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Frank Mir wants to kill Brock Lesnar


Nome is where your heart is
Yep, you read that title correct. From the main page of wrestlezone.

The UK Sun has posted a new, very controversial article including quotes from current UFC star Frank Mir, where he actually reveals that he wants to kill Brock Lesnar in the ring. Below is an excerpt from the article:

"[Brock] Lesnar lost on his UFC debut to Mir, but later defeated the Vegas-born star to win the company's heavyweight world championship.

But ahead of talk about a third possible clash, Mir says he HATES Lesnar and wants him to DIE.

During a radio interview with former WCW commentator Mark Madden, he stormed: "I want to fight Brock Lesnar. I hate who he is as a person.

"I want to break his neck in the ring.

"I want him to be the first person that dies to Octagon-related injuries."

Now I understand there is a shit ton of hatred between these two men, but to go into an interview and say that you want to break Lesnar's neck and kill him is a little bit much. This is also coming from the man who not so long ago was wishing Lesnar well and hoping he would get healthy for his families sake.

Mir does do a lot of these theatrics to be fair, but wishing to kill Lesnar and make him the first Octagon injury related death is really extreme. I think Mir needs to go smoke some pot and chill out. I have lost a ton of respect for Mir just because of these comments and really hope Lesnar comes back better then ever to destroy this punk ass bitch.

However, I do not wish for Mr. Mir to be killed by Lesnar merely maimed. Thought?
If this is straight truth, I think Mir should be suspended by Dana White. MMA around the world is still not accepted everywhere, and for one of their stars to say they want to KILL another opponent is not great public relations. This has probably ended a matchup between these two ever happening, and is a little disgusting on Mir's side.
I was actually shocked and appalled at this. I have never seen this part of Frank Mir and always thought of him to be quite professional. To come out and say that you wish to kill another person is not something that should be taken lightly and it is not something that should be laughed off. It is clear to me that there is a lot of hatred and malice between the two but I don't know how much of it stems from the defeat that Frank Mir suffered to Lesnar. In no way am I trying to say that he is just angry because he lost because we all know how much they hated each other before the rematch. However, this just sounds like sour grapes to me and I would urge Frank Mir to grow up.

I do think that is is going to add fuel to the fire and once Mir deals with Carwin, I fully expect Lesnar to be challenging Mir for the Championship once again.
All i can say is Mir you are a piece of shit and a little punk ass bitch how about you go die and do us all a favor you cock sucking douche nozzle. You are a stupid frat boy looking date rapist son of a bitch. You are just mad because you lost to Lesnar you scumbag and for you to say that about a guy just shows what a little bitch you are i hope Dana fires your ass but at least now we all have a favorite for the Douchebag of the year award.
If this is straight truth, I think Mir should be suspended by Dana White. MMA around the world is still not accepted everywhere, and for one of their stars to say they want to KILL another opponent is not great public relations. This has probably ended a matchup between these two ever happening, and is a little disgusting on Mir's side.

I 100 percent agree. Mir should be not only SUSPENDED, but considered what he needs to do in order to STAY in the UFC.

Since they could possibly fight in the future or NEAR future, for him to say that, that is BORDERLINE conspiracy to murder. Which even borderlines a criminal offense.

It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of these two, this should NOT be taken lightly. It sucks because Carwin would have to cancel his fight AGAIN, but at least it could be Brock and Carwin again and Cain fights the winner..

But Mir should NOT get away with this. AT ALL.
Oh, God... come on, people... haven't you ever heard someone say "I'm gonna kill you" before?

In the eyes of Dana White, this is probably just as severe as when Brock insulted the beer sponsor when he defeated Mir at UFC 100. Everyone is blowing it up like a conspiracy against the world because Mir was talking a ton of shit to hype the fight.

Know what I got out of that comment? I want to see that fight more than ever. I would LOVE to see Mir/Lesnar III and I'm counting the days until it happens. Therefore, Mir's comments were completely effective.

Stop taking this too far, everyone. Smack-talk is just a part of the game. He might have gone a little far, but there's no use in calling your congressman about it.

"I want to break his neck in the ring.

"I want him to be the first person that dies to Octagon-related injuries."

That is more than just saying "I want to kill you". That is crossing the line. UFC is not legal yet in places like New York State because it is seen as a bloodsport still. You know a great way to keep that up? By having one of the stars of the promtion describe how he wants to maime and kill an opponent. Brock Lesnar was in trouble at UFC 100 because of the way he acted, but he never wished harm on someone. THis is different.
It's trash talking.

