Four Guys Who Have Lost Steam Lately


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now don't get me wrong I am a huge fan of the feuds that have taken place in WWE lately. CM Punk and John Cena's rivalry has simply taken Pro Wrestling to a whole new level. And now we are supposedly in a new era as Punk referred to. This new era consists of the likes of Zack Ryder (who no I do not rate highly) and others finally getting TV time. But ever since the whole HHH change in power I do not know if the rest of you guys have realized it but the WWE have really let 5 guys who were looking to be big players be thrown away onto Superstars and what not. Here are the five and ignore the title.

Alex Riley

Ok, I am a Miz fan and accept that Miz isn't really a good in-ring talent but I love the craze he single-handedly manages to create around him. Now this past April, Miz was WWE Champion main eventing WrestleMania against John Cena with who by his side? Alex Riley. I do not in any way think Riley is really talented but let me point this out. Whenever WWE go for a superstar to turn face against a guy who the audience absolutely dislikes it often means he's going to be a huge star. Main evented Raw alongside Cena with Stone Cold involved it really looked like Riley was soon to be going after the WWE Title. Now, I am not saying its the Cena/Punk feud that demolished any signs of Riley getting a taste of a World Title reign but I am saying. I was taken away by the reaction he got at Capitol Punishment against Miz and I know that was his hometown but people are going crazy about Punk's reaction at Money in the Bank which of course was also his hometown. Riley I had down for Mr Mitb, now he's on WWE Superstars.

Drew McIntyre

This is shocking. A guy called The Chosen One was last seen taking on Ryder on Superstars. Main Event? Who cares its still Superstars. I rated McIntyre so much when he debuted on SmackDown 2 years ago but here's the problem. When WWE see a talent who is hot they quickly get them to jump onto the Flagship Show, Raw. Seen it with Del Rio who was extremely good at gaining heat on the Blue Brand but has slightly lost a little drive and isn't as big as expected when on SmackDown. Dolph Ziggler, also moved to Raw after his brilliant rivalry with Edge. Ziggler should be on SmackDown facing Orton not a guy who could have been pushed 5 years ago in Mark Henry. McIntyre looked amazing when he debuted, IC Champion and really looked the deal. The only way I think they can personally re-vive his character to amazing proportions. Is hell throw in Vince McMahon to become his manager. Imagine the interest it would gain although I know it would never happen.

Wade Barrett

This is since Corre. Barrett this time last year was main event stuff. Facing off against Cena and other top talent and at this point the Number One Heel without a doubt in the company. Now.... He's facing Trent Barretta on WWE Superstars. Really? I would have loved to have seen him win the Battle Royal on SmackDown. I just pray and hope this whole Nash/Punk angle paves the way for Barrett to finally reveal that the whole ' Nexus is part of a bigger thing ' he kept mentioning was about the whole management of WWE. Why Nexus attacked legends and McMahon to keep them away and help HHH come back. They attacked Taker so that HHH could take on an unhealthy Taker. It really would make sense. And close Nexus like that. Not oh, Barrett's broken away and is now a midcard talent.

Ted DiBiase

I mentioned earlier Riley splitting away from The Miz. I've read many articles that say that WWE are looking to have Ted break away from Rhodes and do the same type of angle that Miz/Riley had. One thing, THIS DOES NOT WORK. One they dropped the ball with Riley, and two, Rhodes is actually getting a better reaction then we know whilst Ted is simply dead to the crowd. I for one loved his whole gimmick with Maryse and then it died. Why not have him go after Kelly Kelly and then a guy steps in and we have a real rivalry of love. Not Daniel Bryan sitting with Gail Kim with The Untalented Bella's getting jealous. WWE really should look at what they could produce and not just at the main event talent. I can imagine amazing rivalries.

Tyson Kidd

Amazing talent. I am a real fan of Kidd's. His promo's are actually very good and his look is getting better especially since he chopped of his mohawk. With Harry Smith gone this should be Kidd's time to take the IC scene by storm but here's where WWE doesn't make sense. When the WWE Draft took place they moved guys like Kofi and McIntyre over to Raw. Why did they move Kidd? He was stale at the time and really should have been kept on Raw. He could have feuded with Kofi when he was US Champion before Dolph came in. Vickie could have used Kidd and Ziggler as her Cougar group along with Swagger. A fresh young stable that have their differences but due to Vickie battle alongside. MUCH MORE INTRIGUING THEN... Ziggler stopping Riley from becoming US Champion. So boring.

The way things are going WWE is looking better but I thought I'd point out the negatives here are the positives though. 4 guys who are quickly becoming top talent.

