Fox's Interest In WWE


There've been rumors floating around for the past few weeks, though the rumors have intensified the past few days, that Fox is really interested in securing WWE to a television deal. Some of the rumors over the past few days that've come out include Fox offering WWE $400 million for the TV rights, they're currently getting $235 million a year from NBC Universal, that Raw will go back to being 2 hours and that Fox will drop the UFC. There have even been rumors that Fox is interested in outright buying WWE so it may all be true, none of it may be true, some of it might be, etc.. Reports have stated that Raw would be broadcast on the Fox network while SmackDown Live would be broadcast on FS1. WWE will be free to negotiate with Fox, or anyone else for that matter, this spring and their current deal with NBC Universal doesn't expire until late September 2019. So, there's a lot of time in which WWE can finalize a deal.

WWE's in a stronger position now than it was when it signed its current deal with NBC Universal. The company is making more money than ever, it's frequently reported on by the likes of Sports Illustrated, CBS and ESPN, it draws more viewers than MLB, NBA on TNT/TBS, NHL, soccer and UFC, Raw and SmackDown Live are two of the biggest and most consistent draws on cable. Of course, this also opens up potential problems for WWE if it does sign with Fox and if Raw doesn't draw what they hope on the Fox network itself. As a result, it's entirely possible that Fox executives will step in and demand that changes be made, especially if they wind up paying $400 million a year. At the same time, however, there aren't a lot of shows on TV, whether on the broadcast networks or cable, that draw the sort of huge numbers of 10 to 20 years back.

As far as Fox dropping the UFC, it's possible as the show on FS1 isn't much of a draw and the novelty of the UFC on Fox specials has long since worn off, I think the last UFC on Fox only drew like 1.5 million viewers and the show on FS1 only averaged about 870,000 in 2017. A lot of big draws, like Lesnar, Rousey and McGregor, are either working with WWE or, in McGregor's case, is focusing on interests outside of MMA.
Raw becoming 2 hours means that finally Smackdown can be equal to Raw again. Both shows benefit from this. But it's not really my company to care for, nor am I in a position to have an opinion on this.

All I can say is that 2-hour Raw and an equal to star power Smackdown, is always better than three hours of Raw and a shitty SmackDown.
The Fox deal is interesting, but at this time it’s all speculation. Raw returning to a two-hour format will not necessarily yield an uptick in quality. Yes, it will cut out filler and force creative to be smarter with time. The reality is that cuts will happen and quality will more or less stay the same. Perhaps those watching Raw live will be relieved. I’ve personally been watching a two hour Raw for years now thanks to the magic of a DVR and the discipline to not read spoilers.

The crusierweights and the women stand to lose the most. They seem most likely to be cut from Raw to make time. It also could affect the women and create more of the multi-man scenarios that we’ve seen lately.

Fox pumping several hundred million more into WWE is great, hopefully the pressure to succeed in ratings brings more compelling stories. Unfortunately it also decreases their ability to take risks as they will need to maintain ratings without a decrease. This is all speculation though. There’s no guarantee anything will change. The move to Fox may prove to be business as usual, it may bring about that new golden age we’ve been waiting for since the Monday Night Wars ended. Hard to say.

Two hour Raw is most likely an improvement, but it’s unlikely to be a Godsend. They may cram more into two hours, they very well could cut the cruiserweights to 205 Live and they could scale the women back to make way for Steph emasculating whoever is the GM and more time for people to see how strong Reigns looks.

It’s hard to say. Nothing about this potential and unconfirmed change really tell us one way or another. Change is good, though it remains to be seen if change is for the better or worse, and hopefully it’s the former.
I'm actually for this. It's reported that Raw would go back to a 2 hour format which is a good start for that show as 3 hours is just too much. Eliminate the meaningless segments and fluff and put on a quality show. WWE has been on USA forever, so I'm sure they can afford to put out lazy efforts but if moving to FOX, WWE is going to have to step up their game and hopefully with the money that comes in can bring back things needed to make shows feel important like pyro, set design for PPVs, etc. The cheap plugs and tv shows that are promoted will continue except it will just be FOX tv shows instead of USA tv shows. The only thing I have a question on is for Monday nights during the time slot of 5p-8p or for you eastcoast people 8p-11p. On the westcoast, 5pm is the news so I wonder how they will get around that. They may have to have 1 hour news segment from 5p-6p and Raw starts immediately after from 6p-8p before their tv show Lucifer starts. If this changes some things for good and means WWE stepping up in programming I hope this happens. Knowing Vince, having Raw on a primetime big network would stroke that ego pretty good
No on the west coast it would be an slight tape delay 8-10pm due to Fox stations having their local news at 10pm.
It would be hard to break up a 30+ year relationship with NBC/Universal. Right now, that relationship is very good. It ill take a spectacular offer to get WWE away from NBC/Universal. But, it will also contain spectacular risks for WWE. Remember, Fox right now just shed a bunch of their Networks to Disney to concentrate on Sports and News. However, Rupert Murdoch is nearing 90. His sons are very much in the Millennial vein. Once the old man passes away, what is stopping Fox from dumping WWE programming as "unsuitable for children"? If they go on Broadcast TV for the first time since 2010, there will be a hell of a lot of pressure to REALLY dumb down the product. Sure, the ratings will probably be up there and steady. But, advertisers still regard Pro Wrestling fans as the proverbial "trailer trash", and will run from it regardless of the ratings.