I don't like Mir, however, I think he knows as much as anyone that Lesnar/Mir III is going to be a huge moneymaker, and it could even top what UFC 100 did. UFC 100 sold a lot of PPVs with how much these two were talking the fight up, and I think people were disappointed when it wasn't so much of a fight, but a brutal schoolyard beatdown by Lesnar. Mir wants people to know that he shouldn't be counted out, and that in the case of there being a potential third fight, that he's going to do everything in his power to make it competitive. He wants people to buy into the idea of there being a third fight between the two. And I hate to bring up this old cliche, but Controversy Does Create Cash. When this fight does inevitably happen, people will point back to these comments saying, "Mir said he'd KILL Lesnar to get his revenge on him!"

I have no problem with the comments at all. Frank's just trying to get the hype machine going now for the Carwin fight. He wants people to get behind him so they'll order the PPV and see if he'll get past Carwin to get to Lesnar. I don't like Frank Mir. I think he looks like someone who would start trouble because he can at a bar, and he's a cocky son of a bitch, but he's otherwise a pretty smart guy. He knows what he's doing here.
Oh, God... come on, people... haven't you ever heard someone say "I'm gonna kill you" before?

In the eyes of Dana White, this is probably just as severe as when Brock insulted the beer sponsor when he defeated Mir at UFC 100. Everyone is blowing it up like a conspiracy against the world because Mir was talking a ton of shit to hype the fight.

Know what I got out of that comment? I want to see that fight more than ever. I would LOVE to see Mir/Lesnar III and I'm counting the days until it happens. Therefore, Mir's comments were completely effective.

Stop taking this too far, everyone. Smack-talk is just a part of the game. He might have gone a little far, but there's no use in calling your congressman about it.

I'm sorry, but i'm really tired of people using the excuse of "It's the name of the game." I'm sorry, but just because stuff like this is "In the game" of UFC, doesn't mean it should be ignored.

To say this is smack talk is just you giving Frank Mir an excuse to have people get away with Shit. Brock didn't get away with it after his fight with Mir, and Mir shouldn't either. It's going to sell tickets anyways.

If I was Brock, whether I was the toughest man alive, I would NOT want to fight Mir because Mir is there to at the least end my career. I know that's ALWAYS a risk, but this is far more extreme.

This isn't just trash talking. He didn't go "I'm going to kill Lesnar" because the term "Kill" has many definitions in todays terms. "I'm going to kill the drink" or someone pranking you and you responding with "I'm going to kill you!" is COMPLETELY different than what Mir said.

This isn't us being to "touchy," it's the simple fact that we all love MMA and the sport, and for people to bring it down like that and bring this HORRIBLE hate to the sport, and in this MANNER, then YES it should be addressed.

If Brock said "I'm going to kill Mir and then his family will have to live with no more Husband and Daddy for the rest of their lives" is that the same as "I'm going to kill Mir." No it's not.

And before you say "Now what YOU said is extreme." Well, there are different levels of extremes for everyone. But there's usually a common fine line.

He said he wants to kill him and went into detail on how he wants it to happen.. Period.

This as stated before by someone will be BAD for UFC, so yes, Dana should address it.
This isn't just trash talking. He didn't go "I'm going to kill Lesnar." For you and others to say that it's the same as what Brock said is VERY ignorant. This isn't us being to "touchy," it's the simple fact that we all love MMA and the sport, and for people to bring it down like that and bring this HORRIBLE hate to the sport, and in this MANNER, then YES it should be addressed.

I think this all comes down to exactly how sensitive you want to be about this subject. You already said it yourself... it might be about being "touchy."

While I totally see where all of you are coming from, you all need to remember that this is a sport of pugilism. Men climb into a cage and beat the living shit out of each other, only to be stopped by a referree. This sport will always be viewed as overly brutal due to the amount of injury, blood, and violence the sport portrays.

Along with this violence comes testosterone-pumped trash-talking. Some guys keep it professional like GSP. Other guys take things a little far, just like Frank Mir did. If you recall, B.J. Penn finished one of his fights, got on Joe Rogan's microphone, and said, "Sean Sherk, you're dead..." Now, I don't remember a whole lot of backlash coming from that comment, except it definitely sold their true disdain for each other and sold a lot more tickets in the upcoming fight between the two combatants.

