Franky Kazarian is back, but where is he headed?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
This is a bit late (sue me), but obviously the fan-favorite Franky Kazarian returned last week on iMPACT! in an 8-man X-Division tag-team match, teaming with Generation Me & Amazing Red to take on Doug Williams, the Motor City Machineguns & Brian Kendrick. All the dirt sheets subsequently reported that the Suicide gimmick isn't necessarily over, but that Kaz' role in playing him in fact is, so the question remains – and mind you, it's still quite early in terms of his directional potential – where to now for the ol' K.A.Z?

He came out to one helluva pop (as you can relive via the video below), so IMO it's clear that he's still quite over with the fans at the iMPACT Zone.


His return was a nostalgic feel-gooder for sure, but there was no real conceivable foundation laid for an immediate feud from the match, unless you count the pin-fall as that direction, IMO, so the question remains as to where he goes from here? Coupling the pop he received with the fact that he scored the pin-fall victory on Doug Williams to give his team the win in the match, where do you see the future of Franky Kazarian in (the new) TNA? Does he immediately contend for the X-Division title considering he pinned the current champion (clean, might I add), or perhaps feud with someone else on the roster elsewhere who is in need of a heel push against a sure-fire baby-face?

I know a lot of people don't particularly like or care for Kaz, or his character who most consider rather vanilla, but IMO he's one of the better wrestlers in the X-Division right now, and with the strap on Williams, going a little bigger in terms of developing an X-Division with a little muscle mass might not be a bad move as that style of body build is still a little more familiar to what the definition of a pro-wrestler is in this day and age – especially in the new TNA with Hogan & Bischoff running the show. They're not looking for McMahon gladiators by any means, but they do put some emphasis on looking the part, which IMO is one of the most important things for any character to own, are they to succeed in the business.


(1) How do you feel about Kazarian being back?

(2) What direction do you think he heads in the new TNA, and what potential feud or feuds do you think would help continue his progress?

(3) Do you book him in the X-Division, and if so, do you feel his size/body-type fits what is still primarily a rather small (in physical stature) group?
1. kazarian being back to me is awesome and perfect at this point in time because now we know the possibility of him becoming a star is a little bigger plus TNA needs him right now I believe.

2. Since he's getting huge babyface pops I say run with it, let him be the beloved babyface that the girls can scream for but Id say let him be a little more cocky, I'm sure he has it in him, prehaps he should cut a promo explaining his return and talk a little trash too. I suppose he should fued with Williams, Fallen Angel, Suicide (as his polar opposite) and prehaps Red. After he captures and holds the X title for a bit let him look like a fighting champ and them start a feud with a heavyweight guy (maybe Anderson) who will cost him his belt eventually but also inadverdently push him into the world title picture.

3. Push him in the X for awhile and then move him up to the world title scene and capture it eventually. This will also add crediblity to the X title again I believe because people will most likely see it then as a title equal or at least very similar to the world title itself.
I like that he is back because he is a good worker and the suicide gimmick was not a good fit for him. However, getting a pop in orlando does not really mean all that much for who tunes in or not. He is basically going to have to start from scratch and I will be surprised if he goes above x-division anytime soon. His build will definitely help him maintain a prominent role in the x-division though. I doubt they would have booked the match that way if they did not plan on pushing him as top babyface type in the x-division. Since they are into passing torches I think it would be a good fit if RVD did some stuff along those lines with him. If they did decide to bump him to the next level how cool of a tag team would those two make? Then again RVD is not in TNA yet, and who knows if he ever will be, and Kaz is not getting out of the x-division without a legit gimmick/character, which he does not have yet either.
To me Kaz was always one of the best X Division wrestlers. If TNA were smart they could base the entry X Division on him and actually make it matter. Have him fued with Doug Williams over the belt. Just follow what your doing with the Pope. The fans are the reason the pope is getting a push. And the fact WWE released him. Kaz was in WWE for a few months so he qualifies for a Pope like push. After all, TNA wasted his time with the Suicide character for far too long. But before the Suicide gimmick he got a main event push against either Angle or Christian I cant remember for sure.