Zack Ryder

As much as I believe there is a lot of bandwaggoning going on around Ryder I won't be a mark who believes the guys he hate don't deserve a shot. I loved his Z! True Long Island Story campain but now he's actually getting pushed is he really going to continue with it? Why not have him try and do what WWE had talent do a while ago. Have his own show on WWE.COM. Would gain more visitors. Now we know he isn't in the dark over his future he can finally get more interest. Hate his SmackDown role not going to lie. Would like to see him had turned face in a tag match with Hawkins and them feud with Hawkins finally getting TV time he deserves. But hey Ryder is doing his thing and as long as fans love it, its staying.

Dolph Ziggler

I REALLY hope he's in the WWE Title picture soon. Him and Cody are great midcard champions and both should soon be main event talent which leads me to say this. This is why I take the US and IC titles more seriously right now then the WHC. That title changes hands every PPV with the same guys involved and now Henry/Orton. That's a boring feud for me. But guys like Bourne and McIntyre all in the hunt for Ziggler's title really keeps me interested.

Cody Rhodes

Same as above except for one thing. If you're going to do the DiBiase break up feud do it now. Rhodes doesn't deserve to become midcard talent after. He's so interesting and a great performer. I think you have him lose the title in a Championship Scramble at NOC and go onto HIAC taking on Orton where two years ago he and Ted managed to get in the Main Event I believe against DX. The writing is on the wall guys.

Tag Team Division

I'm going to go out on a limb here and announce that the WWE Tag Team Division has finally been revived. The Kings of Wrestling from ROH coming over. Two faces in Kofi and Bourne you can actually believe as contenders. Its looking good and imagine if WWE do decide to ignore Booker T's annoying Twitter jibberish and sign up The Young Bucks. Amazing tag teams here and hell bring in Beer Money when they say goodbye to WCW 2011.
the thread states 4 people yet you list the entire undercard.
Cody Rhodes is the Intercontinental Champion and getting a great push for his limitations.
Drew McIntyre is boring, zero personality.
Alex Riley proved that without The Miz, he is another fit young guy with zero charisma
Tyson Kidd is being pushed on Smackdown.

None of the guys you have netinoed have WWE champion about them except for Wade bARRETT AND THEY BOMBED THAT PUSH
For Cody Rhodes its make or break time now that he has a singles title

Drew McIntyre is too boring with average matches if he doesn't get put in the possible Guerrero faction then he's done

Dibiase- wait till Brett gets healthy and gets called up maybe they still do the fortunate sons angle other than that idk what's left for him

Barrett isn't ready and he wasn't ready back with nexus. Wrestlers thrown to the top in the beginning only go down from here.

Riley is garbage in my opinion so I have no unbiased thing to say about him.

Unfortunately for Kidd his size is what hurts him... he's the no.3 little guy on the roster so he gets affected by that

Ziggler will be pushed once the tweeners in the company decide what side they are on

Tag team division is a wait and see situation and if the young bucks are truly that disrespectful then they probably wont get signed and I hope they get beer money once there deal is over.
Okay so the OP and the first guy to reply obviously haven't been watching a lot of WWE programming lately. Seems like they just read results and gather thoughts from there... because had they been watching Raw or Smackdown, then this thread wouldn't be necessary. Here are reasons why.

Alex Riley
The guy's been featured on almost every Raw since his separation from The Miz, and he's been at the last three pay per views competing in matches... with only one of them being on the undercard, which is understandable considering it was SummerSlam. Does he wrestle on Superstars too? Yes, he does but he's still as relevant if not more so than he has been in the entire time he's been in WWE. Then you've got the replier of this thread saying that he can't hack it without Miz? Well I'm not sure if he notices or not, but he's kind of in a program over the US title right now on Raw. Guess that's nothing right?

Drew McIntyre
This really isn't shocking at all... Drew McIntyre's chances have come and gone. First he was given the Chosen One gimmick which he did okay with, and even managed to be over enough backstage to get the IC title. He worked programs with likes of Matt Hardy and Christian, finding some way to make them look somewhat decent. He then later would be teamed with Rhodes, who took a look at McIntyre and said "See you when I'm headlining Mania" and took off with McIntyre's lunch money. And then finally, he was given a chance to work with Edge, Vickie, Dolph, and even Kelly Kelly... that bombed as well.

Wade Barrett
Just beat the Smackdown Money In the Bank winner at Summer Slam, won the Intercontinental Championship, led Slater & Gabriel to tag gold, and made Ezekiel Jackson relevant... Hardly count that as being misused or losing steam.

Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes
Working as a leader and lackey duo on Smackdown and in a program against Jackson where Cody Rhodes just became Intercontinental Champion.

Tyson Kidd
He's been on Smackdown for the past few weeks and Booker has been putting him over. It also looks like he and Gabriel are in a small undercard program together.

Zack Ryder
This one confuses me the most... the fact that this guy even gets TV time on both Raw and Smackdown is a definite step up from where he was a month ago. But you know, now that the whining little fucks got him on TV they want something else to complain about.

Dolph Ziggler
Him, Riley, and Swagger look to be starting some sort of program, perhaps over Vickie or even the US title... maybe even both. And it's been developing on Raw for the past few weeks. How's that losing steam?

The Tag Division
McGuillicutty and Otunga have been working Raw, Smackdown, and Superstars every week. If they're not on one of the three shows (mainly the top two) then something is really weird. Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston just went over them this week and they look to be building to a possible tag match at NoC. I really don't see how this is losing steam. It's a nice tag division for a big time promotion that doesn't give much focus to it.

So yeah, there's probable causes to let me know that the people who posted before me either are too stupid to see that these people are gaining momentum instead of losing it, or they just don't really keep up with the show and said that they do so they can get their post counts up about something. I don't know, just my take on it.
Okay so the OP and the first guy to reply obviously haven't been watching a lot of WWE programming lately. Seems like they just read results and gather thoughts from there... because had they been watching Raw or Smackdown, then this thread wouldn't be necessary. Here are reasons why.

Alex Riley
The guy's been featured on almost every Raw since his separation from The Miz, and he's been at the last three pay per views competing in matches... with only one of them being on the undercard, which is understandable considering it was SummerSlam. Does he wrestle on Superstars too? Yes, he does but he's still as relevant if not more so than he has been in the entire time he's been in WWE. Then you've got the replier of this thread saying that he can't hack it without Miz? Well I'm not sure if he notices or not, but he's kind of in a program over the US title right now on Raw. Guess that's nothing right?

Drew McIntyre
This really isn't shocking at all... Drew McIntyre's chances have come and gone. First he was given the Chosen One gimmick which he did okay with, and even managed to be over enough backstage to get the IC title. He worked programs with likes of Matt Hardy and Christian, finding some way to make them look somewhat decent. He then later would be teamed with Rhodes, who took a look at McIntyre and said "See you when I'm headlining Mania" and took off with McIntyre's lunch money. And then finally, he was given a chance to work with Edge, Vickie, Dolph, and even Kelly Kelly... that bombed as well.

Wade Barrett
Just beat the Smackdown Money In the Bank winner at Summer Slam, won the Intercontinental Championship, led Slater & Gabriel to tag gold, and made Ezekiel Jackson relevant... Hardly count that as being misused or losing steam.

Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes
Working as a leader and lackey duo on Smackdown and in a program against Jackson where Cody Rhodes just became Intercontinental Champion.

Tyson Kidd
He's been on Smackdown for the past few weeks and Booker has been putting him over. It also looks like he and Gabriel are in a small undercard program together.

Zack Ryder
This one confuses me the most... the fact that this guy even gets TV time on both Raw and Smackdown is a definite step up from where he was a month ago. But you know, now that the whining little fucks got him on TV they want something else to complain about.

Dolph Ziggler
Him, Riley, and Swagger look to be starting some sort of program, perhaps over Vickie or even the US title... maybe even both. And it's been developing on Raw for the past few weeks. How's that losing steam?

The Tag Division
McGuillicutty and Otunga have been working Raw, Smackdown, and Superstars every week. If they're not on one of the three shows (mainly the top two) then something is really weird. Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston just went over them this week and they look to be building to a possible tag match at NoC. I really don't see how this is losing steam. It's a nice tag division for a big time promotion that doesn't give much focus to it.

So yeah, there's probable causes to let me know that the people who posted before me either are too stupid to see that these people are gaining momentum instead of losing it, or they just don't really keep up with the show and said that they do so they can get their post counts up about something. I don't know, just my take on it.

I agree with a lot you said but you mention the likes of Ziggler saying How's he losing steam? I didn't mention him losing steam I mentioned him getting bigger and better. The last 4 guys are about them becoming better not worse. And I totally agree about Zack Ryder. They'll moan when he becomes IC Champion and then loses it.
Tyson Kid, see the other thread, HE HAS NO CHARACTER, good inring talent doesn't a superstar make and he's too small

Drew McIntyre - well he had his chance and it failed. I still see promise but he's not entertaining. see same as Tyson Kid

Ted Dibiase - the past 4 months? are u serious. He hasn't been usefull since WrestleMania 2 yrs ago.

