Four faces of Foley

Favourite Foley Character?

  • Mick Foley

  • Cactus Jack

  • Mankind

  • Dude Love

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Championship Contender
Out of all the personas Mick Foley has portrade over the years including Mick Foley himself, which is your favourite and why? What are some of your favourite promos, matches and moments connected to your favourite Foley persona.

For me it has to be Mankind. It was hard for me not to pick Cactus Jack because of how much I like the character but Mankind edged out in front for me because of his feud with The Undertaker. The promos and matches from around that time were fantastic and Mick Foley played the character perfectly making it all very believable. I prefer Mankind in his early form but still was a huge fan of his through the Attitude Era and was very happy to see him capture the WWE Championship.
Gotta go with Cactus Jack. I grew up watching him feud with Vader, Sting, Abdullah the Butcher in WCW. When I got older I saw him nearly kill himself and Terry Funk in the King of the Deathmatch tournament. The feud with Vader stands out the most. Taking the powerbomb on straight concrete, which RARELY happened back then, and then the amnesia angle that followed. I never got to see him in ECW as I didn't get ECW in my area at the time. For the most part any time he was Cactus in WWE was pretty good also.

Being himself and Mankind usually made for good promos and matches also but I always preferred Cactus. I always hated Dude Love. I know it was supposed to be a joke but I just never cared for the whole thing. Mick should've left Dude on the roof in Long Island.
Well the man Mick Foley embodied all Faces, but Foley had 3 not 4 faces, Cactus Jack was where he had no gimmick, where he was just the normal Hardcore Legend, Dude Love was the hippie gimmick and Mankind was the mental gimmick.
I always liked Cactus Jack, Foley was always fitting with that gimmick, had some memorable moments, matches and rivalrys with that gimmick. That being said I always loved Foley as Mick Foley, always enjoyed his work more when he was playing himself. His promos were always A standard when portraying himself, and I hope he retires as Mick Foley. Some classic matches immediately come to mind with Mick Foley, to name a few, Mick vs Edge WM 22, Mick vs Ric Flair SS, Mick and The Rock vs Evolution. As a fan I have always founf THE MOST enjoyment out of Mick Foley himself with his checkered shirt, and car crash looks.. Have a Nice Day!
For my money, I'll pick Cactus. Mankind is probably the one everyone will remember him for, but Cactus was even better, and I always thought that it was more of and exaggerated extension of his real life personality.

His ECW promos as Cactus are some of the most legendary promos ever, and his anti-hardcore program with Tommy Dreamer was possibly Mick Foley at his very best. Cactus, for my money, is the greatest hardcore wrestler, ever. Better than Terry Funk, better than Sandman or Sabu (depending on who you talk to, that might not mean a lot), better than even the earliest originals like The Sheik, Cactus put on the best hardcore matches, ever.

I still, to this day, argue that the Hell in a Cell between HHH and Cactus that was Foley's "retirement match," is not only the greatest HiaC match ever, but one of the best matches of the last ten years. The drama of that match was incredible, and it really brought out the best in everyone. JR's commentary was amazing and packed with genuine emotion, HHH did a fantastic job, and Foley putting his body on the line to send us home with a smile on our face is something that I will never forget. The timing was perfect, the suspense was incredible, and though pretty much everyone knew HHH was going to win, Foley proved why he will always be the ultimate underdog, and I defy any wrestling fan to watch that match and still hate the man. Cactus was a god among wrestlers, and I think still Foley's best character.
ill go with Cactus Jack as he was just a total hardcore badass and he did amazing shit i.e his match against randy orton a few years ago at cyber sunday or taboo tuesday i cant rember which but bottom line cactus jack was a total badass
For me, it is Mankind. When I started watching wrestling, he was Mankind. It was probably one of the most rememberable characters from the time. However, I did almost pick Cactus Jack based off of the Dumpster Match w/ NAO.
i would say Mankind i didn't exactly grow up watching dude love or cactus jack, i've seen many of mankinds matches include his fued with the undertaker and his chracter of Mick Foley which also had some interesting matches. i was born in 1994 so i didn't watch any of his other chracters.
Cactus Jack hands down! Best hardcore wrestler EVER! His promos with Tommy Dreamer where awesome! His match with Sabu incredible. His promo after when he spit on the WCW Tag Belt amazing. His feuds with Sandman and Tommy, His work with Whipreck helped make both men stars. Cactus Jack is and will be the best hardcore wrestler and promo man. Sorry to you Rock marks

Plus his match with Edge at Mania and his match with Orton and his tag match at ONS he still got it!
Well first off it's The Three Faces of Foley, I get that he wrestled as himself, but that's not a character. I get why you added him, but it's like really moreso: Which do you like, one of the three characters or the man himself, better.

So, anyway, I am have always been torn on this.

On onehand the better character gimmick-wise is obviously Mankind. There's way more depth into this gimmick than any other. Dude Love is too one demensional imo. And unappealing after the first few minutes.

Catcus Jack is a huge favorite of mine, but due to the fact that it's mostly due to the hardcore nature and style... and you get that with Mankind too, I'm gonna have to go with Mankind

The thing is it's still close and sometimes I still rethink it, it use to be Cactus Jack. He's just so damn extreme. And his ECW promos were epic, but Mankind's are too. I really think I'll always have to say, it's a tie, but I think Mankind being a little more insane than Jack, wins me over.