Last week when he came back I wasent shocked at the pop, but when Petey Williams was mentioned it got me thinking. Why not have Kaz win the belt then fued with Matt Bentley. Most TNA fans know they were a tag team in the early years, I'd love to see that team reunite or fued. But unfortunately I believe TNA will waste Kaz. Hopefully I'm wrong.
I always thought that turning Kazarian into Suicide was a stupid move for the sake of a stupid cross-media publicity stunt. Kaz has got the look and the in-ring skills to be a big name in professional wrestling.

Quite frankly, there's only so far a man in a full mask and body suit that allows for zero facial expression or personality can go in professional wrestling in North America. I suppose you could mention Kane or Rey Mysterio, but in Kane's case, the WWE has reduced the size of his costume gradually over the years and eventually removed the mask altogether, whereas Rey actually lost his mask in WCW. Yes, he's won a world title since then with the mask, but the key difference is that we can still see Rey's eyes and mouth through that mask. If you don't think that's important, ask Sam Raimi why Spiderman's mask either get taken off or torn off constantly in the movie trilogy. Not to mention that Kaz gets a lot of attention from the female fans in the audience because of his looks. Covering him up completely actually sabotaged his ability to get a reaction from the crowd, which is insane. Imagine if WWE tried to make Jeff Hardy wear that thing?

So to answer your questions:

1. I think it's great that he's 'back', or rather that he's back as himself. I think Kaz can be far more successful and far better for the company as Kaz than as Suicide.

2. Feud him with Daniels, MCMG, Lethal Consequences, or someone involved in the 'suicide' angle. Homicide would also be a logical choice given their prior history. That or whoever beat him in his last appearance, which caused him to 'leave' TNA. I can't remember who that was though.

3. Keep Kaz in the X division for now, giving him a few title runs to bring some legitimacy back to the title. Than move him into the heavyweight division down the road.
(1) How do you feel about Kazarian being back?

I'm happy to see Kaz back. When I started watching TNA, he was already towards the end of his first run but I was impressed with what I saw from him. I expected him to capture the TNA World title in 2009 but he had (kayfabe) left the company so that was out the window.

(2) What direction do you think he heads in the new TNA, and what potential feud or feuds do you think would help continue his progress?

Only time will tell but for now, I see him going after the X Division title. Those who have seen him in his last TNA stint would agree that he is credible and having a credible contender is what's needed to bring prestige back to the X Division title belt, which it so desperately needs right now. Kaz can help bring back credibility to the division by having good matches with the X Division wrestlers before moving into the main event scene and wrestling for the world title. It's better to slowly push Kaz and I'm happy that TNA didn't immediately push him into a world title feud.

(3) Do you book him in the X-Division, and if so, do you feel his size/body-type fits what is still primarily a rather small (in physical stature) group?

I think Kaz more or less fits in with the X Division. At first glance, people would argue that Doug Williams doesn't fit in with the X Division but if the quote "it's not about weight limits, it's about no limits" means anything, then I don't see why Kaz shouldn't hang around there for a while. I would book him to have some good matches with the X Division wrestlers especially Doug Williams. Slowly but surely push him and even give him a strong title reign where he can defend the title against the X Division wrestlers who could use the rub. Amazing Red and MCMG instantly come to mind. As champ, Kaz can be very instrumental in bringing back the credibility the X Division once had. I'm very excited to see where Kaz goes from here.
Huge pop? Exaggerate much?

Kaz will still be the same bland, vanilla wrestler with no personality as he was before, so I don't really see this as something to look forward to, nor am I interested in it. Of all the people they could use to push the X Division, Kaz definitely wouldn't be near the top of my list.

But yes, of course you book him in the X Division because he can't be booked anywhere else. He can't get over in the main event, he certainly can't compete against the current overcrowed main event scene. I really don't see his return going anywhere though, personally.. he'll just be lost in the shuffle like so many other wrestlers. It doesn't really seem like they're doing much with the X Division as it is, it's just another WCW Cruiserweight division where the talent is underrated and underutilized.
I am ecstatic to see Kazarian back inside a TNA ring. When he left he was one of the top guys in the company. His feud with Christian really helped to put him on the map and but TNA decided to stick him with the Suicide gimmick. I believe he will be a great addition back into the TNA roster as a whole because he can pretty much challenge for any belt and be a viable contender.

