and leaps at S.H.I.T. His opponent moves out of the way and the last thing Barbosa is able to do, is turn his body a bit and shield his face.


The C4 goes off on impact and Barbosa’s body is crumpled on the mat near the corner. S.H.I.T. has to slow his body down running away from the corner and turns to see Barbosa down and out. He walks over to Barbosa and pins him. 1... 2... 3!

S.H.I.T. gets up slowly and backs up. The ref first checks Barbosa to make sure he is still breathing and alive. Both things check out and the ref begins the 10 count.


Copeland: Well folks, if you saw what we saw, we are all very hopeful and relieved that Barbosa is still breathing in the ring as the ref begins the 10 count necessary to end this blood bath.



Cohen: What Seabass? I can’t hear anything after that blast. What count is he at?



Connor: I’m shaking over here you guys. I’m relieved that the WZCW universe didn’t pick a C4 match for these two to compete in.


Barbosa’s charred body has moved for the first time drawing a loud response.


An arm grabs hold of the second rope and begins to pull itself up.


Barbosa is on one knee with a hand on top rope as S.H.I.T. has begun to pace inside the ring.


With one last pull upwards, Barbosa gets himself to his feet and manages to stay up on his own. The ref calls for the match to continue as S.H.I.T. has his hands on his head, contemplating his next move. He seems to get an idea and walks over to Barbosa. S.H.I.T. raises his arm and delivers a Head Chop. The force knocks Barbosa over the top rope and onto the floor.

Cohen: Well that ought to finish him.

Except S.H.I.T. doesn’t go for the easy pin. S.H.I.T. rolls out the adjacent side of the ring and grabs two tables and slides them both into the ring. He then grabs two more tables and slides them both into the ring as well. S.H.I.T. climbs into the ring and begins setting the tables up. He quickly sets up two tables right beside each other and then perfectly places two tables on top of them.

Copeland: S.H.I.T. has a plan and like a machine he’s following through with it perfectly so far.

S.H.I.T. stares at his structure and doesn’t look satisfied with it. He looks around outside of the ring and then reaches through the ropes, grabbing a large ward of barbed wire. S.H.I.T. throws it on top of all his tables and looks at his work. S.H.I.T. then rolls out of the ring and grabs the two tallest ladders he could find. He slides them both in the ring and sets one up beside the tables and one beside the ladder.

Connor: S.H.I.T.’s plan has taken shape. I fear this could be Barbosa’s last match ever in WZCW.

S.H.I.T. rolls out of the ring again and sees Barbosa rising to his feet. S.H.I.T. grabs Barbosa and rolls him into the ring and follows right in after. S.H.I.T. grabs Barbosa by the throat on the mat and the two struggle. Finally Barbosa fades and S.H.I.T. stands up and starts stomping. S.H.I.T. then grabs Barbosa and begins to climb the ladder and pulls Barbosa up the other with him. Both wrestlers are exhausted from the match as they slowly climb to the top. S.H.I.T. grabs Barbosa from behind and lifts him up slowly.

Copeland: My God, if S.H.I.T. hits the Doppelganger on Barbosa it will surely end his career.

Barbosa suddenly clutches S.H.I.T. head tightly and with his other arm starts punching the head. Barbosa rolls over S.H.I.T. and lands his feet on the other side of the ladders. The two start to trade slow punches at the top of the ladder, the crowd ‘ooohhhing’ every strike. Barbosa suddenly blocks a punch and connects a second, followed closely by a third. He grabs S.H.I.T.’s head and rams it several times into the top of the ladders. S.H.I.T. slumps into them and kicks one of the ladders away. Barbosa was on that ladder, but steps onto the other ladder just in time as both teeter on the one ladder left standing. Barbosa steps up to the top of the ladder and sits down. He grabs S.H.I.T. and lifts him up to the second last step and grabs his waist.

Copeland: One man will fall onto those tables. Who will it be?

Barbosa goes for a Powerbomb and is able to lift S.H.I.T. to his shoulders. He is unable to hold him long and both fall onto the tables. S.H.I.T. falls onto the tables and barbed wire and Barbosa falls right on top of him. Both crash into a heap of broken tables with Barbosa slumped over S.H.I.T. The ref makes the count. 1... 2... 3.

The ref pulls Barbosa off of S.H.I.T., but neither man can move from the wreckage.




Holy Shit chants echo throughout the arena as several replays are shown of the move.




Connor: Neither man has moved. I wish the ref would count quicker. I think it might be a good hour before either of these two move much.



Cohen: I got to give them credit though, I’ve never seen two people beat the living shit out each other like that. How could anyone stop these guys together?



Harrys: Here is your winner, Barbosa!

Ring crew begin to removes the tables and debris in the ring as EMT’s check on Barbosa and S.H.I.T. in the ring. The crowd is very silent now as they work to remove all the barbed wire and clean up the blood spewing from Barbosa. The crowd begins to clap as Barbosa moves a little. The EMT’s want Barbosa to slide over to the gurney, but Barbosa keeps insisting on standing.


The audience reacts strangely to the music as Cooper and Bowen walk down the ramp dressed like they are from the bomb squad. Both men have clubs in one hand and Cooper has a briefcase in the other.

Copeland: Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen? What are those two doing here?

Bowen runs into the ring and scares off a number of EMT’s. Cooper climbs into the ring and keeps them all at bay as Bowen begins to stomp Barbosa. Security runs down the ramp now to try and stop this. They get the ring, but stop short as Cooper opens up his briefcase and has with him another C4 explosive.

Connor: Oh my God. Please not another. Somebody stop them.

Cohen: Don’t look at me CC. Where’s K.O. or someone?

Cooper sets down the case and helps Bowen beat down Barbosa and S.H.I.T. with their clubs. Cooper fiddles with the C4 while Bowen grabs some barbed wire. Bowen wraps the two men together in barbed wire as Cooper places the C4 in front of them. He puts a detonator on top of it and sets the timer 15 seconds. They both roll out of the ring and swings their clubs wildly to keep everyone at bay as they make their escape.

Copeland: Barbosa and S.H.I.T. are trapped inside the ring. What was the meaning of this attack from Cooper and Bowen.

The seconds count down on the C4 detonator. Barbosa is out cold from the attack while S.H.I.T. appears recovered. He looks to his side and reaches out and grabs a hold of Barbosa’s hunter jacket dangling on the edge of the ring. He throws it over top of him and Barbosa seconds before the C4 sets off. The jacket shields them from the blast and EMT’s quickly get on the scene moments after to help the two men.

Copeland: A statement has been made by two men. Hopefully some light will be shed on why they did this.

Connor: I’m just thankful both men are alright... at least not any worse than they were after their match.

Cohen: I’ll have to agree with you CC, that match may have been the most violent match ever witnessed inside a WZCW ring. Cooper and Bowen picked a perfect time to strike, this won’t be the last time these four men will all be in the same ring together I can assure you of that.

EMT’s roll both men on to separate gurneys and wheel them from the ring to safety. The audience applauds loudly for both men as they are carried to the back.
Harrys: The following contest is for the WZCW World Tag Team Championships!


The crowd cheers as Howard and Stormrage walk onto the ramp, pumped and heavily focused on the upcoming match.

Connor: These guys look ready to take on the champs.