Alex Riley is still green, i don't see that much in him other then a look

Ziggler, couldn't agree more, he's a great talent i fail to see why he isn't included in world title attempts when R-Truth keeps getting the nod. R-Truth "little jimmy" bit maybe funny but in ring he's still absolutely BORING!!!!

Cody Rhodes is getting a push.

Wade Barrett isn't going backwards, he's just not going forward fast atm.

All of these people are still getting used, which is better then not being booked at all.
Maybe watch some programming once in a while b4 starting a thread and realise they

tyson kidd: needs a mouth peice otherwise he is never going to be champ he's terrible on the mic but good in the ring team him with vickie and he would be a future champ
wade barret: the only guy mentioned who i belive could win the WHC or any major title as long as he is used right for example have him challenge daniel bryan for the MITB breifcase and win then go to win the world title
ted i dont know why wwe still has him as long as he is used right he might be able to be a top talent but i have little faith
drew again im not sure why wwe didnt let him go even if used right hes not important
zack im not a fan of him in the ring or on the mic but i do like his youtube show but thats it
alex riley he needs to be in a good fued for him to mean something otherwise i dont care if hes there or not
tag team division i hope kofi and bourne dont get a title shot it will piss me off the usos need to be the ones to get the tag team division revived they look and fight like a team unlike otunga and mcguillicutty or kofi and bourne
I agree with everybody you posted there although Cody might still be able to capitalize on that IC title run and Ted can at least ride the coattails until the inevitable Priceless rivalry happens. Wade should be in the WHC title picture. So far I like him beating up jobbers on Superstars, at least they're keeping him on camera. They could do a Gabriel/Wade rivalry if they want to keep the two relevant until their respective title runs come to pass. Its only a matter of time before JG wins the IC and Wade the WHC, so it couldnt hurt. Riley's rivalry with Ziggler has calmed down, and Zig needs to defend that US title. It shouldnt be too difficult for WWE to fidn out what they need to do here. Ryder is losing steam. They should keep him backstage or off camera until he can become a more serious competitor. How far did they think the Broski thing could go before it got boring, because it was a month. The tag division is really a crying shame. You have the usos, Kofi and Evan, Corre hanging around somewhere, whats so hard about putting that title on the line and giving it to someone like the Usos that will make it relevant again. I dont care much for Tyson Kidd. Sure hes great in the ring but he doesnt have the size to be a big star which means hes a permanent midcarder and not only that the guy doesnt really get time on the mic. Hes a lost cause, and they could've tried the Heart Foundation stuff one more time before releasing DH.
Just some suggestions:

Ted Dibiase - Should have his father as a manager. Ted Sr. should school him on how to be a heel.

Wade Barrett - Should make him ruthless once again. Have him do the me against the world kind of storyline. No more groups. Have him break some bones and put some wrestlers out of action. Use this build to guide him to a title match. And give him some serious mic time.
WWE is overstaffed at the moment. Think about the high moments is wrestling when there were household names that people still remember. In those times there were only a handful of wrestlers that got major exposure. Sure there were others filling the roster that hardcore fans remember, but they didn't get any major storylines. Basically WWE is seperating the wheat from the chaff and given exposure to the stars that can be memorable and well known charactors. That's what they have always done. Imagine if WWF had have scaled back on tv time for Jake "The Snake" and "Ravishing" Rick Rude because they felt that Sam Houston and Ken Patera needed attention :disappointed:.
Alex Riley - Riley is consistently shown on Raw, has had several ppv matches and is currently building towards a program with Dolph Ziggler over the United States Championship. On top of all that, he's also consistently getting good responses from the fans. If anything, Riley seems to be gaining steam as a solid and steady rate.

Drew McIntyre - I'm not really sure about McIntyre. The guy has a lot of potential but he just hasn't really recovered from the ill-conceived and timed push he got upon first coming to the WWE. He's improved a lot since then but he's been practically MIA since the WWE Draft.

Wade Barrett - I do think that they've gotten off track with Barrett as of late, but it won't be difficult to make things right. Barrett's got the talent and the fact that he just scored a win over Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam is a good step in the right direction for him.

Ted DiBiase - I think one word sums up Ted DiBiase: generic. There's just nothing particularly interesting about the guy. Whatever success he's enjoyed, generally speaking, is the result of who his father is rather than what he brings to the table. Can he do some stuff in the ring? Sure. Does he have a decent look? Sure. Is he in shape? Sure. So what, there are lots of guys in wrestling just like that and many of them are as mediocre as DiBiase.