Now everyone wants to crucify Frank Mir because he went down the same route, except he gave a few details on what he wants to do with Lesnar? First of all, as it's been stated before, Mir has always been a well-behaved professional in the sport of MMA. However, he's always been a smart business man. While this current stance that he's talking is very out of character for him, it's obvious that he's showing his business side by taking trash-talk to a new level. He's a very disciplined 2nd generation martial artist. I highly doubt that he has murderous tendancies, and I think the majority of the crowd feels the same.

So, in the end, what he said was wrong. But I really think we're taking it too far in this thread. If BJ Penn can say something similar about Sean Sherk and get away with it, Mir should be treated the same.
TM hit the nail on the head. This isn't "trash talk." This isn't people being "touchy." This is over the line.

The fact is that one of UFC's claims to fame is the fact that, unlike boxing and pro wrestling, nobody has ever dies as a direct result of an injury sustained in a fight. To wish this on Brock is basically for Mir to say that he cares so little for the UFC that he'd like to see both its most marketable star go away AND see a UFC's first permanent black eye in terms of an in-ring or fight-related death.

If I am Dana White right now, I'm fairly livid.
I think this all comes down to exactly how sensitive you want to be about this subject. You already said it yourself... it might be about being "touchy."

While I totally see where all of you are coming from, you all need to remember that this is a sport of pugilism. Men climb into a cage and beat the living shit out of each other, only to be stopped by a referree. This sport will always be viewed as overly brutal due to the amount of injury, blood, and violence the sport portrays.

Along with this violence comes testosterone-pumped trash-talking. Some guys keep it professional like GSP. Other guys take things a little far, just like Frank Mir did. If you recall, B.J. Penn finished one of his fights, got on Joe Rogan's microphone, and said, "Sean Sherk, you're dead..." Now, I don't remember a whole lot of backlash coming from that comment, except it definitely sold their true disdain for each other and sold a lot more tickets in the upcoming fight between the two combatants.

Now everyone wants to crucify Frank Mir because he went down the same route, except he gave a few details on what he wants to do with Lesnar? First of all, as it's been stated before, Mir has always been a well-behaved professional in the sport of MMA. However, he's always been a smart business man. While this current stance that he's talking is very out of character for him, it's obvious that he's showing his business side by taking trash-talk to a new level. He's a very disciplined 2nd generation martial artist. I highly doubt that he has murderous tendancies, and I think the majority of the crowd feels the same.

So, in the end, what he said was wrong. But I really think we're taking it too far in this thread. If BJ Penn can say something similar about Sean Sherk and get away with it, Mir should be treated the same.

"Sherk your dead" also can have different meanings. It could mean "I just beat you" or "i'm going to beat you." VERY different from "I WANT BROCK TO DIE IN THE OCTAGON."

Are you sure it's not US being too touchy and you being too linent? What happens if Mir faces Brock, and Mir puts Brock in a choke and ends up breaking his neck from it? Or even get him in a leg lock again and Mir break Brock's leg to a point he can't walk straight anymore? What if this triggers BROCK to want to retaliate. Is it going to take someone to ACTUALLY follow up on their words before we do anything about it?

If TYSON said "i'm going to bite the shit out of Holyfield" if they fought again, you think people would go "Oh he's just trash talking." They'd probably pull Tyson out of the fight because he HAS bitten Holyfriend before. If someone wants to "Trash talk" in that manner, then it means he's REALLY capable of doing that. Mir is a dangerous man.

This is a wrestling forum. I know trash talk. This is REAL talk. This isn't Mir going "I'm going to choke him out and then laugh in his face while he struggles to his feet." He said "I want to END his life." There was no metaphors in this and THATS what you need to see. It was straight forward. Hoping someone dies in the octagon isn't a metaphor for ANYTHING.
TM hit the nail on the head. This isn't "trash talk." This isn't people being "touchy." This is over the line.

The fact is that one of UFC's claims to fame is the fact that, unlike boxing and pro wrestling, nobody has ever dies as a direct result of an injury sustained in a fight. To wish this on Brock is basically for Mir to say that he cares so little for the UFC that he'd like to see both its most marketable star go away AND see a UFC's first permanent black eye in terms of an in-ring or fight-related death.

If I am Dana White right now, I'm fairly livid.