Copeland: This isn't going to be your average title defense. We've got some quirky match types that could be selected and any one of them won't be for the light-hearted.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challengers, weighing at a combined weight of 538 pounds; Mikey Stormrage and James Howard, Strikeforce!

As Howard makes his way to the ring stretching and psyching himself up, Stormrage runs down one side of the ramp and up the other high-fiving fans and shadow boxing as he runs. Howard slides into the ring and runs to the far turnbuckle with one arm raised in the air as Stormrage ascends to the middle of the near turnbuckle signalling “Game Over.”


The music hits, and after the initial horns Saxton and Saboteur emerge from the entrance tunnel. Saboteur starts hopping up and down pumping his fists in the air while Saxton rubs his hands together ready for a fight where he appears to be wearing an attire ready to for the Country Whippin' match with a denim vest and a cowboy hat... all whilst flaunting their tag titles around their waists.

Harrys: And their opponents; at a combined weight of Insanely Manly Kilometers, they are the WZCW World Tag Team Champions; Action Saxton & Saboteur, the City Suckas!

They both look at each other and shake their head on the name.

Cohen: ... interesting.

Copeland: They'll figure it out one day.

Connor: Saxton looks... nice, as a cowboy.

They make their way down the entrance ramp together, with Saboteur jumping in circles around Saxton and hi-5ing fans while Saxton is sparring with the air and making intense eye contact with the ring. Saboteur slides under the bottom ring rope as Saxton makes his way up the stairs and through the top and middle rope. They both climb up the turnbuckles and pose for the audience: Saboteur unsheathes his katanas and makes an X with them, and Saxton dramatically takes off his cowboy hat. They prepre themselves as Leon enters the ring from ringside with a mircophone in hand, ready to announce the match.

Leon: Okay ladies and gentlemen, now that both teams are out here and ready to compete, we will now reveal which match stipulation you chose for these four men.

All four men are eager to find out, especially Saxton who is slapping his personal leather whip across his hand, as the titantron brings up all three options and a drum-roll in the background. The crowd is anxious and are yelling out their options they choose.

What match stipulation will the World Tag Team Titles be fought under?

a) Country Whippin' match - 30%
b) "I Quit" match - 35%
c) No DQ Tornado Elimination match - 35%

Most of the crowd cheers as their option has been selected but they later start conversing between themselves about what happens in the event of a tie. Some of the audience members and Saxton aren't happy with the result.

Cohen: This is awkward...

The referee is a little confused with this vote but calls over Leon as Strikeforce are getting impatient whilst Saboteur tries to calm down Saxton. After a small conversation between the ref and Leon, they have come to an agreement.

Leon: Well then... with the fans voting being split between an "I Quit" match and a No DQ Tornado Elimination match, it looks like we have no choice but to combine the two options.

The crowd begins to cheer pre-emptively at this revelation.

Copeland: Oh boy...

Connor: I like where this is going.

Leon: This tag team contest will be, as voted by the WZCW Universe, a No DQ Tornado Tag "I Quit" Elimination match where the objective of the match will be to make both members of opposing team say the words "I Quit."

All four men look at each, knowing things have just been taken to the next level.

Copeland: Wow... I can't recall ever seeing an "I Quit" tag team bout before, let alone with elimination style rules!

Connor: This is going to be one hell of a fight. Prepare yourselves, guys.

Cohen: Let's start this match already.

As Leon exits the ring and the bell rings, Saxton looks at his leather whip and shrugs, deciding to use it anyway as he lands the first strike of the match across Howard's arm.


The match implodes as Saboteur runs at Stormrage, jumping onto him and landing multiple strikes as Mikey has him held up in a bearhug style position. Saxton whips away at Howard, smacking him across the arms and chest area as he tries to retreat to the outside. Saxton goes after him and the crowd is getting into this contest with a shared chant for both teams. Stormrage pushes Saboteur off him, allowing Saboteur enough room to run at Stormrage who goes for a kitchen sink knee strike. Saboteur evades with a baseball slide and jumps on the big man's back, locking in a sleeper hold with bodyscissors in the early going. Saxton continues to whip Howard and yell out cowboy slang before Howard passes a set of steel steps, quickly turning around and dropkicking the steps to take out Saxton's knees. Saxton leans on the stairs as Howard shakes his arm to recover from the whip shots. Howard runs at Saxton, diving over him and stairs to deliver a sunset flip, forcing Saxton's head to bounce off the thinly-padded mats that cover the concrete floor. Stormrage manages to grab the head of Saboteur and flip him forward, landing on his rear end. Saboteur gets up and clutches his money maker as Stormrage gains momentum off the ropes, hitting Saboteur with a successful Kitchen sink knee strike. Howard is dancing around ready to strike as Saxton gets up. James is able to hit a few boxing punches on Saxton before finishing off with a dropkick that sends Saxton into the barricades on the outside. Howard looks to work Saxton with his signature Muay-Thai knee strikes. Saboteur is now in the corner with Stormrage delivering a series of knife-edge chops before Stormrage moves out of the corner and hits an avalanche. Saboteur staggers out and Stormrage knocks Saboteur off his feet with a short-arm clothesline. Howard hits one more knee strike before stopping for a moment, checking on Stormrage who is looking at him. The two nod as Howard looks under the apron as Stormrage goes to the outside in search of a weapon as well with crowd cheering these combatants.

Connor: The challengers have done well to start off this match with a distinct advantage over the champs, giving them time to get some extra help.

Cohen: They're wasting time looking for a trash can or a stop sign; they need to render Saxton & Saboteur useless before attempting the use of weapons.

Copeland: Would you like to personally stop them then, Jack?

Howard slides into the ring with a steel chair he got near the announcer's table whilst Stormrage has a kendo stick in hand, ready to take on Saxton. Howard waits for Saboteur to recover, banging the canvas with the chair. Saxton is on his feet and Stormrage goes to swing but Saxton detects this early, aiming his whip to wrap around the kendo stick and yanks it out of Stormrage's hand to leave him without a weapon.

Saxton: Not today, sucka!

Saxton whips Stormrage on the nipples, giving him intense pain and possibly a nipple stag. Stormrage clutches his... pectorals as Saxton whips Stormrage across the thigh before dropping the whip and backhanding Stormrage across the face. Howard notices this and takes it as an insult, looking to go after Saxton. He forgets about Saboteur who manages to hit a one-handed bulldog on Howard with the chair landing in front of Howard's face as he lands, causing James' head to collide with the chair. Howard holds his face as Saboteur grabs the chair and drives it into the sternum of Howard. Saxton continues his attacks on Stormrage, finishing off a punching combination where Stormrage gets knocked back onto the ring post. Saxton calls for Saboteur to help who obliges, discarding the chair from the ring on his way. Saxton asks for Saboteur to hold Mikey back as Saxton grabs onto the nipple that Saxton hit before and begins... a nipple cripple? Stormrage is in a copious amount of pain as Saxton asks for the referee to come and ask Mikey.

Cohen: Are you seeing this, Seabass? Saxton has got the injured nipple of Stormrage and his twisting it tightly, preventing flow of blood to Mikey's manb...

Copeland: Yes Jack it... uh, definitely is a unique move.

Connor: What a manoeuvre!

