Four Faces Of Foley



What Is Your Favorite Face Of Foley And Why And What Is Your Favorite Match When He Had That Face?

I Love Mankind And My Favorite Match By Him Is Mankind Vs. Undertaker At King Of Ring 98.

Cactus Jack Was Also Cool Love Triple H Vs. Mankind At Royal Rumble 2000

Dude Love Vs. Stone Cold

Mick Foley Vs. Edge Wrestlemania 22

My Favorite Face Is Mankind
My favorite face is also Mankind... I liked his gimmick when he first came to the WWE... My fav Mankind match is the Boiler Room Brawl with him and Taker at Summerslam.. Great match... I was shocked when Bearer turned on Taker...
i like Mankind when he first came too. I don't like the mankind with socko and the flannel as much as the mankind with his brown wrestling attire and when he used the mandable claw (before socko)
I like all 3 faces..... but i think Mankind is the best if alll the 3
I loved Mankind, the good Mankind though. I didn't like the "Evil" Mankind. I love Socko and I loved The Undertaker, Mankind match, The Famous Hell In A Cell match. I also love Cactus Jack because he's all hardcore.
My favorite is Mankind, the best match he had was vs. Shawn Michaels at I.Y.H. Mind Games although it ended in a D.Q.

I've always been fond of Dude Love but he was more of a comedy charachter so he did'nt have a long life span.
cactus jack for the win :p
he had an awesome match against vader at halloween havoc....shoot i can't remember what year it was...
it was back when harvey whipple was managing vader
Mankind, it's really the gimmick that i think of right away when i think of Foley, he had such memorable matches and promos as Mankind.
yep...Mankind- circa 1996-98 before Mr. Socko, when it still seemed like he had something to prove...some of the strangest shit i had ever seen in the WWF...this is the persona that culminated in the Hell in a Cell match...after that night ,Mick Foley as we know him now was born

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