THAT'S a great point. It shows he cares nothing for the UFC. Tito Ortiz is the most decorated trash talker, or Rampage, and they all draw with what they say. But when have they said they wanna KILL someone in this manner. I don't even think Rampage or Rashad said anything.
No it is not us being to touchy he didn't just say i want to kill you he went into detail about how he wants to kill him when he went into talking about how he wants to break Lesnar's neck and what makes it a really dick thing to say is that Lesnar really almost died a couple a months ago so it really shows what a gigantic piece of shit Mir is i never liked that *********** and i hope Mir gets Sodomized with a tire iron.
Frank Mir, in plenty of interviews before this, when talking about Lesnar's health, he would always mention how Lesnar is a man with a family and that he wishes him the best of luck in his recovery. Those interviews did not get people talking. Those interviews were ignored by everyone. Why? Because that's not what people want to hear. THIS, however, has EVERYONE talking and listening to Mir. So, whose fault is that, really?

Besides, deep down Mir is the classiest of class in the sport. He only puts on this ******** act to talk people into the seats. If he and Lesnar fought, let's say Mir catches Lesnar in an arm-bar and Lesnar taps, I GUARANTEE Mir would let go immediately. He wouldn't break it.

Actions speak louder than words. Mir has never intentionally tried to seriously hurt an opponent, and I don't think he ever would. However, what Mir does do is run his mouth, to get people interested in what he's doing. Does this cross the line? A little, maybe, but let me say this... if Mir and Lesnar fight in July/August, it will be the biggest grossing fight in history, and it will be because of comments like this. So, while you can claim this crosses the lines, the fact is that people are now back to being interested in the thought of a Mir/Lesnar rematch, whereas before it didn't matter much to them.

Moreover, I think the REAL reason Mir said this... after his 2nd fight with Lesnar, Lesnar was the bad guy. But now with Lesnar's illness and "comeback," he's obviously going to get a lot of sympathy from people. So Mir, being the thinking man that he is, has to decided to play the bad guy. And that's all he was doing in this interview. It was nothing to be taken to heart, because like I said, when the time comes, Mir would not intentionally ever seriously injure an opponent once the fight if officially over. Never. And if for some reason he did, then and ONLY then, then you criticize the man.
This was a classless act by Mir, I knew he hated Brock and I knew Brock hated him but that was based on proving who the better MMA fighter actually was, basically pre match hatred but Mir proved to me that he hates Lesnar on a personal level and wants him to die in the Octagon.

If it were the WWE it would be acceptable being scripted and all but this is considered a real sport not sports entertainment. That's like Carter telling Bosh he wants him to die by a basketball hitting him on the head. Lesnar got punished for insulting beer and we all know how much Dana cares for Lesnar, Mir just crossed the line and well in TNA it's good but in UFC it leads to horrid consequences. I personally hope Mir gets suspended , I hate him already, now I have a legit reason to hate him.
No it is not us being to touchy he didn't just say i want to kill you he went into detail about how he wants to kill him when he went into talking about how he wants to break Lesnar's neck and what makes it a really dick thing to say is that Lesnar really almost died a couple a months ago so it really shows what a gigantic piece of shit Mir is i never liked that *********** and i hope Mir gets Sodomized with a tire iron.

Whereas I feel this is a little to much, it in no way means I agree with what Mir said. Mir proved with these comments that he is a huge hypocrite regardless of if it was trash talk or not. To wish a man well and then turn around later and say that you want to make him the first octagon related injury is a truly classless act. Now I do agree with JMT that before these comments Mir was a classy guy, he just always says stupid things like this. My personal view on the man has gone down.

If I am Dana White I have to be shaking my head and embarrassed as hell that one of my top guys would say something like this the way he did. In no way will Mir be suspended or fired, which he should not be fired and whoever thinks that needs to shut the fuck up, but I am sure Dana will be all over Mir's ass now. And I would expect some sort of apology just like Lesnar did when the whole beer thing happened.

All in all this just makes me that much more excited for Mir/Lesnar 3 whenever it goes down. The heat between these guys and the fuel that has just been added to the fire is going to make for one hell of a fight. And like I said before I don't hope for Mir to die but I do hope Lesnar makes him his little bitch.
Just to give everyone a quick update, here's what Dana said about Mir:

"Frank Mir is a fucking idiot! I have never heard something so unprofessional and idiotic in my life."

Obviously he isn't happy. Again, I think Mir was just trying to sell the fight and he really isn't going to try to legitimately end Brock's career/life, but I see where Dana's coming from. The last thing he needs is for some journalist who has a vendetta against him or the UFC (Loretta Hunt, Steve Cofield) to spin this negatively.