The referee continuously asks Stormrage for an answer but he refuses to quit. Saxton looks to deliver a 360 twist variant until Howard exits the ring and does a running takedown to Saxton who let's go of the nipple. As Howard unloads a series of punches on Saxton's abdomen, Stormrage thrusts his arms forward to force Saboteur straight into the ring post. Stormrage is free from restraints and rubs his chest before turning his attention to Saboteur, hoping up onto the apron. Saboteur gets up and Stormrage jumps down with a clothesline, knocking both men down for a brief moment. During this time, Howard has recovered and sees Saxton trying to get up himself. He looks at the announcer's table and takes the top off.

Cohen: Put that back!

He turns around to position himself and he jumps onto the table before performing a modified springboard moonsault onto Saxton... but he catches Howard in mid-air! He holds Howard tight and rams him into the steel post. As Stormrage is getting up, Saxton runs with Howard and runs through Stormrage like a run-away train. Saxton keeps Howard locked-in, walking up the nearest set of steel steps and along the apron. Saxton gets the fans going as he jumps off the apron with Howard drapping across the shoulder. Saxton lands on his feet and delivers a natural gutbuster to Howard who falls off and hits the ground. He clutches his stomach as Saxton calls for the referee to ask Howard... but James refuses despite almost sounding winded. Stormrage is recovering as Saboteur has gotten to his feet, charging at Stormrage to hit the Super Saboteur!, knocking Stormrage into the corner barricade. Saboteur gets up and hits a couple of European uppercuts before calling on Saxton. He lifts up Saboteur and they go for the Fastball Special but Stormrage ducks, causing Saboteur to fly into the audience and land on a few of the members.

Copeland: And it looks like the front row fans literally have the best seats in the house to experience the action because they're in it.

Cohen: If Mikey would've stayed still, this wouldn't have happened. I smell a lawsuit coming out of this if they don't reprimand him soon.

Connor: But Jack, it's a no DQ. Besides, we have warning label on all our live event tickets that caution people to flying Saboteurs.

Saxton looks around awkward and straightens his invisible tie before turning away and looking busy with Howard, getting in a mounted position to hit a couple of strikes. Stormrage apologies to the fans who are more rowdy and excited than ever with a couple of fans jokingly say I Quit and pretending to be knocked out as Mikey pulls Saboteur from the wreckage, finishing off Saboteur with a scoop slam. Stormrage heads over to Saxton and wraps an arm around Saxton's neck, almost like a choke hold to pull him off Howard. After some struggling, Stormrage manages a Russian legsweep on the big man. Stormrage checks on Howard to see if he is okay and responds with a yes. Stormrage leaves Howard with Saxton as he goes towards Saboteur who is nearly to his feet. Stormrage grabs him by the head but Saboteur turns around and hits his signature pele kick.


Stormrage staggers back as Saboteur runs at him, looking to hit another Super Saboteur but Mikey lifts up Saboteur and drops him on the barricade, hitting the Level Up. Saboteur grabs his throat and turns around into Stormrage running... Game Over to Saboteur. Stormrage is on his knees as Saboteur appears to be knocked; no good for Strikeforce to make him utter the magic words. Howard has gotten to his feet and starts hitting a series of kicks to the chest of Saxton before finishing off with one to the head. Stormrage comes over to Howard and informs him of Saboteur's status. Howard tells Stormrage to fetch something as Howard delivers a couple of stomps to Saxton. Stormrage comes back with the kendo stick and the steel chair. Strikeforce pick up Saxton with Howard grabbing the kendo stick and using it to create a sleeper hold submission with the stick apply the pressure. Howard tells Stormrage to use the chair to knock the wind out of him. He is a little hesitant but further encouragement from Howard gives Stormrage the confidence to do whatever necessary, hitting Saxton with the chair in the abdomen/chest region. The crowd reacts to this as Stormrage hits a couple more with him asking the ref to come over. Saxton yells "NO" when the ref asks, causing Howard to clutch the kendo stick closer to Saxton's throat. Howard tells Stormrage to help him up on the apron, doing so to make this sleeper hold become a hangman's chokehold. It doesn't take long for Saxton to go red in the face and for him to be the first...

Saxton: ... I... quit... fool...

The choking sounds as Saxton barely talks into the microphone are a little disturbing to the crowd, as well as Strikeforce who immediately let go and stop the attack on Saxton.

Harrys: Action Saxton has been eliminated!

Copeland: I did not know that Saxton could ever amount to saying those words. That isn't in his vocabulary.

Cohen: It was either submit or lose that voice of his. If Saxton didn't have a voice, all the ladies across the world would be weeping, right CC?

Connor: Let's not mix business and personal lives, please.

Stormrage helps Saxton to a seated position against the barricade whilst Howard walks over to Saboteur who is only just on his knees, realising what has happened. It is now a two-on-one situation for Saboteur who looks to face Howard up first with kendo stick in hand. Howard goes to swing but Saboteur hits the More Cowbell! out of desperation, giving him some space. He runs at Howard and hits a spinning wheel kick to take him down. Stormrage is on the scene and hits a kick to the midsection on Saboteur, going for a back suplex to dispose of Saboteur quickly. Saboteur manages to escape and hit a shirunai as a counter, taking down Stormrage as well. The crowd cheers for the comeback as Saboteur runs over to his partner to check in on him. Saxton tells Saboteur it is now time to use the force fool and Saboteur nods, reaching into his pockets to pull out some brass knuckles with the letters "F.O.R.C.E" on each of the knuckles. He puts them on and conceals his hand. He sees Stormrage recover and delivers some quick body blows with the knuckles before slapping him across the face. Before Saboteur can follow up, Howard comes at Saboteur with a running DDT, planting him into the ground. Instinctively, he removes the brass knuckles and discards them under the ring, switching it out for another kendo stick. He wraps the kendo stick around the neck of Saboteur and plans to eliminate him the same way as he did Saxton. Saboteur kicks and moves much more than Saxton did, forcing Howard to move with him to keep the hold on. Stormrage gets up, still clutching his stomach and tries to go over and help his partner. However, a hand on his shoulder prevents him from moving and spins him around. It's Saxton and he hits Stormrage with a Karate chop, following up with the Kung Fu kick. Saxton holds onto his throat as he manages to make his way towards Howard, Saboteur & and the referee who is focused on a possible elimination.

Cohen: I thought Saxton was eliminated? He shouldn't be interfering.

Connor: Again Jack... no DQ.

Saxton heads over to Howard and from behind, pulls the kendo stick away from Saboteur's neck and across the neck of Howard, choking him out this time. The referee sees this and informs Saxton that he is eliminated and shouldn't be interfering.

Saxton: It's no DQ!

The referee sighs and says that Saboteur must be the one to make Howard say the words so Saxton cannot be involved in any decision. Saxton isn't too pleased but he drops the kendo stick, allowing Howard some breathing room. Saxton puts his arms into the air and lets Saboteur do the dirty work as he recovers. Saboteur tells Saxton to hold Howard back and measures him up. Saboteur delivers a low blow to Howard, who is in a lot of pain from the shot and tries to breath but the kendo stick did do some damage to his windpipe. Saboteur doesn't stop there though and hits another low blow. The crowd gasps as the look on Howard's face tells the story. He goes to wind-up the last shot and a 3rd low-blow connects, causing Howard to scream out:

Howard: I quit... I quit...

The pitch is a little higher than normal as Saxton let's go of Howard and tells Saboteur to go after Stormrage.

Harrys: James Howard has been eliminated!

Copeland: I felt that from here.

Cohen: I know you gotta do what you gotta do but...