I think for now he will be put into the X division. He has a tremendous work ethic and can really help the X division guys. I would personally love to see him feud with Jay Lethal and Amazing Red. Maybe even have the three have an Ultimate X match against one another. I strongly believe it would bring the house down.

The reason he fits so well into the X division is because of his style of wrestling. The X division is no limits just look at Samoa Joe. I don't think Kazarians size will matter at all unless TNA is trying to turn the X division into a Cruserweights division, which would be a terrible decision in my eyes.

Regardless, I am happy to see Kaz back as himself on the TV.
To me, Kaz has always been the 'ONE'. He is one of the most popular wresters in TNA, has the sickest moveset in the world, fueds with Raven, Roode and Cage put him on the map. He is TNA, Hogan and Bish need to put a rocket on him and send push him too the moon
Kaz will still be the same bland, vanilla wrestler with no personality as he was before


They should think of a new gimmick for him. Not saying that he ain't a good wrestler, but he need that extra bit of charisma to win more fans over.
Hopefully Kaz is headed to the unemployment line. Ugh, the guy bores me to tears. He's an average wrestler regarding in ring ability, but has zero personality and absolutely nothing about him is interesting to me. Of course, reading through this thread I realize I am in the minority group here since most of the posters are excited to have him back. I guess there must be some redeeming qualities about him that I'm just not seeing. I don't know. I was not impressed with him in the past and have not been impressed thus far upon his return.

I feel that there are many others on the TNA roster with much more talent and potential who are interesting who deserve a push rather than Kaz. This past week on Impact, Kaz got a squash victory of Brian Kendrick, who in my opinion, should be pushed to the moon in the X Division. I have never understood the appeal of Kaz and I probably never will.
Kaz bores me, always has always will. The most entertained I've ever been with Kaz was when he was Suicide and that was very mildly entertained. I'm thinking he is going to be the guy to take the X Division title off of Dougie Williams and then have a brief feud with him before moving on to someone else. Honestly Kaz being back does nothing for me, as he is pretty bland and boring and I expect much of that in his return.
I like Kaz, always have. He made a pretty good thing out of a pretty lame angle in Serotonin and his feud with Christian a few years back was damn good. He's certainly a talented worker, always has been, but he just seems to be lacking that extra something to really sell him as anything other than a midcarder for life. I mean he can get fairly over, that's not a problem, he just can't really sell a main event feud unless he's practically being carried.

Not sure where he's headed. My guess would be absolutely nowhere, probably become the newest member of the 40 X-Division wrestlers TNA has employed that get to come out once every few weeks to lose on Impact.
He should have been kept on as Suicide. He had more charisma under that mask than without it and he was more interesting. I can't believe the gimmick was around for 18 months and nothing came of it.

While he is as agile as any X Division guy, he is less interesting than 90% of them. When you have characters like Kendrick and MCMG, alongside solid workers like Williams and spot-monkeys (for lack of a better term) like Amazing Red, Kaz is just another guy with nothing special about him, except remarkable performances in gimmick matches (He was superb in the London Ultimate X and the Genesis ladder match was awesome).
While I don't normally resurrect dead threads often, I do feel this one still holds quite a bit of relevant weight seeing as Kaz just won the X Division title tonight in a three-way match between Shannon Moore and Homicide (Williams' replacement, seeing as he's stranded in the UK unable to fly due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland).

I suppose the answer to the question of where he's headed has been answered seeing as he's the new X Division champion, but considering the flight delays in the UK are likely to extend beyond 7am UK-time tomorrow, how can Williams be expected to return in time to make iMPACT! (which is live tomorrow)? If he can't, do TNA simply not follow up on the fact that he lost the title without ever having had to defend it in the first place? Do they move forward with Homicide, perhaps, or Shannon Moore as potential feud participants instead?

I really liked what they were building with Williams as champion, so I'm a little disappointed Kaz had to win this way (though I am happy he won), so as the story goes, where to from here now? :D

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