France Is Sooooo Secular, Anti-Semitic Acts Soared 75%!


crafts entire Worlds out of Words

Mr. T pities the Anti-Semitic foo's.

PARIS – A group founded to protect France's Jewish community says anti-Semitic acts in France soared 75 percent last year — many coming as Israel pressed an offensive against Hamas in the Middle East in January.

The Jewish Community Protection Service tallied 832 anti-Semitic acts in 2009, up from 474 a year earlier. Most involved graffiti and threatening gestures; about 17 percent involved vandalism and violence.

The group said Wednesday that 354 took place in January 2009 alone, when Israel ended a three-week offensive against Palestinian militant group Hamas in response to rocket attacks from Gaza.

France is home to western Europe's largest communities of Muslims and Jews. Flare-ups of anti-Semitic acts have often coincided with Mideast violence.

Congrats, France.

Prime Minister Sarkozy has been pushing to ban the Burqa, a traditional Muslim head to toe covering, because it doesn't mash with France's

national values of secularism and gender equality.

Mmhmm. Okay, that's cool. Totally ******ed, and totally doesn't make any sense, but whatever.

But now look at this. France's "anti-Semitic acts" or, as we Americans can read, Hate Crimes, jumped 75% this year. That's a humongous jump. France is now so secular, they hate the Jews. No one hates the Jews.

I thought France was liberal? So liberal, in fact, that they welcomed everyone? That they didn't want to get caught up in the American hatred and Imperialism?

Sorry France, you've caught the Hate Bug, if I may be so crass. You refuse Muslim women their right to wear a Burqa if they so please. And now, your anti-Semitic acts have jumped from 474 acts last year to 832 acts in a year.

I don't care how much Israel is pissing you off, I don't care how scary the big bad Muslims in Afghanistan are. You don't translate that into violence against the Jews in your homeland, or hate toward the Muslims that share your street.

But, you know. France is secular! Hurray!

Is France a nation of hypocrites, as I claim? Or am I just overreacting? Stake your claim.

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