Connor: Why doesn't any male wear a cup these days?

Saboteur helps Stormrage to his feet and does his best to roll him into the ring. Saboteur calls for help from his partner whilst Howard is down. As Stormrage gets up, Saboteur rests in the corner as Saxton goes to work by hitting a Mongolian chop, followed by a spin kick and then a shuffle side kick. Stormrage hits the mat and the tag team champions look at each other and call for this to end quickly. They measure Stormrage as he slowly gets to his feet with Saxoteur looking for a Double Roundhouse Kick combo. As Stormrage finally reaches his feet, they both go for the kick and Mikey evades the attack just barely with both men connecting feet. They stumble back, allowing Stormrage to get rid of Saxton with the Gank. As Stormrage gets up, Saboteur hits him with the Death Blow. Saboteur catches his breath but he isn't done, looking to go onto the top rope. Slowly, he starts climbing. On the outside, Saxton is getting to his feet and looks towards Saboteur, giving him support. Little does Saxton know that Howard is up and gets the surprise on Saxton, delivering the TKO! Saxton is out as Howard looks at taking him out, clutching his groin area. He turns around and sees Saboteur from the second rope dive at Howard to take him down. Saboteur slowly gets to his feet and begins climbing the top rope again to finish off the match. As he gets to the top, he dives off for the Airbourne Assassin but Stormrage evades, causing Saboteur to hit the canvas. Stormrage shakes off and recovers, looking to gain some momentum by rebounding off the ropes and hitting a mini-Stormrage Splash on Saboteur. The force crushes Saboteur but Stormrage is determined and isn't done yet. Clutching his stomach, Stormrage goes for another splash. He gets up slower but manages to hit for a third time. Saboteur and Stormrage's guts are hurting but Mikey is determined. He looks for the turnbuckles and begins to climb. Saxton is up and he tries to prevent Stormrage but Howard is there to hold Saxton back, distraction him.

Copeland: This might be Stormrage's only chance to win.

Cohen: C'mon... jump!

Stormrage flies through the air and hits his Stormrage Splash; completely on target. Stormrage lays on Saboteur, cutting off the air circulation as the referee approaches to find out...

Saboteur: ... I ... quit.


After a long and gruelling match, the bell finally rings and the fans are on their feet for the competitors in this match for a courageous performance by both teams. Howard let's go of Saxton on the outside as the both realise the result. Strikeforce's music hits as the referee raises the hand of Stormrage to declare him the victor.

Harrys: Here are your winners and the NEW WZCW World Tag Team Champions; STRIKEFORCE!

Connor: Wow... they did it! They finally recaptured the titles.

Cohen: If these guys weren't so exhausted, they'd be jumping and parading around. Great effort by these two teams.

Copeland: It was certainly a great match but the moves that these two teams created just to win this match were quite scary; a part of their minds will be left with this match from this night on.
We return to the ring and Chris Beckford, The Internet Warrior, and Black Dragon are all standing in the ring.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the EurAsian Championship. The Champions will face one of 3 opponents to voted by you the WZCW fans. The possible opponents are Chris Beckford, The Internet Warrior, and Black Dragon!

All three men stand ready to fight as "Paper Cut" by Linkin Park plays and Scott Hammond emerges dressed in a referee shirt. He looks around and then walks to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, he is the Special Guest Referee in this contest, Scott Hammond!

Hammond walks up the stairs and climbs into the ring. He greets all three potential challengers and shakes their hands.

The crowd boos as Blade emerges with the EurAsian Title around his waist. He points down towards the ring at Hammond and smiles as we starts walking.

Harrys: And their opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 lbs, he is the EurAsian Champion... Blade!

Blade poses with the EurAsian Title before entering the ring. He stares at all three of his challengers before Scott grabs a mic.

Hammond: Okay Blade. Let’s see who the fans voted to face you here tonight.


Chris Beckford: 33%
The Internet Warrior: 10%
Black Dragon: 57%

Black Dragon appears pleased with the decision. TIW congratulates Dragon as Beckford stares down Blade. Beckford turns to Dragon and shakes his hand, wishing him luck.

Copeland: So the fans have chosen here tonight the mysterious Black Dragon to face the champion Blade in this one on one contest.

Cohen: Yes Seabass, but we see the frustration in Beckford’s eyes after not getting chosen. And I’m not sure about Scott Hammond being referee. He may allow Beckford to attack Blade in this contest, if he’s not already in Blade’s pocket.

TIW has already left the ring as Beckford begins to leave. He walks by Blade who is standing by the ropes and has the middle rope lowered, allowing an exit for Beckford. Beckford stares at Blade and goes to leave, but Blade spits right in his eye. Beckford goes to attack Blade and Hammond quickly gets between the two. He orders Beckford to leave and tells Blade to not instigate him. Beckford listens and leaves the ring as Hammond receives the EurAsian title and holds it before starting the match. Blade and Dragon move around the ring, looking to get a feel for one and other. Both men lock up and Blade quickly twists Dragon’s arm and goes behind him angling the arm behind Dragon. Blade drives an elbow into the shoulder of Dragon and continues to stretch the area. Hammond is in close to hear if Dragon gives up. Dragon with a quick eye gouge to Blades face, follows it up with a Snapmare throwing Blade to the mat. Blade is up quickly. Dragon with a stiff forearm prevents Blade from starting any offense. Dragon with a few strong kicks backs Blade into the ropes. Dragon Irish Whips Blade, Blade reverses it. Dragon comes off the ropes and Blade bends over. Dragon leaps over with a Sunset Flip and tries to roll up Blade for the pin. Blade falls to his knees and instead goes for the first pinfall. Hammond counts 1... 2... Dragon kicks out and slips behind Blade. Blade is still on his knees, Dragon goes overtop his back and rolls Blade forward into a pin. 1... 2... Blade kicks out. Dragon and Blade lock up again. Blade grabs Dragon’s legs and flips him on his back. Blade then flips over Dragon into a pin. 1... 2... Dragon holding onto Blades waist, gets off the mat and lifts himself and Blade to their feet. They twist around with Dragon still gripping Blades waist before Dragon slips his hold around Blade’s neck and turns it into a Neckbreaker. Dragon with the cover Hammond counts 1... 2... Blade kicks out.

Copeland: A lot of pinfalls early in this contest.

Connor: And Hammond has certainly called it down the middle so far in this match.

Blade appears groggy from the spinning as he slowly gets to his feet. Dragon turns and runs and bounces off the ropes. Blade faces him and instinctively goes for a Clothesline, knocking both men to the mat. Blade gets over top of Dragon and starts punching him in the face. Hammond counts to 5 and Blade gets off of Dragon holding both his arms up in the air. Blade turns back to Dragon and starts stomping on him. Blade puts his foot on Dragons neck and holding the ropes with the hands, presses his foot into Dragon. Hammond again counts to 5 and shakes the ropes, breaking Blade’s grasp. Blade shouts at Hammond asking why he’s being this way to him. Dragon has crawled to the corner and Blade walks over to him and gets Dragon to his feet. Blade lifts Dragon up onto the turnbuckle and Blade climbs onto the second rope. Blade grabs underneath Dragon and then throws them both to the mat. Powerslam off the top rope. Blade hooks the leg and Hammond slides for the count 1... 2.... Dragon kicks out. Blade appears angry at the non 3 count.

Cohen: It seems Blade thinks Scott isn’t helping him win tonight.