Foley himself is great, but Mankind and Cactus Jack are him at his absolute best.
Ha, some posters here are so far up their own arse it's pretty funny. No it is four faces of Foley. I named the thread that for a reason. The reason being I gave four choices to pick from and I played on the three faces of Foley thing for the thread title. I don't care if Foley is a character or not that is just splitting hairs for the sake of it.

Anyway I would have gone for Cactus Jack if not for the Mankind/Undertaker fued which I loved everything about including how Foley portrade the Mankind character at that time.
ok huge mick foley mark. It so tuff to pick witch gimick i liek more. 1. would have to go to mankind for i use to get bullied alot in school and i started watching in 97 he made it cool to be diffrecnt and that he didnt care what people think hes who he is. I swear with this hold anti bulling thing his gimmick would of been great for that. 2 Cactus kacl i wish he and take would of had one match as cactus vs american bad ass that would of been asome. I ill say dude love was great wean he need time off to heal dude love was there so yes that gimck need to come out. he really wnated ot be hbk but he not sexy it was just a great gimick of mick have fun. Mick foley him self i do like it he come off as bad ass as him self and makes you belive great story teller Mick and taker are my two that i want in the hof fame. I think mick should have the right to induct the deadman
Unfortunately I never saw Mankind, Dude Love, or Cactus Jack because I wasn't into wrestling then but I've read Mick's first two books and seen some of his matches before WrestleMania 22, which is around the time I started watching. Well I voted for Mankind. That was the gimmick that got him over in the WWE. I almost voted for Cactus because it seemed to me that was his favorite character but it was Mankind that feuded with The Rock and Undertaker, it was Mankind that was thrown of the cell. Mankind is just the best one to me.
Ha, some posters here are so far up their own arse it's pretty funny. No it is four faces of Foley. I named the thread that for a reason. The reason being I gave four choices to pick from and I played on the three faces of Foley thing for the thread title. I don't care if Foley is a character or not that is just splitting hairs for the sake of it.

Anyway I would have gone for Cactus Jack if not for the Mankind/Undertaker fued which I loved everything about including how Foley portrade the Mankind character at that time.

I'm not up my ass, I got what you meant, I said that, but it is The Three Faces OF Foley!

Thus if it's three faces OF Foley, Foley definately cant be a face of himself

he spawned three characters and then was just himself.

It's not The two faces of Bruce Wayne for example, fact is fact, it doesnt matter the intent
To me the demented mankind was by far his best personification, it had a psychological profile never seen before and his promos werent bad when he was givn the chance, Cactus Jack was great too dont get me wrong but the entire gimmick was just a hardcore guy, too simple to me.
Mick Foley for entertainment value
and Mankind for OH SHIT moments.

but really all 4 sides are good in portions
Mick Foley got my vote. He was most human and easiest to relate to as good 'ol Mick and I think he was hysterical as Mick too. He put over some stars of this generation as Mick too, such as Edge and Randy Orton
I'm surprised Mankind is currently ahead. I would have thought the die-hard ECW/WCW guys woulda gone for Cactus and the modern ones woulda gone for Mick Foley.
I voted for Cactus Jack.
Definitely Mankind, such a unique and memorable character.
It's especially impressive when you consider it started out as the potential death knell for Foley's career in "Mason the Mutilator", but Mick persevered with this gimmick and his highly creative mind to turn a one shot gimmick into one of the most intriguing and interesting gimmicks ever seen in wrestling.

I may not be a fan of Mick himself or really of his other two personas, but I have to respect what he accomplished with the Mankind character, it's nothing short of incredible
Mankind was by far the best face of Foley because he stood out the most as being more interesting. Foley had some of his best moments as Mankind. "Mankind is about to win the world title, that'll put some butts in those seats", or that Hell in a Cell match with Taker. Anyone else remember the Boy Meets World episode where Foley guest starred as Mankind in it? Cactus Jack was pretty cool too, as was Foley himself. Both saw some insane hardcore moments. The only one I disliked was Dude Love, one of the more annoying WWE characters. Mankind is definitely the best. Cactus Jack second. Foley himself is third. Dude Love comes in dead last.
I voted for Dude Love, for two reasons:

1) He seems to be the least popular of Mick Foley's gimmicks, evidenced by the results of the poll and the fact that Dude Love only had 3 votes before I chipped in. C'mon guys & gals, the Dude needs some Love! (Pun intended)

2) He seems to be the leat used of Foley's gimmicks, I mean, the biggest (and only big) things Dude did were interrupt a Mr. McMahon vs Stone cold match and win the tag titles with Stone Cold.
I loved all the faces of foley but i really enjoyed dude love. That was just one bad ass music video they put together for him.
Sorry but the freak yanking out his hair, screaming psychotically, and sticking his fingers down other people's throats until they puke is the most memorable character Foley ever dreamed up. That original form of Mankind was insane.
I've gone for Cactus Jack. I think I prefer Foley as Cactus because it's his most believable gimmick. I loved (and still do love) Sting, so I can remember him wrestling Cactus pretty clearly. That's back in the 90's, not when TNA did it. I just wanted Sting to beat this sick, evil looking freak so much back then in WCW.

Also, I loved the Cactus Jack feud with HHH. The match at the Rumble was an amazing showing of how good hardcore matches can be. HHH left that feud way more over than he was going into it and that's certainly down to Foley.

I also liked Mankind as I'm sure most people did, but just not as much as Cactus. Never liked Dude Love. It was a joke that I didn't find funny at all.

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