It will be very interesting how this all plays out. However, I do not see the relationship between WWE and NBC/Universal ending anytime soon.
However, Rupert Murdoch is nearing 90. His sons are very much in the Millennial vein. Once the old man passes away, what is stopping Fox from dumping WWE programming as "unsuitable for children"? If they go on Broadcast TV for the first time since 2010, there will be a hell of a lot of pressure to REALLY dumb down the product.

Fox is the home of Family Guy and Married With Children, they're not worried about having a squeaky clean image. Also Millennials grew up watching Stone Cold and The Rock, so I don't know why you think they'd be interested in a kid friendly product. Young wrestling fans desperately want the company to return to an Attitude Era style product but Vince likes toy merch sales too much.
However, Rupert Murdoch is nearing 90. His sons are very much in the Millennial vein. Once the old man passes away, what is stopping Fox from dumping WWE programming as "unsuitable for children"?


or in essence, it doesnt matter as long as they bring money.

Plus, in PG rating WWE dont think they would have too much problem.
Fox is the home of Family Guy and Married With Children, they're not worried about having a squeaky clean image. Also Millennials grew up watching Stone Cold and The Rock, so I don't know why you think they'd be interested in a kid friendly product. Young wrestling fans desperately want the company to return to an Attitude Era style product but Vince likes toy merch sales too much.

I would be more worried about it being kiddie-friendly if Disney bought WWE, rather than Fox buying WWE.
I heard during the week that a US media company (can't remember which one) put in a massive bid for SKY in the UK, which would thwart the Fox/Disney Deal. Fox has the rights to WWE here in Australia, so there's no reason it couldn't happen in the US. Also, it's live at midday here, and is rated PG, so I can't see any problems in the US, no matter which network picks it up.
However, Rupert Murdoch is nearing 90. His sons are very much in the Millennial vein. Once the old man passes away, what is stopping Fox from dumping WWE programming as "unsuitable for children"? If they go on Broadcast TV for the first time since 2010, there will be a hell of a lot of pressure to REALLY dumb down the product. Sure, the ratings will probably be up there and steady. But, advertisers still regard Pro Wrestling fans as the proverbial "trailer trash", and will run from it regardless of the ratings.

I don't think that'll be much of an issue, as others have pointed out. Fox is a network that's known for controversial shows that aren't exactly kid friendly. When Married with Children hit the air waves 30 years back, parent groups were going nuts as they wanted it off the air when all they really did was help grow the show's audience. Compared to modern animated shows like Rich and Morty, Robot Chicken or pretty much anything on Adult Swim, the Simpsons are quite tame but people went nuts when Bart Simpson said stuff like "damn" or "ass." Fox also introduced Ally McBeal back in the 90s, Family Guy is every bit as "unsuitable for children" as any show to air on a broadcast network in history. Fox also airs Lucifer, a show in which the Devil is the main character and is portrayed in a positive light.

There have been vastly more offensive shows "unsuitable for children" on Fox that've featured content far more raunchy than anything WWE has ever done. Rupert Murdoch is a Republican but he's only a Republican on fiscal matters, social conservatives hate his guts and social conservatives have especially been the ones that've always criticized Fox's biggest shows, whether live action or animated. What Murdoch cares about is money and as long as WWE would make his network money, that's what's important.

While it's true that WWE, or pro wrestling as a whole, is never going to be seen as high brow but Fox isn't exactly known for high brow entertainment. Pretty much the only network on TV, at least here in America, that offers anything resembling high brow entertainment is PBS.
modern animated shows like Rich and Morty

Is that Ricks cousin from another dimension? Is he Ricks clone? Did he took Rick place after Rick dies in alternate timeline? So many questions here. :lmao:

Anyway, Married With Children was 90s. It passed back then and ride that controversial way to prolong the stay on TV because after controversy ratings were actually up because people wanted to see what it is about. Now in this PC times it wouldnt fly that good. HBO and Netflix maybe, but FOX no way. Though, as I said WWE is PG content now. No "raunchy 90s" no hardcore so it would fly well with any network.
Is that Ricks cousin from another dimension? Is he Ricks clone? Did he took Rick place after Rick dies in alternate timeline? So many questions here. :lmao:

Anyway, Married With Children was 90s. It passed back then and ride that controversial way to prolong the stay on TV because after controversy ratings were actually up because people wanted to see what it is about. Now in this PC times it wouldnt fly that good. HBO and Netflix maybe, but FOX no way. Though, as I said WWE is PG content now. No "raunchy 90s" no hardcore so it would fly well with any network.

"Did he took Rick's place" He must have.

As for Fox and WWE. I could see it happen, but I don't know how I feel about them buying the company.
If true, this is incredibly interesting and exciting. USA hasn't made a lot of sense for WWE. Their programming isn't exactly a great tie in with pro wrestling fans. Fox makes more sense for both. The animation and the sports just seem to fit better. Having Terry Bradshaw come out on Raw just seems to make more sense than those rascals from Psych.

Two hours is a nice relief. However sticking SD on a lesser network is a clear sign that the B show, which now feels like a C show will start to completely be a D show.

Beyond that the extra money is nice to hear about. I don't think WWE is ready to go to the network 100%. I do wonder if this assumes Brock will resign and if Rhonda is going to succeed.
Once the old man passes away, what is stopping Fox from dumping WWE programming as "unsuitable for children"?
Nothing. However, in the grand scheme of things, WWE is set. Network TV is dying. WWE already has their own streaming network, which is a great hedge against cord cutting. In fact, it's more than a hedge.

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