Mir's wife said the following:

"Frank will be making a statement this afternoon from the UFC headquarters. Frank is disturbed by the reaction to his comments regarding Brock Lesnar. Frank is a warrior and an ambassador for this sport. After his statement, he will not be speaking about Brock again, and will choose to instead focus on his next opponent, Shane Carwin."

"Frank is disturbed by the reaction." Even Frank's wife is trolling the MMA community.
From USA Today:

Four days after scorning it, Frank Mir joined the bandwagon of cookie-cutter responses.

The former heavyweight titleholder raised hackles with officials at the Ultimate Fighting Championship after saying he would go into a fight against Brock Lesnar with death on his mind. Now the company has forced Mir to eat his words in an press release issued by UFC today:

"I would like to apologize to Brock, his family, the UFC and the UFC fans for my stupid remarks. I respect Brock, all the other fighters, and the sport of mixed martial arts. I'm sorry that I stepped out of line."

It's a dramatically attitude from the one that Mir exhibited during an interview last Friday with Pittsburgh radio station WXDX. At the time, Mir disdained carefully-worded statements designed to avoid offense:

A lot of individuals are so worried about being politically correct. I'd rather go ahead and say what's on my mind than to sit there and come up with some PC 'Oh, the guy is a great fighter and I have a lot of respect for him.' If I don't mean it, why is it even coming out of my mouth?

Apparently because that's what the boss wants to hear. UFC President Dana White — who has been through his own controversies about ill-chosen words — earlier today upbraided Mir as an "idiot" for his "unprofessional" comments. The official statement released in his name a few hours later struck a calmer tone:

"I was disappointed by Frank Mir's comments. ... I think his emotions are running high right now, he has a big fight coming up next month and he's still upset about his loss to Lesnar. He's been talked to, he regrets what he said, and he won't be saying anything like that again."

In saying that he thinks of Lesnar dying "from Octagon-related injuries," Mir merely rephrased the usual "I want to kill him" cliche often uttered by athletes in contact sports. It's always hype — did anyone believe that Mike Tyson truly wanted to feast on Lennox Lewis' children?

Yet White has a legitimate concern. Mixed martial arts still smacks of barbarism for many casual observer, even those who tolerate violent enterprises with more dangerous collisions, such as football, hockey and rugby. An ex-champion calling for a fatality won't help the image of an activity that remains unsanctioned in most of the world, not to mention the most populous city in the United States.

Perhaps now Mir can simply focus on his real fight. He faces Shane Carwin at next month's UFC 111 show for an interim heavyweight belt. Lesnar can wait.

No shock here, UFC is doing some damage control. Mir needs to understand where the line is ad why it's important not to cross it. Usual stuff, and it will be a non-issue until they fight.
Mir is very good at hyping fights and never cares about looking like a dick, whether he means what he's saying is how he really feels or not. Sure it's out of line, sure it's stupid, but does anyone really think he honestly wants to end the mans life? Mir is a pretty intelligent guy and in this particular case he mouthed off a little too much. I seriously doubt Mir would like to make Lesnar's children orphans and his wife a widow. He was doing his usual shit talk and went a little too far. Understandable how some could be put off by his comments, but it seriously shouldn't be taken too seriously by anyone.

He knows that Lesnar has helped his career more than anything or anyone ever could have. Mir is a tremendous talent and always has been, but Lesnar has pushed the man more than anything ever has. It's arguable that Mir wouldn't have even gotten a shot at Nog's interim title if he hadn't beaten Lesnar. They are both very important to each other and they have tremendous chemistry. The have a legitimate feud, something that mma could always use more of.

It does seem dumb though to piss off someone like Lesnar. He damn near destroyed him the first time, he did destroy him the second time, and I can't see the fight going much more different than the second one. It is extremely interesting though seeing Mir's new found confidence in his stand up and his weight gain. Who knows if it will work for him or against him.
In saying that he thinks of Lesnar dying "from Octagon-related injuries," Mir merely rephrased the usual "I want to kill him" cliche often uttered by athletes in contact sports. It's always hype — did anyone believe that Mike Tyson truly wanted to feast on Lennox Lewis' children?

I wished I would have remembered that yesterday.

I mean, seriously... Mike Tyson is one of the most popular sports figures in history, and those words above actually came out of his mouth (which is ten times worse than anything Mir said in his interview). The result? When the Tyson/Lewis fight happened, it was the highest grossing fight of all time. And you can site that interview Tyson did with Jim Gray as mainly why.