Copeland: I’ve seen many different wrestlers put on a ref shirt in my time, and Scott Hammond has been fair with his calls so far tonight.

Blade lifts Dragon to his feet and hits a stiff uppercut, backing Dragon to the ropes. Blade backs away past centre and faces Dragon. He charges with a Clothesline. Dragon ducks and lifts Blade over top. Blade turns in mid air and manages to land on the ring apron. Dragon quickly jumps and turns around. Enziguri right across the face of Blade. Blade appears stunned and his body turns as he takes a face first free fall off the apron on the concrete floor. Dragon drops to the mat and slowly rolls out of the ring. He picks up Blade, who is still very much dead weight, and hooks his arm over Dragon’s next. Snap Suplex onto the concrete. Blade holds his back in pain as Dragon rolls over him and lifts his head off the concrete and slams it back down with forearm shots. Hammond counts loudly 7 and then 8... reminding Dragon there is a 10 count. Dragon rolls in and out of the ring to break the count. Dragon picks Blade up and walks him over towards the steel stairs. Dragon starts to run to throw Blade into them, Blade quickly turns to the other side of Dragon to throw him face first into the stairs. Dragon gets his arms down and stops himself. He Mule kicks Blade in the gut causing him to turn around and walk the other way. Dragon chases Blade looking to hit him from behind. Blade turns and lifts Dragon up and turns him 180 degrees, Spinebuster! Dragon rolls on the floor in pain as Blade catches his breath for a minute and then rolls into the ring as Hammond reaches 6. Blade sits... fine about the count out.

Cohen: There is a smart champion. Knowing he can escape with the title with a count out win.

Hammond gets to 7... and then reaches 8 and looks back at Blade. Hammond takes his time and then calls 9. Blade shakes his head and tells Hammond he’ll beat him his way and rolls out breaking the count. Blade lifts Dragon up and swiftly kicks him in the face, knocking Dragon back to the floor. Blade then lifts and rolls him into the ring. Blade goes for the cover. 1... 2.... Dragon just kicks out. Blade is immediately in the face of Hammond arguing the count. Hammond tells Blade he is calling this match fair and doesn't think he is counting slow. Blade and Hammond stare off and Blade turns to continue the attack of Dragon. Dragon slides his head underneath Blades shoulder, Northern Lights Driver, Darkness Falls Finisher out of nowhere. Dragon crawls and pulls his body on top of Blades. Hammond falls down and makes the dramatic count. 1..... 2......3.

Ding ding ding. Dragon raises his arms and stands up off Blade. It is at that moment that Hammond sees and realizes that Blade's foot had been on the bottom rope the whole time. Hammond looks to be contemplating what he should do as the who decision of the match is in his hands. The ring announcer meanwhile has given the EurAsian Title to Black Dragon and is about to announce the winner.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, your winner, and the new...

Hammond takes the belt from Dragon. He then walks to the edge of the ring and takes the announcers mic and speaks.

Hammond: I'm sorry Dragon that I have to do this, but Blade's foot was on the bottom rope. I made a mistake and I can't award you the belt, so I'm changing my ruling to a no decision.

Hammond drops the mic but Dragon appears to want to speak for the first time. Dragon looks to be in full argument with Hammond who is trying to clam his anger. Dragon points at Blade and calls him evil. Blade suddenly spears at Dragon and the two begin fighting each other. Hammond is stunned by Dragon's reaction and does not help either man. The crowd cheers and Chris Beckford suddenly runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. Blade, having gotten the advantage over Dragon stands up to attack Beckford. Beckford with a Rolling Wheel Kick. Blade ducks it and Beckford ends up accidently hitting Hammond. Blade rolls out of the ring to safety as Beckford tries to apologize to Hammond. Hammond appears quite angry and starts attacking Beckford. Many referees run down the ramp to break up the fighting in the ring. Cooler heads eventually prevail and Blade grabs the EurAsian Title and starts walking up the ramp with it.

Copeland: So the end result of this contest appears to be a no decision as Hammond missed Blade's foot being on the ropes.

Cohen: And what has Blade been telling Hammond. Dragon clearly only cared to have the EurAsian Title Hammond as been fighting over a month ago and couldn't take Hammond's "fair calling"

Connor: Hammond appears to be more irate than normal, even attacking close friend Chris Beckford.

Cohen: Heat of the moment CC. Hammond should've helped Blade win at the start of this contest.

Blade is at the top of the ramp and points to Hammond saying he had his chance. Hammond appears quite angry in the ring is on cooler terms with Beckford but still choses to leave the ring alone.
The camera pans around the arena as the lights start flashing with dramatic music as the Cell is being lowered from the ceiling.

Copeland: Well Ladies and Gentleman, on the second anniversary of our debut Pay Per View, we are about to witness our first ever Hell in a Cell match here in WZCW.

Cohen: It’s coming down, Seabass…I can’t believe it’s actually happening.

Connor: This show hasn’t held back so far in terms of being extreme, now I feel it’s going to go up another level.


Copeland: Let’s take you back to show you how this match came about.

Cut back to Apocalypse

Vengeance grabs Titus with the Judge, Jury and Executioner straight onto the title belt that’s still in the ring, he goes for the cover 1……2……3.

Copeland: Ladies and Gentleman, it appears a dark day has come for the WZCW…Vengeance…is the World Heavyweight Champion!

The referee picks up the belt to hand it to Vengeance but Tarja grabs it from him, she walks in front of Vengeance, gets down on her knees and presents the belt to him. Despite the blood pouring from his face, he takes the belt and raises it in the air with a sick smile. He sets himself in a trance as the arena goes dark and lightning flashes around the arena.

Vengeance: I now stand before you as the most feared man on the roster.

Cut to Vengeance coming out on Ascension 17 with the World Heavyweight Championship and Vance Bateman in the ring

But the fact that you would rather see me lose this belt as soon as possible just shows how much you fear me Bateman. No-one wants to face me, I dare you to find the fools who would dare to challenge me!

Bateman: That's all said and done Vengeance, the fact is that while I made a mistake before, I have made an comprimise now. There is a match that WZCW has never had but it is highly renowned amongst the industry for being the most feared match that even the likes of you could not comprehend…at Unscripted, the World Heavyweight Championship will be defended for the first time in...A HELL IN A CELL MATCH!

Cohen: WHAT?!

The crowd works up into a uproaring delight as the hood of Vengeance looks around in sharp motion, seemingly in digust with the reaction to the decision. Cut to shots of the Cell.

Bateman: And the only thing that is currently Unscripted is who your opponent will be.

Cut forward to Meltdown 43

Showtime going for some running offence, which Everest ducks under and lifts Showtime up, landing on the turnbuckle in an uncomfortable position. Everest follows suit to climb up and look for the super backdrop to the floor, he gets Showtime up and goes with the move but somehow during midair, Showtime counters it into a modified Final Act, making Everest land head first. Both men are out of it but Showtime slowly rolls closer to Everest and pushes him onto his back, getting the arm over 1……2……3!

Showtime is up to his feet right as Vengeance emerges in the ring and starts unloading on the victory tonight, he hits the Judge, Jury and Executioner in the mix, taking down the showman, Tarja appears at ringside, grabbing Showtime’s wrist and handcuffing it to the ropes, followed by the other.

Copeland: No Vengeance, come on, he can’t defend himself!