Tyson Kidd - Generally speaking, when did Tyson Kidd really have any steam? Kidd is a talented guy inside the ring but he has zero personality and can't cut a promo to save his life. Give him a mouthpiece manager, give him some direction and he could be a very solid mid-card guy.

Zack Ryder - Again, I don't really see where this guy ever had all that much steam. I think Zack Ryder is a good example of a guy that's gotten tons of hype via the internet and doesn't necessarily deserve it. I'm not saying he's not got talent but you'd think this guy should be main eventing WrestleMania instead of The Rock & Cena if you believe some of the stuff some people write about him.

Dolph Ziggler - Dolph Ziggler, overall, has been a good United States Champion so far. I like that they've given him more time on the mic while he's been champ. The promo segments they've done, for instance, are something that the WWE hasn't done for mid-card champs in quite a while. Ziggler did a lot of good to the Intercontinental Championship last year and I see no reason why something similar can't happen to the US strap.

Cody Rhodes - Cody Rhodes does NOT need to drop the IC title at Night of Champions. The IC title has been pretty weak in 2011 with the three champs we've seen this year all having mediocre runs with it. Kofi's 3rd run began when he took the title from Dolph Ziggler. Kofi didn't really need it and didn't do anything when he had it. Wade Barrett got it from Kofi and it was a wasted opportunity. It was Barrett's first title run in WWE and they could've done something good with it. Ezekiel Jackson got the title from Barrett and I don't really even know why. Cody needs to keep the title and bring a little prestige back to it. I agree that Cody could be a main event level guy but I don't see any real need to rush into anything when he could have a meaningful run as Intercontinental Champion. It could make him look better in the long run if he ever does go after Orton and the WHC.

Tag Team Division - The WWE has made some minor progress here over the past few months by putting at least a little emphasis on their tag team scene. The Usos are a good team, Otunga & McGuillicutty have actually gotten fairly decent, Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne could be an interesting tag team, the Kings of Wrestling are reportedly being brought in as a tag team so things are looking better than they have in a long while. There's still a lot of work to be done.
It's all one big popularity contest and sometimes the judges can be a little biased.

My opinion of Alex Riley. He's a victim of the subjective nature of the show. He comes across as a preppy dork and thus was initially pushed as a lackey to the Miz who comically puts his foot in his mouth whenever he attempted to argue wits with Cena. I doubt if he has much say on the direction of his character, so he's at the mercy of the writers who could possibly make him into another Aldo Montoya. Does he deserve to evolve into a main card superstar? Absolutely, I think he'd get there much faster if it wasn't a requirement that he have an "austin 3:16" moment before he's allowed to do that.

My opinion of Drew MacIntyre. He's a guy who was never allowed to go out there as himself and test the disposition of the audience regarding his ability to entertain. They threw him onto tv as a bad guy with a hot temper and allowed him to squash more established wrestlers, a move that I think the fans weren't willing to accept. I was at the show when he squashed R-Truth, fans were screaming "Nobody cares who you are!" and drowned out his attempt to draw heat on the mic after the match.

My opinion of Wade Barrett. Here's where I disagree with you. Wade has been given a series of big pushes since he got on the main roster. Lately he's been getting put over Daniel Bryan. Is he worth it? Sure, I guess, whatever. He's never had a run with the belt, though he's been given plenty of memorable angles from which he was allowed to show off his talents in the ring. I don't agree that he's lost steam, he's been steady through his entire tenure.

My opinion of Ted Dibiase. He's cursed with a permanent "Der, what?" facial expression when he's waiting for his turn to talk. He needs to open his eyes wider, grit his teeth more and maybe shout at the referee. Fans need to see raw emotion and all Ted has shown me is that he can easily go from bored confused to angry confused.

My opinion of Tyson Kidd. He's basically Rey without the mask. He has a great deal of talent and apparently has the patience of a saint in that he's been playing a vertically challenged spaz since going solo. He's more than paid his dues, yet is doomed to be the guy who'll wait forever for a spot to open. I believe that if he was allowed to be, he could be the biggest heel in the WWE due to feeling of bitterness regarding a lack of a real push after the tag team title run.
DANIEL BRYAN - Just last month Daniel Bryan won the all mighty suitcase at MITB. This is usually a moment that helps launch a career into the upper stratusphere of super stardom. This has not been the case with Bryan. Since his epic MITB victory, Bryan not only picked up some new theme music, but a continuous losing streak as well. Has the man even won a match since the ppv on 7/17/11? Also Michael Cole burying Bryan on tv week after week is not helping the situation. I understand Cole is supposed to be a heel announcer, but it seems to me he gets an extremely gleeful tone in his voice when he mocks Bryan. I just do not see how it helps Bryan when your casual wrestling fan tunes in to see Bryan losing his match with Cole cackling about the man being a vegan.

