Freakish Looking Jillian Hall! Yikes


Dark Match Winner
During last nights raw (3/9/09)

In the Divas champ vs champ match, did anyone see when the cameras panned by all the divas from SD! then went to the Raw side, Jillian Hall looked freakish, like she had one of the worst plastic surgery job ever? her face looked all swollen and/or bloated too. Also, i noticed Rosa face looked all warped-out too, he eyebrows where really stretched upward.
im not sure if someone can get a clip or someting, but if you got it DVR'ed go back and see the SCARY jillian hall. WOW!

don't they notice how plastic surgery has negativly affected candice michelles career? she USED to be hot. Now she is OK (being generious). she'll be gone from wwe in less than a year, i bet

now, i aint much to look at either, but im not a diva
I think Rosa looks ok, but recently Jillian looks like a transvestite! I cant stand to look or hear her anymore.
Ever since Jillian Hall debuted in WWE i thought she looked ugly as fuck, 3 years on my view point has not changed.
I don't think this belongs in the Non-Spam, but ok...

If it was plastic surgery, I think it's terrible. I hate the way the divas are continuously made to seem like nothing but eye-candy. Sure, their matches aren't the very best, but if the focused more on matches and not making themselves look amazing with plastic surgery it would definitely re-spark my interest in Divas wrestling.

If it was the camera then we can't control it...
I've always thought Jillian looked WAY older that what she actually is. Also Rosa I wonder what WWE sees in her?? Candice I thought she looked different in the past, I guess I don't pay as much attention to the divas as I thought I did.
i was more concerned with how Rosa looked. God she looked horrid, i think i whinced when i saw her. I mean seriously theres gotta be hotter woman out there u can hire.

Anyways back on topic

I've never really found Jillian to be hot and add to the fact that she annoys the piss out of me when she opens her mouth doesnt really make me have a great opinion of her. Im suprised the WWE havent released her yet. I think its only a matter of time because shes not great....or good for that matter in the ring.
This is the first time u noticed she has had plastic surgery? lol the woman is a walking billboard for it......and i think wwe should release i didnt see rosa but pending on wat people are sayin im glad i didnt
jillian hall, poor thing, but i dont think she looks as bad as rosa. i dont know, there's something about that chick's face that's just too much botox in the cheek area..

jillian looks like she had her lips over botoxed. aside from her face, she does have a pretty body. she isnt great in the ring, but she isnt bad either. i dont think they'll release her anytime soon

candice michelle on the other hand...she'll be gone soon enough. now, she's only turned 30 but looks like she's 40 something. what happened there?
even the plastic surgery couldn't fix that mess of jilian hall. she was ugly then, shes fugly now. if it wasn't for her comedy relief she'd be out the WWE fed ex status.

Rosa CAN be attractive.

Nothing can save Jillian. She has been ugly since day 1 and they haven't really seemed to hide it (giving her an annoying gimmick) though I will admit her body isn't THAT bad but everything from the neck up is just awful. I personally hope they keep her though because I'm from the area she's from and it's just better this way lol.... not that I'd really see her anyway since OVW isn't broadcast on tv anymore, unless JBL throws Danny Davis enough money to get his 2 tv shows back on (OVW and DSW; DSW is pointless now since none of them are going to WWE soon anyway).
Rosa's alright most of the time but it's weird whats happened to the faces of some of the diva's, Candice Michelle, Jillian Hall looked normal once but it's obvious what happened there and Shelley Martinez used to be fucking hot, seen her face now? Fucking hell.

Yeah anyway I am babbling a little bit.

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