Just as Vengeance turns to face Showtime with a chair in hand and paces slowly over, the lights go out which gets the crowd excited, they come back on and between Showtime and Vengeance stands Ty Burna.

Copeland: Ty Burna is back!

Ty heads over to Showtime, he lifts his head up as Showtime looks angrily at his foe, Ty stands tall and takes a few paces back with a smile, with Vengeance watching. Ty takes a few paces and then hits Vengeance with the Consecrated Banishment which gets the crowd in a frenzy

Ty who looks at Showtime but the sick looking smile remains, he takes a few paces and stands dominantly over Showtime who stands waiting for the attack to happen, only for Ty to drop down to a knee and use the key to unlock Showtime from the cuffs.

Vengeance looks angry from the ring.

Copeland: Has the light starting to crack through the Dark Alliance?

Cut to Ascension 18

Ty: While I have not atoned for my previous sins. I must rid WZCW of Vengeance, and I will go through anyone in my way. What does matter is that Vengeance is stopped.

Titus turns around. Ty is up and hits Titus with the Consecrated Banishment. Ty goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3. Ty rolls onto his knees and the ref raises his hands. Ty climbs onto the turnbuckle and stares at the crowd.

Connor: Ty has won his spot in the four way Hell in a Cell Match.

Vengeance: So that's your great solution Bateman? What other details are there?

Bateman: Just a small one. There will be a fourth person entering the cell, and it very well could be a wild card you weren't expecting as we will have a battle royal for the entire roster. The winner will go on to Unscripted to face you, Showtime, and the winner of tonight's match in the Hell in a Cell.

Vengeance quickly angers and throws the mic down and slams his fist into the turnbuckle once more. He stares down Bateman who doesn't bother to look back at Vengeance.

Cut to Ascension 19

Everest marches down to the ring, with a mad look on his face. He walks around the ring and stares at Vengeance sitting by the Announce table. Standing in the ring is The Crashin Movement, Gordito, Scott Hammond, Chris Jones, Wilhelm Wunderbar, Mark Hancock, Matt Fox, Alex Steele, Tucker Graham, Jordon Lights, Chris Beckford, Phoenix and Blade. Everest marches up the stairs and into the ring.

So Jack, who is your favourite here to win tonight?

Holmes looks at Baez with a scared look on his face. He runs and leaps over the ropes and tries to escape through the crowd. Baez does the same thing, leaping over the ropes and begins chasing Holmes.

Blade has Beckford against the ropes and then falls down and holds both his legs. Beckford is unable to move as Phoenix comes charging at him and knocks him over the ropes with a clothesline. Beckford is eliminated.

Everest lifts Graham over his shoulder and walks over towards the ropes closest to Vengeance. He and Vengeance taunt each other. Graham wiggles and manages to slide in behind Everest. Everest turns and Graham hits a dropkick that sends Everest over the ropes. Everest is eliminated.

Cohen: I don’t believe my eyes. Of all people, Tucker Graham eliminated Everest.

Kurtesy grabs Gordito by the neck and guillotines him off the ropes. Gordito fall back onto the concrete. Gordito is eliminated.

Anderson: Here is your winner..... Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Vengeance is applauding very sarcastically as he climbs up the stair and into the ring. Kurtesy stands up and Vengeance takes him down with a Big Boot. Vengeance picks up Kurtesy and prepares looks to hit Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Ty Burna comes running down the ramp and Vengeance drops Kurtesy. Ty slides into the ring and the two begin to exchange shots. Ty backs Vengeance up to the ropes. Ty goes for an Irish Whip, Vengeance reverses it. Ty comes off the ropes and ducks a Big Boot from Vengeance. Showtime David Cougar runs down the ramps and slides into the ring. Ty bounces off the opposite ropes and goes for Consecrated Banishment. Vengeance quickly maneuvers to the side and rolls out of the ring. Ty instead accidently hits it on Cougar who was behind Vengeance. Cougar had his arms up and managed to block most of the kick, but the force was still enough to knock him on his back. Cougar quickly stands up and gets in the face of Ty, who tells him it was unintentional. They both turn to Vengeance, who is laughing as he walks up the ramp, holding the WZCW World Heavyweight Title.

Connor: There will be no allies when these four men meet inside the cell at Unscripted.

Bateman: If Vengeance fails to defend his title in the Cell, not only does he lose the belt, he loses his job here at WZCW. Vengeance has got himself into this mess, so all it is left for me to show his career highs...

The clips cut inbetween shots of Vengeance, Ty Burna, Showtime and Kurtesy taking shots at each other with the Cell inbetween cuts

Copeland: Who will who will be the World Heavyweight Champion after going through hell?

Connor: There is a three in four chance that a first time World champion will emerge from Unscripted.

We cut back to the arena with the Cell all set in position.

Copeland: Well Ladies and Gentleman, are we about to see a new champion get crowned or will there be four careers cut short after tonight?


Dr. Steven Kurtesy is first out onto the stage with a set of boos from the crowd, he doesn’t focus on them but rather keeps his eyes on the cell. He stands at the top of the stage staring at the structure before slowly nodding and getting himself motivated, feeling ready for lies ahead and continues down the ramp.

Harrys: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is the Hell in A Cell for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing first, representing the Crashin Movement, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 235 pounds, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Copeland: Kurtesy is the first to come in yet he is the probably the least prepared for this match as he only found out just a few nights ago on Ascension that he would be in this match after winning the Battle Royale, how can he fare in his first attempt at the World Title with the stakes so high?

Cohen: Well the man is a master of psychology, he knows that it’s all about the mind games and if he’s got anything to be sure of, is that the Cell is not going to beat him at his own game!

Connor: Not to mention that prior to tonight, only Vengeance and Showtime have been in a World Championship match, but Showtime’s experience was a blimp on the radar as he was unfairly removed from the match. So this is really a first time attempt for him, Kurtesy and Ty Burna while this remains Vengeance’s first ever defence of a championship, can he survive the odds?


The crowd gives a more positive reaction to Ty Burna who makes his way out with his cloak on and Serafina behind him, he stages at the top of the stage with his arms spread out before moving them behind as Serafina takes his cloak and he paces down the ramp, keeping his eyes on the Cell as Kurtesy stands in the ring, waiting patiently.

Harrys: Weighing in at 235 pounds, Ty Burna!

Ty enters the Cell and climbs up the stairs, getting inside the ring before looking around and keeping his eyes on the Cell and Kurtesy.

Connor: Quite possibly the man who wants this victory more than anybody else. Ty Burna had a strong alliance going with Vengeance and now wants to settle the score with what he hopes to be a last stand.

Cohen: Foolish motive, he’s been taught everything he knows by Vengeance, while Vengeance will still have a surprise or two waiting!


The crowd roars in a frenzy as Showtime heads out onto the stage with the lights flashing around, he gives a positive response to the crowd but keeps his sights about the Cell, giving a slight nervous smile before continuing down the ramp.

Harrys: From Winnipeg, Canada, weighing 213 pounds, Showtime Cougar!

He enters the Cell and slides immediately under the ropes, heading over to the furthest turnbuckle to climb up and pose to the crowd before he drops down and stands in the corner, keeping eyes on both Ty and Kurtesy, expecting either to strike.

Copeland: No doubt a fan favourite here, Showtime has really come into his own since defeating Everest to get here, I think Vengeance must view him as the biggest threat to the belt.