ZACH RYDER I recently was catching up on some Z TRUE LONG ISLAND STORY this weekend and a certain comment by a certain " poor mans low rent Conan" showed me how stuck up, not to mention how out of touch, the WWE office can be.

In this segment of the youtube series, a reporter asks HHH why Zach Ryder is not on television more often. The reporter also remarks that the people want to see Zach Ryder. In an extremely snide manor HHH responds. " YOU AND THREE OTHER PEOPLE RIGHT?"

Lets get one thing straight. If any body deserves to be pushed, its Ryder. Here is a guy who was not getting any attention at all from WWE management, so he took things into his own hands, created and sucessfully marketed what is now known as a youtube sensation. His YouTube series gets more hits than SMACKDOWN and SUPERSTARS combined everyweek on the streaming media site. With out any exposure at all on any of the WWE's weekly programming, Ryder has shot himself into the house holds of wrestling fans all over the world. His merchandise is constantly selling out at WWE.COM and his following is expanding from more from cult to mainstream with every airing of a new episode of Z TRUE LONG ISLAND STORY.

So my question is, why has the WWE not grabbed the bull by the horns on this one. Ryder is a potential reason to print money, yet they do nothing with him, and yes I know they threw him on Smackdown with Teddy Long for 5 minutes a week, but come on. Get this guy some wins in some matches and give him the push he has rightfully earned.

BRODUS CLAY There is a term in the wrestling world I despise. I despise when some one says "HE DOE NOT HAVE THE LOOK". THE LOOK is this cookie cutter image of a 6'7 260 lb ripped stud with abs and flowing hair. Im sorry, I am not a homosexual man,(not that there is anything wrong with that). I have never once come to like superstar based on what the wrestling community calls " The Look". If anything I go for the stars who are the exact opposite of the WWE cookie cutter stars.

This is the reason I saw some potential in Brodus Clay. He strays from that FCW cookie cutter b.s. and hell, he aint half bad in the ring either. He has all the potential to be an epic monster along the lines of BAM BAM BIGELOW and BIG VAN VADER. Hell he's better in between the ropes than a hell of alot of other giants there pushing, **cough** EZIEKAL JACKSON**cough**. Clay has all the potential in the world, but he wont get his oppertunity. With Johnny Ace as head of talent relations, "The Look" is all the rave.

EVAN BOURNE Bourne always steals the show, but heres a guy who has never even had a fued that I can recall? Why? Why isnt this insanely talented star ever had a memorable fued or even a run at any title in the company. It baffles me. Is it because he isnt 300 pounds of solid muscle, which tears everytime he takes a bump. I have no explanation for this, but it truely is a shame to see someone like Bourne not getting the opportunity, in my book he rightfully earns everynight by stealing the show.
To the guy above me about Brodus Clay, what don't people get? Brodus Clay has a large future ahead of him in my eyes, sure right now with Kane and show being out I would like to see him picking up the huge spots they have left open. But he is either going to replace Mark Henry or Show.

He has everything that they need to replace either man with. The size, the look, the mic skills. It's only a matter of time before he is used, his run with Adr proved that he can cut it in the ring somewhat. Now they just need a time and place to put him in. He didn't gain or lose any steam. In reality he never had any. But he will in the future, if Wwe sticks with him they have a replacement for either Show or Mark.
Are you on a based 1 number system or something? I read more than 4. Actually I didn't read all of them but when I saw Cody Rhodes I stopped.

Dolph Ziggler is doing good and he is going to continue doing that. I see him holding the title for the rest of the year to bring some credibility back to it. Next year he will more than likely be more exposed to the big picture. I love how they always mention he was a former WHC.

Now Cody Rhodes.....CODY IS THE FUTURE. I was surprised when they let him beat Zeke because I have been waiting for him to win the title like forever. I want Cody to hold the title for a year to be honest so he can say that he is the best to ever hold the title. Thus losing it to someone next year and pushing him into the main event. Cody is still young and he still has time. The only way they can screw Cody up is by turning him face because he has heel for life written all over him.