I can't say enough how much love and respect I have for Dana White, but I do have to point out the irony in him calling someone an idiot based off a harsh remark. The fact is, if Frank Mir called someone (either it be Brock or a news reporter) a "******," he'd be getting just as much, if not more, flack as Dana got when he uttered that word.

Anyway, I still stand by my original post... people made this a much bigger deal than it should have been. However, at the same time... I don't blame Mir for apologizing.
I wished I would have remembered that yesterday.

I mean, seriously... Mike Tyson is one of the most popular sports figures in history, and those words above actually came out of his mouth (which is ten times worse than anything Mir said in his interview). The result? When the Tyson/Lewis fight happened, it was the highest grossing fight of all time. And you can site that interview Tyson did with Jim Gray as mainly why.

I can't say enough how much love and respect I have for Dana White, but I do have to point out the irony in him calling someone an idiot based off a harsh remark. The fact is, if Frank Mir called someone (either it be Brock or a news reporter) a "******," he'd be getting just as much, if not more, flack as Dana got when he uttered that word.

Anyway, I still stand by my original post... people made this a much bigger deal than it should have been. However, at the same time... I don't blame Mir for apologizing.

Yeah but if your Mir i don't think that you wanna be following in the footsteps of Mike Tyson that's not a good Career move. So if Mike Tyson does it that makes it ok well if that's the case maybe next Mir will come to the Carwin fight with a giant tattoo on his face. It is a big deal you can't talk like that i mean its ok to say i wanna beat whoever's ass that's ok but to say you wanna kill someone by breaking there neck that's stupid and it hurts the sport of MMA which is still thought of as barbaric by a lot of people and stupid ass comments like that don't help it at all.
Really known of this fallout surprised me, besides Frank Mir's wife talking. Dana White was obviously pissed as many of us assumed he would be. If I were in his position I would be pissed off as well. Your in the process of trying to get MMA real recognition, which is not easy considering many peoples view of it being "human cockfighting" and suddenly you get news that your second biggest Heavyweight, who has a storied past with Lesnar, is saying he wants to break his neck and make him the first octagon related death. Not something I would want to wake up to and have to answer questions about.

I find Mir's wife getting involved a bit interesting. She really doesn't need to say anything and should stay out of this current mess. Let her man do the talking. Also, this apology is obviously insincere but I don't care about that. In fact, I could care less if Mir apologized at all. He really does live up to the dick persona to a T. It would have been nice to see what Lesnar would have countered with, maybe we still will. Hopefully, Lesnar goes that route of saying he is going to F-5 Mir's wife and child, if he has one. i kid, I kid.

All this has really done is ruffle feathers and get people more excited for the third match whenever it goes down. Mir likes to run his mouth and even if it was a terrible and classless way, he did a great job of creating that much more hype for this fight when it happens.
Brock Lesnar's camp finally responds to Frank Mir's comments:

"Frank Mir wants murder? The beast is now even angrier than last time. It's okay, Frankie ‘The Stalker’ Mir could use another beatdown. Except this time, it will be more vicious. The Champion hopes Frank Mir makes it past Shane Carwin. Frank may never be able to fight again after the third fight is over. Expect the unexpected Mr. Submission Man, you may leave without an arm."


The thought of Lesnar catching Mir in a submission is the funniest shit I've heard in a while. If Lesnar has any chance of winning a 3rd fight against Mir, then he better focus on how he won the 2nd fight, which of course is ground and pound. It's either that or laying and praying, because if Lesnar tries to work submissions on Mir, he'll get sweeped so fast that big ass head of his would explode. And of course on the feet Mir is LOADS better than Lesnar, but I doubt we see much striking, unless Mir is somehow able to stop Lesnar from taking him down.

Anyway, I'm sure nobody expected anything different from Lesnar's camp. No way he would ever take the high road, yet Mir's going to of course remain the person being blamed for everything. But whatever... it'll just be real fun to see these two mix it up again when the time comes for it.
It's all a bunch of misplaced smack-talk, methinks. None of it to be taken seriously, well, except for Mir's desperation. Mir has spent the better part of last summer convincing himself that he didn't, in fact, get beaten to a literal pulp and receive a manually-installed clown nose that would make Pennywise blush. All courtesy of one asshole-ish Mr. Lesnar. I'm not a Brock fan...but Mir isn't doing himself any favors with this stuff. Do I think he'd fare better now with his added weight? Maybe. However, he is going to have to jump through some hoops to get there. Carwin is no small hoop, either. I think his vision should be focused on his next fight and not on a guy who won't be back until July or August at the earliest.

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