Cohen: Yet you say that with the likes of Kurtesy in there, not to mention how much of a dominant champion Vengeance truly is!

There’s a sound of a gong as the lights go out with all eyes focused on the stage with flames coming out, the crowd give a slight boo in anticipation.


As the sound of O Fortuna blast throughout the arena as the flames continue to rise up and down as within the centre and largest flame, Vengeance ascends from the stage in his red and black cloak and the World Heavyweight Championship wrapped around his waist. The flames cease as he takes a few paces forward from where he was standing and then raises his arms in a sudden might as the flames ignite again which has the crowd in silence and his opponents holding their ground as the World Champion heads down the ramp.

Harrys: Weighing 275 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, the man they call Vengeance!

Vengeance enters the Cell with all three of his opponents having left the ring and standing in wait as he ascends the stairs into the ring, stands in the centre as he raises his hands with the lights coming on and the World Heavyweight Title raised high for all to see. He passes the belt to the referee as he removes his cloak and drops it down to one side as Ty, Showtime and Kurtesy re-enter the ring.

Copeland: This is it ladies and gentleman, all that remains is the belt to ring…

Connor: You can cut the tension with a knife.

Cohen: Expect the champion to retain, I can feel it!

The match official raises the belt in the air and presents it to all four competitors and the crowd before passing it to another referee who takes the belt out of the Cell to give to the timekeeper as another ref locks up the Cell with a chain. The crowd are getting excited as everyone waits for the word, the outside ref waves to show the Cell is shut as the official takes a deep breath and signals to ring the bell which has Ty and Vengeance squaring off on one side and Showtime against Kurtesy on the other. Vengeance and Kurtesy have Ty and Showtime against the rope as they unload rights on each other, they go to Irish whip their opponents but Ty and Show reverse it and on the rebound, Ty catches Vengeance with a spinebuster while Showtime uses suplex, both hitting double impact with a good reaction from the crowd. Ty kicks Vengeance to the outside and follows suit as Showtime gets Kurtesy up to his feet and hits out a knife edge chop on the Doctor which gets the crowd chanting “Wooooo!”, he hits another and another before he goes for a gut to be reversed into a dragon screw as he tries to go for the single leg Boston crab in the early going but Show gets to the ropes and Kurtesy lets go and backs away.

On the outside, Ty is choking out Vengeance with a huge boot right on the champion’s throat, who follows by a stomp to the chest, then another, and a third before he paces away for a moment as he turns and is met with a baseball slide from Kurtesy which knocks Ty into the walls of the Cell, Kurtesy slides out and unloads some rights on Ty who’s against the cage wall until Kurtesy slams him head first into the apron. Showtime is back up who proceeds to run and leap over the top rope to land on Kurtesy as all four men are now on the outside with only Ty standing jadedly against the ring edge. Vengeance is up on one knee, as is Showtime while Kurtesy is down for a moment, Showtime is up first and see’s Vengeance going up too, he heads over to his direction and is met with a clothesline from Ty, showing there are no allegiances in the Cell, he turns and is met with a right from Vengeance who then rolls his former ally back into the ring and follows up behind. Ty tries to get back up but Vengeance is quick to run at him with a running kick to take him to the mat, followed by a leg drop to the head, cover attempt, 1…..2…..kickout by Ty. Vengeance gets him up and drags him to the corner before throwing him shoulder first into the ring post. Vengeance paces around as Kurtesy is up and looks at Showtime who’s still on his knees, but opts to go after Vengeance, only for Showtme to grab his dragging leg and pull him back out of the ring, he allows him to get up to get a chance to Irish whip him into the Cell, he follows after with some running offence but Kurtesy moves out of the way and Show’s face meets the steel grid of the Cell.

Cohen: The Cell is starting to feel its victims as Showtime could have busted himself, he should have kept on offence.

Connor: Each men has had a fair amount of attacks on each other, with no obvious allies here so far.

Ty has managed to get himself out of the corner as Vengeace puts his boot on the back of his neck, choking him against the ropes and the ref can’t do anything but Ty refuses to quit and tries to ride the pain until Vengeance lets go with his boot and leaves Ty for a moment as he watches Kurtesy grab a chair from under the ring and immediately smacks Showtime across the forehead with it, Vengeance paces over but Kurtesy stands waiting with the chair which gets Vengeance to keep at some distance only for Ty to be back up and throws Vengeance through the ropes, landing on top of Kurtesy. Showtime is back up and gets Vengeance by the head, he takes him around the opposite side of the Cell and slams his head into the steel steps before ramming him into the side of the Cell as Ty gets to the outside and picks up Kurtesy in a bearhug like move and slams him into the back of the Cell, followed by the ring post and then face slamming him into the Cell once more. Showtime gives Ty a signal as he takes Kurtesy around to the same side and Irish whips him towards Show who takes him down with a clothesline only to turn and walk into a DDT by Vengeance.

Ty gets Kurtesy back up and drags him to the other side but he wriggles out of and shoves Ty into the Cell and then hits drop toe hold to make him fall and land face first into the Cell which gets Ty slightly busted on his forehead as Kurtesy tries to lock a sleeper hold variation with Ty’s face against the metal. Vengeance has Showtime near the door of the Cell, but throws him back into the ring while he looks under for a weapon, he drags out some bolt cutters, followed by another chair, some handcuffs and a large glass plate. He takes the chair and the plate into the ring and places the plate in the turnbuckle between the second and third rope before taking the handcuffs and tries to lock Showtime’s hand on the ropes but Showtime is quick to wriggle out and Vengeance somehow ends up locking himself against the ropes. Showtime grabs a chair and with a smile on his face to the crowd he lets them know what he plans to do, he looks at Vengeance and raises the chair high before swinging it with full might into the face of the champion, he pulls Vengeance from the ropes and goes for a cover attempt, 1……2….. Showtime drops the attempt as Kurtesy climbs in and tries to run at Showtime, going for a spear, but Showtime dodges and Kurtesy ends up hitting the glass plate head first, busting him open.

Copeland: Ouch! How does that make you feel?!

Cohen: Gimmick infringement!

Connor: Kurtesy just went head first into that glass plate and is now bleeding badly!

All men, except Showtime, are down as the wreckage is spreading inside the Cell, Showtime goes around and tries to drag Kurtesy into the ring off the edge but Kurtesy rolls quickly to the outside, holding his face after that situation with the plate. He considers Ty, who’s sitting in the corner of the Cell but chooses to go after Vengeance who kicks out at him. The crowd’s attention turns to the stage as Tarja comes out, holding out some keys, the referee on the outside tries to get her away but she explains that it’s the key for the handcuffs, the official inside the Cell goes over to grab them and paces over to try and release Vengeance as soon as possible while Tarja watches on in concern. What people fail to notice is that Kurtesy has taken the bolt cutters and he’s cut the chain on the door, he gets up to his feet as Vengeance is being released from the cuffs with Showtime waiting, Kurtesy tries to catch his breath for a second or two before he suddenly kicks out at the door, slamming it open and taking out the outside official and Tarja who’s knocked to the floor. Vengeance notices this and has evil intentions in his eyes as Kurtesy realises what he’s just done and turns to see Vengeance who’s just had the cuffs released looking extremely aggressive as he gets up to his feet and goes straight for Kurtesy like a hawk after its prey. Showtime just lets Vengeance go as he goes over to Ty who meets him with a clothesline and takes more to compose. Kurtesy has bolted out of the door as Vengeance follows pursuit, Kurtesy heads around the Cell to the opposite side as he tries to get away but can’t find a way out of the crowd, he grabs the title belt from the title keeper and stands waiting and then runs at Vengeance to knock him down with the belt, only for Vengeance to sit up and Kurtesy looks around in panic, and then looks up and decided to climb the Cell.