Drew isn't boring. Drew just need that right feud. When he was the chosen one he had so much steam on his side and he proved that he was good. It's just everything has gone wrong for him. His wife gets fired, he loses his push, his wife divources him, and now he is injured. For some reason I see another suicide coming soon but I hope I am wrong because I like Drew.

As far as Ted goes, he is Virgil to Cody Rhodes. That's all he can be in my opinion unless they decided to team him up with his brother to make the tag team division cool again.

Wade Barrett is doing good and he is young as well. Just because their steam drops after a huge story line it doesn't mean it is over for them.

Zack Ryder, I was a huge Ryder fan in the Edgehead/Familia days but now that everyone is jumping on his bandwagon it is making me hate him more and more.

Tyson Kidd, I have no idea. Good talent but there is so much going on he is just getting lost in this flux. Once he finds the right manager I can see WWE putting him to good use.
ZACH RYDER I recently was catching up on some Z TRUE LONG ISLAND STORY this weekend and a certain comment by a certain " poor mans low rent Conan" showed me how stuck up, not to mention how out of touch, the WWE office can be.

In this segment of the youtube series, a reporter asks HHH why Zach Ryder is not on television more often. The reporter also remarks that the people want to see Zach Ryder. In an extremely snide manor HHH responds. " YOU AND THREE OTHER PEOPLE RIGHT?"

Lets get one thing straight. If any body deserves to be pushed, its Ryder. Here is a guy who was not getting any attention at all from WWE management, so he took things into his own hands, created and sucessfully marketed what is now known as a youtube sensation. His YouTube series gets more hits than SMACKDOWN and SUPERSTARS combined everyweek on the streaming media site. With out any exposure at all on any of the WWE's weekly programming, Ryder has shot himself into the house holds of wrestling fans all over the world. His merchandise is constantly selling out at WWE.COM and his following is expanding from more from cult to mainstream with every airing of a new episode of Z TRUE LONG ISLAND STORY.

So my question is, why has the WWE not grabbed the bull by the horns on this one. Ryder is a potential reason to print money, yet they do nothing with him, and yes I know they threw him on Smackdown with Teddy Long for 5 minutes a week, but come on. Get this guy some wins in some matches and give him the push he has rightfully earned.

here is my question to you were you dropped on your head as a kid zack cant even wrestle that well hes annoying on the mic and its the only time i will ever agree with cole
Tyson kidd- a solid performer, but there isn`t anywhere for him to really go from here based on who holds the titles and general roster. Could be a serious threat if the cruiserweight title is brought back and in the meantime is putting on such type matches of high calibur with similar styled superstars.

Ryder- Right where he needs to be. I don`t see him as a singles wrestler, I see him as a personality, and an entertaining one at that. I expect him to become interim GM at some point, maybe have a singles reign similar to santino`s. otherwise he`s still young, and the WWE tend to throw curveballs so who knows, but right now he is solid.

Barrett- Oh please, you didn`t seriously expect them to give him a God push through his entire career did you. They gave him the Ic title which he fed up, and continue to showcase him at every PPV where he performs mediocore. I would prefer Drew was in his place right now, but overall they are still pushing this guy, unfourtunately.

Drew- as stated above. fallen out of favour with politics and what not. he might find some salvation as a goon under vickie but otherwise. . . . .

Ary- I admit, I don`t really know who this guy is. Only bc the Miz`s reign was overshadowed by nexus which was just too horrible to tune into every week. From what I`ve seen he`s nothing special, but not horrible. probobly be involved with the whole dolph and vickie stuff, but I don`t see him as a champ yet. challenger sure, winner no.

Dolph- Perfection. I`m a bit of a mark for this guy so I won`t say much.I will say he always entertains me in the ring(literally every time) and is dec on the mic, has got a distinctive but popular look, has paid his dues, makes the secondary titles look good, etc. I would like to see him turn face and enter ME but first have some champ vs champ matches with Rhodes.

Rhodes- Could be ME but they want him to bring cred back to the IC title first. Not sure if I want his reign to be longer for the Ic title`s sake, or shorter for the sake of the ME WC picture.

DiBiase- Lost in the shuffle on Raw with nexus taking 99% of screen time. Jobber to jobbers, mixed tag match acessory. I think we can all agree he had the worst year of anybody last year and apart of that is his own fault for seemingly giving up being taken seriously, but more blame rests with backstage for the crappy hand he was dealt. I expect him to take the belt off Cody sooner or later but not this soon. people say he is bland and should be let go, but these are the same people who thought he would be the star of Legacy so it just says the fans are fickle and like any superstar Ted could rise from the ashes if he can get his confidence back which starts with being taken seriously by creative again.

