Freedom in america?

Look what happens when someone tries to expose the truth and the republicans are still hateing freedom.

House of republicans ordered the arrest of gasland director Josh Fox today for trying to film the GOP's hearing attacking the Enviromental Protection Agency. Today when people speak the truth they are called being disrespectful to their goverment. When are goverment has been screwing over forever. Does freedom in America really exist these days?Theres more information in that article
I dont get it. He was trying to film the GOP attacking an oversight on water pollution and fracking but the GOP itself said it didnt want to be filmed. I dont see what the problem here is. If a group doesnt want to be filmed it should be. How would you like it if I walked up to you and started filming you while you didnt want me to be there? Listen people there are worse rights being violated than not being able to film who you want when you want. Respect people's privacy and fight for what the founding fathers were willing to die for.
There's really not enough information given here for me to make a truly informed post here. If they, as the government, banned filming, they seem to be well within their rights to at least detain the man. Not much will come of this, and it really has nothing to do with freedom in America if the information is true, it's simply the case of a guy trespassing where he shouldn't be. There are laws about right to privacy and such. Moreso, a vote was taken about suspending the rules on filming, and it was denied.

While the actions were harsh, they didn't trample on his freedom.

I moved this to spam because I really couldn't understand what the OP was saying, so I didn't want this getting hijacked with talks of freedom in other areas.,0,4337363.story

theres a better article

H33l Turn
and I'm not the whose supporting these gas and oil industries damage our enviroment. Your acting like he was filming a person when he was in the privacy of his own home. These people need to be exposed for the damage they are causeing

Associated Press said:
Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker Joshua Fox is arrested on Capitol Hill after trying to film a hearing without the required media credentials.

The Article said:
“The individual removed was not accredited by the House Radio and TV Gallery and had refused to turn off his camera upon request by Capitol Police.”

He was filming without having the paperwork to film the hearing. Not only that, when Police requested for him to turn off the camera he refuses. I don't see what the issue is here.
And I'm not the one supporting these gas and oil industries damage our environment. You’re acting like he was filming a person when he was in the privacy of his own home. These people need to be exposed for the damage they are causing

I'll post this part again just so you have a reminder because I feel that I explained myself pretty well in my last post. Today you’re called a criminal when you try to expose the truth, or people just call you crazy. You keep on forgetting the most important part of the story what he was filming. He was trying to show the damage that these gas and oil industries cause to our environment. We have a right to know if there is damage being done to our environment.
I dont get it. He was trying to film the GOP attacking an oversight on water pollution and fracking but the GOP itself said it didnt want to be filmed. I dont see what the problem here is.

Well that's because you're stupid.

They are a group of publicly elected officials making decisions on something that should be left to the people to be informed on and decide. He's well within his First Amendment rights to film and release. He was on public property doing nothing illegal.
I'm sure if Mr.Fox went through and got all the proper paperwork done and began filming this wouldn't be an issue. You're just overreacting to this article a bit.
If somebody important make a rule and somebody less important breaks said rule, there will be consequences. I don't know why you're complaining.
Google search First Amendment

As you would say the so called more important person was the one breaking the rules by dicussing something we the people have every right to know about. The so called less important person had every right to be there.

I feel like a broken record saying this becaue everyone keeps on forgetting to ask why he was filming.
Who did you vote last election? I mean local election.
Google search First Amendment

As you would say the so called more important person was the one breaking the rules by dicussing something we the people have every right to know about. The so called less important person had every right to be there.

I feel like a broken record saying this becaue everyone keeps on forgetting to ask why he was filming.

Are you ignoring the overwhelming truth that Mr.Fox was not allowed to record in the first place without the proper paperwork.It might be his first amendment right to freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean he is allowed to break the law like he did. Their was paperwork he could have done to prevent an issue like this. But assuming he wanted to make himself out to be a martyr. What part of that don't you understand?


Just because you do something that one person says is agaisnt the law doesn't make you wrong What he was doing was a benefit to the people

I don't care if Mr.Fox was stopping Lex Luthor from taking over the world, the matter of the fact is, he broke the law. His First Amendment rights were not jeopardized, he was just being an idiot and broke the law when he could have easily just went out and got the paperwork done.
I guess you support self-righteous idiots that get arrested so he can get the free publicity that he so desperately needed.

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