Vengeance gets up to his feet and follows the Doctor as the crowd start cheering heavily at the possibility of something about to happen, Ty Burna who’s still busted leaves the Cell and looks at the two men who have reached the roof. He takes a moment to decide but chooses to go after them as Showtime rushes out and knocks his footing to stop him from climbing and tries to go after them but Ty is back up and both men slam each other’s faces against the Cell until Ty takes Showtime’s head and then slams it into the Cell and then drags it against the mesh grating, ripping into his skin and bust him open as well before using a high knee to knock Showtime down. On top of the Cell, Vengeance stands tall as Kurtesy is trying to back away on his back, begging Vengeance to listen to him saying “It was an accident”, Vengeance won’t listen to him and gets him up to his feet with Kurtesy begging for him to let go as Vengeance takes him to the edge of the Cell roof with the crowd getting excited at what’s unfolding, Vengeance then grabs Kurtesy by the throat and then lifts him over his head in a military press and is ready to drop Kurtesy, only that Ty is now reached the top and low blows Vengeance who falls back and Kurtesy gets through unharmed. Ty Burna stands tall, looking at Vengeance and Kurtesy, deciding which to go after, he decides on Kurtesy, he grabs him by the head and takes him down with a solid right before turning towards Vengeance who’s still in pain from the low blow, he gets Vengeance up and drops him with a Russian legsweep before he looks towards the edge that he’s nearest to and makes a signal to the crowd that something is going to happen, during which Showtime Cougar has ascended to the top of the Cell behind Ty’s back while he gets Vengeance back onto his feet, he knocks a right hand which makes Vengenace stagger near the edge as Ty looks primed and ready, he goes for the Consecrated Banishment but Vengeance drops out of the way, Ty turns and Showtime is there and locks him ready for the Final Act off of the Cell!

Copeland: Shades of Apocalypse right here! Don’t do it Showtime!

But Ty elbows the bloodied Showtime out of it and hits the Consecrated Banishment to knock out Showtime on top of the Cell, Ty drops to his knee and knows that he can’t win the match on the roof begins to descend from the top as Vengeance gets back up to his feet. He looks to go after Ty but notices Kurtesy is getting up from the knock he got from Ty earlier. Vengeance immediately heads over to Kurtesy and grabs him by the throat and then locks him ready for the Judge, Jury and Executioner, he tries to lift Kurtesy but he dead-weights it, and for a second time, Vengeance tries for a third time but Kurtesy shoves himself out of it, Vengeance comes at it with pace and Kurtesy uses an armdrag to take Vengeance with momentum over his body and over the beam and onto the roof which breaks and Vengeance falls all the way through to the floor which has the whole crowd in shock as well as Ty who’s watching from the floor below. Kurtesy looks exhausted on top of the Cell and shocked that he just took Vengeance from the roof to the floor, who has yet to move from the drop.

Cohen: I never thought Kurtesy had it in him!

Copeland: My god, I can’t believe it, Vengeance just got literally thrown under that momentum to fall through the roof to the floor, someone get some EMTs!

Connor: I hope he is alright!

Cohen: Vengeance can’t lose the title this way!

Ty Burna walks with a pace to the Cell door and gets inside the ring, he walks over to Vengeance and the referee is telling him to back off from him but Ty goes for the cover and tells him to “Count it!”, 1…..2……kickout by Vengeance. Ty is in shock that Vengeance just kicked out after that fall. He holds his head in his heads and gets up to his feet, worn down, covered in blood, what can he do to defeat his former ally? Suddenly Vengeance sits up and the crowd is in shock, but he is slow up to his feet, using the ropes to get him full vertical as both Ty and Vengeance stand toe to toe, eyes staring intently, knowing this is where things must end as they both exchange rights with Vengeance coming off slightly weaker due to the fall. Ty connects with a couple of rights and then follows with a shuffle side kick to take down Vengeance. He grabs the chair from earlier and slams it a couple of times on Vengeance to weaken him further, he gets his Vengeance up to his feet and leans him into the corner. Ty stands at the opposite corner and looks ready to strike with the Consecrated Banishment, he runs at Vengeance who comes out of the corner and is met with Ty’s finisher, Ty goes for the cover 1……..2…….shoulder up! Ty can’t believe that his finisher wasn’t enough. On top of the Cell, Showtime goes over to Kurtesy who tries to sluggishly get an attack is but is met with a Ratings Crash and both men are laid out flat on the roof as Ty thinks what he needs to do with his former partner. He gets up very slowly as does Vengeance and as Ty turns to face Vengeance who hits a sudden Judge, Jury and Executioner, but he isn’t able to get the cover due to the exhaustion. He eventually rolls over to get an arm over but Ty counters it into the Finale Séance, locking Vengeance tight who refuses to scream but grit his teeth tightly, the exhaustion wears in on his face and reaching out to the ropes doesn’t bring him closer as he’s in the centre of the ring. Vengeance looks exhausted, looking around at where to grab but he eventually turns to look at Ty, who holds the move tight and he lets out a faint smile before he slams his hand to the mat and submits to Ty with the referee signalling for the bell.

Harrys: The winner of this match, and NEW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Ty relinquishes the hold and looks in disbelief as he just made Vengeance tap out for the first time in his life as the referee goes to grab the belt from outside the Cell. The arena looks ransacked as there are weapons and glass all over the place, the Cell broke, Kurtesy and Showtime flat out on top of the Cell and Vengeance with Ty Burna still in the ring.

Copeland: Ty Burna has just done something I never though I’d see do, he’s made Vengeance tap out to become the World Champion. But the look on Vengeance’s face look like he accepted the defeat to his former ally.

Cohen: First Titus, now Vengeance. Last month, these two were fighting over the belt, now they leave on the same night, such a noble defence in a hellacious match.

Connor: This is a match that nobody is going to forget for a long time.

The referee passes Ty the belt as he staggers to his feet and has his hand raised with the title raised high, he can’t believe what’s happened. He spots Vengeance getting slowly up to his feet who stands in front of Ty, slowly nodding his head as a silence airs amongst the crowd until Vengeance drops to his knee and raises his hand towards Ty in an act of respect as Ty goes over to the turnbuckle and celebrates with the belt. Showtime and Kurtesy are slowly rolling towards to roof edge so they can get down but the main focus is on Ty and Vengeance. Both men stand opposite each, knowing what they have been through as the former champion raises his head where the lights go out and sounds of lightning can be heard. The lights come back on and Ty stands alone in the ring with his championship belt with nothing but a smile on his face as Serafina comes out to congratulate her master, he raises the belt one last time in the air before he heads out of the Cell.

Copeland: Well Ladies and Gentleman, Unscripted has been a night of drama, emotion and the sight of two legendary careers end. Something tells me though that I doubt we’ll see the last of them. But on a night that has been nothing but unscripted and we have you the fans to thank you for that. A new era will dawn come Meltdown, it will be strange, but let’s see where WZCW will go…
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