Tag division- dead. buried, no one cares. went from being unified held by ME`s to pennies being held by rookies who look anything but strong bc, well bc they aren`t strong. my only advice to to put all these guys that people complain have nothing to do like Miz, truth, kofi, evan, drew, swagger, etc into tag teams.
Drew McIntyre - First off, yes I agree with most when they say Drews personality is quite boring, however if you havent noticed Drew was I-C Champ back on Smackdown and he was doin pretty well for himself and I truly believe that he may even have had a Mr. Money in the Bank push down the road but that all came to a screetching hault when Drew and his then wife tiffany had there big fight in the hotel room and the cops were called on a domestic violence charge. At this point WWE does not need or want that kind of publicity, and due to the fact that Tiffany would never go anywhere in the WWE and Drew is talented they let her go, kept Drew and I still feel that he is being punished for it til this day and that possibly down the road things could change with Drew especially if they send him back to S.D. by next year.

Alex Riley - I think the only problem here is that A-RI doesnt seem to be too over with the fans. I think a program with him doing something with Vickie and Dolph is really to get so much heat on them and give him his push and possibly even the U.S. Title.

Ted Dibiase - if you remember, rumor had it that a year or 2 ago it was Dibiase that was suppose to break away from the Legacy as the face and get the big push. From what I know the problem was that Orton was so over with the crowd that direction was changed and it was Orton that broke out as the face of the group and for a while Dibiase and Rhodes were left for dead. But if done right and if they can continue to draw enough heat on Rhodes, I believe Dibiase could break out against Cody and even possibly win the I-C Title. I actually believe that out of the 2 Dibiase is far more talented anyway.

Tyson Kidd - Yes hes talented and yes he can do some incredible things in that ring, but I feel like Tyson is just used to get the Sin Caras over and the Justin Gabriels. I dont see Tyson going anywhere anytime soon. They tried the whole new manger very week angle with Kidd and it went no where. They shouldve hung on to Harry Smith and put them back together as a heel team and I belive that could have been the start of the re-vamped Tag Team Division.

Wade Barrett - This one suprises me a little in 2 ways. 1. The guy did go from main eventing ppvs against Orton and Cena to wrestling on Superstars and losing 2 or 3 x to Ezekial Jackson, and I really thought by now he would be either WHC or have a MITB briefcase. and then 2. Even though it seemed as though he got a de-push he comes up with a pinfall win over the guy who has the MITB briefcase and says hes guna main event Wrestlemania. I dont get it. Not too mention you also have him lose twice to Delrio. If thats the case and you are guna bury Daniel Bryan, then just have him lose the briefcase to Barrett, give Barrett back his push and then this way you dont destroy the guy thats suppose to cash in on the biggest stage of them all. makes sense.

Dolph Ziggler - This kid is extremley talented. It is just a matter of time before he is main eventing PPVS possibly even as a face somewhere down the road. After all he is recognized now as a former WHC. time will tell

Zack Ryder - Hey the guys entertaining, has a pretty good finisher and has made his own name his own way with out any help from anyone. I say give him a shot and do soemthing big with him to really get him over.

Tag Team Division - Now this one I like. I have alwasy been a fan of great tag team wrestling. I remeber back when I was a kid that there were so many tag teams and on Saturday or Sunday you would get to see new teams put together every week that you never thought youd see. I remember watching Tito Santana team with Ricky Steamboat back in '86 and I was like wow they would make awesome tag team champs. and then a few weeks later they were back doing singles programs with Savage and Muraco. My point is dont drop the ball with this. Make it happen. Im sure triple H is really focusing on this since we already see Evan Bourne and Kofi together now, and Mcgillicutty and Otunga on every show. if done right this can be as huge as the old Survivor Series Tag Team elimination matches when they had close to a dozen teams like The Bulldogs, The Harts, The Killer Bees, The Islanders, Demolition, The Rockers, The Strike Force and many others. They need to do this again. Bring in The Kings of Wrestling, bring in the disrespectful Young Bucks (lol) , bring in 2 of my favs Storm and Rude if they are really guna walk away from TNA. I heard Rude was in line for a huge singles push so idk but Ive watched these 2 guys and I swear Bobby Rude is like watching Mr. Perfect all over again and James Storm reminds me of a cross between Shawn Michaels and Bobby Eaton. I think theyd be great. And then even try and bring back Haas and Benjamin. Do it right, use the ROH name in storylines and talk about what these guys have done. Why not? I think this could really put tag team wrestling back on the map and improve ratings tremendously for WWE!

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